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Occup. Mod. Vol. 47, No.

3, pp 133-141, 1997
Copyright © 1997 Rapid Science Pubfishers for SOM
Printed in Great Britain. Afl rights reserved

Occupational stress
management programmes:
a practical overview of
published effect studies
H. van der Hek and H. N. Plomp
Vrije Universiteit, Social Medicine, van de Boechorststraat 7,

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1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

There are many occupational stress management programmes available Which are
designed to prevent and cure the negative aspects of job-stress. The focus of the
programmes can be directed towards the individual worker, the working group, the
organization of the work or the organization as a whole. Moreover, programmes
show a considerable variation with respect to the type of interventions they promote
and their underlying assumptions, as well as their duration and costs. In this paper,
effect studies of occupational stress programmes published between 1987 and 1994
are reviewed. The aim is to give a practical overview of the variety in occupational
stress programmes, their scope, applicability and the evidence of their effectiveness.
The paper updates the review by DeFrank and Cooper published in 1989.

Key words. Effectiveness; evaluation, occupational stress, stress management programmes.

Occup. Med. Vol. 47, 133-141, 1997

Reanxd 26 February 1996;accepud in revised form 16 Daxmber 1996.

INTRODUCTION ated directly with any scientific rigour. This implies

that 'practitioners have little more than their common
Occupational stress is a major problem in western sense and visceral instincts to rely on when they attempt
societies. Its relationship with various diseases is to develop badly needed preventive and curative stress
becoming increasingly obvious,1"3 but probably more management interventions'. DeFrank and Cooper9
apparent are the vast socio-economic consequences launched a review on the same subject in 1989,
manifested in absenteeism, labour turnover, loss of covering the literature up to 1987. They conclude that
productivity and disability pension costs.4"6 In the UK in comparison with the findings of Newman and Beehr,8
the Health and Safety Executive7 has estimated that substantial progress has been made. Stress management
half of the absenteeism which occurs is due to work- programme evaluation has become more systematic
stress; in the Netherlands the percentage of workers and rigorous. The present review is an update of the
who received a disability pension because of stress- review of DeFrank and Cooper;9 effect studies of
related disorders (ICD-9, 309, adjustment disorder) occupational stress management programmes published
increased between 1981-94 from 21% to 30% and the from 1987-94 are identified, summarized and evalu-
number who to returned to work in the diagnosis group ated with respect to their effectiveness and application.
is lower than in any other group.4 The paper intends to offer a practical overview of the
The first extensive review of the literature on evaluated programmes and to assess the state of affairs
occupational stress management programmes was con- with respect to evaluation research in the field of
ducted by Newman and Beehr,8 and published in 1979. occupational stress management programmes.
Although personal and organizational strategies have
been incorporated, they conclude that most of the
strategies reviewed were based on professional MATERIALS AND METHODS
opinions, and that very few strategies have been evalu-
Inclusion of studies
Correspondence and reprint requests to: H. van der Hek, Institute for
Human Research Management, Jan van Nassaustraat 16, 2596 BP Computer-based searches were consecutively conducted
's-Gravenhage, The Netherlands in three CD-ROM data-bases that include the relevant
134 Occup. Mod Vol. 47, 1997

scientific research: PsycLIT (psychological), respect to objectives, type of intervention, structure

SOPADO (sociological) and Medline (medical). To and target group. In occupational stress management
identify those studies published between 1987 and programmes this variation is even greater because not
1994 which evaluate the effectiveness of occupational only employees, as individual or as a group, but also
stress management programmes, the following key the organization itself could be subjected to interven-
words were used: occupational (or job- or work-) stress tion programmes. In the literature, several categories
in combination with intervention (programme, are applied to classify occupational stress management
program, therapy or management). A considerable programmes. Matteson23 draws a distinction between
overlap between the three CD-ROM data-bases preventive and curative strategies. Murphy24 empha-
appears; after the searches in PsycLIT and SOPADO, sizes three levels of intervention: primary (stressor
the Medline search did not produce any additional reduction), secondary (stress management) and terti-
studies. In the first run, 342 abstracts were identified ary (Employee Assistance Programs). Newman and
and screened. When it became obvious from the Beehr8 use a classification of 12 categories based on
abstract that the effectiveness of a stress management the different types of adaptive responses or partici-
programme was evaluated, attempts were made to pants (person, organization, outsider), the primary
obtain the original article. Only 37 of the 342 abstracts target (person, organization) and the nature of

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refer to some kind of evaluation research, which indi- response (preventive, curative). A more simple classi-
cates the relative scarcity of evaluation studies on this fication is given by DeFrank and Cooper 9 who
subject, compared with purely descriptive or theoreti- distinguish interventions as well as outcomes (targets)
cal studies. Eventually, only two articles10'11 could not of stress management programmes on three levels:
be obtained through the library services. After screen- individual, individual-organization interface, and
ing the articles collected, only 24 studies were organization. The DeFrank and Cooper9 classification
ultimately included in the review. Seven studies12"18 is used in this paper to subsume the reviewed studies
were left out of the review because the evaluation was as represented in Scheme I.
purely anecdotal, i.e., the training was only rated as
effective on the basis of comments from the partici-
pants. Two studies were excluded because they focused Review: process and presentation
on specific sources of stress (merger or acquisition19"20), The studies included in the review are summarized
and two other studies21'22 were excluded because the by the authors of this paper independently on different
intervention was directed towards workers who had aspects. The summaries are included in Scheme II in
been given a psychiatric diagnosis of 'major depression'. three columns. In the first column the programmes are
characterized according to the aspects: type of pro-
gramme, size of the target group, duration and number
Classification of occupational stress
of the sessions and qualification of the trainer(s). The
management programmes
importance of an experienced trainer is illustrated by
Stress management programmes vary widely with the findings of Butcher,23 who evaluates two training

Scheme 1. Reviewed effect studies classified by level of intervention(s) and level of outcome measures (studies with more than
one outcome level are printed in italic; studies with more than one intervention-level are printed bold)

Level of interventions Level of outcome measures

A. Individual B. Individual-organization C. Organization
mood states [e.g., depression); Interface productivity;
psycho-somatic complaints; job-stress-satisfaction; turn-over;
subjective experienced stress; burn-out; absenteeism;
physiological parameters; performance; health-insurance claim;
sleep disturbances; health-care utilization recruitment
A. Individual 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 37, 40 33, 36, 43
(relaxation/meditation/ 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45
bio-feedback; cognitive coping 41, 42, 44, 45
strategies; Employee Assis-
tance Programmes)
B. Individual-organizational 45, 46 45
(relationships at work; person-
environment fit; role issues;
workers — participation and
C. Organization 47, 48 48 47, 48
(organizational structure;
selection and placement;
training; physical and environ-
mental; job — (restructuring;
health concerns and resources)
H. van der Hek and H. N Plomp: Occupational stress management programmes 135

groups and found better results when the trainer had Occupational stress management programmes
more experience. Outcome measures which indicate
the scope of the studies are included in the second Individual level. Although programmes apply differ-
column, measurement characteristics. Although this paper ent interventions, and many include more than one
does not go deeply into matters of methodology, some intervention (so called multi-model programmes25"31),
crucial issues regarding the research design (control their structures are comparable. Programmes usually
group, follow-up period, if any) are added in diis commence with an educational phase, in which
column to indicate the persuasiveness of the study. participants learn about the causes and consequences
Outcomes are summarized in the last column of scheme of occupational stress. Subsequendy, a cognitive skill
n. component is included, such as cognitive coping skills
In the results paragraph occupational stress manage- or time-management, which is intended to change the
ment programmes are summarized per category of way in which people structure and organize their work-
programmes more extensively. The evidence of the ing situation. Finally, relaxation and/or meditation
effectiveness of all reviewed studies is assessed on the techniques are included, which target the physical
basis of the quality of design and the limited scope concomitants of stress, such as muscle tension or blood

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indicated by the specific character of the target groups pressure. Despite the similarity in structure, immense
and the outcome parameters applied. differences appear with respect to group size (6-27
per group; average of 12), duration of the programme
(4-24 hours) and the period of implementation (from
RESULTS half a day to 12 weeks). No reasons are given for these
vast differences, but the information is relevant when
The reviewed studies are classified in Scheme I considering the costs and time impact of the pro-
according to the DeFrank and Cooper9 classification grammes on the regular work-flow.
of occupational stress management programmes. In
the great majority of reported studies, interventions Relaxation/meditation. Relaxation methods can be
focus on the individual level. Interventions on this level distinguished in two categories: those ones that are
vary considerably: from relaxation, meditation tech- physiologically oriented, aiming at the achievement of
niques, bio-feedback, cognitive coping strategies to deep muscle relaxation through contracting and relax-
individual counselling. Outcome measures on the ing major muscle groups and, on the other hand, the
individual level also show great variation well: physio- cognitive-oriented methods achieving relaxation
logical parameters (e.g., blood pressure, muscle tension), through imagery and meditation. Relaxation tech-
psychometric scales of mood states, self-reported stress niques are often used as a complementary technique
symptoms and satisfaction with life. On the individual- in multimodel programmes. Three of the studies
organizational interface level, interventions are directed included in the review evaluate this technique as a
towards a better person-environment-fit through single intervention, and are good examples of alterna-
strengthening social support or job-enrichment; out- tive methods. Murphy43 uses a muscle relaxation
come measures range from self-reported experiences technique which is taught to the participants by means
(e.g., job-stress, burnout) to health behaviour. Inter- of cassette tapes which describe muscle tension and
vention on the organizational level are organizational relaxation exercises. Toivanen36 describes an easy
development schemes and restructuring of jobs, while relaxation exercise, which needs only to be practised
the outcome measures are productivity, absenteeism for 15 minutes a day. The participants are taught: (1)
rates and health insurance claims. Scheme I shows that deep diaphragm breathing with the full vital capacity
most studies with interventions on the individual level to possibly also improve the normal breathing and to
also have outcome measures_on the individual-organ- relax the muscle structures involved; (2) forced tension
izational interface level. Only two of the 24 studies and relaxation of the abdominal muscles to relax them
reviewed evaluate an intervention on the individual- and to 'massage' the abdomen; (3) deep relaxation
organizational interface level and two studies also along with simple suggestions for relaxing, to achieve
concern interventions on the organizational level. relaxation, also focusing the mind on gradually calming
However, compared with the 1987 review of DeFrank the breathing. Tsai37 applies the cognitive method
and Cooper,9 this is a better score, because they did which includes three cognitive processes: focusing,
not trace any effect studies with interventions on these passivity and receptivity. Focusing is the ability to
levels. Although there is general recognition that work identify, differentiate, maintain attention on and return
and organizational problems are the major causes of attention to simple stimuli for an extended period of
occupational work-stress,49 there is still a lack of time. Passivity is the ability to stop unnecessary goal-
research into interventions on this level. The low directed and analytic activity. Receptivity is the ability
proportion of studies including interventions directed to tolerate and accept experiences that may be
towards these causes does not necessarily give a correct uncertain, unfamiliar or paradoxical. In the progress
representation of their actual occurrence; a metho- of relaxation, focusing, passivity, and receptivity is
dologically sound evaluation on organizational level is incorporated into the cognitive process, and the out-
usually much more difficult to implement. come of such relaxation is a calm mind and a relaxed
136 Occup. Mod Vol 47, 1997

Scheme II. Summaries of reviewed effect studies on occupational stress management programmes

Study Programmes Measurement Outcomes

First author Type of programme/group-size/ outcome measures/control
. target group duration and time-frame/ group/follow-up period
. intervention level qualification of trainer
Butcher: 1 9 8 8 ^ Multimodel training/First training Perceived knowledge and Post-test scores significant changes on
. Community health group of 27, second training group abilities; Actual knowledge/No measurements, only for second training group
workers of 13 persons/3 hour sessions per control group/Follow-up 4 months changes maintained at follow-up. This is explained
. Individual week for 3 weeks/No trainer by the experience from the therapist with the first
qualification mentioned training group.
Norvell: 1987 28 Multimodel training/Group size six Burnout; Physical symptoms; Support that a vanety of stress management
. Respiratory therapists persons/1 hour session per week Hassels and Uplifts Scale/ techniques can be effective in enhancing emotional
. Individual for 8 weeks/Master's level Waiting list control group/No functioning. However, only two out of 11 scales are
psychologists follow-up period significant
Bertoch: 1989 27 Multimodel training/Group size 15 Stress levels; Clinical rating Substantial decrease in stress levels after the
. Teachers persons/2 hour sessions per week scale/ Waiting list control treatment compared to control group. More
. Individual for 12 weeks/Clinical psychologist group/No follow-up focused treatment on individual needs Is
Johansson: 1991 2 8 Multimodel training/Group size max. Anxiety; Depression/Minimal Significant lower anxiety and depression scores for

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. Nurses nine persons/2 x 50 minutes per treatment control group/ the treatment group compared to control group.
. Individual week for 3 weeks/No trainer No follow-up
qualification mentioned
McCue: 1991 2 9 Multimodel training/Group size Burnout; Stress levels; Life Training was received positively and can lead to
. Medical Residents 13-16 persons/4 hours on one day/ expectancy survey/Control significant short-term improvement in stress and
. Individual No trainer qualification mentioned group/Follow-up 6 weeks burnout test scores.
Reynolds: 1993 30 Multimodel training/Group size nine Evaluation; Session impact Time management and introductory sessions had
. Health service persons/2 hour sessions per week rating/No control group) few impacts on participants. Relaxation, relationships,
workers for 6 weeks/Clinical psychologist No follow-up cognitive strategies and dealing with emotions had
. Individual a distinctive and predicted positive impact.
Schaufeli: 1994 31 Multimodel training/Group size not Somatic complaints; Treatment is effective in decreasing mental and
. Community nurses mentionecl/3 day workshop Psychological strain; Burnout; physical symptoms, but not job performance.
. Individual No trainer qualification mentioned Job performance; Reactivity/ Moderating role of reactivity. Low reactive nurses,
No control group/ who are already rather resistant to stress benefit
Follow-up 1 month most from the workshop.
Barkham: 1990 32 Psychotherapy/lndividual/2 sessions Depression; Symptom At follow-up 53-75%, depending on the scale that
. White collar workers + 1 after 3 months/ Clinical checklist/Normative control data/ is used, of the clients have Improved to normal
. Individual psychologists Follow-up 6 months' functioning.
Cooper: 1990 33 Psychotherapy/Individual/Average of Anxiety; Depression; Somatic Significant decline in sickness absence, anxiety
. Post-office employees three sessions/Clinical psychologists anxiety; Self-esteem; Job levels, somatic anxiety, depression and increase in
. Individual satisfaction; Organizational self-esteem. No changes in job satisfaction or
commitment, Sickness absence organizational commitment.
days/Normative control data/
Follow-up 6 months
Keyes: 1988 34 Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)/ Anger Inventory; Emergency Decrease In scores on anger inventory, frequency
. Staff working with Group size 12-16 persons/One day retains rating/Attention control of emergency restraints significantly reduced
mentally retarded workshop/No trainer qualification group/Follow-up ± 5 months compared to the period prior to the training. For
. Individual mentioned males a larger reduction in anger scores reported
compared to females following the training.
Long: 1988 35 Stress Inoculation Training (SIT)/ Anxiety; Teachers' stress; SIT with exercise more effective in reducing
. Teachers Group size 7-12 persons/1.5 hour Coping; VO2 max-cardiovascular anxiety and stress compared to minimal treatment,
. Individual per week for 8 weeks/Experienced fitness/Delayed treatment control although both groups significantly decrease
group leaders group/Follow-up 8 weeks emotion focused and increase of preventive
coping. SIT without exercise component had no
significant effect on anxiety, stress or coping
strategies. This is probably due to the time-frame
and design of the experiment. Subgroup of
high-anxious/low fitness benefit most.
Toivanen: 1993 3 * Relaxation training/Group size not EMG levels; Diary; Absenteeism Relaxation training effective in reducing
. Hospital cleaners mentloned/3 x 15 minutes per week ratings; Depression/ Control neck-shoulder tension, but the decrease In
. Individual for 3 weeks/No trainer qualification group/Follow-up 6 months absenteeism rates can not be attributed to the
mentioned relaxation training because control group shows a
comparable decrease, which is explained by the
social support from the researcher.
Tsai: 1993 37 Relaxation training/Group size 23 Work stress; General Health Significant difference between experimental and
. Nurses persons/2 x 90 minutes per week Questionnaire/Placebo control control group after 5 weeks. Duration of practice
. Individual and follow-up session after 5 group/No follow-up significant factor on self reported work-stress
weeks/No trainer qualification levels. Control group also snows decrease in
mentioned reported levels, which is explained as reactivity
and contamination effects.
Woods: 1987 38 Rational Emotive Training (RET)/ Physical symptoms; Anxiety; Three to four months after the training major
. White-collar workers Group size 8-14 persons/1.5 hour Depression; Irrational beliefs/ changes on all outcome measures and these
. Individual per week for 4 weeks/Experienced No control group/Follow-up 3-4 changes are related to changes in irrational beliefs.
RET trainer months
Kushnir: 1993 39 Rational Emotive Training (RET)/ Cognitive weariness; Somatic After 18 months the improvements on the
. Senior safety officers Group size 22 persons/4 hour complaints; Assertiveness; measurements still evident, but not In the same
. Individual sessions per week for 5 weeks/ Irrational Beliefs/Control extent as snort term effects. Booster session is
Expenenced RET trainer group/Follow-up 18 months advised. No follow-up data is available for control

H. van der Hek and H. N. Ptomp: Occupational stress management programmes 137

Scheme II. Continued.

Study Programmes Measurement Outcomes

First author Type of programme/group-size/ outcome measures/control
. target group duration and time-frame/ group/follow-up period
. intervention level qualification of trainer
Hyman: 199340 Experiential group training/Group Burnout; Work atmosphere Statistical improvement for the scales personal
. Staff in long-term size not mentioned/3 hour sessions rating; Benefit workshop accomplishment and emotional exhaustion. Also
care facility for 3 weeks/No trainer qualification rating/No control group/No rating work atmosphere improved. Retrospective
. Individual mentioned follow-up pretest design is used.
Sallis: 198741 Three different training programmes: Blood pressure; Anxiety; Significant reduction In anxiety, depression and
. Hi-tech personnel relaxation training group, muftimodel Depression; Hostility; Job hostility, maintained at follow-up measurement. No
. Individual training, education-support group; satisfaction/Education-support improvement on job satisfaction, work stress and
Group size 11-16 persons/1 hour group is minimal treatment blood pressure. No evidence that one group was
per week for 8 weeks/No trainer control group/Follow-up 3 months more effective than the other, even education-
qualification mentioned support group shows comparable changes.
Brunlng: 198742 Three different training programmes: Pulse rates; Blood pressure; All three training programs resulted in significant
. Hospital equipment management skills, meditation, Galvanic skin response/Control reductions in pulse rate and systolic blood
personnel exercise; after 13 weeks groups group only during first training pressure compared to control group, none of the
. Individual receive a combination of the week/No follow-up period programs was more effective.

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programmes/8-10 hour training in
first week, which Is repeated after
13 weeks / Group size 15-16
persons/One of the researchers
Murphy: 198843 Two different training programmes: Absenteeism; Performance There is limited support found for relaxation
. Highway blofeedback, muscle relaxation; ratings; Equipment accidents; training on absenteeism one year after the
maintenance group size 2-4 persons/ 1 hour Work injuries/Control group/ treatment, not on the other measures. Six
workers daily for two weeks/ Cassette tapes Follow-up 1.5 year months later this effect also diminished.
. Individual
Jenkins: 199044 Two different training programmes: Survey about the workshop/ Teachers who received the individual training did
. Teachers individualized training method — No control group/ significantly increase the time they spend on
. Individual step by step development of an Follow-up 3 weeks managing stress, and used a greater diversity of
individualized plan and a global methods to handle stress compared to the global
training approach — focus on training approach. Both training methods had the
general knowledge; group size not same content
mentioned/3 hour sessions for 2
weeks/No trainer qualification
Cecil: 199045 Two different training programmes: Personal and organizational SIT was effective in reducing self reported stress,
. Teachers stress Inoculation training (SIT) and stress levels; Coping skills; while the co-worker support group was not.
. Individual-organizational co-workers support group; group Teacher anxiety observations/ Neither treatment successful in changing motonc
size not mentioned/1.5 hour per No control group/ manifestations of anxiety in the classroom.
week for 6 weeks/No trainer Follow-up 1 month
qualification mentioned
Grossman: 199348 Support groups/Group size 8-15 Evaluation report/No control Appear to be effective in alleviating stress. A
. Hospital staff persons/1.5 hour per week for group/No follow-up period problem is the high drop-out rates (people who
. Indvtdual-organizational 1 0 - 1 5 weeks/Social workers, need it most).
psychiatric nurses or psychologists
Jones: 198847 Organization-wide stress Medical malpractice claims/ Hospitals that implemented an organization-wide
. Hospital staff management program/All members Matched control group/ stress management program had significantly
. Organizational of the organization/Total duration Follow-up ± 1 year fewer claims compared with a matched sample of
one year/No trainer qualification hospitals
Golembiewski: 198748 Organizational Development/All Burnout; Job Involvement; Work Level of burnout diminished and remained
. Management team members of the organization/ Total environment; Turnover rates/ reduced for at least four months, decreased
. Organizational duration 13 months/No trainer No control group/No follow-up somewhat in the following nine more months.
qualification mentioned Improvement in group properties and turnover
rates persisted.

body functioning. The relaxation technique included Biofeedback. Biofeedback was evaluated by Murphy43
breathing exercise, imagery and meditation, with as a separate intervention technique, but is usually
special emphasis on the underlying cognitive process employed in combination with relaxation. When the
of meditation proposed by Smith.50 Another medita- relaxation exercises are practised, the participants
tion-relaxation technique applied in a study42 was receive immediate response (feedback) measurements
developed by Carrington.51 In this method the partici- from an electromyogram (EMG). Biofeedback is
pants are instructed to sit quietly and meditate for 15 provided by a finger thermometer and a galvanic skin-
to 20 min once or twice a day. The participants begin resistance monitor, which the participants use to find
each meditation session by calming and relaxing the out if they are successful in dilating peripheral blood
body. Then they spend the remaining time working vessels and decreasing sweat-gland activity. Another
with a mantra (meditation sound), which has been way of giving biofeedback is mentioned by Johansson28
chosen by the participant from a number of such who, in connection with autogenic training uses select
sounds selected by Carrington.51 phrases (e.g., 'the feeling of heaviness is growing across
138 Occup Mod. Vol 47, 1997

my shoulders and arms; I am relaxing deeper and studies of both Cooper and Barkham.32'33 Both studies
deeper') which should be repeated with intense involve different forms of psychotherapy given to highly
concentration. stressed individuals. The intervention is, in contrast to
Methods which provide the participant of a stress the other studies, curative in nature. Barkham's32 study
management programme with an immediate response can be considered an EAP which takes place outside
on the effect of the exercises are especially helpful in the organization. All the participants of the study were
teaching them the most effective way of to achieve referred to his psychological clinic because of work-
relaxation. related problems. He describes a brief therapeutic
model comprising two weekly sessions of therapy,
Cognitive coping strategies. Cognitive coping strategies followed by a third session three months later. Two
are derived from psychotherapy, and are based on the modes of therapy are presented within this model: a
concept that human behaviour and emotions can be brief cognitive—behavioural package, called 'prescrip-
influenced by a change in cognition. Two categories tive therapy', and a brief relationship-oriented package,
of cognitive coping strategies can be distinguished: the called 'exploratory therapy'. Cooper's study33 is an
cognitive restructuring strategies, aiming at die reduc- example of an in-house EAP offered by the Occupa-
tion of stress, and the coping skill strategies directed tional Health Services of British Mail. It was assumed

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towards the development of personal strategies aimed that an in-house counselling service would have the
at improving skills and competencies to meet the benefit of a broad knowledge of the business and
demands of the job. The rational emotive therapy of working methods, and would be more able to under-
Ellis31'38'39 is an example of the cognitive restructuring stand and help the employees. Anotiier important
strategy. The appraisal and reappraisal model of Beck33 aspect in the choice of an in-house service was the
and the self-instruction therapy of Meichenbaum28 are function of signalling to the management, when
examples of the coping skill strategy. problems seemed to be organizational rather than
Cognitive restructuring involves training in positive individual. The counselling was based on Rogerian
coping self-statements {e.g., 'One step at a time'; 'I psychotherapy, and an average of diree sessions proved
can handle the situation') that encourage realistic to be enough to help the people who made use of the
assessment of situations, control over self-defeating service because of work-related problems.
thoughts, preparation to confront potential stressors,
coping with fear and reinforcement of successful Individual—organizational interface level. On the indi-
coping behaviour. vidual/organizational level two studies45'4* were identified
T h e stress inoculation training developed by which were directed towards strengthening social
Meichenbaum52 is one of the most famous cognitive support. Bom studies describe co-worker support groups
coping skill strategies. The programme focuses on such which primarily aim to improve the individual-organi-
activities as goal-setting, time-management, commu- zation relationship (instead of changing individual
nication skills, conflict resolution and problem characteristics). The groups are networks of people
articulation skills. For example, in Bruning's42 study who occupy similar positions in an organization and
participants were instructed to explore both work and consider themselves to have common needs and goals.
personal values and then to set themselves both stra- These people meet to solve common problems,
tegic and tactical goals. They were taught to pinpoint support each other and improve their skills. Despite
goals, to seek the collaboration of fellow workers the lack of evaluation data concerning this intervention,
regarding these objectives and to identify road-blocks. co-worker support groups have been described in
Most of the studies use a method of education and numerous professional publications as an important
discussion. In Bertoch's27 study the participants dis- entity in the prevention of occupational stress in
cuss customary ways of coping with disappointment employment settings.45 The primary emphasis of the
and explore less stressful alternatives. Another form group meetings was to share problems, give reassur-
of this method is used by Butcher,25 who provides the ance and support, share successful coping strategies
participants of his study with 'stress scripts' in which and to listen emphatically.
cognitive, emotional and behavioural directions for In both studies there seemed to be one major
constructive reactions to stress situations are explained. problem: embedding in the organization. Groups of
An example of how problem articulation skills can volunteers from various schools were evaluated, which
be taught is given by Hyman40 in an exercise in which made external interaction difficult.
each participant had to communicate the correct order
of a series of items to a partner, while sitting back- Organizational level. Two studies were identified in
to-back. In another exercise, an 'accident report' was which the stress prevention programme focused on
read aloud and then transmitted verbally to a series the entire organization. The organization-wide
of volunteers who had not heard or seen the written programme described by Jones47 started with an
report. assessment of stress levels, and subsequendy a five-step
intervention was implemented. In the first step, the
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP). The Employee results from the survey were reported to senior man-
Assistance Programmes (EAP) were applied in the agement and suggestions were made for amending
H. van der Hek and H. N. Ptomp Occupational stress management programmes 139

organizational factors that may cause employee stress. logical shortcomings, the major problem in drawing
Secondly, the managers of the departments in which conclusions about the most effective occupational
the highest stress levels occurred, worked out a series stress management programmes is the fact that the
of policy and procedural changes to reduce stress, with reviewed studies are difficult to compare, due to their
which they were able to obtain support from external heterogeneity. They vary with respect to target group
consultants. These changes concerned inter-depart- and target, as indicated by the outcome parameters.
mental communication, organization and personnel
policies. During the third step, the senior management Target groups. The method of recruitment determines,
discussed the survey results with all employees in small to a large extent, die type of workers who will partici-
conference sessions. In the fourth step all employees pate and also their expectations with regard to the
were shown a series of video-cassette training modules. programme. Most participants in stress management
They were designed to increase recognition and programmes join on a voluntary basis, but in organi-
understanding of stress and to teach them how to zation-oriented programmes it is often more difficult
improve their coping skills in dealing with both work- to abstain from participation. At the same time the
place and personal stress. Finally, a comprehensive effectiveness of an intervention can be dependent on
employee assistance programme was set up to provide

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the type of workers who participate. This is demon-
employees with help and counselling for work-related strated in the study of Long,35 in which it appears that
and personal problems. high anxiety scores at inclusion in the programme
The second study of Golembiewski48 describes a result in greater effectiveness in the outcome parame-
high-stimulus organizational development (OD) ters. It has been found that programmes in which
programme aiming at the development of a socio-emo- participation is entirely voluntary, attract the so-called
tional infrastructure to generate and support changes 'worried well' people who recognize the stressors in
in policies, procedures and structures. The programme their work, but who are quite capable of coping with
aims to create an organizational culture and provisions them. Schaufeli,31 who conducted a workshop for com-
to meet individual needs and eliminate the causes of munity nurses, found that the average level of burnout
stress. This approach involves the participation of all was significantly lower among workshop participants
members of an organization in the diagnosis and than among a comparable group of community nurses.
solution of problems. To start with, all employees were The researchers assumed a selection effect: the nurses
asked to list the three things they considered best in who felt least burnt out decided to participate in the
their department and the three things they considered workshop, whereas for their colleagues, who were more
worst and urgently in need of change. The outcomes burnt out, participation might have been too threat-
were discussed in a general meeting and reported to ening. A final indication that voluntary participation
the Vice-President. Subsequendy, groups of volunteers does not attract the workers at risk comes from Sallis:41
were formed to gather additional information and make in his study the participants, employees of two 'high-
recommendations for improvement. The objective was tech' corporations, reported baseline values very similar
to formulate values and to create appropriate provi- to the means of the normative samples on all psycho-
sions and relationships for support in work and tasks. logical variables (anxiety, depression and hostility).
An example of a concrete outcome is the development • Definition of the target group and the method of
of a career policy. recruitment should be an important point of consid-
eration. In research, the definition of the target group
is the basis for generalization of the results, and is the
EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS most practical point of departure when designing a
stress-management programme.
Most of the studies summarized in Scheme II show
some kind of effect, but no consistent overall picture
emerges. Although all interventions are intended to Targets and interventions. To assess the effectiveness
prevent and combat stress, they produce differential of interventions directed towards stress prevention or
effects. Some studies reported effects over one year alleviation, specification of the target is crucial. The
and longer,39'43 but most did not measure such long- relationship between the intervention and the target
term effects and in nine studies no follow-up period should be entirely clear when the programme is initi-
at all was included, which in itself is a serious metho- ated, and should be proved when the programme has
dological shortcoming. been implemented. Interventions on the individual
Sometimes an intervention (co-worker support group) level usually bring about the most convincing effect
which brings about the intended effect in one group,46 on the individual outcome parameters. Murphy's study,
does not do so in another,45 which indicates the reporting a temporary effect of decreasing absenteeism
important influence of confounding or modifying factors. among highway maintenance workers, is an exception.
The qualification of the trainer is mentioned as a However, at die end of the paper he concludes: 'as a
crucial modifier in the study of Butcher,25 and gender primary strategy to reduce employee stress at work,
in the study of Keyes.34 Control groups make control- stress management has significant limitations, since no
ling for these effects possible, but in 10 out of the 24 attempt is made to alter the sources of work-stress';
studies there are no control groups. Despite methodo- in other words: another type of intervention would
140 Occup. Med. Vol. 47, 1997

have been more effective in achieving this target. not reflected in the effect parameters. The most
Interventions tailored to the needs and demands of expensive interventions (expressed in time per partici-
individual problems have a greater effect on stress pant) even produce the lowest effects.^
outcome measures than standard interventions.27 The Practitioners are still left with a considerable amount
Golembiewski study, which focuses on the organiza- of uncertainty with respect to the choice of good stress
tional level but also applies methods on the individual management programmes. Useful strategies for the
and organization-individual interface level, shows implementation of stress management programmes
convincing effects on all three levels. have been published by Karasek49 or Williams.53 It is
Targets can be defined as the intended outcomes as, crucial to start by determining which workers are at
for instance, indicated in Scheme I; they can refer to risk and what constitutes risky working conditions;
specific groups at risk because of their workload or screenings instruments can be used, a stress audit can
age. Targets can also involve primary, secondary or be organized, or absenteeism and turnover rates ana-
tertiary prevention, which is discussed in the Materials lyzed. The next step is the choice and implementation
and Methods section of this paper. of an intervention. Cost-effectiveness analyses are
important to ensure management support, but partici-
pation of the workers in the preparation phase is

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essential for the success of the programme.

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