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Babtee Conteh

P1: Safety is important in a pre-school setting because it preventing children from

accident and injuries, by ensuring the safety of the children in my setting is as follows;
we make sure no heavy items which could create a hazard are obstructing pathways or
within reach of the children, we always reduce overcrowding e.g., chairs, tables are
always maintain putting in order .The floor is cleaned and not slippering, we also separate
activity to prevent hazard.
Security: where is concern because children are venerable and trusting? All staff in my
setting making sure security is following by: all gates are kept shut, entrance exit door in-
appropriate locks and code; all visitors must enter via the door system which link to the
general office and must sign in and out before allowing coming in the building. There is
also a buzzer, fire door are always kept shut, electric socket are maintains with electric
plug cover to prevent from putting their fingers or object in to the plug socket. Windows,
cupboards are always kept shut. All staff follows the line of fire drills. Safety and security
checks as it are instructed. We ensure that all children are accountable before and after
the setting, we always aware of the where about of the children in the setting.
Accident: when a child fall or had an injuries he/she is assisted with nursery nurse with
first aid equipment and details of the accident are all recorded.
Safety equipment: We ensure that all equipment is tested and secure before used, we
also ensure that all object. Toys used by children are suitable for them by this I mean
suitable for their age and stage of development example bikes, motor slide ext. The staff
always checks equipments before allowing access to the children because some
equipment are cheer example; plastic toys can cause wound damage or equipment that
are not fixed properly can cause accident.
First aid: The setting ensuring each member qualified staff has up to date first aid
training. Example encase of accident.
P2: Hygiene is an important as children are fragile. And can easily become sick it is an
important role in working and living with children.
In order to prevent spreading diseases from child to child, by this I mean wearing gloves.
When changing babies nappies, or incase of an accident which contains blood, we should
always wear gloves. Also toilet and wash hand basin are washed, clean and disinfected
with anti bacterial spray. Tablecloths, window cottons, children dressing up clothes are
washed regularly.
Washing hands after using the toilet: We ensure that table chairs equipments are clean
with antibacterial spray every weekly.
Chopping board, utensils, instruments such as tin cutters, knife are washed before and
after using. The staff ensures that indoor and outdoor are always clean. Also, the staff
ensures that the work surfaces in the kitchen are sterilized. Staff ensures that the floor is
clean and mops everyday. Reading books are wiped with a flannel to prevent dust. And
organize every weekly. Wooden blocks for construction, toys object are clean with
antibacterial spray every weekly.
Food Preparation: All children and adults assisting food preparation are asking to wash
their hands before and after cooking. Staff handling food must have a complete food and
hygiene certificate. The staff handling food should always check expiring date before
using. Food that is unwanted or expired should always be thrown immediately. The
children are given a healthy and balance diet. With all food nutrients; for example’
Carbohydrate, protein, fats, fiber water, vitamins and minerals. The staff teaches children
about food and hygiene practice, example; health education and washing of hands before
meals. Fruits are washed served everyday, before given to the children.
Sickness: if a child is sick, for example vomiting or having a high temperature, the child
is taking to a resting room where she gets one to one support. He or she is allowed to
make choices of weather to read a book or do some thing he or she likes. She is also
allowed to rest or play. Child is observed by a first aid staff. Events are recorded and
parents are in formed.

P3: Pre school environment is important because it stimulates and motivates the child’s
interest. And promote well being. It also promotes interaction and social behavior that
meets development need. Also it encourages the child’s attendance. Its also encourages
the interaction between children. By this I mean providing enough activities that can be
done in door and out door. For example indoor: there is quite area, in this area children
are encourage to chose their own book of choice read or view pictures. Dressing op area
home corner: In these corner children can perform role play. They can as well go to the
Musical instruments area and shop, floor toys, arts and craft area where children can draw
different pictures, doing painting and decorations. There is wet sand in the trolley where
they can sorting different types of toys example; pegs, fruits shapes, plates, spoons,
containers ext. Out door activities such as: play house, rabbit hutch, gardens, sand pit,
climbing frame, slide, Bikes, tricks, and construction, trampoline and skipping rope, ext.
to make it attractive for the children, there are colorful postal display on the walls of the
nursery. Children are also allowed to make there own creation, which is display. The
staff ensures that all activities are accessible to the children reach, the staff displays
pictures of each child the in the clock room area bearing their names on it. They also have
a separate room for hanging their coats with their names on it. This makes the children be
proud of having their portion in the property. The rooms are separated to create health
and safety. The staff ensures all activities are safe and age appropriate. Staff ensures that
leaflets of the roles and regulations are hanged on the clock room. In order to maintain
health and safety there is a carpet for mobile babies so that they can move around. Also
there enough space created to allow babies to move freely without injury. Staff also
ensures that furniture is stable so that babies can pull themselves op safely.
Curriculum all staff believes in the teaching many of the fundamental principles of
literacy and numracy through more age appropriate, learning techniques which children
find fun and therefore are more enthusiastic to learn. The staff also believes in identifying
a child individual talents and interest. Our nursery curriculum provide a frame work to
ensure that each child receives the best care and education for every aspect of their
development, this is achieved through a combination of the planned activities, learning
through play and first hand experiences. This are: personal, social & emotional
development, Physical development, early language & literacy development, Creative
developments, knowledge of the world around us.
As a staff we meet plan and observe children’s play on a regular basis in order to provide
and extend the children’s learning opportunities. We actively play, interact and listen to
the children and meet the parent formally each term to discuss and plan for each child’s
future learning. Parents are informed by given them letters. We also encourage parents
idea’s by involving them in some activities to participate with the children, because
parents are vital part of nursery life and many of the enrichments program activates in the
setting could not happened without the support of the parent.
We also invite parent on outings by giving them leaflets, parent can then decide and
inform staff if they would like to go on the outings. Children with special needs may have
limited play or. So the team ensures that these children are provided a one to one
supervision when needed. Also the staff encourages the child to support and learn about
their peers with special needs. The staff ensures that they also have a positive attitude
towards exercise.

P4The The stage of children in the first five years of a child life is very important in
developing physically. Therefore the staff ensures that each child gets a balance and
healthy diet in order to thrive and promote all round development and physically growth.
This are the five separated food groups that children needs in their lives; examples; milk,
cheese, yoghurt, cereals, potatoes, pasta, vegetables and fruits. Meats and alternatives for
example Soya and pulses. The staff take into account of dietary when planning menu’s
ensuring that nutritional needs are meet example; vegetarian, vegan diet, food intolerance
and food allergies. Staff performs bodily Functions-toileting and washing.
Dressing-putting shoes, coat on etc. staff must make sure the area is safe, equipment is suitable
Encouraging 'risk taking'-keeping 'safe' risks to promote them beginning to understand risk taking
for their own personal safety.
Healthy Body-being reminded to drink and eat (example more when sunny), encouraging bodily
awareness such as water better than fizzy, apples better than sweets and why. Giving
experiences of people who help such as dentist, Doctor’s etc.
Bodily awareness: knowing the name of body parts so they can describe when hurt, and also for
safe guarding reasons (child protection)
Growth and development: opportunities for them to use their large motor skills and fine
manipulative skills. Making sure they are not too easy or too hard for them.
Assessing if they are working towards the aims (such as Foundation Stage). The staff also
teaches the children how to wash their hands after eating. The staff plan activities that educates
children about brushing teeth, this is done by putting tooth paste brush and a peace of dentures
on the table, and staff demonstrate and explain the importance of brushing teeth. Children with
allergies are given the appropriate food; this is made clear to all staff by putting a notice on the
board. Staff makes sure that they read the notice board and children’s fine before commencing
shift. Babies with nappies are change regularly and are fed every three hour. Older children are
encouraged to help by assisting younger children with using their toys. staff help the children to
matches their ability and interest. Encourage them to be confident. The staff integrates children
that have special needs into regular place. School staff should receive training in order to safely
teach and supervise and care for using will chair.

P5: For the first year of a child’s life they form an emotional bond between their
parents. As children move from infancy into the toddler (1-3 years), they gain a sense of
self, separate from their parents and siblings. Since this is a whole new world for them,
frustrations can run high and they may be prone to temper tantrums or other behaviors’
that their parents find objectionable. As with any new skill, learning to control negative
emotional responses takes time. Children need to learn that there are better and more
effective ways to get what they want than to throw tantrums.
Emotional behavior are based on the child Easy an individual temperament or mood, some
children may be cheerful and adaptable and easily develop in regular routines of sleeping,
walking ,eating and other activities children from age 2 to 3 can easily tend to respond positively
to new situations. Children from 0 to 2 year are not very adapted and may have great
irregularities in their routine. Some children era in between, people did not realize the importance
of children’s early attachment. It was only in the 1950s that research showed how important they
were one of the key figures in this work was John Bowlby; he noted that there was a link between
later ability to form relationships and respect society rules and children early attachments.
According to Piaget thought that there were two separated words for thinking and feeling ,He
said that it was impossible to think without feeling and to feel without thinking, there is enough
space in there rooms, there is a barrier to the kitchen so that the children cannot crawl to the
kitchen. There is a separate room for nappy changing, three children one adult ratio.

P6: Effective comunication makes the job easy for the pre school staff , by this I mean
working as a team and clear comunication it enhances effective team work ,In my setting
the ways we communicate is as follow: all member of staffs are working in the setting are
names are placed on the notice board with their pictures, the rules and regulation of the
setting arealso placed on the notice board.the staff communicate about each child
developmet,also about staff meeting,daily activities about children that have special
needs.We communicate about routines that make the setting enviroment friendly and
welcoming, we communicate by monitor and review target,observed children and keep
detailed records

A very important aspect in a child's growth and development is the communication between the
school and home

Parents need to know how their child is functioning at every level of school even in preschool. The
truth is the interaction and development at the preschool level will have an effect on his entire
school life. It is important for parents to be aware of progress, socialization and communication.
It is important to communicate with parents/careers example routine of the day activity that the
child does, rules and regulations of school. Topics like; punctuality of child, development of a
child and the next stage to be taken. Staff also asks information about child alleges likes and
dislikes cultures tradition religion. The staffs are always available to speak with parents /careers
before and after school. The setting keeps in news letters every three weeks. The setting follows
the foundation stage curriculum and has different topics each term. The topics are displayed in
the notice board in the clock room area. The assessing progresses of each child and indivifual
target share are shared with the p0arents.
The safety of the children of Alfrida nursery is of paramount important the following procedure
are in place to safe guard the welfare of children example physical, emotional and sexual abuse,
and neglect. Whilst in our care, this policy is written in line with the London safeguarding
children and understands and implement the policy and procedures, the name person for child
protection matters is. This name person is responsible for ensuring all staff under the implements
this policy.
Child abuse and neglect is a term to describe the ill treatment of a child, procedure recording
disclosures and suspicions of abuse.
Where a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff that member of staff will be clam and
indicate acceptance of what the child says listens to the child and encourage them to talk with out
using leading questions. Reassure the child without making false promises. Reassure the child
that they were right to talk to them the member of staff will be made of manager of the setting. A
written report will be made of what the child has said ASAP, Staff member must immediately
report concern to the named person of the setting.
Manager will be contacted, emergency management meeting may be called, and child
behavior and play may be observed. All records of concern /disclosure must contain; the
child name, address and date of birth, the date and time of the observation or disclosure,
the exact words spoken by the child, the name and signatures of any person present at the
time of the disclosure, the name and signature of any the person to the child protection

P9 It is important to complying with the setting procedure by reporting suspected abuse

to safe guard and promotes the welfare of children, also to protecting the safety and well
being of all children in care. All staff including student on placement and volunteer’s
worker with in Pre School must comply with the policy of sings and symptoms possible a
Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most
visible sign, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse or child neglect, also leave deep,
long lasting scars. Some signs of child abuse are subtler than others. However, by learning
common types of abuse and what you can do, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life.
The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal from their abuse
and not perpetuate the cycle. Learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and help break the
cycle, finding out where to get help for the children and their caregivers. Confidentiality is the
ability to with heath information about a child or a adult that are kept confidential and share
only with those who need to know records, can also be share with the child parent or those
who have parent responsibility for the child accordance with the procedure, and only if
appropriate under the guidance of the local safeguarding children

By developing and stimulating my own practice in a pre school environment, the rooms
are divided into areas example;. Messy area, quite area, home comer, construction area,
art and craft are etc. although the setting hang postal on the wall I can put more images
and colorful postal. To get the children more interested. Also by having a messy area I
also make sure that, the messy area is not close to the quite area. In order to let the
children explore with all the facilities, I will display more object in the messy area so that
the children. Make sure that all facilities are explore and appropriate. The quite area : in
this area more interesting and attractive pictures or postal are displayed on the wall ,I will
set op different activities every weekly. I will make sure all activities are at children
‘s reach and eye level to stimulate play ideas, it is very important to encourage children to
exercise self esteem. I will always organize four or five children in each activity so that
children can observe, imitates, and work together with other. Activities such as singing
with a sing along book in the quite area is perform. This is done so that the children can
be interested; I also give the children each week new experiences such as Lego, assorting
pegs in the right way. The children are given the chance to decide how to use them; this
means to show them that they aren’t restricted to adult only .I will make sure to bring
every thing out example pictures labels, toys and books. So that the children can see
where the toys are. I will teach them for tidying up. After play will also teach the children
to become more independent example putting on jacket, using toilettes. Again I will teach
the children wash hands after playing example painting and glue act.

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