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“Nothing is impossible.” The word itself says “I’m possible.” Keep on going, keep on striving, but remember to pause and
take a break. We deserve it. Mistakes are not the measure of intelligence, but it is a measure how we respond to it and
learn from it.

In life, we only have one chance. Do you want to get spaced out and left behind while others are busy in their own
lives? No, right? So, grab the opportunity and go with the flow and do something with it, put a colour, instead? For as far
as we all know, students are now suffering from stress through academics. That is why they’ll feel “STRESSED” but wait!
Little do you know, “STRESSED” spelled backwards is “DESSERTS?” Sounds fascinating, right? Are you also aware of
student’s dictionary or their own version of it? Well here are some of those; their ID’s used as a ruler, recess is every
student’s favourite subject in all time, admit it or not. And like other millenial’s allowance is also one of their motivation
to go to school, or it can be their crushes. Well, let me just share something about stress that discussed to us. When we
say stress, it’s the body’s kind way of responding to any kind of demand. It is somewhat also pushing you to take rest out
of rambunctious. It helps you to realize that life is just not merely about going through, it also show people how to stop
for some time when feeling exhausted and continue if one can go on. And another, stress is a state produced by a
change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening, or damaging to a person’s dynamic or balance
or equilibrium. Therefore, aside from saying “I quit!” or “I can’t” do it anymore!” Why not say “Worry less, goodbye
stress.” We shouldn’t pressure ourselves that much when it comes to academics, because it might lead to a serious ill or
over studying. You should believe in yourself that you can do it.

We need to survive, in this stage of life in order for us to be successful in our future. This is something that triggers
a student’s well-being and ability to cope and surpass challenges brought by the school activities and requirements for
his/her personal growth as an individual. We can’t just say “Dear grades, please smoke weed and get high.” But, taking
the fact, that we’re the ones making our grades being computed by our mentors and teachers. Let’s took on the other
side, academic stress comes from different school activities. But, if we’ll look on the positive side of it, although we are
suffering from academic stress, the outcome of our hardship will be paid off. That is why we should not compare our
progress with that of others. And the best way to predict our future is to create for it. If we want to finish a degree
someday, stepping to the stage, shaking hands with our professors and dean with holding a diploma saying “Finally, I did
it!” Make yourself proud of what you’ve contributed in the present, do your best, don’t impress others’, but rather make
your parents believe onto you that you can do it. In life, especially in studying especially to us students, we should just
go with the flow like the river. One of the reason why we’re fighting, is it motivate us to strive harder and it can help us
in the future to be more knowledgeable and competitive. Like what others opinion is for them you’re considerable as a
wise person, when you’re still learning and discovering new things. Talking to ourselves can improve our mood, enhance
our intelligence, and boost our self-esteem. Why don’t we have some trivia? I got two here, first “The smell of coffee
reduces the stress caused by sleep deprivation and damaged cause by stress.” And last but not the least, “Stress kills
your brain, which affects learning, reasoning, impulse control and memory.

That is why, I’ll give you some few tips on how to survive this high school life in contradiction with our studies. First,
all you need to do is go with the flow. You don’t need to be that much serious in your academics, don’t pressure yourself
too much. Second, keep on learning and discovering newer and newer ideas. Well, we can use it anyway anytime,
anywhere, and in our everyday life. Third, don’t stress yourself that much, just chill, you don’t want have to wrinkles,
being too stressed, do you? Fourth, enjoy this stage of life, I swear high school is one of the best times you’d ever
encounter in our life, that is why meet more new faces that you’ll talk with and encounter and of course someone who
can be a part in our life. Fifth, set your goals and plans for the nearby future, that’s important. In this, you are known as
determined person or you have a mind set that you follow. Sixth, it’s okay to have an inspiration in studying to motivate
you to come to come at school every day, but set aside love life there are four steps in life, basically known as the
education, career, love and marriage. Seventh, don’t jump any step indicated or mentioned at the sixth one, because it’s
difficult to start again. Eight, if you feel like you don’t belong to any group, you don’t need to please those judgemental
humans surrounding you, in order for you just be noticed, instead make yourself and parents proud of you. Remember
that you’re doing this right now, because it’s for you, a treasure or a memory to keep, and not a special treasure that
when you give, they’ll just throw it away. Ninth, learn to be independent, anything or everyone that surrounds you, are
just temporary and they won’t be there by your side when you need something. You’re the only who can help yourself
and trust with. Lastly, stop focusing on how stressed you are remember how blessed you are. Just smile and forget

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