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6 Simple Eye Exercises To Better Eye Health
Improve Farsightedness
(Hyperopia) Now!
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According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology,

it is estimated that 12 million Americans suffer from
farsightedness. Try A Bottle For
Farsightedness, also known as hypermetropia, is one of
the common vision disorder, which you have difficulty
focusing on close up objects. Read My Review
On Ocu-Plus
It is different from presbyopia which one gets as they Formula.
age, long sightedness can affect any age group.

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What Causes Farsightedness?

Hyperopia happens when the light which induces image
lands right behind our retina rather than on it.

Thus causing blurry

images of close up

While some are

hereditary, the common
causes of hyperopia are:
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Weak ciliary muscles
thus unable to bent
the eye lens enough Urine Therapy
to converge light My grandma is old
school. I’m talking
onto the retina
oatmeal baths for
accurately. chicken pox and yes a
Limited distance little bit of your urine in
Save 6
your infected eye. It
between eye lens
worked when she did it.
and retina due to short eyeball.
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In most cases, both short and long sightedness are

ascertained to stem from poor vision habits, which the
patients usually develop at their young age. Rebound
Hyperemia: Causes
Severe farsightedness can lead to further complications And How To Get
such as lazy eye and strabismus. Rid Of Them

The immediate known remedy for this problem is

lenses prescription. However, this method only solves
the symptom and not the core issue of hyperopia -
weak eye muscles and poor eye coordination.

It will also cause over-reliance on glasses and our vision People often complains
depleting further. of having red eyes when
they stopped using
redness relief eye drops.
It is lesser known that long sightedness can as well be
This condition is known
controlled through simple eye exercises.  as rebound hyperemia
or rebound redness.
Learn what causes it
and how to get rid of…

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What Are Eye Exercises?
Eye exercises was first introduced in 1920s by Dr.
I’m scare
William H. Bates.
I afraid I’m blind nd .. I
He concluded that stress and eyestrain are the main just found out my eye
the black one turn
causes of refractive errors and though relaxation, the
colour to brown . And
eye can function properly again. the shape of circle isn’t
tat circle . Am I blind
While good vision is achieved when our eye muscles, soon?

together with nerves and our eye work in harmony. Read More

Poor vision habits and lack of eye exercises had caused

our eyes muscles to weaken and our eye components
forgetting how to work well with each others. Email

Eye exercises re-teaches our eyes to relax properly and

strengthen the right eye muscles.
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6 Eye Exercises To Improve

Farsightedness I am at least 16
years of age.
If you are a hyperopic person and need something
I have read and
natural to strengthen your vision, join me as I try to lift
accept the
curtains for you regarding the untold revelations on the
privacy policy.
6 eye exercises to improve farsightedness. 

The following are proven and tested exercises that will I understand
keep your muscle alert for clear long distance that you will use
experience. my information to
send me a

Flutter blinking exercise

For optimal eye health, we should blink as often as

Blinking helps us to rehydrate and freshen the eyes as

it keeps them coated with beneficial layers of tears. It
also gives our eyes a temporary break. 

 Studies shown that we

blink naturally around
15-20 times per

That is a whooping
1200 times per hour! 

However, these numbers decrease significantly when

we are in stress or focus on something intensely such
as watching a TV or staring at the computer screen.

If you spend a long time looking at a computer screen,

ensure that you try to blink regularly.  This will help
your eyes to reset and reduce the chances of
computer-induced eye-strain.

Flutter blinking exercise encourages a rapid blinking of

your eyes at varied intervals. The blinking should be
soft and natural like the light flap of butterfly wings.

Accompany this technique with a continuous inhaling

and exhaling as about 30% of our breathing is
responsible for nourishing the visual system.

This method is a natural remedy for dry eyes as it

brings along a lubricating effect.

On the other hand, blinking ensures the natural

moisture is increased in the eyes, hence bringing about
a lubricating phenomenon. This works best naturally for
the dry eyes and with long vision impairment. 

Hey, one more thing, if you can’t blink rapidly, you can
take things slow as well.

Just perform the whole technique at a slower rate aby

closing your eyes for 3 seconds and then keep them
open for 3 seconds. 

For maximum relaxation, it is best to do this while you
are sitting down with you arms propped up on a desk or
when you are lying down on the floor. 

1. Rub you hand together to generate warm. 

2. Use them to cover both your eyes (you can choose
to do with eyes open or not) but do not apply
pressure to your eyeballs. 
3. Make sure your
hands are tightly
covered so that a
complete darkness
is formed. 
4. by imagining you
are outside of your
house, staring into
the darkness.
5. Do this for 5

You might think this to

be too obvious and ignorable, but this eye exercise
releases eye tension and stress.

As such, it helps to relax the eye muscles and eye

strain which is crucial in regaining your natural

Nothing is ignoble when it comes to exercising your


A very important exercise to improve your eye muscles.

Like doing yoga, stretching helps to strengthen the eye

muscles and make them become more flexible.

The elasticity of the eye muscles is very important for

bending the natural lens for seeing close up objects.

This technique is principled by only, moving the eyes,

not the head, as far as you feel possible to the corners

1. Start with moving your eyes to the left and then to

the right. Aim to see your ears.
2. Move your eyes diagonally. Try to see the corner of
your eyebrow while looking up diagonally and your
shoulder while looking down. Remember to keep
your head facing straight at all times. 
3. After this, move your eyes all the way up and
4. Repeat the entire procedure 3 times. 
5. Then, finish up by rolling your eyes 360 degrees,
just to make sure additional tensions to the eyes
are removed. 

Focus shifting exercise

One of the best eye exercises to improve

This exercise is aimed to retrain your eye’s focusing

ability. It helps the eye to recover the ability to shift
from near objects to those that are some distance

To perform this, first, you need to select an object and

place it like 20 feet away (for example a painting on
the wall).

Get into a comfortable position. I recommend that you

get a cushioned seat for best comfort. No need to treat
yourself badly ^_^. 

Find a pencil or for simplicity, use your thumb. Hold it

around 6 inches from your nose.

1. Cover one eye. You can either do this with an eye

patch or your hand.
2. Look at the close-up object for 3 seconds. Make
sure you attain clear focus.
3. Focus on the distance object. Try to attain as much
clarity as you can but don’t squint your eyes. Hold
for 3 seconds.
4. Then shift to back to the close-up object. 
5. Do this repeatedly for 30 second then switch to the
other eye.
Rest your eyes frequently. Follow 20-20-
Always ensure that your eyes get enough rest.

Eye-strain is one of the

biggest culprit of poor

Our eyes are always

overwork. It does not
get to rest until we decide to turn in and  sleep.

We tend to ignore its signals of fatigue due to being to

engross in a work or game.

Give your eyes their needed rest just as you will take a
sit when your legs are tired. If you are doing long hours
of computer work, make sure you take regular breaks.

For beginners, try following the 20-20-20 rule. For

every 20 minutes of looking at a computer, try to look
at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

This will help your eyes to focus on something further

away than something that is immediately in front of

If you are ready for something more hardcore, try doing

body weight resistance exercises instead.

Push-ups and air squats will help to pump plenty of

blood into your eyes and it comes with the benefit of
getting a trimmed body.

Pinhole effect
You can almost see immediate clarity with this
Pinhole effect is achieved by blocking all the angled
lights from entering your eye, but allow only the light
that comes directly to your eye to enter.

This allows the image to fall on the retina seamlessly

without requiring our inner lens to retract the light

You can create a pinhole effect by clenching up your

fist and seeing through hole created at the back of your

The same effect can be accomplished by creating 2

holes on the opposite direction of a box or using a
rolled up sheet of paper. You just have to be creative

For a better natural eye improvement tool, try pinhole


Pinhole glasses is recommended by several natural

vision enthusiasts for improving eyesight. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests our overall vision can be

improved by wearing pinhole glasses for 15 minutes
daily as it retrains our eyes to focus clearly together.

Here comes the end of our 6 eye exercises to improve

farsightedness. Know of any other eye exercises that
can improve hyperopia? 

Share with us, we will love to know.

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