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Asymptotic SINR Analysis of Broadcast

MassiveMIMO Frequency Selective Channels

Goli Srikanth, Research Scholar Vijay Kumar Chakka, Senior Member, IEEE
School of Engineering School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Shiv Nadar University Shiv Nadar University,
Dadri, Greater Noida, UP 201314 Dadri, Greater Noida UP-201314
Email: gs499@snu.edu.in Email: vk484@snu.edu.in

Abstract—A linear single-cell Multi User MassiveMIMO(MU- MassiveMIMO(MaMI) is one of the future wireless
MaMI) system is considered. Where the Base Station(BS) makes technology proposed by Marzetta [4], [5]. Multi User-
use of Nt antennas to communicate with Nr randomly distributed MaMi(MU-Massive MIMO) is the technique serving the
User Terminals(UTs) each having single-antenna. In particular,
we focus on the transmit preprocessing via linear precoders few UTs with BSs having the large number of antennas.
like RCI and MMSE. In this paper we study the signal- Performance of MU-MIMO for frequency flat channels is
to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs) performance of linear extensively shown in literature, where as for the MU-MaMI
precoders in frequency selective channels. And compared with using frequency selective channels is limited. This motivated
derived asymptotic SINR analysis under large system limit, where to choose the frequency selective channels for downlink MU-
the ratio of UTs to the BS antennas tending to zero.
MaMI. Among works to address on MU-MaMI frequency
Keywords— MassiveMIMO, Frequency Selective, Circulant
selective channels related, Mohammed et.al [6] proposed low
Blocks, SINR, RCI and MMSE
complexity precoder to generate the constant envelope(CE)
signals. Ziab et.al [7] proposed the low complexity channel
estimation in uplink distributed MaMI frequency selective
Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO) proposed by the channels. Sum rates of the MaMI frequency selective
Kailath and Paulraj [1], Which is well known technology channels is given [8].Studer et.al [9] a proposed large scale
from last 20 years and supported the wireless systems in Multiuser simultaneous Precoder, Modulation and Peak power
data throughput increase and link reliability. By well known reduction(PMP) in a selective fading channels. In this paper
theory given by shanon, channel capacity(Csiso ) of Single channel properties of memory based block transmissions is
Input and Single Output(SISO) is given by, considered. In this paper, two possible downlink transmission
scenarios for frequency selective channels are considered and
Csiso = Blog2 (1 + SN R) (1) studied their channels properties are analyzed using Random
Matrix Theory.
where B is bandwidth and SNR is the Signal to Noise
ratio. From the Eq. 2,which is plainly visible , that to Random Matrix theory is tool which is extensivey used by
increase the capacity there is to be increase either in its applcations in physics,statistics and engineering. In the last
bandwidth B or signal power. Which is not true in practical few years, lot of work is emerged out in the communications
scenarios due to deficiency in bandwidth and enforced and information theory literature on the fundamental limits
energy efficient systems. MIMO with techniques like Spatial of random MIMO channels, that makes the substanial use of
Multiplexing(SM), Diversity and Beamforming increased results in RMT [10] [11].
the capacity up to the minimum of number transmitting
antennas and number of receiving antennas compared to The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows.
the SISO channel capacity is given by the Telatar [2]. 4G Two scenarios of system model for MM frequency selective
MIMO technology adopted in the Long term Evolution(LTE) channel is explained in Section II. Section III describes the
and LTE-Advanced and IEEE 802.11ac and other wireless Random Matrix of the two channel properties are analyzed.
systems. Due base stations(BSs) are equipped with smaller Section IV Capacity and SINR limits calculations. Section
number of antennas in the above mentioned wireless systems, V describes the performance analysis of the precoders using
Spatial resolution is limited and performance gain is not fully through simulation results performed in MATLAB. Section
exploited. In order to meet the future predicated data traffic VI deals with conclusion.
given by [3], scaling up the spatial resolution is necessary i.e
increasing the antennas at the BSs and User Terminals(UTs). Notation: Boldface lower-case symbols denoted as vectors,
capital boldface symbols represented by matrices, (.)T and
(.)H denote the transpose and hermitian transpose operations (nj [0], nj [1], nj [2], . . . , nj [N − 1])T where j = 1, . . . Nr . The
respectively. The symbol E[.] is the expectation operator.In above Eq. (3) represented by substituting for j = 1, 2, . . . , Nr
is identity matrix of size n, |.|2 absolute power, diag(A) and i = 1, 2, . . . , Nt . where Hji is the N × N channel matrix,
corresponds to diagonal elements of matrix A, min(. . . ) where the first column has hji element with zero appended to
gives the minimum value. make length up to N and remaining all other circular shifted
version of the previous columns. This matrix is called as
circulant matrix. si is the precoded transmitted OFDM Symbol
II. S YSTEM M ODEL from ith antenna of the BS for all the UTs and nj is the N ×1
Consider the channel where the BSs are colocated and is the Additive White Gaussian Noise at UT j for N OFDM
UTs are distributed and not fixed at one location. When the tones. After concatenation of Nt OFDM precoded symbols for
UTs are mobile, the fading of the receiver depends on both all UTs received signal vectors is can be form the Eq. (3) is,
transmission schemes and channel characteristics. Transmis-
sion scemes depends on the signal parameters like signal ȳ = Hbc .s̄ + n̄ (4)
bandwidth and symbol period. Where as wireless channels
Where s̄ = (s1 , s2 , s3 , . . . , sNt )T ∈ CN.Nt ×1 is the precoded
can be characterized delay spread and doppler spread. In
OFDM symbol vectors of each length N to transmit from
this fading due to time dispersion i.e delay spread which is
Nt BS antennas, ȳ = (y1 , y2 , y3 , . . . , yNr )T ∈ CK.Nr ×1 is
known to bw freqeuncy slective channel is considered. MaMI
the received vector of Nr UTs of K = Nd + L − 1 symbol
channels between the BSs and UTs can be modeled using
durations and n̄ = (n1 , n2 , n3 , . . . , nNr )T ∈ CK.Nr ×1 is the
Finite Impules Response/ Finite delay line/Wire Tap model.
corresponding noise at the receivers for each OFDM symbol
A. Frequency selective channels [], [] and Hbc ∈ CK.Nr ×N.Nt is circulant block channel matrix
shown in Eq. (5).
The L-tap random channel impulse response between the
transmitting antenna j and receiving antenna i is given by
 
H11 H12 . . . H1Nt
hji = [h0ji , h1ji , h2ji , . . . hL−1
ji ]. It is assumed that channel is  H21 H22 . . . H2Nt 
Hcb =  . (5)
 
quasi-static rayleigh distributed iid elements over which hji . . . .. . . 
remains constant during a transmission block(N<T(coherence
 . . . . 
time)). Nt number of Base Station(BS) antennas serving HNr 1 HNr r2 . . . HNr Nt
Nr number of User Terminals(UTs) equipped with single
where each Hji ∈ C N denotes the circulant matrix of order
antenna, keeping the constraint Nt >> Nr .The baseband
signal received by the j th receiving antenna at the k th tone is
X Nt L−1
yj [k] = hlji si [k − l] + nj [k] (2) write some thing here about why we are looking Channel
i=1 l=0 Properties like Singular Value Distribution and Eigen Vector
where hlji , is the lth element of hji , l = 0, 1, . . . , L−1. denotes limiting cases.
the channel gain of the lth path between the ith transmitting
A. Singular Values Distribution of Channel
antenna and the j th receiving antenna. Where, si [k] is the
transmitted symbol from the ith transmitting antenna at the k th When the CSI is known completely at the transmitter and
tone, and nj [k] represents the noise component on the j th re- the receiver, then the capacity under power constraints depends
ceiving antenna at the k th tone.Block based model techniques up on the singular values of the channel Hbc . The empirical
having cyclic prefix(CP) is proposed by Vaidyanathan [?]. distribution function of the eigen values (Spectrum) of an n×n
Transmission frame occupying N = Nd + Np OFDM tones, Hermitian matrix A = Hbc HH H
bc or A = Hbc Hbc depending up
where Nd is the number of OFDM tones used for the data on the uplink or downlink is denoted by,
and Np ≥ L − 1 represents the number of OFDM tones n
unused are assigned to CP/ZP. where Np consecutive or first 1X
FAn (x) = 1{λi (A) ≤ x} (6)
Np OFDM tones of Nt data element vectors as CP. Now n i=1
this frame structure is transmitted with in the coherence time
duration of channel, and received signal vector of j th user of Where λ1 (A), . . . , λn (A) are the eigen values of the A
all OFDM tone denoted as, and 1{.} is the indicator function. Now by using Eq.(9),
singular value distribution is computed for different antenna
X configurations are shown in Fig.(3). The empirical distribution
yj = Hji si + nj (3)
of the eigenvalues converges almost surely to a marcencko
pastur law with different aspect ratios(β).
where yj = (yj [0], yj [1], yj [2], . . . , yj [N − 1])T repre-
senting the N OFDM tones of output vector at the j th
UT. sj = (sj [0], sj [1], sj [2], . . . , sj [N − 1])T and nj =
(a) Nt = 32, β = 0.5000 (b) Nt = 64, β = 0.2500 (a) L = 4, β = 0.1250 (b) L = 8, β = 0.1250

(c) Nt = 128, β = 0.1250 (d) Nt = 256, β = 0.0625 (c) L = 16, β = 0.1250 (d) L = 32, β = 0.1250

Fig. 1: EVD of the Channel (Nr = 16, L = 8, N = 64) Fig. 3: EVD of the Channel (Nt = 128, Nr = 16, N = 64)

smaller number of UTs.

lim =0 (8)
Nt →∞ Nt

Type-II system essentially deals with MM precoding problems

in downlink. On the other hand, since the number of BS
antennas may be significantly higher than the total number
of UT antennas, a very unbalanced antenna configuration is
encountered, which results in high transmit diversity order.
(a) Nr = 8, β = 0.0625 (b) Nr = 16, β = 0.1250
The transmit diversity obtained is so high that the impact of
both the multi user interference (MUI) and noise is reduced.
The channel vectors associated to UTs becomes orthogonal for
higher dimensions, which was given by Marcenko-patur law [].
In the precoding based downlink systems it was proved that
increasing the number of BS antennas is always provides better
performance even in low SNR and poor channel estimate.
When the BS antennas tending to infinity, the effects of both
the small-scale and fast fadings are reduced. Results shown in
Fig. ?? and Fig. ?? are for the channel hardening using MF
(c) Nr = 32, β = 0.2500 (d) Nr = 64, β = 0.5000
and BER performance using MF with different configurations
Fig. 2: EVD of the Channel (Nt = 128, L = 8, N = 64) are shown respectively. In antenna configuration point of view,
there are two types of MM systems, i.e Type-I and Type-II
systems given [?], In Type-II systems, only the BS antennas
B. Asymptotic Theory are equipped with a large number of collocated antennas serves
In MM systems, precoding problems are encountered in the smaller number of UTs.
downlink scenarios or broadcast channels. In antenna config- Nr
uration point of view, there are two types of MM systems. lim =0 (9)
Nt →∞ Nt
Type-I systems, a large number of collocated antennas serves
a large number of collocated or distributed user terminals. Hence, Type-II is suitable for MM precoding problems details
are in Section V. Nt >> Nr is a very unbalanced antenna
Nr configuration is encountered, which results in high transmit
lim =c (7)
Nt ,Nr →∞ diversity order. Due to high transmit diversity, the impact
In type-II systems, only the BS antennas are equipped with of both the multi user interference (MUI) and noise are
a large number of collocated antennas serves the significantly reduced. The channel vectors associated to UTs becomes close
Spatial Interference
to orthogonal for higher dimensions, which was given by Desired Signal z }| {
Marcenko-pastur law [?], [11] z }| { X Nt
yj [k] = hkjk pH
jk xj [k − l] + hkjk pH
il xk [k − l]
Preocders are utilized at the transmitting side only, where + hljk pH
il xi [k − l] + nj [k]
there is no processing at receivers. Balanced Equalizer is l6=k i=1
| {z }
the process where pre procesing at the transmitter and post | {z } Noise
Temporal Interference
processing at the receiver is carried out at the receiver.
SINR for the j th receive antenna at the k th symbol duration
A. Basic Linear Precoders and it can be defined from the eq. (15)
1) Asymptotic Analysis: In the following, asymptotic SINR
If the channel state information(CSI) is known at the BSs
expression are derived for the RCI beamformaer in the MaMI
then the RBF precoder is shown below, where ρ is regulariza- K
systems as M, K → ∞ and with a fixed ratio β = M . Furhter
tion parameter. α
thermore, we define the parameter ρ = M . Equation can be
P̄ = α(ηHH −1 −1 H rewrutten as.
bc Hbc + cρ I) Hbc (10)
According to the random matrix theory when M and K grow
MF/ZF and MMSE Precoders are the special cases of RZF infinty with fixed ratio.
and derived. Z ∞
By setting the parameters for MF(η = 0, c = 1 and g(β, ρ) = fβ (x)dx (16)
0 x+ρ
ρ = 1),ZF(η = 1, c = 0 and ρ = 1) and MMSE(η = 1, c = 1
and ρ = σ12 , σ is noise variance). Where α is choosen
from [?].These precoders are used to mitigate the Inter Symbol VI. C ONCLUSION
Interference(ISI) and Inter User Interference(IUI) at one shot. We studied the MM downlink performance of linear pre-
By plugging the Eq. (11) in Eq. (??) gives the received signal coder and SVD based linear balanced equalizer in single cell
vector at each user with corresponding precoder at the given with BS antennas up to 256 and UTs with single antenna up
block of time. to 64.As the channel memory length L increases, SVD based
where U ∈ CNO ×NO and V ∈ CNI ×NI are unitary matrices. balanced equalizer is performing better in both SINR and
Σ ∈ RNO ×NI is rectangular matrix, contains non-negative real BER. As the BS antennas are increasing SVD based balanced
valued singular values on its main diagonal and whose off equalizer is constant and all other precoders are degrading the
diagonal elements are zero.. i,.e diag(Σ) = {σ1 , σ2 . . . σk }, performance.Furthermore, we proved a widely used assump-
where k = min{NI , NO } and σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 . . . σk }. SVD tion that the product of the MM frequency selective fading
pre and post code transmit and receive structure is shown in channel matrix with its conjugate transpose tends to a scaled
Fig. (??). identity matrix as Nt → − ∞. This result which are shown
Fig. (??) is quite useful, since one can determine, with which

Hbc = U Σk 0Nt −k k
= UΣk VH (11) reliability of the assumption is true according to the number
H k
| {z } VNt −k of antennas to be deployed at the BS per user.
Σ | {z }
When the CSI is available at the transmitter side, SVD We would like to thank the Dr.Sathyanaryana Reddy
decomposition can be performed. In which a transmitted signal and Dr.Santosh Kumar for their valuable comments and
is pre-processed with V̄Σ̄ at the transmitter, where V̄ = Vk suggestions in the discussions to improve the quality of the
and Σ̄ = Σ−1
k . Then the signal at the receiver represented as, paper.

ȳ = Hbc .V̄Σ̄x̄ + n̄ (12)

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