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Grade 8 Science Lab Report

Unit 2, Criteria B & C Summative 

1. TITLE.​ ​pH value is not the same in each type of water.
Create a research question based on the GRASPS task.
Is the pH value the same in different type of water?
Write a testable hypothesis that helps to answer the research question.
​Because pH value aren’t the same in each type of water, the pH will be different between tap
water, drinking water, and swimming pool water.

3. VARIABLES: ​Be clear to define exactly what you are controlling and measuring.
(What I control) Independent: I will choose drinking water, tap water, and swimming pool
water. My positive control would be dirty water.

(What I measure) Dependent: I measure pH.

(What I keep the same) Control Variables: Alway keep the beaker clean, make sure my
hand is clean before doing the experiment, use only 1 type of pH paper to see the average
of the outcome more easily, and make sure that there is nothing in the water.

4. BACKGROUND . (Paragraph at least)

Pure substance is one type of atom or a molecule and physical properties for pure
substance is boiling and melting point. Pure drinking water is also a pure substance,
but it is a compound. It compound between oxygen and hydrogen.

Activities that cause water to become polluted or contaminated are oil pollution and
sewage and wastewater. Wastewater polluted water by, mostly come from our used
water and most of this goes back to the environment. Most common place that
wastewater will go is the river, and these river flow the water back into the ocean. Oil
pollution polluted the water by it can make the water dirty and it can make fish dies.

List the materials needed for your experiment.

● Beaker
● pH stripes
● Gloves

Write any safety concerns below (list)
1. Be careful with the beaker
2. Wear gloves
3. Make sure that beakers are clean after the experiment.

7. METHOD (List)
Write a detailed step by step guide on how you will prepare and do the laboratory. Make
sure to include how you are going to control your variables. Imagine someone else will be
following your instructions so make sure they are clear, in order, and not missing any steps.

In this part I work with Tawan.

1. Collect the water from the swimming pool, drinking water and tap water. Use beaker to collect
these water.
2. Come back in the laboratory, then put on your gloves.
3. Take one of the pH stripes then put it in the water. First one you will do is the positive control,
pool water, drinking water and tap water. Do this for 3 - 4 times.
4. Compare the result with pH value.


A. Describe and include pictures of the experiment’s result.

B. Calculate means.
a. Positive Control - 3
b. Drinking water - 7 ​ .25
c. Tap water - 8​ .75
d. Pool Water - 5 ​ .25

C. Create a table to show results of the experiment.

Water Sample 1 2 3 4 Mean


Positive Control 3 3 3 3 3

Drinking water 7 7 8 7 7.25

Tap water 9 8 9 9 8.75

Pool Water 5 5 6 5 5.25

D. Plot the data into a chart.


8. ANALYSIS (Paragraph): ​What ​trends (patterns) can you find in the data, now you have plotted your

The means of the water sample are mostly about the same. But there is only one type of water that
the means is not the same and that is a positive control. Means of the positive control are 3 but most
of the water is about the same, especially tap water and drinking water. The average mean of tap
water is about 8.75 and drinking water is about 7.25. But the mean of pool water is about the middle.
I think I did measure accurately because I measure 4 times for each water, so I think I did measure
accurately. I can find that tap and drinking water are about the same, except for pool water and
positive control.

9. CONCLUSION (Paragraph): ​You need to draw connections between your results

and the hypothesis throughout this section.

My hypothesis did support the trend in means because my hypothesis said that the pH value is not
the same in each type of the water, and the outcome of all the mean of water aren’t the same
either. I think I would want to try other drinking water for other companies to compare which
one is the best and which one of these water is clean.


A. Identify at least one problem in your method that could reduce the accuracy, or
reliability of the experiment.
a. 1 problem I can see in this experiment is that I only have 3 samples of the
water and I want 1 more type of drinking to compare with another one.

B. Suggest changes in the method that can improve the accuracy, or reliability, of
the experiment.
a. Next time I will measure something else (Example of this would be iron or
acid) because I think only measure pH the result is not that much accurate
as doing iron or acid and also I will bring more water to test for the next
time so I can compare the water easier.

Include the reference of the consulted sources, according to the teacher’s instructions.

Denchak, M. (2019, November 13). Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know.
Retrieved December 11, 2019, from

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