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Kristopher Persaud

Writing Evaluation

“Life must be lived forwards, but can only be understood backwards.” -Kierkegaard. Life
can change in a matter of seconds. One day you could be enjoying the best day of your life with
your favourite person in the whole world and the next, everything could be torn apart. This
quote has had a very big impact on my life recently and influenced the way I think and act.
Before I go any further I would like to say that I know I’m very young and this seems like a
childish love story but it’s the most relevant thing that’s going on right now and the only thing
on my mind.

The influential event in this case is when my girlfriend broke up with me. The reason
behind it was that she couldn’t get over something that happened in our past; we both decided
that we would continue our lives on separate paths as long as we both learned from those
mistakes. Any decision related to relationships will be made with the things that happened in
the past being in the back of my mind. The influential people in my life are my loved ones.
Family and friends that have talked to me about everything and helped to calm me down. They
have all looked out for me in every way I needed and it has shown me how important I am to

At the time, this event left me in shock; I didn’t know what to do. Since then, it has
effected me in many ways. It has changed the way I approach situations in life. Every decision I
make is now carefully thought about. This will always be in the back of my mind for any
relationship I end up in the future. The idea of life being lived forward means that I have to put
this past me and carry on with the rest of my life. Figure out who I am on my own and grow to
become a better person. In the long run, this event will make me a stronger and better person;
and show me that there’s a lot more to life than just one person.

The lessons I have learned from reflecting on this event are that you should always
understand what happened in the past. Any number of events or decisions you have made in
the past will always impact your future no matter what the situation is and I think that’s what
this quote is trying to say. No matter what happened before, it can be seen as a lesson to help
you grow and become better from it rather than hold you back. The past is the past, it’s done
and nothing can be changed; but it will always be a constant reminder of what not to do the
next time.

In conclusion, this event, the people involved, and the timing of it all have taught me a
very important lesson. Life must carry on with the thought of the past in the back of your head.
Things can change in a heartbeat but that doesn’t mean everything is over. Overall, the way I
think and take action has changed drastically and this event will always be one that rests in my

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