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Definition of Encyclopedia

Encyclopedias are reference

books that provide a large
amount of information in
an easy to access, user-
friendly format.
Types of
1. General Encyclopedia
A general encyclopedia provides
information on a wide range of subjects.
General encyclopedias are a valuable
research tool when you are searching for
background information on a subject or
when trying to locate a specific fact,
date, or concept.
2. Subject Encyclopedia
Subject encyclopedias contain
information on just one area of study.
The entries are in-depth and provide
much more information than you
would find in a general encyclopedia.
They can help direct the user to further
reading on the topic.
3. Online Encyclopedia
A vast majority of encyclopedias can
now be found online. There are many
online reference sites that contain exerts
and full articles from both general and
subject encyclopedias.
How to use
1. Choose your research topic. This
will help you choose what
encyclopedia volume to use for your
2. Look at the spine of the
encyclopedia books to determine
which book you need for your topic.

The encyclopedia spines

are labeled with letters
of the alphabet and
some sets have a book
to correspond to each
If your research topic is
"plants" then you will need to
find the encyclopedia labeled
with a "P."
3. Select the appropriate book for your
topic. The topics are listed in alphabetical
order at the top of each page. Flip through
the pages until you reach your topic.
Use the index to locate your topic. It is
usually in the last series of volumes and
in alphabetical order.
It gives you the page
numbers and volume
numbers to locate
the article you are
Read the article. As you do research, you can
find other cross-references that can broaden
your topic and provide new insight into your
research. Also, pay attention to maps, graphs
and pictures in the article.
Read the article and take plenty of
notes. Most libraries will not allow
you to check out encyclopedias.

How to use encyclopedia, Retrieved from


Types of Encyclopedias, Retrieved from

The End…

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