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4 Heat Transfer 2016

Identify heat transfer

Enabling Objectives
 Explain the three types of heat transfer
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
 Describe the application of heat transfer

Heat Transfer
The transfer of heat can occur in the three different ways:

 The process by which heat is transferred
through a medium from one particle to another
without the movements of particles during the
 The transfer of heat from one particle to
another continues until the cold end reaches
the same temperature as the hot end.
 takes place in solid as its molecules are
closely packed

 The process by which heat is transferred
through a medium from one particle to another
with movements of particles during the process
 In liquids and gasses heat transferred by
convection as molecules are far apart from each

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1.4 Heat Transfer 2016

 The process by which transfer of heat
that does not require any material medium.
 Heat of sun reaches the earth by

Application of heat transfer


 Metals are good conductor of heat

 Liquids and gases are poor conductors of heat.
 Examples:
a) Pockets of air trapped in materials such as wool, fiberglass wool and expanded polystyrene
reduce heat transfer by conduction.


 The figure below shows how convection current is set up when water in is heated

 Water at the bottom that is heated expands.

 Its density decreases and the warm water rises.
 The cool water at the top being denser moves down and gets heated in turn.
 As a result, convection current is set up.
 Examples:

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1.4 Heat Transfer 2016


 A rough dull black surface is both good emitter and a good absorber
 A smooth polished surface is both poor emitter and a poor absorber
 Examples:
a) The inner surface of an electric or gas oven is rough and painted dull black so that it is a good
emitter of radiated heat
b) The coils of solar heater are painted dull black so that it is a good absorber of radiated heat.
c) Space suits of astronauts are shiny so as not to absorb much radiated heat.
d) Water is kept warm longer in a shiny chrome kettle compared to water in a kettle blackened with
soot because the shiny chrome is a poor emitter of heat.

Name: Marks

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Topic : Heat Transfer

1. Classify the materials below depending on they are good or bad conductors of heat.

a) Aluminium e) Wood i) Leather m) Wool

b) Bricks f) Silver j) Steel n) Cotton

c) Gold g) Copper k) Paper

d) Glass h) Plastic l) Cork

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1.4 Heat Transfer 2016

2. Complete the following sentences.

a. Heat can be transferred by __________, by __________ and by __________
b. All the liquids in a saucepan heats up by __________
c. The heat inside a house can be transferred to the outside through the doors, windows, walls and
roofs by __________
d. The Sun’s thermal energy reaches us by __________

3 Which of the following colours emits infra- red radiation best?

A. white B. silver
C. grey D. black

4 Which of the following colours absorbs infra red radiation?

A. white B. silver
C. grey D. black

5 Air conditioner units are placed near the ceiling to

A. create clear paths for radiation to emit to every corner of the room
B. make conduction of heat more efficient due to the gravity pull
C. keep the whole room warm because hot air rises and cold air sinks
D. keep the whole room cool because hot air rises and cold air sinks

6 What is the use of vacuum in the vacuum flask?

A. To prevent radiation from taking place
B. To minimize heat transfer via convection
C. To prevent heat transfer via conduction and convection
D. To minimize heat transfer via conduction and convection

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