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Home Study Guide Key

KAA 109: Nidan Panchak

The following Home Study Guide is designed to prepare you for your final exam. Complete each
question as indicated. The Home Study Guide will be collected in your next class, graded and returned
with a comprehensive answer key.

Nidan Panchak
1. Nidan Panchak involves: Poorvarupa, Rupa, Upashaya and Samprapti.
2. It is said that when the mind is directed inward, it leads to health.
a. When mind is directed inward it is attached to consciousness.
b. When mind is directed outward it is attached to the senses.
3. Arrange the Samprapti in the correct order:
a. Manifestation (Vyakti) 5th step
b. Accumulation (Sanchaya) 1st step
c. Localisation (Sathanasmasharay) 4th step
d. Differentiation (Bheda) 6th step
e. Spread (Prasara) 3rd step
f. Aggravation (Prakopa) 2nd step
4. What is the meaning of the shloka “Rogaha Sarvepi Mandegnau”?
Most diseases occur due to Manda (weak) Agni
5. The Dhatus, like the doshas, have three states. What are they?
a. Sama
b. Vriddhi
c. Kshaya

For questions 6 to 15, choose from the following terms to fill in the gaps: Vata, hot, discomfort, ama
and toxins, dry, disease, Samana, moist, light, metabolic processes, Vyana, content, heaviness,
thoughts and ideas, air, doshas, dhatu.

6. The difference between Agni and Pitta is the presence of moist quality in Pitta.
7. In the mind Agni digests thoughts and ideas.
8. In the body, Agni digests food, water, thoughts, breath and what else? Ama and toxins.
9. Pitta is the medium and Agni is the content.
10. The metabolic processes of the entire body and mind depend on the strength of Agni.
11. The second line of defense in the accumulation of Ama in the body is at the level of Dhatu Agni.
12. Agni is kindled by the mobile (sara) quality of Vata.
13. When food is digested well our doshas are not aggravated and hence disease does not take
14. The first sign of Ama is heaviness and discomfort.

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
15. This Vata subtype helps circulate Ama through the body Vyana.
16. Agni can damage the flora in the digestive system. True or False
17. Dosha Imbalance is crucial to convert body’s physiology into pathology. True or False
18. Nidan means pathology. True or False
19. Aggravation of one dosha leads to a general aggravation of all the three doshas of the body.
True or False
20. To reverse a disease process, importance is given mostly to the aggravated dosha. True or False
21. An aggravated dosha leads to dhatu vriddhi at all times. True or False
22. In health doshas do the physiological functions in the location provided by the dhatus. True or
23. Roga and Vyadhi are synonyms for Vikriti.
24. Vikaro Dhatu Vaishamyam means Dhatu imbalance is disease.
25. Dhi, Dhriti and Smriti are the only causes of disease. True or False
26. Define Samprapti: Stage by stage description of how an imbalance of the doshas progresses to
the manifestation of disease.
27. Define Dhi: To know.
28. Define Smriti: Memory.
29. Define Ayog: Nonuse.
30. Define Atiyog: Overuse.
31. Define Mithya Yoga: Wrong use.
32. Define Ushna: Hot.
33. Define Tikshna: Sharp, pungent, penetrating.
34. Not thinking clearly when the mind is restless is an example of what? Parinama

Questions 35 through 39: Fill in the table, identifying the states of Buddhi that correspond with the
states of Ahankara or Manasa:

Ahankara and Manasa Buddhi

Attachment 35. Detachment

Desire 36. No desire

Anger 37. Calmness

Delusion 38. Tranquility

Destruction 39. Moksha (Liberation)

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
40. When we observe congestion getting worse when we drink ice cold water and better when we
drink warm water, we witness an Ayurvedic principle at work. What is it?
Like increases like and opposites balance each other.
41. Dull or manda is the opposite of sharp.
42. Singdha or Oily is the opposite of Ruksha.
43. Liberation or Moksha is the opposite of Bondage.
44. Laghu or Light is the opposite of Guru.
45. Kshaya is the opposite of Vriddhi.
46. Give an example of Parinaam: Examples include swelling in the joints in the morning, allergies
in the spring, acne is the summer, constipation in the fall, memory loss in old age, etc.
47. Give an example of Smriti: Any example of a memory; the time my family went to Six Flags
when I was ten; The Berlin Wall, etc.
48. Give an example of Mithya Yoga or improper use of the senses: Eating ice cream during the
winter months; eating spicy food in the summertime; eating dry foods when constipated, etc.
49. Give an example of Mistaken Intellect: Following a diet plan and going back to original eating
habits Cigarette smoking, alcohol addiction in spite of knowing its bad effect.
50. Give an example of Vata Vriddhi: Piercing, cutting, colicky or squeezing pain, tingling or
numbness; Constipation, distension, retention of wastes, spasms; Goose bumps, tremors,
agitated movements, stiffness; Dry or cold skin, dark or brown discolorations; Thirst, desire
for warm liquids, astringent taste in mouth; Grief, anxiety, depression, confusion; Weakness
(mental or physical), palpitations, insomnia; Loss of speech or too much speech; Ptosis,
cracking of the joints, dilation of the arteries and/or organs
51. Give an example of Pitta Vriddhi: Burning sensation, redness; Feeling hot, excessive sweating,
fevers; Yellowish skin, Yellow stools, Yellow urine, Yellow eyes; Anger, irritability; Desire for
cold, Thirst, pungent, sour taste in mouth; Lack of sleep, Dizziness; Bleeding, inflammation
52. Give an example of Kapha Vriddhi: Pale and cold, clammy skin, itching due to clamminess;
Congestion, cold, cough, allergies; Heaviness, Excessive sleep, Laziness; Weak Agni,
indigestion, sweet or salty taste in mouth, weight gain, obesity, water retention, Stiffness (due
to swelling); Looseness of the body
53. Excess sleep and lethargy are due to the heavy quality.
54. Inflammation and fever are due to the hot quality.
55. Congestion is due to the cold quality.
56. Constipation is due to the dry quality.
57. The desire for cold and excess thirst is due to the hot quality.
58. Constant criticism of others is due to the sharp quality.
59. Tremors are due to the mobile quality.
60. Alzheimer’s and/or lack of memory is due to the dry quality.
61. Arthritis and stiff joints are due to the dry quality.

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
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KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
62. Coffee addiction is an example of Atiyog (overuse) of the senses.
63. Write 2 causes of Dhatu Vriddhi:
1. Blockage
2. Weak Agni
64. Write two causes of Dhatu Kshaya:
Excess fasting, dryness, worry, grief, Insomnia
65. Match the following condition with its related Dhatu:
a. Polyps (Mamsa Vriddhi) 1. Rakta Kshaya
b. Lymphatic congestion (Rasa Vriddhi) 2. Shukra Vriddhi
c. Aversion to loud noise (Rasa Kshaya) 3. Meda Kshaya
d. Pale skin (Rakta Kshaya) 4. Artava Kshaya
e. Cold hands and feet (Rakta Kshaya) 5. Asthi Vriddhi
f. Prostatic calculi (Shukra Vriddhi) 6. Rasa Kshay
g. Weak and dry bone (Majja Kshaya) 7. Majja Kshaya
h. Menstrual cramps (Artava Kshaya) 8. Mamsa Vriddhi
i. Extra teeth (Asthi Vriddhi) 9. Rakta Kshaya
j. Cracking of joints (Meda Kshaya) 10. Rasa Vriddhi
66. Agni Mandya means weak Agni. True or False
67. It is important to know if the disease is at Saama or Nirama state. True or False
68. Saama is the state where Ama is present. True or False
69. Nirama is the state where Ama is present. True or False
70. In Saama state, pungent bitter herbs are needed to digest Ama. True or False
71. Which is not a general sign of Saama Diseases?
a. Lethargy
b. Aversion to food
c. Heaviness
d. Lightness in the body
e. Tiredness
72. Ama is very heavy and sticky. True or False
73. In the word Kayachikitsa, kaya means:
a. Body
b. Death-causing
c. Life
d. Disease
74. Preventing and removing disease is chikitsa. True or False
75. The following are examples of Shodhana except
a. Vamana
b. Virechana
c. Basti
d. Nasya
e. Fasting

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
76. Ama is produced when digestion is weak. True or False
77. Dhatu Agni Mandya is when Dhatu Agni is weak. True or False
78. The following are examples of Shamana except:
a. Herbs
b. Fasting
c. Exercise
d. Nasya
e. Exposure to Sun
79. Shodhana eradicates imbalanced doshas from the body. True or False
80. Shamana is palliation. True or False
81. The main location of Rasa Dhatu is the heart, so many Rasa Dhatu disorders have symptoms
related to this part of the body.
82. Watching television and then playing videogames for several hours can be an example of Atiyog
(overuse) of the senses.
83. Dizziness, fainting and weakness are all signs of Rakta Vriddhi. True or False
84. Which of the following are advantages of Shodhana?
a. Strengthens agni
b. Rejuvenates the body
c. Sharpens the senses
d. Clears mind and intellect
e. Slows down aging
f. All of the above
85. When choosing a treatment it is best to consider which of the following?
a. Age of patient
b. Mental state of patient
c. Patient strength
d. Season
e. All of the above
86. Reading in a moving car is an example of Mithyayog (misuse) of the senses.
87. The signs of a disease are the doctor’s finding whereas the symptoms are the patient’s
88. The Ayurvedic treatments are customized or prakriti specific. True or False
89. Emphasis on removing the cause of the disease is essential. True or False
90. Rasayana treatment is important to consider if dhatus are weak or immunity is compromised.
True or False
91. Vajikarana is to
a. Increase Shukra dhatu
b. Increase Mamsa dhatu
c. Decrease excess Dosha in any tissue
d. Increase Asthi Dhatu in elderly patients

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
92. Tumors, myomas and enlarged glands are all signs of Mamsa Vriddhi. True or False
93. AIDS or various types of Cancers deplete Ojas. True or False
94. Ojas can be increased by a Sattvic Diet. True or False
95. When Doshas are only palliated they may again aggravate quickly by the cause. True or False
96. The first step in any disease treatment is to remove the cause. True or False
97. A Vata-predominant person who doesn’t use or eat oils is an example of Ayog (non-use or little
use) of the senses.
98. Pradnyaparadha is abrupt environmental change…of season, or lifecycle, etc. True or False
99. Heart palpitations are an example of an imbalance that occurs in one location on the body,
whereas emaciation is an example of an imbalance that occurs all over the body.
100. Congestion is Kapha Kshaya and Pitta Vriddhi. True or False
101. In heartburn we should try to pacify Pitta. True or False
102. In bloating we should try to reduce Kapha. True or False
103. Drinking warm water can sometimes cause congestion. True or False
104. Heartburn is Pitta Vriddhi and Kapha Kshaya. True of False
105. Tremors have a quantitative action. True or False
106. Insomnia is due to the aggravation of Pitta, at its source. True or False
107. Distention is due to a quantitative aggravation of Vata. True or False
108. Drinking alcohol on the beach in the hot sun is an example of Mithyayog (misuse) of the
109. Match names with meanings
a. Nidan (Hetu) 1. Pathogenesis d
b. Purvaroopa 2. Signs and symptoms c
c. Roopa 3. Treatment e
d. Samprapti 4. Primordial (1st) signs and symptoms b
e. Chikitsa 5. Cause a
110. For Allergic Rhinitis Shodhana treatment includes all but
a. Massage with warm sesame oil
b. Steam
c. Nasya with warm vacha or anu oil
d. Virechana
e. Ginger paste on forehead and sinus areas around the nose
111. Choice herbs for Allergic Rhinitis are the following except
a. Trikatu
b. Vasa
c. Turmeric
d. Tulasi
e. Aloe

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
112. Prime causes for Allergic Rhinitis are worry, not exercising, and resisting urges. True or
113. Due to causes for Allergic Rhinitis, Vata and Pitta aggravate. True or False
114. For Constipation, treatment includes all but one of the following:
a. Snehana, Swedana
b. Anuvasan Basti
c. Niruha Basti
d. Suppository
e. Virechana
f. Nasya
115. Choice herbs for Constipation are the following except:
a. Triphala
b. Aloe
c. Ginger
d. Castor oil
e. Tulsi
116. There are many Nidan (causes) for constipation. Which of the following is not one of
a. Weak peristalsis
b. Worry
c. The summer season
d. Eating too little fiber
e. Resisting the urges
f. Not exercising
g. Obstruction
117. Sharirik is physical disease.
118. Manasic is mental disease.
119. Agantu disease is due to injuries.
120. Nija disease is due to internal imbalance.
121. Sukhasadhya means easily cured.
122. Kashtasadhya means cured without difficulty.
123. Yapya means incurable but the symptoms can be relieved.
124. Asadhya means incurable.
125. The type of disease where two or more doshas are involved in the Samprapti is called
126. The type of disease where only one dosha is involved in the disease process is called
127. 80 Vata, 40 Pitta and 40 Kapha diseases are described in the Vedantic texts. True or
128. Surgery is a type of internal Shodhana. True or False

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
129. Fasting is a form of Shamana, or palliation. True or False
130. Virechana is a form of external Shodhana. True or False
131. Exposure to air is a form of external Shodhana. True or False
132. Agnikarma is cauterization, a form of external Shodhana.
133. Shodhana slows down aging. True or False
134. Agnimandya is weak, sluggish digestion. True or False
135. Ayurveda says weak Agni is compared to death. True or False
136. Agnimandya Roopa is the same for all dosha types. True or False
137. In the disease process, importance is mainly given to Dosha Vriddhi. True or False
138. Congestion is made worse when drinking cold water in the summer. True or False.
139. Agnimandya has many causes. Pick one of the following that is not one of them:
a. Overeating
b. Eating before previous food is digested
c. Eating heavy, dense, gas producing foods
d. Eating uncooked or half cooked food
e. Sleeping after meals
f. Drinking a lot of water during meals
g. Worry, anxiety, fear
h. Eating excessive pungent, salty and sour foods
140. Herbal formulas are mixtures of herbs that act synergistically, improving the efficacy and
reducing undesirable effects. True or False
141. The following are key lifestyle recommendations for Agnimandya except…
a. Eat many small meals
b. regular exercise
c. eat only when hungry
d. eat in moderation
e. drink warm water
142. Ghee is useful to kindle agni in only Pittaja Agnimandya. True or False
143. Herbs for Pittaja Agnimandya are the following except
a. Neem
b. Guduchi
c. Musta
a. Chitrak
144. Choice Herbs for Kaphaja Agnimandya are the following except
a. Black Pepper
b. Ajwain
c. Pippali
d. Ginger
e. Neem
145. Buttermilk is better for improving digestion than yogurt. True or False

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 109: Nidan Panchak
146. Vamana is recommended for Kaphaja Agnimandya. True or False
147. Virechana is recommended for Pittaja Agnimandya. True or False
148. Basti is recommended for Vataja Agnimandya. True or False
149. The process by which the imbalance of Vata-Pitta-Kapha and Raja-Tama is removed and
balance in Dosha Dhatu Mala is achieved is called Samprapti. True or False
150. “If a patient is eating a balanced diet, why do they need medicine? And if he is not
eating a balanced diet, what is the use of taking medicine?” Is this statement True or False?

© 2010 Kerala Ayurveda, Inc.

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