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• Jackson et al.

o Task Launches
 Creating strong task launches for mathematic lessons sees the teacher
creating a dialogue around a problem, allowing their students to approach
the problem how they see fit. It involves setting up the problem in a way
that invites conversation, multiple solutions, and student agency. Having
strong task launches will help with, “trust[ing] students with open-ended,
multidimensional, challenging tasks,” because it will set the students up
for success with their dialogue as well as their analysis of which math
strategies will help them best. With a complex task, students might be
nervous but providing them task launches might invite them to participate
more and to put their ideas forth with more fervor.
o Example of Task Launch with STE
 I’ve always had more difficulty teaching math to my class than any other
subject, mostly because of their predisposition to hating the subject. I
think using more task launching strategies will help me immensely in my
future lessons. Most of the students don’t always see the application of the
math they are doing, and providing problems with task launches can get
the students more interested in their math because they will understand the
application of the strategies they are learning.
o Task Launches = More Equitably
 Task launches provide students with the opportunity to have agency in
their math problem solving strategies. By allowing a dialogue to guide the
students use of strategies (instead of pre-teaching the “right” strategies),
students are more likely to come up with unique solutions to problems that
might not align with what you expect. These sorts of problem solving
skills are critical to being a successful mathematician as well as a
successful problem solver.
• Moschkovich article
o Information I Can Apply
 One of my biggest takeaways is how helpful it is to connect different
kinds of thinking/problem solving strategies into one. For instance,
creating a math lesson that also integrates language is a wonderful way to
create stronger math lessons for your EL students while also helping them
practice their English acquisition. Language is very important in math as
consistent language will allow strong mathematicians to communicate
their thoughts to other mathematicians without any confusion. Since math
is ultimately a language, it makes a lot of sense to include language values
(vocabulary, precise language, etc.) in any math lesson, especially if you
have EL students in your classroom.
o High Commitment, High Expectations, Autonomy, Growth-Mindset
 One of the best ways to foster these characteristics is to treat your students
all as mathematicians. While every student will be at a different level, if
you treat them all as equals, you will never run the risk of assuming any of
your students are intellectually disadvantaged. This type of commitment
will also help students feel as though they are in a math environment that
requires high commitment from them. Since their teacher is always
expecting great things from them, they will be more likely to feel
confident in their ideas and in themselves. Lastly, you should make sure to
include your students in the mathematical lessons. This means being
flexible when a concept might require more time or adding a short lesson
where there is interest.

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