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1. In a regression analysis involving 30 observations, the following estimated regression equation was
obtained. If required enter negative values as negative numbers.
y= 17.6 + 3.8x1 -2.3x2+ 7.6x3 +2.7x4

A. Interpret b1,b2,b3, and b4

b1= 3.8 b1 = estimated change in y per 1 unit change in x1
b2= 2.3 b2 = estimated change in y per 1 unit change in x2
b3= 7.6 b3 = estimated change in y per 1 unit change in x3
b4 = 2.7 b4 = estimated change in y per 1 unit change in x4

B. Predict y when x1 = 10, x2 = 5, x3 = 1, and x4 = 2.

y= 17.6 + 3.8x1 -2.3x2+ 7.6x3 +2.7x4
y= 57.1

2. Consider the follwing data for a dependent variable y and two independent variables x1 and x2

x1 x2 y
30 12 94
47 10 108
25 17 112
51 16 178
40 5 94
51 19 175
74 7 170
36 12 117
59 13 142
76 16 211
A. Develop an estimated regression equation relating y to x1. Estimate y if x1 = 45.

y x1
94 30 x1
108 47
112 25
70 f(x) = 0.3665875175x - 3.3477650484
178 51
175 51 x1
170 74 Linear (x1)
117 36
142 59
211 76
SUMMARY OUTPUT 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.8124254619
R Square 0.6600351312
Adjusted R Square 0.6175395226
Standard Error 25.4009168304
Observations 10

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 10021.24739342 10021.2474 15.531843 0.0042895913
Residual 8 5161.652606581 645.206576
Total 9 15182.9

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 45.0593689924 25.4181455799 1.77272448 0.1142108 -13.5549798241 103.67372 -40.22835467 130.3470926572
x1 1.9435711862 0.493161259 3.94104596 0.0042896 0.8063392837 3.0808031 2.598318227 3.598318227
y = b1 (x1) + bo
x1 = 45
y=1.943571 (45) + 45. 05937
y = 132.520065
B. Develop an estimated regression equation relating y to x2. Estimate y if x2 = 15.

x2 y
12 94 y
10 108
17 112
16 178 200
5 94 y
150 f(x) = 4.3214880622x + 85.2171016102
19 175 Linear (y)
7 170 100
12 117
13 142
16 211 0
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.4706659798
R Square 0.2215264646
Adjusted R Square 0.1242172726
Standard Error 38.4374261645
Observations 10

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 3363.414158801 3363.41416 2.2765215 0.1697813563
Residual 8 11819.4858412 1477.43573
Total 9 15182.9

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 85.2171016102 38.3519620762 2.22197502 0.0570062 -3.2226815306 173.65688 -43.46858607 213.9027892923
x2 4.3214880622 2.864161103 1.50881459 0.1697814 -2.2832792851 10.926255 -5.288881818 13.931857942

x = 15
y = b1 (x1) + bo
y = 4.321488 (15) + 85.2171
y = 150.03942

C. Develop an estimated regression equation relating y to x1 and x2. Estimate y if x1 = 45 and x2 = 15.

x1 x2 y 250
30 12 94
47 10 108 200
25 17 112 f(x) = 1.9435711862x + 45.0593689924
51 16 178
150 x2
40 5 94
Linear (x2)
51 19 175
100 y
74 7 170 Linear (y)
36 12 117
59 13 142 50
76 16 211
0 f(x) = - 0.0140600852x + 13.3875381658
SUMMARY OUTPUT 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9620421485
R Square 0.9255250956
Adjusted R Square 0.9042465515
Standard Error 12.7096421575
Observations 10

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 14052.15497359 7026.07749 43.495696 0.0001127288
Residual 7 1130.745026407 161.535004
Total 9 15182.9

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept -18.3682675757 17.9715032846 -1.0220774 0.3407618 -60.8641200801 24.127585 -81.25924315 44.522707997
x1 2.0101852241 0.2471189934 8.13448289 8.193E-05 1.4258416592 2.5945288 1.145396434 2.874974014
x2 4.7378118204 0.9484396679 4.99537502 0.0015735 2.4951083805 6.9805153 1.418763044 8.0568605968
x1 = 45; x2 = 15
y = b1 (x1) + b2 (x2) + bo
y = 2.010185 (45) + 4.737812 (15) - 18.3683
y = 143.157205

3. The estimated regression equation for a model involving two independet variables and 10
y= 29.1270 +. 5960x1+.4890x2

A. Interpret b1 and b2 in this estimated regression equation.

b1 = 0.5960 for every additional increase in the variable x1 the value of y increases by 0.5690, other things held constant.
b2 = 0.4890 for every additional increase in the variable x2 the value of y increases by 0.4890, other things held constant.

B. Predict y when x1 = 180 and x2 = 310

y = 29.1270 + (0.5960)(180) + (0.4890)(310)

y = 29.1270 + (0.5960)(180) + (0.4890)(310)
y = 287.997

4. A shoe store developed the following estimated regression equation relating sales to inventory
investment and advertising expenditures.
y= 25+ 10x1+8x2
x1= inventory investment ($1000s)
x2= advertising expenditures ($1000s)
y= sales ($1000s)

A. Estimate sales resulting from a $15,000 investment in inventory and an advertising budget of $10,000.

x1 = 15
x2 = 10
y = 25 + (10)(15) + 8(10)
y = 255
y = 255000 dollars

B. Interpret b1 and b2 in this estimated regression equation.

b1 = 10 this indicates that the sales increase, on average, by 10000 dollars per 1000 dollar inventory investment
b2 = 8 this indicates that the sales increase, on average, by 8000 dollars per 1000 dollar inventory investment

5. The owner of Showtime Movie Theaters Inc., would like to estimate weekly gross revenue as a function of advertising
expenditures. Historical Data for a sample of eight weeks follows.

Weekly Gross Television Newspaper

Revenue Advertising Advertising
96 5 1.5
90 2 2
95 4 1.5
92 2.5 2.5
95 3 3.3
94 3.5 2.3
94 2.5 4.2
94 3 2.5

A. Develop an estimated regression equation with the amount of television advertising as the independent variable.

Television Weekly Gross

Advertising Revenue
5 96
2 90
4 95
2.5 92 Weekly Gross Revenue
3 95 98
3.5 94 96 Weekly Gross
f(x) = 1.6038647343x + 88.6376811594
2.5 94 94 Revenue
3 Linear (Weekly
94 92
Gross Revenue)
Regression Statistics 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Multiple R 0.8078074081
R Square 0.6525528086
Adjusted R Square 0.5946449433
Standard Error 1.2151751164
Observations 8

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 16.6400966184 16.6400966 11.268811 0.015288079
Residual 6 8.8599033816 1.47665056
Total 7 25.5

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 88.6376811594 1.5823671313 56.0158761 2.174E-09 84.7657682729 92.509594 82.77116892 94.5041934021
Television Advertising 1.6038647343 0.47778079 3.35690502 0.0152881 0.4347772571 2.7729522 -0.167473154 3.3752026231

y = 1.603864734x + 88.63768116

B. Develop an estimated regression equation with both television advertising and newspaper advertising as the independent variable.

Television Newspaper Weekly Gross

Advertising Advertising Revenue
5 1.5 96
2 2 90
4 1.5 95
2.5 2.5 92
3 3.3 95
3.5 2.3 94
2.5 4.2 94
3 2.5 94


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9586634444
R Square 0.9190355997
Adjusted R Square 0.8866498396
Standard Error 0.6425873026
Observations 8

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 23.4354077925 11.7177039 28.377768 0.0018652423
Residual 5 2.0645922075 0.41291844
Total 7 25.5

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept 83.2300916901 1.5738689517 52.8824789 4.572E-08 79.1843327511 87.275851 76.88402704 89.5761563409
Television Advertising 2.2901836209 0.3040645561 7.53189931 0.0006532 1.5085607963 3.0718064 1.064151855 3.5162153872
Newspaper Advertising 1.3009890983 0.320701597 4.05669666 0.0097608 0.4765993982 2.1253788 0.007874404 2.5941037926

y = 2.290183621x1 + 1.300989098x2 + 83.23009169

C. Is the estimated regression equation for the television advertising expenditures the same in part (a) and in part (b)?
Interpret the coefficient in each case.

The coefficients in television advertising are different in part a and b.

In part a, the estimated regression equation is y = 1.603864734x + 88.63768116, which means when TV advertising increases in one unit,
y increases in 1.60 units, while other variables remain the same.
In part b, the estimated regression equation is y = 2.290183621x1 + 1.300989098x2 + 83.23009169, which means that when TV advertising increases in one unit,
y increases in 2.29 units, while all other variables remain the same.

D. Predict the weekly gross revenue for a week when $3500 is spent on televsion advetising and $1800 is spent on newspaper advertising.

y = 2.290183621 *(3.5) + 1.300989098 *(1.8) + 83.23009169

y= 93.5857147399

6. The National Basketball Association (NBA) records a variety of statistics for each team. Four of these
statistics are the proportion of games won (PCT), the proportion of field goals made bythe team (FG%),
the proportion of three point shots made by the team's opponent (Opp 3 Pt%), and the number of
turnovers committed by the team's opponent (Opp TO)The following data show the values of these
statistics for the 29 teams in the NBA for a portion of the 2004 season (NBA website, January 2004)

Team PCT FG% Opp 3 Pt % Opp TO

Atlanta 0.265 0.435 0.346 13.206
Boston 0.471 0.449 0.369 16.176
Chicago 0.313 0.417 0.372 15.031
Cleveland 0.303 0.438 0.345 12.515
Dallas 0.581 0.439 0.332 15
Denver 0.606 0.431 0.366 17.818
Detroit 0.606 0.423 0.262 15.788
Golden State 0.452 0.445 0.384 14.29
Houston 0.548 0.426 0.324 13.161
Inidiana 0.706 0.428 0.317 15.647
L.A. Clippers 0.464 0.424 0.326 14.357
L.A. Lakers 0.724 0.465 0.323 16
Memphis 0.485 0.432 0.358 17.848
Miami 0.424 0.41 0.369 14.97
Milwaukee 0.5 0.438 0.349 14.75
Minnesota 0.677 0.473 0.348 13.839
New Jersey 0.563 0.435 0.338 17.063
New Orleans 0.636 0.421 0.33 16.909
New York 0.412 0.442 0.33 13.588
Orlando 0.242 0.417 0.36 14.242
Philadelphia 0.438 0.428 0.364 16.938
Phoenix 0.364 0.438 0.326 16.515
Portland 0.484 0.447 0.367 12.548
Sacramento 0.724 0.466 0.327 15.207
San Antonio 0.688 0.429 0.293 15.344
Seattle 0.533 0.436 0.35 16.767
Toronto 0.516 0.424 0.314 14.129
Utah 0.531 0.456 0.368 15.469
Washington 0.3 0.411 0.341 16.133



f(x) = 0.0245901478x + 14.8465960591
14 PCT
12 Linear


f(x) = 0.0245901478x + 14.8465960591
14 PCT
12 Linear
8 Linear (FG
Opp 3 Pt %

0 f(x) = 0.0018389163x + 0.4743472906

6.94581280788158E-05x + 0.4342339901
- 0.0002955665x + 0.3457438424
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

A. Determine the estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the proportion of games won given the proportion of
field goals made by the team.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.4481581946
R Square 0.2008457674
Adjusted R Square 0.1712474624
Standard Error 0.1266359092
Observations 29

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 0.1088202175 0.10882022 6.7857186 0.0147634217
Residual 27 0.4329896446 0.01603665
Total 28 0.5418098621

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept -1.2207145707 0.6617172075 -1.8447678 0.0760686 -2.5784461304 0.137017 -3.05412316 0.6126940185
FG% 3.9575950686 1.5192646548 2.60494118 0.0147634 0.8403214874 7.0748686 -0.251805618 8.1669957549

y = 3.95759506864x + -1.2207145707394

B. Provide an interpretation for the slope of the estimated regression equation developed in part (a)

m= 3.9576
The slope is m=3.9576, which means when FG% increases by one unit, the PCT change in 3.9576 unit.

C. Determine the estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the proportion of games won given the proportion of
field goals made by the team, the proportion of three-point shots made by the team's opponent, and the number of turnovers
committed by the team's opponent.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7508458135
R Square 0.5637694357
Adjusted R Square 0.511421768
Standard Error 0.0972325094
Observations 29

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 0.3054558402 0.10181861 10.769714 9.9442820364E-05
Residual 25 0.2363540219 0.00945416
Total 28 0.5418098621

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 99.0% Upper 99.0%
Intercept -1.2345852897 0.6002511169 -2.0567813 0.0502847 -2.4708256063 0.001655 -2.90774675 0.4385761708
FG% 4.8165653466 1.1830430662 4.0713356 0.0004124 2.3800425422 7.2530882 1.518908735 8.1142219584
Opp 3 Pt % -2.5894681684 0.7041012817 -3.6776927 0.0011279 -4.0395919031 -1.1393444 -4.552105297 -0.6268310393
Opp TO 0.0344251418 0.0125325225 2.74686455 0.0109942 0.0086139285 0.0602364 -0.00050846 0.0693587438

y = 4.816565x1 -2.58947x2 + 0.034425x3 - 1.23459

D. Discuss the practical implication of the estimated regression equation developed in part c).

The proportion of games won will increase by 4.8% if the proportion of games won increases by 1%. The model also shows that the proportion
of games won will decrease by 2.59% following a 1% rise in the proportion of three-point shots made by the team's opponent.
It shows that the proportion of games won will increases by 0.03% if the the number of turnovers committed by the team's opponent increases by 1%.

E. Predict the proportion of games won for a team with the following values for the three independent variables: FG%=.45,
Opp 3 Pt%=.34, and TO=17
y = 4.816565 (0.45) -2.58947 (0.34) + 0.034425 (17) - 1.23459
y = 0.63766945

7. Waterskiing and wakeboarding are two popular water sports. Finding a model that best suits your
intended needs, whether it is waterskiing, wakeboarding, or general boating, can be a difficult task.
WaterSki magazine did extensive testing for 88 boats and provided a vide variety of information to help
consumers select the best boat. A portion of the data they reported for 20 boats with a length of between
20 and 22 feet follows ( WaterSki, January/February 2006). Beam is the maximum width of the boat in
inches. HP is the horsepowerof the boat's engine, and TopSpeed is the topspeed in miles per hour.

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