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Medical Abbreviations

 ABG arterial blood gas

 a.c.: Before meals. As in taking a medicine before meals.
 a/g ratio: Albumin to globulin ratio.
 ACL: Anterior cruciate ligamen
 Ad lib: At liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely
and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
 AFR: Acute renal failure
 ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
 ADD – Acute Diarrhoeal Disease
 ADD attention deficit disorder
 ADR: Adverse drug reaction. If a patient is taking a prescription drug to treat high
blood pressure disease
 AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
 AKA: Above the knee amputation.
 Anuric: Not producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may
require dialysis.
 ANED: Alive no evidence of disease. The patient arrived in the ER alive with no
evidence of disease.
 ADH: Antidiuretic hormone
 ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome.
 ARF: Acute renal (kidney) failure
 ASCVD: Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
 b.i.d. [L.] bis in die, Twice daily. As in taking a medicine twice daily.
 bld: Blood. Blood was visible on the patient’s scalp.
 Bandemia: Slang for elevated level of band forms of white blood cells.
 BKA: Below the knee amputation.
 BMP: Basic metabolic panel. Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and
chloride) and creatinine and glucose.
 BP: Blood pressure. BPD: Borderline personality disorder. A personality disorder.
 BSE breast self-examination
 BSER brainstem evoked response (audiometry)
 BSO: Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A BSO is the removal of both of the ovaries
and adjacent Fallopian tubes and often is performed as part of a total
abdominal hysterectomy
 CAD coronary artery disease
 CAM complementary and alternative medicine
 C&S: Culture and sensitivity, performed to detect infection.
 C.C. chief complaint
 CCU coronary care unit; critical care unit
 CDC (U.S) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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 C/O: Complaint of. The patient's expressed concern.

 cap: Capsule.
 Ca: Cancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment
for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both
during and after treatment.
 CABG. Coronary artery bypass graft. A surgery involving the heart.
 CBC: Complete blood count.
 CC: Chief complaint. The patient's main concern.
 CDE: Complete dental (oral) evaluation.
 cc: Cubic centimeters. For example, the amount of fluid removed from the body is
recorded in ccs.
 Chem panel: Chemistry panel. A comprehensive screening blood test that indicates
the status of the liver, kidneys, and electrolytes.
 CMV – Cyto Megalo virus
 CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure. A treatment for sleep apnea.
 COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
 CPK creatine phosphokinase
 CT: Chemotherapy. A type of treatment therapy for cancer.
 CT computed tomography
 CVA: Cerebrovascular accident (Stroke).
 D & C dilatation and curettage
 D & E dilatation and evacuation
 D/C or DC: Discontinue or discharge. For example, a doctor will D/C a drug.
Alternatively, the doctor might DC a patient from the hospital.
 DCIS: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. A type of breast cancer. The patient is receiving
treatment for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ.
 DDX: Differential diagnosis. A variety diagnostic possibilities are being considered to
diagnose the type of cancer present in the patient.
 DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
 DJD: Degenerative joint disease. Another term for osteoarthritis.
 DM: Diabetes mellitus.
 DNC, D&C, or D and C: Dilation and curettage. Widening the cervix and scrapping
with a curette for the purpose of removing tissue lining the inner surface of the womb
 DNR: Do not resuscitate. This is a specific order not to revive a patient artificially if
they succumb to illness. If a patient is given a DNR order, they are not resuscitated if
they are near death and no code blue is called.
 DOE: Dyspnea on exertion. Shortness of breath with activity.
 DOT directly observed therapy
 DPT dipropyltryptamine; diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (vaccines)
 DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American
Psychiatric Association

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 DTP diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine; distal tingling on
percussion (Tinel sign)
 DTR: Deep tendon reflexes. These are reflexes that the doctor tests by banging on the
tendons with a rubber hammer.
 DVT: Deep venous thrombosis (blood clot in large vein).
 Dx diagnosis
 ETOH: Alcohol. ETOH intake history is often recorded as part of a patient history.
 ECT: Electroconclusive therapy. A procedure used to control seizures (convulsions).
 EB Epstein Barr (virus)
 EBV – Epstein Barr virus
 ECT electroconvulsive therapy
 ECG electrocardiogram
 EEG electroencephalogram
 EKG [German] Elektrokardiogramme,
 EMG electromyogram;
 ENG electronystagmography
 EOG electrooculography
 ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
 ERT estrogen replacement therapy ERV expiratory reserve volume
 ESP extrasensory perception
 FB foreign body
 FHR fetal heart rate
 FHT fetal heart tones
 FISH fluorescent in situ hybridization
 FNA fine-needle aspiration
 FX: Fracture.
 g: gram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.
 GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
 GFR glomerular filtration rate
 GHRF growth hormone releasing factor
 GYN gynecology
 GOMER: Slang for "get out of my emergency room."
 GvHD: Graft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic
graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
 gtt: Drops.
 HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy
 Hbg haemoglobin
 HBsAb hepatitis B surface antibody
 HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
 HBV hepatitis B virus
 HCV Hepatitis C virus

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 H&H: Hemoglobin and hemiatocrit. When the H & H is low, anemia is present. The
H&H can be elevated in persons who have lung disease from long term smoking or
from disease, such as polycythemia rubra vera.
 HLA human lymphocyte antigen, human leukocyte antigen
 HPF high power field
 HPI history of present illness
 HPL human placental lactogen
 H&P: History and physical examination.
 h.s.: At bedtime. As in taking a medicine at bedtime.
 H/O or h/o: History of. A past event that occurred.
 HA: Headache.
 HRT: Hormone replacement or hormone replacement therapy.
 HTN: Hypertension. Continue Reading
 I&D: Incision and drainage.
 IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease. A name for two disorders of the gastrointestinal
(BI) tract, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
 ICD International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization;
 ICD: Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
 ICU: Intensive care unit. The patient was moved to the intensive care unit.
 IM: Intramuscular. This is a typical notation when noting or ordering an injection
(shot) given into muscle, such as with B12 for pernicious anemia.
 IMP: Impression. This is the summary conclusion of the patient's condition by the
healthcare professional at that particular date and time.
 I & O (fluid) intake and output
 IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing
 IPPV intermittent positive pressure ventilation
 IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine
 IQ intelligence quotient
 ITU: Intensive therapy unit
 in vitro: In the laboratory
 in vivo: In the body
 IPF: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. A type of lung disease.
 IU: International units.
 IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device
 IUD intrauterine device
 IV intravenous, intravenously; intraventricular
 IVDA intravenous drug abuse(r)
 IVF in vitro fertilization IVP intravenous pyelogram
 JT: Joint.
 K: Potassium. An essential electrolyte frequently monitored regularly in intensive
 KCL: Potassium chloride.
 KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder

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 LCIS: Lobular Carcinoma In Situ. A type of cancer of the breast. The patient is
receiving treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
 LBP: Low back pain. LBP is one of most common medical complaints.
 LD lethal dose
 LP lumbar puncture
 LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
 LLQ: Left lower quadrant. Diverticulitis pain is often in the LLQ of the abdomen.
 LUQ: Left upper quadrant. The spleen is located in the LUQ of the abdomen.
 Lytes: Electrolytes (potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, and chloride).
 MAP morning after pill
 MCL: Medial collateral ligament.
 MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
 MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
 MCV mean corpuscular volume
 MRA magnetic resonance augiography
 MRI magnetic resonance imaging
 mg: Milligrams.
 M/H: Medical history
 ml: Milliliters.
 MSG monosodium glutamate
 MVP: Mitral valve prolapse.
 N/V: Nausea or vomiting.
 Na: Sodium. An essential electrolyte frequently monitored regularly in intensive care.
 NCP: Nursing care plan
 NLM National Library of Medicine
 npo: Nothing by mouth. For example, if a patient was about to undergo a surgical
operation requiring general anesthesia, they may be required to avoid food or
beverage prior to the procedure.
 NSR: Normal sinus rhythm of the heart
 O&P: Ova and parasites. Stool O & P is tested in the laboratory to detect parasitic
infection in persons with chronic diarrhea.
 OC oral contraceptive
 OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
 O.D.: Right eye.
 O.S.: Left eye.
 O.U.: Both eyes.
 ORIF: Open reduction and internal fixation, such as with the orthopedic repair of
a hip fracture.
 P: Pulse. Pulse is recorded as part of the physical examination. It is one of the "vital
 p¯: After meals. As in take two tablets after meals.
 p.o.: By mouth. From the Latin terminology per os.

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 p.r.n.: As needed. So that it is not always done, but done only when the situation calls
for it (or example, taking a pain medication only when having pain and not without
 PCL: Posterior cruciate ligament.
 PD: Progressive disease. Patients at risk of developing progressive disease of the
kidneys include those with proteinuria or hematuria.
 PDA patent ductus arteriosus;
 PERRLA: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
 PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction
 PET positron emission tomography
 PFT: Pulmonary function test. A test to evaluate the how well the lungs are
 PERRLA: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
 PhD Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophiae Doctor)
 PhD [L.] Philosophiae Doctor, Doctor of Philosophy
 Plt: Platelets, one of the blood forming elements along with the white and red blood
 PMI: Point of maximum impulse of the heart when felt during examination, as in
beats against the chest.
 PMS: Premenstrual syndrome
 PKU phenylketonuria
 PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; postnasal drip
 PT: Physical therapy
 PTH: Parathyroid hormone
 PTSD: Post-traumatic stress syndrome
 PUD: Peptic ulcer disease. A type of ulcer of the stomach. Continue Reading
 q.d.: Each day. As in taking a medicine daily.
 q.d. [L.] quaque die, every day
 q.i.d. [L.] quater in die, four times a day
 q2h: Every 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.
 q3h: Every 3 hours. As in taking a medicine every 3 hours.
 qAM: Each morning. As in taking a medicine each morning.
 qhs: At each bedtime. As in taking a medicine each bedtime.
 qod: Every other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.
 qPM: Each evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.
 q. s. [L.] quantum satis, as much as is enough; [L.] quantum sufficiat, as much as may
suffice; quantity sufficient
 RA: Rheumatoid arthritis. A type of joint disease.
 RDA recommended daily allowance
 RDS: Respiratory distress syndrome
 R/O: Rule out. Doctors frequently will rule out various possible diagnoses when
figuring out the correct diagnosis.

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 REB: Rebound, as in rebound tenderness of the abdomen when pushed in and then
 REM rapid eye movement (sleep);
 RFT right frontotransverse (fetal position)
 RMA right mentoanterior (fetal position)
 RML right middle lobe RMP right mentoposterior (fetal position)
 RMT right mentotransverse (fetal position)
 RLQ: Right lower quadrant. The appendix is located in the RLQ of the abdomen.
 ROP right occipitoposterior (fetal position)
 ROT right occipitotransverse (fetal position)
 ROS: Review of systems. An overall review concerns relating to the organ systems,
such as the respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurologic systems.
 RUQ: Right upper quadrant. The liver is located in the RUQ of the abdomen.
 s/p: Status post. For example, a person who had a knee operation would be s/p a knee
 SAD: Season affective disorder. A type of depression that occurs during the winter
months when there is little light.
 SOB: Shortness of breath.
 SQ: Subcutaneous. This is a typical notation when noting or ordering an injection
(shot) given into the fatty tissue under the skin, such as with insulin for diabetes
 T: Temperature. Temperature is recorded as part of the physical examination. It is one
of the "vital signs."
 T&A: Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
 t.i.d.: Three times daily. As in taking a medicine three times daily.
 tab: Tablet
 TAH: Total abdominal hysterectomy
 TAH: Total abdominal hysterectomy. A type of surgery to remove a woman’s uterus,
Fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
 THR: Total hip replacement
 TKR: Total knee replacement
 TMJ: Tempomandibular joint
 UA or u/a: Urinalysis. A UA is a typical part of a comprehensive physical
 U or u**: Unit. Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or greater
(for example, 4U seen as "40" or 4u seen as "44"); mistaken as "cc" so the dose is
given in volume instead of units (for example, 4u seen as 4cc).
 ULN: Upper limits of normal
 URI: Upper respiratory infection, such as sinusitis or the common cold
 ut dict: As directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the
health care professional gave in the office or in the past
 UTI: Urinary tract infection
 VDRL – Veneral Disease Research Laboratory

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 VZV – Varicella – Zoster Virus

 VSS: Vital signs are stable. This notation means that from the standpoint of the
temperature, blood pressure, and pulse, the patient is doing well.
 Wt: Weight. Body weight is often recorded as part of the physical examination.
 XRT: Radiotherapy (external). A type of treatment that uses radiation.


 Ayurveda avatarana as per Brahma vaivartha purana –

o Brahma – daksha prajapati – bhaskara – 16 shishyas
 Dhanwanthari
 Kashiraja
 Nakula
 Yama
 Janaka
 Jaabaala
 Paila
 Agasthya
 Divodasa
 Ashwini kumara
 Sahadeva
 Chyavana
 Buddha
 Jaajali
 Kavadha
 Dastra
 Ayurveda is
o Panchamaveda – acc to Kashyapa
o Upaveda – acc to Atharvaveda
 Ashtanga varnana from Dwapara yuga
 Vedakaala – 5,000 – 20,000BC
 Sangraha kaala – 4 – 7 cen AD
 Samhita kaala – 20,000BC
 Rasashastra – 8 – 12 cen AD
 Nighantukaara – 10 – 12 cen AD
 Veda is divided into 4 shakhas

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o Samhita
o Brahmana
o Upanishat
o Vedanga -6
 Upavedas
o Rigveda – Dhanurveda
o Yajurveda – Saapatyaveda
o Saama veda – Gandharvaveda
o Atharva veda – Ayurveda
 Kankayana – Balhika bhishak
 Paingi – chainaa chikitsa
 Hiranyaksha – European clinician
 Raavana – nadi vijnana vaidya
 Vedavyasa – agni purana, garudapurana
 In Vedas roga kaaranas – 3
o Shareera antargata visha
o Krimi
o Tridosha
 Rudra is prathama bhishak
 Rigveda –
o Mata shabda as oushadhastuti
o Jala is told as amrita
o Tridhatu shabda tols for tridosha
o 2 swaras – Udatta & Anudaatta
o Daivavyapasraya, yuktivyapasraya as Oushadhas
o For Hridroga treatment is Soorya chikitsa
o Prana & Apanavayu mentioned
o Guggulu dhoopana is yakshma nashana
o Pippali for vata roga
 Atharvaveda
o Atharvaveda kaala – 15,000 BC
o Shakha – 9, 2 are only available
o Kalpasootra – 5 – Koushika, Vaidhana, nakshatrakalpa, angeera kalpa,
shanty kalpa
o Ayurveda anusara – brhma, gopatha brahmana, upaishat, prashna,
mandooka, maandookya
o Brugu, angeerasa & atharva angeerasa are related to atharvaveda
o Chikitsa prakara – 4
 Atharvani – japa mantra tantradi – daivavyapasraya
 Angeersa – yukti vyapasraya
 Daivee
 Maanushi

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o Soorya & agni is told as krimigna

o Roga – 2 – Shapatya, vaarunya
o Nijavyadhi – roga
o Agantu vyadhi – astraava
o Jwara has got 40 names
o Vishkanda called for sandhivata
o Appuva called for atisaara
o Avacchid called for gandamaala
o Because of varuna kopa – Jalodara & Hrudroga happens
o Rogakaarana – 3 – agantuja, vataja, shushmaja(Pittaja)
o 360 asthi mentioned
o In oushadhi nirmana – pahanta kalpana is mentioned
o Shiras = devakosha
o Tridosha paraamarsha & vata types mentioned
o Pitta = mayu, sushma
o Kapha = balaasa, abra
o Ojus mentioned for the first time
o Different shastra kriyas – yonibhedena, garbhashaya bhedena
o Ssapta sindhu – saptha dhatu
o Soma – is oushadhi raja
o 3 rakshasas
 Oushadha sankya
o Rugved – 67
o Yajurveda – 81
o Atharvaveda – 289
o Upanishat – 21
 Samhita
o Bruhatrayi – Charaka samhita, Susrutha samhita, Ashtanga
o Lagytrayi – Sharangadhara samhita, bhavapraksha nighantu & Madhava
o Prathama samhita – Brahma samhita – 1 lakh slokas, 1000 adhyaya,written
by Brahma
o Ksharapaane samhita – biggest samhita of the world
o As per yajnavalkala smriti mitakshara teeka – 4 yrs is ayurveda study
o Bhela samhita – 10th cen BC
o Kharanaada samhita – 6th cen AD
o Vararuchi samhita – 10th cen AD
 Chapters-
o Madhava nidana – 69
o Sharangadhara samhita – 62
o Bhava[rakasha – 3 khandas – madhyama – 71

“The greater the struggle the glorious the triumph” – Nick Vujicic Page 10

o Kashyapa samhita – 200 (120 + 80)

o Hareetasamhita – 103
o Bhela samhita – 120 (Same as Charaka)
o Ayurveda Vijnana – 216
o Yoga tarangini – 81
o Vrunda madhava – 82
 Sutra & Slokas-
o Brahma samhita – 9294 - 1 lakh
o Charaka samhita – 8300 - 12,000
o Ashtanga sangraha – 13,000 slokas
o Ashtanga hrudaya – 7445 - 7444
o Sharangadhara samhita – 2,600 slokas
o Bhavaprakasha – 10831 sutra
 Acharya sankhya –
o Charaka – 64/65/68
o Susrutha – 10
o AS – 38
o AH – 19
o MN – 80
 Charaka samhita –
o 13 chapter written originally written by Charaka in Chikitsa sthana & 17
chapter later added by Dudhabala
o Drudhabala is Kapilabala putra
o Charaka is
 Vishuddha putra, Maharshi Vaishampayana shishya
 Sheshanaga avatara
 Yayavaran
 Kapilastha Charaka
 Kanishka rajavaidya
o Punarvasu atreya is atriputra
 Charaka samhita has 3 atreya
 Punarvasu atreya
 Krushnatreya
 Bhikshu atreya
o In Charaka samhita Vishaya vastu – 4 division/4 sutras – Guru, Shishya,
Pratisamskara, Ekiya sutra
o Vayu – 5 types first explained
o 7 sambhasa parishat
o Yoga – 1950
o 14 disha
o Swabhavoparam vada
o Achara rasayana
o 50 maha kashaya
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o Purusha – shodhasha kala

o 1st ayaskriti shabda
o 23 vishishta oushadhi
o Prakruta jala – 13 tyoes
o 63 rasayana
o 50 vajeekaran yogas
o Ayuvarnana
o Jwara prakarana – ishnu sahasranama mentioned
o Bhasha saili – padya
 Asthi sankya –
o Yajnavalkala smriti, bhela, kashyapa, agnivesha, charaka, AH – 360
o Susurutha – 300
o Ayurveda vijnana – 246
o Modern – 206
 Aturalaya varna – Chandramoula gupta
 Shadbindu taila – chakrapani
 Susrutha samhita – Yajnavalakala smrit kala
o Susrutha is
 vishwamitra putra
 dwitiya dhanwantari diwodasa
 susrutha ullekha is done by nagarjuna in ubhaya hrudaya
o specialities
 pitta – 5 bheda
 oupasargika roga
 shavaccheda pratama varna
 Arishta nirmana
 Aturalaya, sootikaagara, kumaragara varnana
 Sandhana salya(plastic surgery)
 Phenasma, Haratala, makshika, vatsanabha, manhshila first varnana
 Shadkriyakaala first mentioned
 Taila & Jala droni first mentioned
 Jalasantrasa
 First mentioned
 Vishakanya first mentioned
 Vatsanabhi different bhedas
 Dhoomopaghata id told
 Swastha definition
 700 oushadha dravyas
 37 ganas
 5 varsha = 1 yuga
 Rituganana starting from Shishira
 For chandana – malayaja name is given
o Chandrata is

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 Teesataacharya putra
 Linganasha shastrakarma sarva prathama varnana
 Yukthaseniya adhyaya – Sainiki chikitsa
o Dalhana – Bharatapaala putra
 Ashtanga sangraha –
o Bhasha saili – Gadya/padya
o Vagbhata –
 Father – Simhagupta
 Guru – Avalokita
 Janmasthana – Sindhu
o Specialities –
 5 kapha division
 7 panchamoolas (addition of madhyama & Jeevaneeya )
 Bhakshana pachana kaala – 4 yaama
 Oushadha paachanakaala – 2 yaama
 Rogi pareeksha – 4 – Aptopadesha, pratyaksha, prashna, anumana
 Vishachikitsa – damstra chikitsa, mahamayuri varnana
 Guhya rogas – 2 chapters
 Jwara prakarana – haridraka jwara is mentioned
 Bhasmaka roga – sarva prathama varnan
 Bhasmaka shabda varna – 1st by Dalhana
 Savisha anna pareeksha
 Vatsakadi gana first mentioned
 Asanadi, [padmakadi names changed
 Tantrayukti – 36
 Sarvartha sidda anjana
 Madya varga – drakshasava 1st mentioned
 Shiva gulika for prameha roga chikitsa
 Rasayana prayoga – parade abhyanatara prayoga
 Vajeekarana yoga for Pada lepa
 Ashtanga hridaya (Ayurveda Sara Samucchaya grantha- Syn)
o Vagbhata –
 Father Simhagupta
o 19 acharyas mentioned
o Bhasha saili – Gadya
o Specialities
 Vipaka lakshana
 Dhatu & mala vishista karma
 Sweda – 4
 Sadya snehana dravya – 7
 Nidana syn – nimitta, hetu, ayatana
 Samprapti syn – Nivrutti, Nishpatti, Jati, Agati
 Madhava Nidana (Rug vinischaya)

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o Specialities
 Vatavyadhi vistara varnana – but avarana varnana is not mentioned
 Swatantra adhyaya for amla pitta, medoroga, amavata, shoola,
gulma, parinamashoola, annadrava shoola
 Stree roga in 6 ch – stana roga, stanya dushti, asrukdhara,
 Vijaya shabda for haritaki
 Sharangadhara samhita
o Nadi sarvapratama varnana
o Phupphusa parichaya & Swasana kriya
o Pachana prakriya, mootranirmana prakriya, deepana pachanadi vidhi
o Shukrasthambhana – ahiphena
o Aakarakarabhadi choorna
o Ahiphena sarva prathama prayoga – pureesha-shukra sthambhka,
o Rakthaja dosha – 10 as rakthaja roga
o 21 krimis – snayuka is extra
o Asava- arishta differentiation
o Ojus as upadhatu
o Pachaka pitta pramana – tila pramana
o Aphsu somala sarva prathama varnana
o Soma roga varnana
o Jayapala as anjana prayoga
o Jarata pittashoola in shodhala & Sharangadhara
 Bhava prakasha –
o 4 khandas
 1 khanda – mana paribhasha, ayurveda avatarana
 2khanda – panchakarma
 3 khanda – 71 chapters
 4 khanda – rasayana vajeekarana
o Specialities –
 Yakrit spashta varnana
 Kedara kulya nyaya varnana
 Ojus is agnisomeeya & Ashtabindhuvatmaka
 Ashta sthana pareeksha
 Arthava is raktha upadhatu
 Amlapitta, sleshma pitta vyadhi varnana
 8 mandalika dravyas
 Oudbidha dravya 5 prakaras – vanaspati, vanaspati, vruksha, valli,
 Swasthya purusha – 14 lakshana
 Phiranga roga – Chopachini, Rasakarpoora first mentioned
 Ashmantaka – Kanchanara paryaya

“The greater the struggle the glorious the triumph” – Nick Vujicic Page 14

As Kushta bheda – Pushkaramoola is told

Yashada first mentioned
Prasika yavani, Dwipantara vacha first mentioned
Ashtavarga abhava dravya mentioned
8 prakruti
Swarnaksheeri moola = Choga
In Nidana panchaka samprapti sthana is last
Phiranga roga & gandha roga varnana
Upadmsha roga swatantra varnana
Mentions Mrutasanjeevini sura, Sreegopala taila, Kameshwara
modaka, Aakarakarabhadi choorna, Ahiphenasava, Karpoorasava
 Kashyapa samhita
o Khilasthana 80 chpters – only 25 is available
o Kalpa sthana is told last
o Specialities –
 Lokasammita purusha
 Aturalaya – Arishtaagara
 Ahara is mahabhaishajya
 Oushada is yuktivyapasraya
 Bheshaja is Daivavyapasraya
 Panchakosha – Hrudaya
 Shatkosha – Shareera varnana
 Yoosha – 75
 Sootika roga – 64
 Balagraha – 20
 Sweda -8
 Marma – 107
 Pranayatana -8
 Prakruti – 8
 Jaataharini – 35
 Kushta – 18 – sadhya (9), Asadhya (9)
 Navayasa prayoga in Shotha
 Trisamagulika – Haritaki Shunti Guda samabhaga
 Ajasrika rasayana – 3
 Karna vyadhana to be done in 6-7 months
 Koumarabhritya as adya anga
 Dantajanma, dhoopakalpa, leha prakarana, Phakka, Jataharini
 Amlapitta = shukthaka
 Dravyakalpa – Lashuna has 5 rasas
 Rajayakshma – Vardhamana pipplai & lashuna Kalpa
 Skanda – Devata raja
 Prakruta pachana prakriya mentioned
 Mruduvirechana sreshta – Eranda taila

“The greater the struggle the glorious the triumph” – Nick Vujicic Page 15

 Shatkalpa adyaya – for netra roga – 6 dravyas mentioned –

Chakshushya, Pushpaka, Haritaki, Rasanjana, Rochana, Kataka
 Bhela samhita
o In 4 pada of chikitsa vaidya has antima sthana
o Upasthata is named as Pratibhavi
o Alochaka pitta – Chakshur vaisheshika & Buddhirvaisheshika
o Janapadodwamsa – janasaara
o 7 Divya & 7 Manushika kaaya mentioned
o Vaatalika roga is mentioned
o Vishama jwara as swatantra adhyaya
o Manasthana – Shira: Talu Anargata (7 Sthanas when vikruta)
o 18 types of Kushta – 9 sadhya & 4 Asadhya
o Bhasma meha varnana in prameha
o Pittaja kasa – kamala lakshana
o Ucchata named Oushadha
o 8 Madana phalas
o Shookanaasha gritha in Apatantra varnana
o Arsha prakarana – taleesapatra gutika = Pranada gutika
o Bheshajaagara varnana
o Vaastikaala 0 bala after 6yrs
o Triphala upayoga – Bhojana poorva Amalaki, Shesha – Haritaki, Jeerna –
Vibhitaki (Ch – Poorva –Vibhitaki, Shesha - Amalaki, jeerna- Haritaki)
 Hareeta samhita
o Sandigdha samhita
o Atreya putra Harita
o Sthanas
 1 – Annapana
 2 – arishta
 3 – chikitsa
 4 – kalpa
 5 – sutra
 6 – shareera
 7 – parishatha adhyaya
 Total 103 adhyayas
o Langhana – 6 types, chikitsa – 8 tyoes
o 7 kwathas, shoola – 10, kshya – 10
o 6 rasa – in place of lavana kshara is mentioned
o Depending on govarna the ksheera guna is mentioned
o Depending on Disha – Vayu guna
o In Prameha – Takra prameha, Gritha prameha, Ghatika prameha
o Tamboola – nagavalli
o Masoorika vyadhi – vasanta nama
o Utphullika roga varnana

“The greater the struggle the glorious the triumph” – Nick Vujicic Page 16

o Anidra chikitsa varnana

o Sarvottama ayu for Male – 25 -30, For female – 24 -37
o Tulasi prathama varnana
o Manushya ayu 4 divisions
 Yogaratnakara
 Author –
o unknown
o nayanashekhara
o narayana shekhara
 specialities-
o rasakarpoora prayoga in Phiranga prakarana
o tambaku prathama varnan
o utphullika vyadhi prathama varnana
o pathyapathya vistara varnana
o bheemaseni karpoora upayoga in netra roga
o asthigata pratishyaya asadhya
o snayuka, somala, sheetavatavyadhi, sheeta roga, somaroga varnana
 bhaishajya ratnavali
 author – Govindadasa
 pratisamskarta – vinod lal Sen Gupta
 specialities –
o in Oupasargika roga – Pooya meha
o asthisankya – 246
o rogas – snayuka shoola, Khalitya, Agantuka pakshaghata, gadodvega,
tadava roga, Oupasargika meha, Klomaroga

“The greater the struggle the glorious the triumph” – Nick Vujicic Page 17

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