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Salut! Je m'appelle Devyani, mais mes amis m’appellent Devy.

J’ai seize ans mais mon

anniversaire est ce mois-ci. Quand est ton anniversaire? J’ai les cheveux violet, les
yeux noisettes, et peau claire. Ma meilleur amie est Jasmin. Elle est seize ans aussi!
Est-ce que tu as un meilleur ami? Quel est son nom? Jasmin et moi, nous sommes en
première. Et toi? Je prends l’histoire américaine avancée, le technologie robotique, la
langue et composition d’anglais avancé, le philosophe honoraire, les mathématiques
honoraires pour études premières, et le français trois. Quels cours prends-tu? J’ai trois
soeurs: Jessica (21 ans), Lucia (19 ans), et Dianna (14 ans). Est-ce que tu as frères ou
I also have 6 dogs and a cat. I know, it’s a lot. But four of the dogs are puppies so they
are still really small. Do you have any pets? I work at Panda Express, it’s a restaurant
that sells Chinese food, I’m not sure if there are any stores in France. Do you have a
job? I like working and dedicating myself to the Interact Club. Interact is a club where
we fundraise and create events to help out our community. I am currently Vice
President. We just had a major event called the Hope Football Game. We fundraised for
a charity that helps low-income women with cancer. Do you have any extra-curricular
activities? Also, totally random, my favorite food is pizza. What’s yours?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Jasmin and I. Me. Me and my friend at the Hope Game.

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