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Name : Hani Novitasari

NIM : 20170810119

Material Design D

i. Chapter 8 : Speaking Skill

Why speaking skills are important? It because we as a human

are socialized and also need to interact with others. We usually
caled speaking as one of many language competence that we
should mastered to be good in communication. That is why in the
classroom speaking involves learners to mastery wide of a range of
subskills, which added, constitute an overall competence in the
spoken language. There are four characteristics of a communicative
view of language: First is language is a system for the expression of
meaning. Second, the primary function of language is for
interaction and communication. Next is the structure of language
reflects its functional and communicative uses. And last is the
primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and
structure features, but categories of functional and communicative
meaning as exemplied in discourse, and also if we want to promote
the development of speaking skills in the learners, we can use some
activifties for focusing purposes, we shall begin by looking at an
example of some ‘pre-communicative’ materials and then move on
to consider what might broadly be termed ‘communicative’
activities or games. After all the activies above, the teacher might
worry about how to give feedback to students, some teachers
choose to make ‘log’ of students mistakes in writing and give to
the student, teachers belive that students can realize their mistakes
and they can learn something from it. Some examples of reasons
for speaking from the context of language purposes are asking for
assistance and advice in a shop, asking for directions in a different
town, making an appointment by telephone, discussing and
negotiating arrangements, talking socially to a variety of people and
others. Spoken language makes greater use of shared knowledge
than written language. In speaking we also have to concern with
the pronounciation like the individuals sounds, word stress,
sentence stress, intonation, sound, and spelling because different
spelling/pronounciation can be different meanings. And it that case,
missunderstanding might be happened.

ii. Chapter 9 : Writing Skills

Create a messages, notes, article, paper, and an essay are

the examles of writing activities. Where we can put our idea on
that. As we know that many people prefer talk and listen than
writing, it maybe because writing is more complicated. We not only
produce the language but we also have to think twice about how
we will start to write down our idea in our mind into a writing. And
I individually agree with that. It can be seen from the points above
if the reasons for writing are different for several dimensions,
especially in language, topic, and audience. Writing materials in
language class was included traditional writing activities. This
activities can be done by controlled the sentence construction and
ontrolling student’s writing output. The first thing that we have to
pay attention is that we will provide sentence models and ask
students to make parallel sentences with different lexical items,
then insert missing grammar forms, arrange sentences from
information tables, with the model provided, and combine
sentences to make short paragraphs, insert conjunctions provided.

iii. Chapter 10 : Integrated Skills

Sometimes we do not realize that we use integrated skills when

reading a journal for the task of making essays. The activity
integrates reading with writing. Or in daily lives we usually
performing task that involve a natural integration of language skill.
Exposure to this type of natural skills integration will hopefully
show learners that the skills are rarely used in isolation outside the
classroom. There are several materials that can integrate skills in
language such as General Materials, EAP Materials, Task-based
Materials, Oral Presentations, Project Work, Role Play, and
Simulation. In General Materials, there is a lot of general and
authentic material such as stories, news, magazines, emails, etc.
With these materials students are told to read and take notes.
Furthermore, in EAP materials, the emphasis on each ability is very
detailed because the material is intended for EAP students. Next,
Task-bask material. An example of this material is students being
given the task of writing a one-page leaflet that tells people in
Malaysia how to save water. They were given another assignment
to design a water conservation device which was followed by
related tasks which then related to writing with international
companies about their devices and preparing a 10 minute
presentation. Students must read, listen, speak and write with
clear task objectives, target audience and results in mind.

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