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A True Servant's Heart:

Not a controller… Not a victim… But a healthy servant...

by Mike Thompson

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You see, a servant's heart is a healthy, functional heart. A true servant ministers from a standpoint of confidence in
who he is in Christ. Notice that a servant is not a "controller." Neither is he a "victim."
To help us understand what a servant isn't, let's examine controller and victim. These are at opposite ends of the
spectrum, and both are dynamics of dysfunction.
We often see these in action in churches, at home, even on the job; and many people mistakenly believe they are
normal (or even godly.) For instance, some churches teach submission doctrines that "feed" dysfunction. Sadly, the roles of
controller and victim are actually encouraged in these environments.

A Servant Is Not A Controller

First, let's look at "controller." Controller looks for importance by authority over others. He's trying to find value by his
position. "Greatness" as a person and as a Christian is thought of as power over others.
He (or she) feels a need to control others in so-called ministry situations – putting what he thinks is God's approval on
his actions.
To whatever degree, controller may intimidate, blame, shame and make choices for others. He attempts to dominate,
doesn't listen very well, and tries to present an air of importance.
Inside he may feel: insecure, guilty, lonely, embarrassed, angry and anxious. He tries to cover these up by controlling

A Servant Is Not A Victim

Secondly, let's look at "victim." Victim has trouble saying "no." He follows the pressure of others rather than the
personal leading of the Holy Spirit.
His (or her) concept of spirituality and significance is to be liked and to please others. So he tries to take care of
everyone else's needs and fulfill everyone else's desires, agendas, etc.
He's often performance (works) oriented, and ends up taking on too much and sacrificing himself in his attempt to help
others. Victim will try to comply with what he perceives others want from him, in an attempt to find value and avoid rejection.
To whatever degree, Victim may hold his real feelings inside, agreeing with others outwardly, withdraws, lets others
make decisions for him, and is overly cautious not to hurt others' feelings (false humility – he thinks God expects and requires
this of him.)
Inside he may feel: powerless, overwhelmed, inferior, resentful, frustrated, helpless and hurting.

A Servant has a Healthy Heart...

Now let’s look at the "servant" referred to by Jesus. This servant has discovered his personal value and significance in
Jesus Christ. He (or she) can minister out of a confident, healthy heart. He has an honest relationship with the Lord and feels
secure in that relationship.
He understands personal boundaries, and serves out of love for God and respect for others. He possesses true spiritual
His attitude is to help others and promote God's kingdom within the realm of his own personality, giftings and
anointing. He's willing to let God do the exalting.
People feel safe around a servant.
A servant's heart is compassionate, honest and caring. But he also understands he can only serve others that which
God has given him (doesn't do everything everyone thinks he should.) A servant is a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser.
As long as the servant is true to his own heart and ministry, he won't be a victim. And as long as the servant
respects the giftedness and individuality of others, he won't be a controller.
Inside, the healthy servant feels self-respect and fulfillment. He also feels: strong, thankful, energized, joyful and
loved by God.
So in God's kingdom, we need to understand that greatness means serving.
Controllers need to make a decision to stop trying to control others to make themselves feel better. Learn to respect
others. Let people be themselves. Let them have their own ideas and manifest their individual God-given ministry.
Victims need to make a decision to stop being a "yes person," trying to keep people happy with them. Learn that
godliness is not sacrificing yourself. It is respecting who God has made you and what He has given you.
Accept yourself, your ideas, and your own God-given ministry as good. It is more important to please God than
anyone else. Stick with your own giftedness. That is what God has given you with which to serve others.

In Conclusion...
Let me conclude by saying that when believers cultivate a true servant's heart, then the biblical principles of
authority and submission operate the way God intended.
It is important to look to Jesus to fill the deep needs of our hearts. In so doing, we release the true power of the Holy
Spirit. God’s anointing flows unhindered through our lives. We then learn to work together as a loving family of believers,
promoting God's kingdom in the Earth.

© 1994 Mike Thompson Ministries

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