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Ethics is a concept of following certain predetermined rules set by the

community and it is mostly contextual In its setting. The ethics as a

concept evolves around the tasks performed and it varies from one task
to another as a ethics for a doctor would different from the ethics of a
spy, thus ethics depends on various contextual factors. Though ethics
are not enforceable by law but most of the ethics are codified as laws
or rules of the organization in which the person functions. Following
ethics is a basic hygiene factor in performing a task thus carrying out
task ethically means that the person would face least consequences in
the social setting ( though there are cases to the opposite). As an
individual a person should try his utmost to follow the ethics in his life
unless it directly threatens the livelihood of the others. When our ethics
threatens the life or livelihood of individuals then decision needs to be
understood and analysed and decision should taken in such a way that
it causes least harm to other individuals. For example waging a war can
cause loss of life and causes ethical conflict in individuals but as it leads
to the extinction waging a war is becomes utmost priority in certain
cases. Thus ethics is not a static set of rules that govern the function
but depends on the context. The decision depends upon the values that
the person follows, precendence of the action and various other
factors. Ethics also evolves with the time, place etc., thus a person
needs to update himself to evolving situation to update himself with
the ethics. On the organizational perspective, It also needs to train its
individuals on the ethics and the importance of it, thereby creating a
environment of ethical conduct in the organization.

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