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Write the names in English:

León_______________ Tigre______________ Elefante__________________

Jirafa________________ Cebra________________ Serpiente______________
Cocodrilo__________________ Pez____________ Mono________________
Caballo______________ Conejo______________ Pájaro________________
Ratón_______________ Araña______________ Loro_______________
Write sentences using can / can´t
A butterfly / sing ______________________________________________
A fish / swim _________________________________________________
A zebra/ run _________________________________________________
A monkey / fly________________________________________________

Draw the picture of the animal according to the description:

It´s small. It´s got eight long legs and two eyes.
It hasn´t got a tail. It eats insects.
It can´t fly but it can run fast. It´s black, brown or grey.

Complete with the animals you know!

Can swim / Can fly / Can´t swim / It´s got 4 legs / It hasn´t got hair

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