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1. Design a web page using HTML using
Heading Tab
2. Design a web page using HTML to
show using p, hr, br tags
3. Design a web page using HTML using
text formatting tag
4. Design a web page using HTML using
font formatting tag
5. Design a web page using HTML using
text and image marquee tag
6. Design a web page using HTML using
bgcolor and pre tag
7. Design a web page using HTML using
internal linking in a web page
8. Design a web page using HTML using
external linking
9. Design a web page using HTML using
background image on a web page
10. Design a web page using HTML using
insertion of image with all attributes
11. Design a web page using HTML using
image as a hyperlink
12. Design a web page using HTML using
unordered list
13. Design a web page using HTML using
ordered list
14. Design a web page using HTML using
definition list
15. Design a web page using HTML using
nested list
16. Design a web page using HTML using
inserting a table in a webpage
17. Design a web page using HTML using
inserting table with all attributes
18. Design a web page using HTML using
Rowspan & colspan attributes in table
19. Design a web page using HTML using
Frameset tag
20. Design a web page using HTML using
Communication between frames
21. Design a web page using HTML using
Form tag
1. Design a web page using basics of HTML using heading tag
<title>Heading Tag</title>
<h1>Welcome to html</h1>
<h2> My name is Anshul</h2>
<h3>I am studying in B.B.A.</h3>
<h4>I like technology very much</h4>
<h5>It is the heading tag of HTML</h5>
2. Design a web page using HTML to show paragraph using p,
br, hr, tag
<title>Chapter 2</title>
<centre><h1> Chapter 2</h1></centre>
<p align = left> HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML is the language used for creating web pages. It provides a
number of commands that can be used to place and format text,
pictures, and sound on web pages. These commands are known
as Tags and Markup. <br>
<p align = centre > HTML is very easy to use. Web documents are
typically written in HTML using any text editor such as windows
notepad and usually named with the suffix .html or .htm. <br>
<p align = right> After entering the HTML code in a file you can
view it using any web browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer
or Google Crome. <br>
3. Design a web page using HTML using text formatting tag
<title>text formatting</title>
text is in by default base font.<br>
<basefont size =9>honesty is the best policy.<br>
<basefont size=15>change life not goals.<br>
<basefont size=20>experience makes man succees<br>
<i>italic tag</i><br>
<b>bold tag</b><br>
<u>underline the text.</u><br>
<s>this tag strikes the text.</s><br>
superscript tag like x<sup>5</sup><br>
subscript tag like h<sub>2</sub>o<br>
4. Design a web page using HTML using font formatting tag
<basefont size=9><font face="goudy stout">
computer is the master of masters.
<font face="goudy stout"size=2>
computer is the brain of world.</font><br>
<font face="goudy stout">text is in arial goudy
5. Design a web page using HTML using text and image marquee
<marquee behavior="alternate"bgcolor="blue">
</marquee> <marquee
<marquee behavior"scroll"bgcolor="skyblue"hspace="40">
<img src="CHIKA.JPG"width=400 height=200>
6. Design a web page using HTML using bgcolor and pre tag
<title>pre tag</title>
<body bgcolor="green">
<font size=10><center> HTML</center></font>
<body text="red"> <font size="5",style=black oblique>
HTMLstands for Hyper Text Markup Language.</font
house no. - 20
7. Design a web page using HTML using internal linking in
<title>internal linking</title>
<p align="right">
<fontsize=8, color="red">BBA MANAGEMENT</font><br><br>
<font size=6,font color="green">Section 1<br><br>
section 2<br><br>
section 3<br><br>
<a name="c4">section4</a><br><br>
section 5<br><br>
section 6<br><br>
section 7<br><br>
section 8<br><br>
section 9<br><br>
section 10<br><br>
section 11<br><br>
<a href= "#c4"> go to section 4</a>
8. Design a web page using HTML using external linking
<title>external linking</title>
<ahref=”2.html”>visit my html page</a>
9. Design a web page using HTML using background image on
the webpage
<title>background image</title>
<body background="chika.jpg">
10. Design a web page using HTML using image on a webpage
with all attributes
<body bgcolor=red>
<font size=8><font color=green>Adding Image of a
<img src="chika.jpg" width=250 height=150 border=3 title="A
beautiful flower">
11. Design a web page using HTML using image as a hyperlink
<title>image hyperlink</title>
<p>click at the image</p>
<a href="MY1.html">
<img src="chika.jpg">
12. Design a web page using HTML using unordered list
<ul type=squre>
<li>object oriented programming
<li>database management system
<li>web desining
<li>relational database management system
13. Design a web page using HTML using ordered list
<title>ordered list</title>
<ol type=1>
<li>program for html
<li>program using heading tag
<li>program for marquee
<li>program for creation of homepage
<ol type=A>
<li>program for background image
<li>program for text formatting
<li>program for image as hyperlink
<li>program for list
<ol type=i>
<li>unordered list
<li>ordered list
<li>definition list
<li>nested list
14. Design a web page using HTML using definition list
<title>definition list</title>
<dt>Web Designing
<dd>Web designing refers to creation of webpages. It is done
by html programming language.
<dd>HTML=Hyper Text Markup Language
15. Design a web page using HTML using nested list
<title>nested list</title>
<ol type=A>
<li>input device
<ul type=circle>
<li>light pen
<ol type=1>
<li>output devices
<ul type=square>
<li> monitor
16. Design a web page using HTML using inserting a table in a
17. Design a web page using HTML using inserting table with
all attributes
<title>Table with all attributes</title>
<table border=5 width=60%>
<table bgcolor=”red”>
<b>Marks detail</b>
<th> Class</th>
<tr align=center>
<td>Somdutt</td> <td>BBA final</td>
<tr align=centre>
18. Design a web page using HTML using Rowspan & colspan
attributes in table
<p align=centre><font size=6><font color="red"<b><marquee
behavior="alternate">DN COLLEGE
<table border=6 bgcolor="pink"width=90%
<Tr align=centre>
<th><font size=4>Class</font></th>
<th><font size=4>Roll. No.</font></th>
<th align=left><font size=4>Name</font></th>
<th> Marks</th>
<tr align=centre>
<td rowspan=3><font size=4><b>BBA final</b></font></td>
<td align=left>Amit</td>
<tr align=centre>
<td align=left> Ram</td>
<tr align=centre>
<td align=left>Alka</d>
19. Design a web page using HTML using
Frameset tag
<frameset cols="200,*">
<frame src="my1.html"name="menu">
<frame src="my5.html">name="main">
20. Design a web page using HTML using
Communication between frames
<frameset rows="70,*">
<frame src=my2.html>
<frameset cols="40%,*">
<frame src="my6.html">
<frameset cols="60%">
<frame src="my5.html">
21. Design a web page using HTML using
Form tag
<title>Form Tag</title>
<p align=”center”><br><u>Admission Form</u><br></p>
Name<input Type=”text”name=”text1”size=30”><br><br>
father’s Name<input
Mothers’ Name<input
city<input Type=”text”name=”text4”size=30”><br><br>
<select name=”qul”><option value=”10th>10th
<option value=”10+2th>10+2th
<Option value=”Degree>Degree
<input type=”submit”value=”submit”>
<input type=”reset”value=”reset”>

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