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1 General


1.1 Introduction
The contents of this book will focus on the • Flight controls
anatomy of the aeroplane and the various • Landing gear
systems that enable it to operate both on the • Powerplant (engine).
ground and in the air.

Typically, an aeroplane is made up of the The fuselage is the central body of the
following main component parts, aeroplane since the powerplant, wings,
see fig. AS 1.1: empennage and landing gear are attached
• Fuselage (the central body) to it. Fuselages may be manufactured
• Wings (mainplanes) using various design principles. It contains
• Horizontal stabiliser (tailplane), Vertical sections for flight crew, passengers, cargo
stabiliser (fin), all called the Empennage and equipment. The fuselage can be made

Rudder Vertical stabiliser

Elevator Flap Aileron

Horizontal Wing

Tailgear Strut

Main landing gear

Engine cowling

Main wing Main landing gear Fuselage

Fig. AS 1.1 Main parts of the aeroplane

General 1-1
from a wide range of materials which can be 1.2 Design Features

riveted, bolted, screwed, welded or bonded Airworthiness requirements describe the

together. safety objectives associated with failures of
structural components or systems, expressed
We will examine the fuselage construction
as the effects they have on the aeroplane,
in more detail later, and will briefly describe
passengers and flight crew. The severity of
some of the stresses that act on the whole
the failure categories are titled:
aircraft structure. Additionally, we will look at
• minor
the various methods of securing panels and
• major
other major structural components (wings,
• hazardous
empennage and powerplants) to the airframe.
• catastrophic
together with their associated probabilities
Meanwhile, control surfaces are attached to
of occurrence per flight hour.
other main structural members such as the
wings, horizontal and vertical stabilisers, by
Table AS 1.1 is a reprint of the airworthiness
means of major hinge assemblies, or attached
by load path routes direct to hydraulic or
electrically operated actuators and systems.
In general it can be stated: the more
Engines are attached to the fuselage (single severe the failure condition, the lower the
engine aeroplanes) or wings by major sub prescribed probability for such a condition.
frame assemblies, which may hold a turbo-
One of the ways to achieve a high reliability,
prop engine ahead of the wing, and are
which is the equivalent of a low probability
secured to the main or auxiliary spars and
for a failure, is the use of redundant
ribs in the wing. Engines mounted under
structural components or redundant system
the wing are also attached by sub frames or
components. Duplication or even triplication
pylons which are attached to wing spars by
or more of critical systems is a common
high strength bolt/pin assemblies to enable
design feature of large transport aeroplanes.
quick engine or pylon changes.

Engines attached to the rear fuselage Failure conditions are the result of one or
are attached by stub wing type spars. more causes. Airworthiness requirements
Centre mounted engines can either be demand that a catastrophic failure shall not
mounted directly on the fuselage or on to be the result of a single failure, meaning that
the vertical fin. no single cause may result in a catastrophic
failure. Redundancy is also a means to
This chapter will also focus on the types comply with this requirement.
of material that are commonly used in
aircraft construction. The interpretation of the probability terms is
also given in table AS 1.1.

1-2 General
Effect on No effect on Slight reduction Significant Large reduction Normally with
Aeroplane operational in functional reduction in in functional hull loss
capabilities capabilities or functional capabilities or
or safety safety margins capabilities or safety margins
safety margins

Effect on Inconvenience Physical Physical distress, Serious or fatal Multiple fatalities

Occupants discomfort possibly including injury to a small
excluding injuries number of
Flight Crew passengers or
cabin crew

Effect on No effect on Slight increase Physical Physical distress Fatalities or

Flight Crew flight crew in workload discomfort or excessive incapacitation
or a significant workload impairs
increase in ability to perform
workload tasks

Allowable No Probability Probable Remote Extremely Extremely

Qualitative Requirement Remote Improbable

Allowable No Probability -5 -7 -9
<10 -3 <10 <10 <10
Quantitative Requirement
Probability per
Flight Hour in
the Order of:

Classification No Safety Effect Minor Major Hazardous Catastrophic

of Failure

Table AS 1.1 Airworthiness requirements

Probable Failure Conditions are those occur a few times when considering the total
anticipated to occur one or more times during operational life of all aeroplanes of the type.
the entire operational life of each aeroplane.
Extremely Improbable Failure Conditions
Remote Failure Conditions are those unlikely are those so unlikely that they are not
to occur to each aeroplane during its total anticipated to occur during the entire
life, but which may occur several times when operational life of all aeroplanes of one type.
considering the total operational life of a
number of aeroplanes of the type.
1.2.1 Eye Reference Position
Extremely Remote Failure Conditions are A very important concept for flight-deck
those not anticipated to occur to each design is the eye reference position. The
aeroplane during its total life but which may flight deck designer has established a
position where the eye of the pilot will

General 1-3
be during flight. The flight deck will be 1.3 Material Properties

designed around this position and cockpit Before studying the various materials used in
seats are adjusted such that pilots of a range aircraft construction some of their properties
of body lengths are able to bring their eyes are described first. These are:
into this position. Glareshield height, the • Stress
position of indicators, pushbuttons, switches • Strength
and handles are chosen, accounting for the • Strength to density ratio
eye reference position. Even the outside • Strain
shape of the aircraft nose, including the • Elasticity and plasticity
flight deck has been influenced by the • Limit load and ultimate load
eye reference position, because during • Stiffness
approaches there are requirements • Creep
concerning the pilot’s outside view. There • Fatigue.
are examples of accident investigations,
where important conclusions are drawn by Stress
assuming the pilot’s eyes are in that position. Stress is the force applied per unit area
of surface. Stress is therefore expressed
There are various ways to give an indication in N/mm2.
to the pilot where the eye reference position
is located in the cockpit. One method is Strength
to mount an arrangement of three balls on The strength of a material is its ability to
the centre window post. Both pilots have withstand an applied stress without failure.
to position their seats such (up-down, fore-
aft) that they see two balls aligned. The Strength to Density Ratio
only possible head position that makes this The specific strength of a material is the
possible is the eye reference position, ratio between strength and density. For this
see fig. AS 1.2. reason the specific strength is also expressed
as strength-to-weight ratio or strength-to-
density ratio.

A material under stress may deform.
The relative amount of deformation is
called strain. Strain is therefore expressed
as a percentage.

Elasticity and Plasticity

The deformation can be elastic and/or plastic.
Elastic deformation (or elasticity) is the
Fig. AS 1.2 Eye reference position

1-4 General
property of a material to returns to its original limits are a main feature to consider in the


shape after the stress has been removed. preparation of Flight and Gust envelopes for
particular aircraft types.
Plastic deformation (or plasticity) is the
property of a material to retain its changed Another feature that should be noted from
shape when the applied load is removed. the load/strain graph, is that if the material
is stressed beyond its elastic limit, although
Figure AS 1.3 shows elasticity and plasticity in deformed, it will not immediately fail.
a load-strain curve. As seen from this curve
the material remains elastic throughout its Limit Load and Ultimate Load
working range. However if the load exceeds Certification requirements state that when an
its elastic limit (or yield strength) it becomes aeroplane is subjected to the limit load, the
plastic. When the load increases further the elastic limit of the corresponding internal
material will ultimately fail. Note that the stresses must not be exceeded. When the
load at which the material fails is less than load factor reaches a higher value, called the
the maximum load. This is because the strain ultimate load factor, the stresses must not
results in contraction of the material. A lower exceed their point of failure. The safety is
load then already causes fracture. guaranteed by a safety factor of 1.5, which is
the ratio of the ultimate load factor and the
limit load factor. During flight operation, the
Plasticity limit load factor must never be exceeded.

Ultimate static All materials will fail when subjected to

tensile load
a Ultimate Load figure under static load
Tensile load

Elastic limit
conditions, see fig. AS 1.3.

If, however, a material is subjected to

Working range
dynamic or moving load conditions in the
form of load reversals, it is likely that it will
fail at a much lower load figure than when
loaded under static conditions. Such exposure
and failure of materials and structures under
Fig. AS 1.3 Load and strain graph these conditions is known as fatigue.

The Design limit load (DLL) is the maximum

Aircraft are designed so that the different load that the designer expects the airframe,
structural members will not be stressed construction or component to experience
beyond their elastic limits (sometimes in service.
termed their yield point) as long as they are
operated within their designated limits. Such

General 1-5

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