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First Amendment

The First Amendment is a part of the United States Constitution written in 1787 stating,
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This
amendment is crucial to the protection of journalists and prohibits the government from
censoring our storytelling. Many countries aren’t afforded the same opportunity to live as freely
as those in the United States; this amendment also protects free speech, peaceable assembly, and
I need to depend on the First Amendment to protect me as a journalist because I apply it to my
everyday life. This amendment applies to me when I seek out stories that could potentially be
detrimental, hard-hitting, and life-altering. By being a journalist, I know the First Amendment
plays a large role in how I do my job and how I tell stories. Along with the free press, I also
apply other clauses of the First Amendment to my life, such as freedom of speech, freedom of
religion, freedom to peaceably assemble, and redress of grievances with the government.
As a student journalist, I often find myself utilizing the First Amendment when I feel as if I am
being censored. Censorship is frighteningly enough a common issue on college campuses with
on-campus student newspapers and seeing that I was the former editor for the academic school
year of 2018-2019 of the A&T Register I am very familiar with censorship.
As the editor of the A&T Register, I would constantly find myself reminding those in power and
my colleagues of censorship and how it is an infringement upon our first amendment rights. I
would make posters and tape them to the walls of the newsroom reminding my staff of the
importance of this amendment and how no one can take this right away from us journalists or
student journalists. Without the many battles I faced as an editor I would not know the true value
of the First Amendment and my appreciation as a student would be lacking.
Once I begin a career in the field of journalism, I will apply the First Amendment to every
project I work on. When and if I feel my rights being lessened, I will act as I have done in the
past to protect the free press with knowledge and rights. Because I am aware of the privilege of
having a free press, I will also hold myself to a higher standard; understanding the moral
responsibility I have to the public. If you want to be taken seriously as a journalist, you must
establish credibility and remain objective at all costs. The First Amendment is there to protect
our objectivity and secure our truths we must ensure the information we share is accurate. If I am
willing to combine my established credibility, objectivity and First Amendment rights I am sure I
will have a successful career in journalism and mass communication.
By placing the First Amendment at the forefront of what I do I am abiding by its instructions; I
am putting the people first and shying away from the fears of censorship and power. I am
recognizing my privilege to have this right and utilizing it to the best of my abilities. I am
assisting in a big part of what this nation needs the most right now, honesty.
Each day I abide by the First Amendment when I actively express myself and speak freely on
topics that others may disagree with. I also abide by the Amendment when I decide and dedicate
my life to a particular religious relationship; if I assemble or to redress of grievance with the

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