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Anna Bonkoski: Autobiography

I grew up in Stacy Minnesota, a small town north of the twin cities. Most don’t know, but
I actually started off my educational career in beauty school in 2008. Shortly after, I met my
now husband, who grew up in new Richmond Wisconsin, where we eventually decided to plant
our roots. We have been married for 7 years and have been blessed with three perfect children
age 6, 5 and 3.
Growing up, I was the oldest of four children, my siblings being much younger than
myself, with 7 to 15 year differences. I loved helping care for them, interacting with them and
watching them grow. I have always had a love for children, which made me realize that I
needed to follow my heart.
The thought of serving children as an advocate in the social services system crossed my
mind, along with thoughts of potentially running a licensed in-home center. I was not dead set
on which avenue I wanted to pursue, but I was 100% sure I needed to act and jump back into
classes. As I continued to excel in my career as a licensed cosmetologist, I enrolled back in
school and while working full time and being a registered full time student, I completed my
Associates in Science Degree in Health and Human Services at Century College in White Bear
Lake Minnesota where I focused my education on children and families along with mental
illness. It was then that I realized that I wanted to take all that I had absorbed in my education
into my career and follow my passion.
I have been working in childcare ever since! I enjoy all age groups. I feel that each age
group demonstrates a wide variety of physical, social, emotional cognitive and personal
milestones. I love exploring with children both one on one, and also in group settings. It is such
a gift to be able to guide them throughout all of their major milestones, and look back knowing
that I have helped them along the way. I started my journey in 2010 and I cannot wait to see
where it takes me.
I continued my education in the fall of 2015 and completed the Infant and Toddler
Credential. It was than where I felt I needed push myself and go farther than the classroom. I
am now currently the Assistant Director at a Christian based childcare facility that is licensed
for 140 children and staffs around 25 early childhood professionals. I am finishing up my
Preschool Credential courses, hoping to explore the option of a center director, social services
worker, or birth to three program advocate through the county.

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