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NAME : Eka Septi Ana Wulandari

NPM : 181220024

TEXT : Procedure Text

STATUS : Draft 2


1/3 cup ow whole milk

1 cup of vanilla ice cream

For the flavor; you can add chocolate syrup, a chopped fruit, chocolate chips, or Oreo (in this recipe I
use Banana)


Crushed some Banana, oreo and put them into a blender. Save some for milkshake topping.

Add 1/3 cup whole milk and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Blend until it smooth.

Pour it into the chilled glass.

Add some of crushed Oreo you save.

You delicious banana milkshake is ready to serve.


NPM : 181220024

TEXT : Functional Text

STATUS : Draft 2

Mother father that I miss,

How are you mom, dad ? I hope Mother and Father are always in His protection.

Forgive me, mother and father, long time no sent news to the mother and father because of busy
ahead of the semester increase. I hope mother and father understand.

Father mother..

Ahead of the semester increase, we are required to pay off book payments and other expenses. And
the settlement is on November 25th. With this letter, I hope to immediately send money for
repayment before the distribution of semester increases.

Forgive your daughter, mother,father, who sent word only asking for money. Thank you for your
attention, mother and father.

Your daughter who is being monitored,

Eka septi ana. W

Name : Licencia Poetika Bakarena

Npm : 181220038

Text : news text

Status : DRAFT 1

Stunami in kalianda due to krakatau mountain children. On Saturday night around 21.30
WIB 22 December 2018. suddenly, a hissing sound accompanied the waves. It turned out that it was
not ordinary waves, but higher than usual and penetrated the embankment even though on the
beach, the embankment was built about 1 meter.

Sea water comes two times in a matter of minutes, water comes suddenly from around
100 visitors, 7 of whom were killed by the waves. One of them children. Some residents survived in
the refugee camps. According to Major CBA M. Apriyadi, deputy commander of Den Bekang 2-44-D3
Tanjung Karang, assistance from the TNI continues to flow.


( Hani Nuraini )
Name : Licencia Poetika Bakarena

Npm : 18122038

Text : Discussion

Status : DRAFT 1

Pros and cons of a smoking ban

Smoking bans have been adopted in some countries and some smoking restrictions can be traced
back from the beginning of the 16th century until now. But this problem is controversial. Proponents
of the smoking ban claim through the policy to ban smoking in public places which can reduce the
possibility of smoke coming out of blowing cigarettes inhaled by non-smokers.

Public places for smoking bans are like in hospital restaurants and public spaces. With smoking
restrictions supporting this policy predicts that this will reduce as much as waste because there will
be fewer cigarettes and smaller amounts of toxic waste which can then be trapped in the waterways
system. For many smokers the ban on smoking is one of the governments to interfere in their
lifestyle they stick with this habit because they believe that smoking is not a crime. Neither the
government nor others should know what they are doing and limit their habits.

The opinions above are just a few examples of the pros and cons of the smoking ban. Officials,
governments, business owners and ordinary citizens must carefully consider whether a smoking ban
is appropriate or not.


( Hani Nuraini )

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