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Res, Reviexrs Sclrcol rnc.

Auditing Problenr IRENEO/ESPENILTA

Quizzer 6 Solution Guide

quty se{urlties d another cornpany where no @ntrol nor ggnlncant
lnfluene extst. :Ttle @mp.any elected to report
Sahs or losses fn the
. M profts/loss€s
yyrl of a.dher oompany quoted tn .an acflve market. Bushess
moder of ilE cornpany h6 ah obje€0ve to hord debt se*flttes for short-
term pmllts,
T6l frnincial ass.t at Ft{ll, tirorJgh p&L

2. Ans. A"
Equtty seolrnrcs of another company where no contror nor
lnfluence exlst. The mlnpany elected to repfi galns or losses
ln the
other comprchenslve lncorne/osses
f ffi;6ol
3. Aff. A.
Debt security of andrer co]tpany guoted ln an acuve
nErket. Buslness
the company has an obJecdve of cx)llec0ng contractual
Todet-of 6sh_
nows ronr the bonds lrhlcll are prlmarlly ln the form of
hterests and
1L Alt6. B.
20 Equlty securlues (f arlother company qlEted ln an 4uve rnarket l...EEpo;l
5. An* IL
51% Equlty securliles ofanother company quoted ln an acflve
rnarket f=40opool
6.AE B.
Real frropetty held for speqrla$on purpGes
Real property of a rnanufacturlhg buslne&s belng 700,000
le6ed out to another party
un&r operathg l€ase
Land held fof undetermlne{ ftJturE u* 90o,0oo
Real property belng developed 800,000
* an lnvcstment property 300.ooo
Toi.llmdmat pEpcrty
J a7oo,(xxt I
PnOBLEtt 2: pINAy CORpr
7. An& A
Pmeeds (50,000*58) 8. An& c.
2,900,000 Proceds (15,000*59)
CarFying \,alue (50,OOO*SS) 885,O00
2.750.000 Odginal Cost (15,000'60)
nG.lizGd g.itr lSO.(xx)
Rdli;cd r.<c (r.5.fi)o)
9. Ans. D.
Ftrurciai In*runen6:.,lyjing.ot-gq\b p/L is rctaltowed,m
the disposl of a Fnanaat t@t at ivv tiro"in ptt. '- -''- a reor/t, there shall Le rc gain or los an t e

1(}. An6. D.
Proceeds 1,100,000
Ac!rued interest (50,000)
\lalue (pZ,O3S,IOZ/Z)
Carry-ing (1,qYrsPl *half of tte carryiry value
Rcdirrcd gsin which is the fair vatue on 12.31. j3
Fl,N=PrBent \ralue of ft,ture esh flows at g yidd Ete
Principat (p2,ooo,oooao.84168) i,iCs"sio
Interest (P200,000*1.759111) 3Sl.B22
c',ttFrtl t2l3ttzoLs ---Z;6hii6i
11. An., A.
Procee& 1,100,000
Accru€d inter*t (s0,o00)
Ca-ryjng \bhE (p L,9l 3,566l?, (986_933) **half of the carryitV value
Rcidhd grin which is the amortized cost on 6//301i4
Amortiatim tatile: Corect irterst NominallnteG Amottization Balance
7t4,624 zoo,ooo 14,624 i:331:)33
108;116 100,000 8,116 1,973,866
la. /fns A.
Alpha strares (FMV thrwgh p/L) - (5O,OOOstl*6?)

13. An6. B.
Alpha sahres (FMV thrugh pl-)
Delta bonds (FMV ttrorArh pA) 3,100,000
To[.] Gurqrt lilrc.tmcnt 982.143 **.
Fl,lv=Prent yaiue of rcmaining future Gsh
** 12%,
flows at yidd rate -'
Intect (p10(),000*O.g92BS7) 89,286


15. Ans. C.

Aye Cqp. StEr

FM\l 17/14 CVlCo:it
Be€ Inc. Shares
700,000 540,000 (29.50-2-0.50)t2O,O0Osh
See rjo, 1096, 2M Bonds*
1,000,000 1,080,000 (27.50-.5o)*40,Oo0sh
Unuliz.d hoHing gail - tS
Fimncial rssr*s iil flrivthrcu$h p&l.
=ffiH#mq t2l.94a
*l .cl_,19.11T^?fas laavTaiof can flows usins
PrirEipal (2t"1*O.BO72)
s.s*#ffi pre\rai li ng effecti ve rate)
Interest (100,000'3.5052) 350-515
- 1.9il.948

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