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Marketing Management-I

Analysis of Consumer Behavior

Product Category- Toothpaste

Group 5:
Ruchi Jangid
Somya Samaiya
Pallavi Vyas
Sushant Kumar Jena
Debojyoti Naskar

Consumer Demographic Details:

Demographics Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 3

Age 34 20 25

Gender Female Female Male

Family size 4 1 1

Educational qualifications 10+2 Under-Graduate Graduate

Occupation Security guard Student Teacher

Income (in Rupees per month) 8500 - 16000

Product Preference Data:

Questions Consumer 1 Consumer 2 Consumer 3

Usage Yes Yes Yes

Brushing frequency 2 1 2

No. of tubes purchase (240g) 2 4 1

Frequency of purchase 1 Month 6 Months 2 months

Mode of purchase Shop Shop Online

Preference Ingredients Brand Quality

Brand preference Dabur Red Colgate Sensodyne

Attribute Use of herbs Long-lasting freshness Healthy teeth and gums

Reasons Price Availability Medicinal purpose

Influencers Shopkeeper Advertisements Dentist

Second priority Pepsodent Arodent Dentist recommended

Data Analysis and Inferences:

1. Primary ​triggers of purchase: Based on the inputs sought from the respondents we infer
that consumers are serious about their dental health. They look for benefits like healthy
gums and teeth, prevention of bad breath and overall dental care.
2. Stages in the purchase process: Recognition of the need for dental care, information
search about different toothpastes available, comparing substitutes and then purchase.
3. Factors affecting consumer’s buying preferences:
a. Price: Products with lower price and similar specifications tend to attract people
with low incomes.
b. Availability: Ease of access to the product also plays a major role.
c. Family Size: It determines the quantity and types of toothpaste to be used.
d. Recommendations: Strong recommendations from trusted sources can lead to
switching brand.
e. Medicinal Benefits: Dentists’ prescriptions compels consumers to buy a specific
toothpaste brand conforming to its contents.
f. Promotional offers: Discounts and combo offers attract consumers to buy more.
4. Time consumed in each stage: Most consumers tend to buy toothpaste from the nearest
point of availability while some get their specific brand online if they can’t source it
locally. While buying from local stores the average time spent is around 15 minutes.
Online shipping duration in Sambalpur takes approximately 4-6 days.

Implications on Marketing Decisions:

Brand image, targeted advertising, and offers play an important role in purchasing toothpaste,
sometimes based on the offer the consumer compare with competitor product and select the best
one. Product attribute analysed by the consumer also play a crucial role for deciding a brand.


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