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2 NC Machine Tool ir ✓
ii) Punched Cards - II ,~ ii ano the r de v ice u<.~d a, 1r.;, :". ·~'.?c :2 fo ~
pur1_ched cards are made from a tough paper and it 1s diffcrcn t rr1Jm pu n..: hed iare , .... ..,
punched cards are used in cotton mills to guide the thn:ads then 11 1s used to NC machine tu o
,,r - :-.

f 8
8 columns and 12 rows for punch ing instructions. The rectangu l.n blocks are punched 011 i ii,
erica1 co machine tool.part movements an:d on-off 'f
~~ at oneo.rmore places.
,> Jincil"uns by usmg_ co
format. Thus the NC
·c fixed se. uence operation of the Ii 1/fil) Magnetic tape - This is a digital magnetic tape used as a input dev ict: anJ a 111 , ,

storage device for NC mach ine . The infonnation may be recorded on the tape, or hy :i sm :.i 11sp, ·
machine tool. ll
_~; a magnets the magnetic pulses on the tape correspond prec isely to the holes on the tirs1 - tr ~ •. ·
C~:!°'..C:.~~ ;,

NC machin /,I the standard perforated tape . The information is not written in the coded fom1 . 1.e . the p·1I~--
!hr~c .mai.i:i. feature 1 for advancing the axes of motion are produced directly from the tape where the rernn.kd I' "' ' '
t instruction for moving one basic length unit. The magnetic.tapes are coated with a gam111;.
P~~~-~--?~~d'Q..3._Cm _.,.. ,____ _ __, ~
:1 machine tool as show i !ljm.J 1=!?9 I ID OI &, oxide, due to this its became qu ickly magnetized and demagnetize.
instructio~1:..~!::_!:~-<~2'. t e unched ta e "-INCHaDT~N COfffaol.UNIT NCMACHINI- ll Tape prepa~ng meth·o(is :- The tapes are prepared manual ly or with ;i ;i,rl 0 t r,,,,,, .. ,.
and then all machine o I mechanical r1,.-q ✓ ·· - ,!: for preparing the tape's manually a tlexowritter or a punch typewritter is used . These •::;:- :.- .,.. · • ..
,, parts are controlled by t e machine control i
' unir w perti:>m; the ope ·onso7{·~achine tool. we discuss all above features one by one .as ~ are eleetrictypewritters.
- I - ·- . --.. . . ,..-:· ···-----~•--.,~ .._,._ ·-·•-.•"\.,. . -.~-·-·"'-'J~~-··. . . -__.........,.....,__,... f Tape format ·:- A sequencial setup of the coded instructional data on a punched tJ , ,,_. ,
following . f :;
I -·· - •· . ~ known as a tape format. '·Five instructions are placed in a block . The meaning of the 111, , n ,(' 1•

, i follows .
Storage and input devlc ~of NC machine tool-
The manufactur at operations ~re conlr!)II~ on a NC machine tool by use of standard Ii L____ 1 COMIUTf · ~ Of INfOIMAnoN _ _ J
seven track punched tap ·*signed at MIT. Thus NC machine runs auiomatically with a prepared t H/N
~ Sf0
G I ,
,m OJMfNSI0/1
I ' NO ' fUNCT \
program on punched tap 1 HODIGIIX1l .l41 L

........ ••.. • •.•l..• •.l••.• . ..•!
This is the first ~i.c compon.ent of NC ~stem. The pu~ch~ tapes, punch~ cards and
mput and storage dCVJces ofNC machme programs. t { 1111 l : 111 : 111111
,I 1111 l 111

. . . .i -~ 0

• • • •
•• •• • 01

t ••

.... .......... ... "... ..•

• I
he instnictional data feeding to the NC machinetool by a punched tape 00000 0000 0000000 0000 00 0000000 S,CNOUS
•• •• •• • • ••
• \ •
is rhe most common me , d used. This tape may be a paper -or plastic tape. This is of standard· ,,
Fig.1.2 Punched tape
25mm width with 8 trac s ~r channels of data punched along it. The length of tape depends upon ;
the program length. An a cftional track·ofsma_ll spr~ket hole=punched arthe same time as the data ~1I) The track 8 specifies start and end ofblcttk
The operation sequence block is specifi~ by N00 I the holes are punched on tape . 1\1 1, ,r, •,
tracks. Sprocket hole ck is used for feeding the tape into_.tapc reader continually, the sprocket · I
1hold track is placed -be ekn track J,and 4. Three-tracks_are-placed ·on one side of-the sprocket .
track 4, 0 for on track 6, and I for on track I~n first row.
3) 1wo codes are separated by punching the ho~ on TAB.
channel and · five on tli 1ther sid~.--As .~ho~-- in.the :fag th~ provision .of the unsymmetrical -·
placemcnr of rhe sproc ti channe~. the..possjbilhy <>f il'lcorrect ins~rtiori of the tape in·thc tape · · 4) Second w.ord of a block s_~cify a ~81 drilli~.cycle cod~ for? let,ter, hol~s an: ~Ull l'il , .: , '!
track 1,2,3,6 and 7, fora d1g1t8 hole 1s punched\ n track 4, tor a 01g1t I hole pur:cl b.1 ,' : ., · ·
,......d,ria1 TTduc•J.

CNC Te~lmolog, . C:tp.? 1.2 NC Machlne'To·o1 CNC Technolog,- CTI:) 1.2 NC Mach i ,(: r.- ..
.!r ✓ II) Pllll('hl'cl C nnl s - fl I\ ;1 illl fJl hn OCVIC" I I ' , ,,I ,1 ,r ; ,· 1• ,,.. .,, ,:, (" ' '/

,!$\~?\~I1.2 NC Machine Tool ~i

punched cards arc made: from a 1011gb puper »nd 111~ d1ff<.: 11.:111 1,,, m 11 11 11 ,. li t.:d 1.,,,, ,
punched curds are used in co11on m1IIR 10 guide the thrcadRth e11 11 1& u•,ed lfi NL ,rn,ch111,. ,. "'
1f g columns nnd 12 rows for punch ing instruction9. The rectanµuh.n block.~arc: puncher! r,11 11 •
Numerical con
01 one or more placc:9.

,>- ilnc\i'uns b ~•!} com1 o 1d mstruc1i I un unchcd· o ·.~h!£~r~~~~cd..J\IRh11numrnxPI 1 Ai) Magnetic lope - This is a digital magnetic tape used as a input dev 1ci.: anti ,1 111
fonn nt.\ Thus the NC svs ·e , iii deshmed to· orovide RUtomatic fixe~ 11equence operation of the I~ storage device for NC mnchinc . The infonnation may be: recorded on the tape, or hy n ~111 , 11~,,,
machmctool a magnels the magnetic pulses on the tape correspond prec isely to the holes on 1hc tir\ t ' , r LJ
~-~~~'-~:!.~ the stondord pcrforalcd tape . The information is not wnrten 1n rhc coded fo rm . , c p•,1~
_N~ muchine 10_ 1i s~mbin~it.w.i.Jh l~' for ndvnncing the axes of motion arc produced directly from the tape whcrc the rcc nrdc< I 1111,
t ht'

~hn, c 1m1in fcntures, • Ul device$ like h instruction for moving one basic length un it. The magne1 1c tapes are coa ted w11h a ',(an 111 1.
P~':'C,h~\1. tllB,.CJ .._,m!'~<::.'h~
. : i~~W,1,¥,1.~.Ll.li~ I I~
;1 machine tool as sho ·; 0 ,cide, due to this its bccurnc qu ick ly magnetized and demagneti ze .
instmctions are fe-d b :..=,.-.;;.;,.,;;;.;..;;...,;;.i;.e
-- - -,- --..
Tape prepu~lng method, :- The tapes ere prepared manual ly c,r with n a ,ri n1 • " " ·
Jnd then all machine "••- 1 -• .,/' .l' for preparing the 1npe'9 manunlly a flexowritteror n punch typewritt~r is used The s~ •::;'·· ..
pllTIS nrc controlled 'i,y t e machil)econlrol i- are electric 'typewritter\;.
·· ·- '~···- ~
!;! OIi_ _IO perfum1 th:_ope 100~ 0!' __1!'~.~~-~~-~ to?I. WC .?_i~~~~~-~-~-~~~.:'.:..~~~:.:.?llC b}' - ~ s ~- T11pe fornrnt ·:- A sequencial setup of the coded instructional data on a pu111.:hi.:J 1,,, ,, ,
lo /k>wing. . I '
known us n tap.: forma1. ·.Fivc instrncr ions are placed rn a block The rnennrng o( fhl' ,, ,., , ,,,,.,
,,.~• I
follows .
toroge and input devlc ~of NC machine tool-
The manu fuc tur at
operations ~re
cootrolled on o NC machine tool by use of standard ,~ I
. - I CONSISTS o;" COMl'UTI woao,
COM,tfTI 1\00( 01 JNIOIMAnON _ _ _ J C
----, o
seven track punched tap ·*signed at MIT. Thus NC machine runs 11utomatically with a prepared ~
program on punched top
ic component of NC sy.stc:m. The punched tapes, punched cards and ~ (1W1Yi'iNfi11'(ii'lU11i'i'ff1i"i 'i
' . . '~
This is the first
magnetic tapes arc used input and storap devices ofNC machine programs. ~ ••
.. . ....•• ...•. •• IOI

...... .............. ..•

'-"'i) Punched tape

1e instructi_onal data feeding to the NC ma~hine tool b: a_ punched tape_
1s the most common me h . used. This -tape may be.a paper or plastic tape. This as of standard
25mm width with 8 trac s ~r channels of data punched nlong it. The length of tape depends upon
• •
0 0000 0000 0000000 0000

I) The track 8 specifies start and end ofblctck


Flg . 1.2 Punched ta pe

the program length. An a ci,tionn I irack-ofs~II sprocket h.ole'punched at the same time as the data
tracks. Sprocket hole I c~ is used for feeding the tape into _.tape render continually, the sprocket · 2) The operation sequence block is specifi~ by NOO I the holes are punched on tar<:: . N I• 1 , • ,

hold trnck is placed be ebn track J ,and 4. Three-tracks.a~ placed ·on ·one side ofthe sprocket track 4, 0 for on track 6, and I for on track I,·n
~first row.
chnnnel and · five on th 1ther side., As :shown :i~-
the :fig_~e .provisiciii of the unsynimetrici 3) T;wocodes are separated by punching the ho on TAB .
4) . Second w.ord of a block specify a GS I drilli
p lacemcnt of the sproc ti chanriet, the .possj~ilify of incorrect in~rtiori of the tape in ·th_c tape . .cycle code for G letter, hol~s an: pum i1, .: , ·1
,....._.J,..,J.,,..,..JucsJ. n track 4, for a digit i holi:: 1,JU1:clrcJ ,·:· , ·

CN'C Terhnology c:Jp. 1.2 NC Machlne 'Tool ·/ t!_NC Tcdmolog,· QC) 1.2 NC Mach i'" r, ,,



T hclhird wordof~
lockspcc1fics a co-ordinate's ofX positions.
According to the input devicesfollowin,g three different tap
, ---,
The fourth word ofa~ock specifies a co-ordinates of Ypositions. adns are used m Nl sys1c:
7) i) Punched tape readers
The fifth word specifi a instruction ofspindle start.
I following three types of pe formats are in use. ii) Card readers
iii) Magnetic tape readers ..

i a) A fixed format - This type ( a ta pe ,ormat
used fior a potnt to pomt
· control posit n. The v . /"
mstructions to be given with all d1 ts must be punched in a prescribed order, i.e. if the moti n is not . NC Machine toor :-
required its posiuon must be descri ed by zero digit.
Machine tool is the ~hird.· basic co.mponent of a NC systelI which actual work operations

i b) Tab sequential format - Thi type of ta " d" bo . .

a pc ,orma 1 use ,or th point to pornt co of and
are performed. The machrne tool contains the main.fe11tun:s lik ase, column, table, spindle etc .
. . . . • ·
..:ontounng control system In this fo at TAB k .
the rwo codes
d h
ey ts presse at t e end of each code to eperatc
Theservomolors·areattachcd toeachshdemovementsmdtV1du I ecessary todnve the slides and
. . · . · .
·. spindle. The machine tpol also mclqc;les the cutting tools and fi,,; s to cut the material and to hold

c) A word address format- It 1sa 1dely used tape fonnatforcontounngsystem. lnthi format
/ .,,
word ma block 1s preceded by an alphabet character which identify the meaning ofth
the work.respectively.


NC working process:-

,f,,MCU (Machine Control Unit) :- As discussed prcviously'.thcman·ufacturing opcrat_ions are c ntroUed on a NC machine too l
by use of standard seven track p~hed tape which is design MIT. Among the seven !Tacks
1 MCU 1s. the second basic component of NC system. All ·machine tool movem nts are . three of the tracks were used to control-!hc different axes oft e machine , while the othe r four
I controlled by MCU, so it is a brain ofa NC system. ft consists of an electronics and hardw cs that· encoded various control information. rn.a: processing unit ofM the tape was read by a reade r
t..'·; ;J•

read and interpret the program of instructions and convert it jnto electrical voltage to eed the head which consist with relay based ~!ll'C registers two fi r each axis. After reading th e
mechanical actions of the machine tool. MCU includes tape reader buffer zone, si inst(uctions, the preyious!y read point was saved in to the startin int register and the newly read
.:hannel, and the scgucncc controls to co-ordinate the overall operations, it also include one into.the en_ding point. Thus tape was fe<I continually'-.nd th pc readers-read the characters

panel which contains the on-offswitches and push buttons.. on~ ~flee·the other until the end of-bl9«=k or untit a stop instructi · s encountered four holes in a
Buffer Zone- It is a part ofMCU used as a temporarily storage device. The·data cotnincd on . a
line,A final device ofMCUb¢1d cl~c;k thatsempulscs·throug e registers, compared them and

the tape arc read by the reader head and store into buffer. The purpose of this device is to tore the gen~tcd ·output pulses that ~iated between ·the pol • These output puls·e s are
input instructions in logical blocks of infonnation. Thus the information'data ls sto~cd te porarily . converted a
trom ·digital tci analog·!:>Y converter devi ·and then these converted
and fed it as required to machine tool. , numberof-pulsessentto the'servomo~orthat ln~asef;l power to the·motors as the

NC Data readers -An electro-mechanical device is used in the MCU to r;iad the jns ctions
COL!nt In the
registers lncrei,sed. Thus the servomotor ates by the received pules ·~
from the punched tape known as photo elcctic ~ders and mechanical .readers. It cbrysist reading , con~nuously. .once the•finlsh poin~ was reached the puls from a clock would stop and
head by which a data is read with.a detection ofpresence or absence of hole by light scnsi gwh.ich·; the motors would eventually drive the h1achlne st Ides e encoded position . In that
convert light energy into electrical voltage: The punch~d tape moves betwc;n the light so e, ~d manner.the. cutting i
the ·part Is P.1'9ceedlng like this r ing a block performing it s
the photo electric cell and the holes are detected by Hght passing!hem into tbe phqto el tric.ceil. : ln5itruction ~nd ;o rih tintli tht{encr'of cuttlpg pro~. · programmer could control
The punched tape sprocket holes are smaller.than the data hole, its m11ltipUc~don with ca h pne of th' speed of th~ slide lly selecting point:$ that w closer together for slow
rhe data chaMcls provides a simultaneous appearance of the data pulses. niovements or f.~rther ap~rt .f or rapid O,fleS •

•J -=-- me Ma.tine To.if..,.,,,.__.....,..., C1I) 11 1.1 NC Machi~ Too~

, ._" 11- /!Jl;l !j~r
1.3 CNC Organisation cNC machine tool is bu ilt by combined the mechanical and eleclri ,,,, ~ l".lV\ASll 4ext (' d
The parts o~~..c..ma ·.e. s ind le hc~d, servo motor, ball le~ ,,·rcw '"' · '
feature S· - . . . . ,
Introduction - bly tool magazines w11h automatic tool changer or turret head are mechanical ek , , I
nurasse~m .. ,
m d11ta !ltorage and input media technique of machine tool have moved 011 ~ h are m -Aa~n"urf•a"'ctured by soph1shcated technology. .These parts run s auto111 a11, ii ,,.; 1:it
wh1c ' I' \
bmpunched tape i lmost every other rolo. Several reasons explain this one is easy backward • 'ble noise and friction . The electronic
ntS 118 1 . .
compatibility of cxi g programs. Manufacturers weretparcd the trouble ofre-writing existing! s which consists microprocessors ,
fea t u re
rapes in ro a new fo another is that tend to stick with whatever is profitable and their time and timers , help to run the mechan ical ,..........~ ~ s n t
@) money for trying ouq.t1emativcs is limited. The development has advanced as result of a rapidly ·
improving capabititi,b and falling prices of mini computers. Due to this during 1970 the easy
re IaYs ,
par ts automatically by
alphanumerical coded data from the MDI
commanding lhe
.,-• 4-.._ COMPU H P
'>'=:'-'~ r - -
(--J.J.,l •

Automatl 16Jiij i
o putcrs, technical expertise make complex parts for home and prototy{>c Panel of computer. Thu s from the who le Tool Ch1n9 lii11.l!i
through was achieved and C machines were fitted with di ital electronic organizations ofa sy stem is divided into XAXl - - - : : : ~.
.,_rouron, 11•.
....... - w . . pu-q '!ijmedia . for input !111!,Pr~ing and lhus..,the name introduced as main two elements i.e. mach ine tool and
, +.vt .
--· -- - - - - -· - · cALCONTR,OLorshortlyCN_C. machine controller unit. - - ------1,,/' Flq . l J

i~j ✓ CNC Machine tool :-

~~ _,ed as th_e ~ethod of controlling machine.tool by the .a licaticin of mini !
ii .
~he first basic component o~CNC organ izations is the machine too.I. Acc,irding tn tl, ii"f p
C machine tool'systems arc designed with microprocessors, Due to these \; of operation to be done, the mechanical elements those required for a particul ar machine: t•" ' '
product, me·.of production, machine reliability and program. storage ij •
assembl.e~ and built a CN~ mach ine tool such as, machining center, turning center, CNl · µrn i,:: 1

mplex.JDstructurcsarc relatively became easy

to produce and reduce the B CNC dnlhngetc . ~~erequrred parts made with sophisticated technique like, linear moti r,ll'h•:.11 ,,.. .
theCNCmachinetootbccamcextrcmelyflexi61eandversatile. J
~ ways coated smfaces servomotors, ball lead screw, are used for automatic smoo th kcd ,1 1;"'<l
runs the .machine automatic after prognunmed. Thus it became a j tool magazine and automatic tool changers arc used for quickly tool change. Automat ic luh m .11. I
manufac~_ng.pro:tErproccssedpactsinaproductionenvironmentascontroliedandallocated I syste~, coolant system, hydraulic po.wer pack, pneumatic s~stems arc used for nu t 0 n1. ,i,, ,
by 3 soph,st~catcd C n lier that t1SCS servomotors
to drive each axis. These servomotors rotates l. ~ s. These all parts are covered w11h a safety guards lo avmd damage and to away keep , · I• !
by the received vol . puls~. The setvQmotor can start stop ' or be reversed, as received j from chips and dust.
mg. Gnn&rolJcJ:actuaHy c6ntrols the direction ofax is, speed and feed and a .{
toT ro~ A ·prcpircd
alphanumerical coded (A to Z letters. and Oto 9 J
Machine Controller Unlt(MCU) :-
·car sig1t) p'rogrim is .loaded ~r manually input using.keyboard into the i It is a second most important electronics part of a CNC machine too l org<111 :'. .:! : ·
machine ~mputer . fheopera~.o~ andthencx~uted_. . . / cont.ai~ed with CNC and PLC (programmable logic control~ technology. The MC!J co~s,, , .. ,
This techno was ongmally.developcd for automatic.control of metal cutting machine 1• hardware and softwares like transducers, actuators and m1crnprocessors . The mach ine ,,,.,, .,
tools, but its appli have bccnextended to a·lar: e varie ofmachin.es and proce&ses, such i controls are supervised by CNC controller untt wh ich ,·ames out functions like lha1 rc,H , ,,11,,

as weldi1!£. sheet i11g,., e~ctric diScharge machinin~, ~-ordinate measutjng machi~ ; decoding th~ program of instructions and converl it 11uv electrical voltage pulses and the11 ,111 , i
· automaticworlchaadliniand~mblyctc. mechanical actions. The PLC wh ich carries out all swi.tch ing and sequencing functions i 1~ L· ~~,~ J.:V-,
on-off, coolant on-off, tool magazine and turret operation etc.

l CNC Tedmolagr l . CE::) 1.3 CNC Organisation .I CNC Technology ~ 1.3 CNC Organisa1·1n •


D . 0 (0;
· ,(~~

Fl D ' ',.
\~\ ,,1 r
· - ,. ,, .._ 11~ 11 1 I """ ..,.., , 1...-. ' ~-


___ .,._ -- -..

i Th, m,chi0< loo I,ii du'" moved by rho ,on,omo1onhroogh boll 1,od ,o,qw ,ndf box llt1'
n"" moro,s '" coni,olled by f<ed d,i,e con1roller. Th, eocodet known" fte4back eviee11 i ,Hy ~presented in decimal fqrmat for the pUl'J)Ose of the convcli!nce in processing a cu ;r, :-:u:e
o,oonrcd on, ""•moro, sh,tl ro rneeso", slide Posirioo. A ,oi~blo coolrollei osed·1o "'Y lh
. sµ«d

/'t.'t' d of rh, spmdl< moror, .,,d a lachogonororor moonled on spindle molo<10 mca,.;,. fee boek o
,,i : ~,a is to be converted into binary form. The programmer a to determine the mach1n ,11~
;meters and the sequence ofopcrations to be pcrfunncd. Each · e of the program IS referred 1u

~mporer o, ~~f controller onil which· consi,1 '""1 •c.:::;

:&,block. A block contai~ the data requ~ for traversing the c t ing tool from one pomt to the
t o·ne. Aprogram block lonnat as per ISO ts as shown below.

- - -----~--------------------------
nlphunumcric keys and switches b which the machine o erator runs ihe whole s stc
. ~ramBlockFormat:: N-•·· 0-- M-S-- IR•• (Endofblock)
..:~~ftin a CRT f~~isElay to 12rovi9c !E.!.~ation to the oeem!g_r:
. ~_!!~og/0 m~~in!..~!!L_•'"d y,< !l!!W!~~ ,rho,- lo rod0<c CNC >chi,,, NI 090 G2l 017 . ; • Program ,cquence num
too l. But the machine roof manu t~ctures and control unit rnfg. nre different, the machi c bod
------- . --~----'-----!:!..·.----.;....----,--
111nnufocr11rcrs name is specified on ma1:t!_~~) ..Q.Q.!Jtq_d and the control unit rnanufac tw-ers specify absolute systcm~90), dimensions
are in mm(G2 l ), opera ti pcrfonned on XY
. -··
un:t - oo
- of-·- poool.
- -are
them - - !\-om
... ·•-
. _ .. . ,_"''"""'"'"'"·
. -~- · - -· ·,-· ·--••1Nomoof
- .. \ .... rho mom,
. fac1u~" of co
planc(Gl7), the comma ; specify the end
FANL'C 7. NUM ofblock.
N2 M03 SI 200;•
14. MA.ZAK
block sequence numb
9. spindleon(M03)with I
}: -l-. ELPRO 15. JOBBER cndofblock.
I 11 . ALLEN BRADLEY Program block scqucnc
specify a cammend fort
12 . BOSCH
lo s~ight& line (00 I )·to
\ ./4,ments ofCNC system- GOqZS0 ;
a machining upto length rrf> mrn on
CNC system is characterized in three clements - X axis (XIOO) with alk~d rate 50mm!minute, and
Hardwatt - The hardware parts control the machine movements and on/off functJons it codofb.locltandso on.
N4 MOS ;
111c Iudes microprocessors, transducers actuators et\:. Spindleoffandendofbl
NS M02;
SoftWll~ • The installed programs are executed for processing on received instruction Endofproar-m.
Information • The required data infonnation regarding the dynamic charactcristicsjofthc
! machine pertaining to the process. A more recen~ advaRatment In..CNC lnterp
es Is support of loglcal
r ,comm,nds, know[)- ·as subrouttnes, Da loops, and m
ro programming . Macro
Pl'QQl"8mmlng ·1ndude.both device command as well as
:I Program for CNC Mac.hfnc :~ Todays several CNC systems pcnnit programming in ,nual ntrol language similar to
, clu13 input mode. To do the direct programming !he programmer first detcnnlncs tool path an then,
basic. The programmer ~n make.statements. (lf,then,els , loops, subprogram calls
1 ~11,lt.' d1splacemen1 p0$ition of every in1erpola11on from a part drawing. A program is prcpar d by n perform various arlthmettc and manipulate vartables t, reate a large degree of
freedom within one program.
prc,grRmmer using A to Z and O to 9 alphanumerical codes. The operator edit the prog on
using MDI keyboard. Thi: edited program displayed on CRT of computer and sa~d
,· ,lmputer
uutomaticnlly. Thus the programming and editing method is became easy. The numeric da ·

f'~I' T,-rhnnlnd,·
~ 1.3 CNC Orc,anltatton 11 CNr. Tedmolotfy
<::IT:) 1,3 CNC Organisalidtl
'l'.:...·i, ;_; r i:;ntf/fTJ,1;/if'll
..;:. ;.,:;,,.. ---~!kL.lfl,1i


• 1
1.4 CNC Machine·Tool i:•,~: ' ' 0 10 the •Y' ax is of cn-n rdinal c ~y~len1 , tahk " " " ,, '
'~- ordJne,
1 ,z• vertical axi s of a co-ord inate sy, tern the sp1nu l1.: head rnu vc rn c,11 11p :i,
As discw1s di previously the CNC concept c-mploys a mini computer for on line control ( ~t,tording 10 _e ,z· axi s. These three axes mo11on along pns111v~ and nq•,11 ,. ill
. O , . III mn is the
th e maC'hrnc tool t lis n ulf contained NC system for a single machine and includes a nii , 01,:'tt,c co d'n to the direction spec11icd in the cartcsian~co-nrd1n~tc sy~trn
~ : ~mrn:tc r Thm nn· ·clhy,: product!! cnn he prod11r.,·<1 hy ii iophi sticated comrutc r t,: o.: h110lo8y, wh ic '•..:..1rormed ~ccor g driven by the: servo 1no10, s througn r<:1.11 1. ul,it111!!- lld"...!.'- "" ~ - ·" ·
. 1'"" The: 11des arc
5 _ - __ -~
includes harware ( •Froproceasor) and softw . are in industries. It i& needed to use CNC machi ; · - --:; consist a servomotor for ind1v1dual slide movc mc111. ln order I\ • dr,\ o '· t"1>" l
. ' blY Each aXI ;.i ' -;:z;;;-fn r
tool to get more a Jrate dimensions and irregular shapes, due to this CNC machine tools ar , a,,ern · 'ti' on. on w.ork for machinin g purpose, the info rma11or, 1~given 1" i ll,· ( C ,;. •r~t:
,ft ■ narticula~ •
becoming more en ore importlnt in modernized industrialization. · ·~ , ;,.~ I ccooded ddata wh ich is refercd as a NC data. NC data consist A 1•> I ,.iph.,h, · 0 l"CJ_
. h numerica - - --- -- - "
,' -i ~ , Is and require · d mathematical si ns- The info rmation _ rcgard111g
_ ____ pos111on and tin·- l\:t .'t er [I<? f')
Working Prlnclpl ~f CNC machine:- The CNC machine works on lhr_!c ~a! ic principles i.e. · numenco t wi th feed rate according ro the co-oru111a1c ~yM em ~nrl th e oirr, ·' -! ·'• 1
. -- )'de
1 rnovcmen - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -4 - - - 1
principle of cartes aljl co-ordinate system, NC technot·ogy and PLC technology explained a1 . oft . use of coo lant. required tool. nu mber elc arc coded ~u" ,1 1ll•. ·,, r 'e,,i ~ r '
,. II ,
, o owrng, :
------ =-- ----------- -- -
of spindle w11h it s rpm , - :
-~ ~to the ~ontru ller un11 from a 1npu· 1:1 c_, ' , .1" •
.---, r···· ··cilm.u.ii····--: 1 ~ - -- -
!- -rorcxamplc. GO I X 150 Y 200 0 94 FSO ; i, a one in~truc11or b1o-:: 1' ,.. r" :''"/"

, ,, tn the Ry~tem th1t the tool m11 ~t he fed on X anrl Y ~xi c 11ntn th r cn-nrd ,,,;n,· • ,,· I
block 1111orm• · . .
d y zoo from its datum in a straight line with a feed rate of 50mm per minut e. CNC .:01, 1
i r\ (.
~I I~ s
!- - v
: l=:i1: :codes lht: position ing informat ion co<led in the NC progra m. rhc u1~,1.. , "' ,J11a 1•,µ .. 1, ,-.1 -f l ~ !,:, r\ (D . /
I ...1.I:.
1 , ',.:,:.. • . ••
I ....
:•• . . ••. •. __ _ ~~.,,
: device w li '-.: 1lh tlu:: rece ived dat~ into vu lta~(; pul >c> (>1gna I>-) .,.,
• ics, •~"'".' •: ·, •

<, _ ,
-~-- ~
··- -~ - · - · - · ~
, · • - •
·• .,; ) r I •
n1otor, t c servo mo o t rrntatcs alongw1thballl ead screwassembl y acccirch ngtotnc rcl.~II C'
~ frequency. (pul ses per revolutions). Thus the slide 1s moved to the prograrn ~ed pn~1111 •
,pecitied feed rate . A tran 5ducer or encoder mounted on servo motor shaft or l1 1tcd M •: ,, 1
feedback the slide position which continuously monitor the 5lide pos1t1on and cu111pa1 <.: ,"
programmed posi tion. All above functions arc done on a bas is of NC technology.
· Thus the CNC mochine works on a second princ iple of a 1iumencal con.truJ sho111 •.,N(

)HQct'dQ?IJD Pl 3 AD CNG moctN I I,--

-- '

Role of PLC In NC:-

The ha~ic ~ principle i1 explalned from ·the fi rst invented NC vertical milli ~_g mnchi!lt, The third principle 1s\hat a CNC machine tool 1s also working wnn ,. '
by rhe MIT,Jn whic three n,'1111imultanoou1 tool movement wu achieved. U1lng this machine ns technology (programmable lo~ controller) . The PLC Is defin ed as a micro pro
Hn cxnmple n!I sho n in fig . there are typically three linear axes of motion. Each axis has given ft based unit that cnrrlesout contr~unct1ons logically of mar, v l.: 11 -=:ls . !l 15 i.l so,
name alphabetic ~ s ignntlon as· X, Y and Z which arc already designated in carteaian co• oriental machine Interface between control un it & on/off ma chi ne f•J nct1ons !" ' ' ·
ordinate system . Th ~he CNC maohlne i• working on a ti rat principle ofn co-ordinate system. The · machine tools PLC Is used for realizing_ several functions , such as s witch on rri n' ·
8 1
machine iable slid which i!I take.\ motion on ·both h_and side horlzontaly;_ Accordtr\k ,to ~he elements to operate, actuators , electric motors , pneum ati c v111vrc. , 1'1
11 1
1,,,,.,,0,.,_, ,.,., .•., , 1• 0 00
. 0 ,v:Jln • ,...,,,.,.,.,., th. horhlo.n 111 I u.bl•motiofl ,Jld• '" d ..,,,.,,. d •• }( ""
•· cyflnder,, to do the operation ffke automatic, tool changer for tool change 1nd<" x1 1
1.4 CNC Machin " T11 r, 11
CNC' Terhnology CI[:>
<:1D 1,4 CNC Machin• Tool I
~ ;. , i ':,~
' ~~

tmret and many other antral functions are done by PLC program, wh f h Is teslgne
II :~ ~1 i ~t(ons can be performed using soft ke s f~r r;ogra s that have been reg1 st erPri

!I .
I oy the manu facturers of e machine. The usual method of operation of ~ PLC I to sea~
l / all inputs, process the us program and then scan all outputs, thus -the PL do th -
functions log,cally after recei ed input signals from controller unit. I . ,~ ernorv.

• ·: J
All or part of the program can be copied ormov to another program .
When an address and nLIJTierlcal key are pressed
· tQ:1IJl;tat key Is Input once Into the Input buffer ts saved
character correspond1r ,g
tomatica lly and then rn e

I Input devices of CNC machine tooJ :- ,: COQtents of the key in input buffer is displayed on the SC
useb to select the type of screen to b.e displayed . ;
en , The fun c.: t 1on K(:y,;
n a soft key is pressed
<.J , L

Today's any CNC machine too l is fitted wl.th a digital electronic mini c mputeri
, irnrT)edlately·a~er a roncti~n key the screen corresponding t the selected function can
which consist with MDI ( m~nual data input) key board, Key board consls A to
·· be s~lected. When the CNC is operated incorrectly the CN , nters the alarm state, th ~ I
address keys, 0 to 9 numeric keys and program editing keys. It also consi ts with~ I
alarm number and the · explanation of incorrectness is I so displayed on the CR T I
seve ~aJ control keys and switches . The operator can edit the program directly on CR.Ti !

::g~ ·-:o.ooc:~·-·-··,. ta\

screen by using MDI key board . E,._C~ ~ D- . ' •• ' I I
SIEMENS-802 . .

Cl1 1

There is also proyision of floppy disk insertion . Multi function floppy dis input- - - - . '. .

output device for a equipment for operating the handy file directly or remote! from a Z0.000 ?{,t< •'rfl

II '.Jni t connected to the handy fi le programs can be transferred and edited, It u es 3.S
,. ~ ~ 10 a;'°

) OD


. . O~ll~~um~~
~ ,/

.· .

•j inch fl o disk which stores one or more ro rams u to 1.44 m bytes <;an b st~red _,. · : · \ ~1:,.1'1'-f j

•\ on one floppy disk . ( The Rs . 232 interface by wh ich external programs may be ~ din to
,:i::Ne system .) ~ fK~
m~rB ~2Q
□□mo •· . ·:: . ·"· 1 j

/_,, :~=~~ ,;.2_..

0 @liH~~ 15l~
Numenc: • oddr9as keys , Function keys


i iJ
,Computer or MDI panel:- ~ ~ - °'-' m
0 ~5/~~ ~~ Bl~~ 1 ~
It i,s a so phisticated electronics device connected to machine too ! kno , · ·,
. ~~-10.· CJGJ5]5)5} ~~ . ff]l'.fj
~ m
computer or MDI panel ~ Extemal features of a MDrnkely address keys, numeri S. Q ' ~ 20 i . ;. c:::i~GJ5JQ □5J 88~ . 1
·;/~ ~~5151 EJQ . IBl8~ i
controls and switches is used for program editing and c~trolling the
unctions and movements, as a controlling device.
1 :. · /
. 60'···:50 .. o · ........ ;•:Bf3@B ~~ ~1!3 I
Internal features of a computer are us~d to save the Input data, proce Ing on d~tcl ~~.(, p M-t-"1CLdc!~ t«)k Cct-i~f~ c/ · ~
a saved data a nd to do the required calculation . After processln the pro essed
. . · -
dat~ whic.h is known as ou!f?u_t data Is fed to the _next cabinet of a~ ~tE:m ~~J. - -
, !Microprocessor~-:
I Microproccssorisa.,.rtofbar:d
. , inglc small chip of electronic
pa rt,c~ task . ;hus the system works accurately tf the Input data ls fed accura ely b ~ . ircui( attached on a printed circuit board wh~ do the dozen of - • Due to this it is known as a
} ~eopecatar. /f'1fLLt d0-tQ _.,. sa...v ~d Jct.la~ e ~()(,(..~ S( ·ct.: ~ 1
dtt ~;;;ln
of a CNC system. It is a.processin& ber of a mini computer. A
There are several keys for data editing and controlling the machine arts. ! · : handlebotharithmctic andlo~cdataundcr
.~ m1croprocessorcan . .
Edi@gj ncludes the inserti n modification, deletion, and re lacement of wo ds. It !
control,controloninputandoutputdata,controlon sl\dcfeedS:: the spindle speed and co ntro!
al so includes detection of the entire program and automatic insertion of se uence ~ . ' t . ·
:.=,::_:.:_:.=:..::=.::_:::..=----- - - --:-_:c:·- - - - - ~ - - ;
: - ·'------1.'-
onwh,o1o.sys em.
- t..c.·- . ·1 · in which control program 1s
n~ s. The external part program functions can copy, rnove and rnerg~ pro r ms, !. •
I Microprocessors works with ROM ~ d o_nly ~mo_tj
emory stores various
the operator can do the program number s:an::h, sequence number search .W~ ) stored and RAM (B,andomA\:ccssMemory) which~ read~te

s~ h and
- .add res; search
-- - . With the external part program editing functlo the :L.. :__-..;....~--·---------::=::-------,i--;:-:::::::::r:,/
.-, . , . ~ t,4 CNC Machin@ Tool I
l 'l\'.I rPrl,renlnd• ~ t.4 CNC M11chlne tool : f'Nf" ,THhnnlnd1' \.. 21 ,_;
·.cl~ ·:~· '
~~ . , •

~-, ,. - _-.t:.,.

.]~__\ ~.{ i
ii", ,
.:..: : ••~-- ~ ~ .. L• · ...
·:f:cm'.·~ \:~. _: ,,· '. ... ;.
·_-' i 1l,,:_k·i·:~~·..~·· :._:,.··i,l='J-·.,~
. ,··· -_ ~~-) -~c,r _ .{~-">" { ~

:r ndCNC
drhercsuJf!ofcalculations. Due ro expansion module of high sp ~
e lsystcmelude input output- buffers, priority interrupt controls and count •· C NC
as clocks ro vide several timing phases. JI is a system in wh ic h actions are I. ii ,, ., , y,tem 1n \,•l11ch ''""'' f t 't.' \

·croproccsso in.the NC system solved the problem of cost andcomplexi• · controlkd hy th e dire, ' in~ert ion ( •:t\t ~'<111~~· · " ~:lf--fri f ·
11:d r,:-duced :he nut1ber of componen from the system which in 1Uf1'S, results in higher reltabili · numerical data through a punched tape computer.
than hardwired lo ic. Due to the mi processors working 'flexibility increase a subrouti
l D machining technology. _ In a NC syst-em the pro gra m is
2 preparedonapapertapeormagnetic -\ccpe, 2. In a CNC ~ystem 1hr ,r,•1: 1 .. 1'> 1

prep~red d irec l on r- 1:n o{ ~.(

cal Control) :- compu1er.
A DNC is defined as a system in which alphanumerical coded programs are directly J. Flexowr itter and punch tape wri tter
introduced in to the tnorc tha,n one CNC machine tools from a central or main frame computer. Tl!!! are used for preparing the punched tape 3. Compu1er key board 1s used il' ed :r
µr 1) _g ;,,,, 11r,\. ,,n1pute r ~.... 1. . . .
way it ~ possible to
control the CNC machine tool directfy by the control computer, hence the._ program.

@ name direct nu mer cal control. O.n shop

I _--=--,- -
floor all CNC machir e tools are linlcedtothe- \ J NC---
., ' 4>\-11'-\
4. The program is fed to the machine
through punched tapes. 4. The µrogra:n is fed t:; t! ::
\I~ ~' I ,~IQ through the computer.
·•· 1~cablc fort!i,c .
s. In a ~NC system a change in
dimensions of a part is required you 5. In a c;s;c system
ine comn1Ud data. i '. C ... : .. 11. _
dimensions of a part :s reqL: :rc,
ti datapn)gnlmS for would have to change, the punched l a p e
Jll S I C 11 :I 11 g e a V Hr 1 al' I ~ 1 1

fi!Orcd in lhcmemory program and feed it to the machine agam .

computer and your mC\d 1fic :it1 ,"·
of the control comptjtct and is scndcd to the' 'NCl4,C- 6. It is a hardware based system wh,ich done.
Ag. b' requires complicated hardware circuits, less ' r )?
flexible. 6. It 1s a soft\vare based system . There / S I
an increase in flexib ili ty d11 , to 1·
The tenJI Icomputer .has a large storage facillty. Due to this the central
7. Errors correcting is difficult orit. It is a microprocessors.
computer stores t e p~rams fot alfth.e compon~ts which are to be manufactured on costly procedure , this procedure .
n improvement . h e poss1·b 1
mt ·t 1l1
· t·~ -y.o-¼:;
" f
that partiaJlars s op floor, and sends. a needed part program to a particular CNC causes a considerable cost in terms of both 7. A
CNC machlne .tool ·has ·a- mini computer which accepts received .i correcting errors due IC\ com1H1ti:1, .i . ·
time and money.
program from cenr'I computer. ·'Jhemin1ct>mputer tem~rarily stores the received I .,
e/CNC opera~r _runs·.~ - ~iv.eQ_program to manufacture the .
cess the NC programs using AP'tor'other languages the processing
i,d a requirectpost,proQ!SSfngofaj)artprogram ls per.formed In the
is permits the_mo$teffidenf way to correct µ·art programs.and
data to the appropriate cNC·machine tool. rtius a sfngle ~ntral
computer can se 1several ~C rriadltne·tools.

CN€T◄ ·CE::> 1.4·CNC:Machfne T~f JICNC Technology C1D 1.4 CNC Machine To ~ .

.... ~ " 0 . -
"'c:: 5
8- t; ·2 J '-- {.
-~ :::,·;:;
§ "'
0 0
C ,; 0
-s u tJ
"f-1 1 I Ir "'

,----CC;Nirc-------------+---•-' --;~;~-:·
r:r~}? 1.5 CNC Machine Tool Dri System
I / . _ . DNC _ '-.,~uction :- _ _ _ . •I __
.j / ~ N C 1s aselfcontarned NC system for 1•
- DNC ti ·. ·: In a conventional machine tool while performmg the maJ ~rnmg and wmrng upt: · J 11c1:-
Cl 5 ,•r.d · ••n ·h ·nr ,0 -i1 ,, . ., 1 re eres to a system o severa , - ..:..·,
•' 1'.-._ t1 :, , mach · d.
'• .~~e oneratorfeedthesl ides ctwri11 '.1 ousfybyhand0rauwm : ,
lL , L,~ ~-. .
me 100 1S . trect 1y c.ontro 1ed by a
· '- ' • · ' · • •• • • " ..

computer. l">1 lh f r. . , . .
central or mainframe computer. 1 ~J98111ple, milling machine has three types offccds, longnudmal cfr t ~ndvert1cal feed The cente r I
lathe has also longitudinal , cross and compound slide angular f . This feeding moveme11 1 1,
,.,.,. One single mini computer serve a only performed by the use of acme threaded or square threaded sere nd boxnut assembly Due re-
one machine tool. 2. A single mainframe computer cap serve a
continuously rotation of screw into boxnut threads wear d~e to ~
number of machine tools.
I b~cJ<lash. Also due to plain sideways and large metal to metal contjtt of sliding surfaces be•·~ ~ c ·,

! I The s ize and complex ity of the

3 co mputer used in CNC ~yster,-, is
J. The computer used in DNC s*stem is
medium size or enlarged computFrs with
tendency of stick slip at low feed rate, thus the precise position ing /I~ not perfonned. These Jrt: th ~
drawbacks of conventional machine tools. ,
restricted by cast effectiveness. expanding the memory of the co As was explained in the working principal ofCNC mach inttt pol, we kno·.v that th _ r ·j ·,, ...

·I,, I t.m
4. Part data programs are kept inf largcl
of NC system is to make the production authentic, not to-n:ly on th l uma.n operat01 . Thu,, . , ... __.
4. Part data programs s~rage_ capacity is.. capacity storage facj I ity say that CNC machine tools are very different from conventional m inc tool.
illL.. - · Drives ofCNC machine tools arc usually pcrfonned to dri h,e axes s11aes KnO\~ n as r,e,
I 5. One programmer can sends progra to all •. · . . .
drive and rotate th~ spindle known as spindle· drive .bv usin11 hisu_c;_ ,n~d A\ ·in ,, I i,
.5 . Ead1 CNC machine requires ind ividual lrnked CNC machine.tool. · ··
, scrvomorgcs ~
p r::igrammer.
6. DNC computer can be used for ot rtasks ~-/ ·
like design , planning and i ventortl CNC feed drive-
6. CNC mini computers are used only for control. r ~ Easy slide movement with less torque, precise positionin to the target point and quick
controlling machine tool. repeatability without baclclash arc the major requirements of C machines. To fulfill the
7, DNC instructions are fed dir~ely into~.
the ~NC co~troller or a DNC in w ich the . requirements and eli~inati~n of b.ack lash and sti~kslip motion. is_, rformed by the sophisucated

7. In CNC machine, instructions can input CNC machines are controlled y the . servomotors and rec1rculatmg ball lead screw with boxnut, whic1 place the sliding friction b)
d irectly into the controller unit mainframe computers by the d' ct link · · rolling friction.
manually th is method is called manual omitting the tape reader.
data input. Servo,'s -
One barriertocompl~_te automation was the required tole es of the machining process.
· which are routinely on the order of one micron. Although connc ng some soil of conuol 1u .i
1-%'\ S-t~L~tf )-:: >Y\.~ Q•P cl, ~nJ-11--J
i1' ~-lt ~'I") { OY\t~ ~u~"'t u.v\.l t'°' /f(Y\_OA.vv storage device like punched tapes- was easy ensuring that the c" rols were moved to .:o rre c :

posi1ion with required accuracy. Tbe movement of the ,, ,,,i rest, d in varying force~ ,, •·· :

~ DNC -5;y rfe fY) c~rt-t~ ( o n1 f u{~ ~ p~ov?

controls th~t would mean a l.inear input would not resull in linear to otion. the key devcloprnen L
in this area was the introduction _of the servo ·Mechanism w produced highly accu rate:
, ru t ~ ~ t tt 0nJ to ctt/ ·t-h ~ NC m(c wh,c.vi measurement infonnation. Attaching two servos together produced a
..;-h ~ fri I

.Cit::> achlne Tool Drive System /

•-·r•--- • a - ,,r.
. . . ._ 'kl" ~c~
. .>j __ ~ 2CIIIIIIIIII
-r . _ ...


\lol'II we ,e tll t: ~, ~ ~ly nlalched by i1.nulhet. Uilr1l1 II V~flety t1ft 11echan1citl 11r elirnti il' ol qy 91 '' · •1he vrdt1t l!'' 1111d ~pt!ed 11 1!Jr ,,1,)1, ,1, •r1- 1
• - - - - . . ~1 , utcJ sh!! 11
i\\ P, •111lpul 11( th ~ ~ I y 11 ~ cuultl \Ji! t·er:itl h) en8U! " l}l'!Jpet ll11JVl!1r1e111 h~d IJOlJ Ut1·e d , Ill ~0tll e1· 111 . ' I, 8111111111vy tllllY 1110111,q attd pr uvi<l eu \n11I , qell veritil,11 11,n si ,,,t h, ,,~" ~ , '., ; IPtr 1, ' ,, ,I
QI 1,•1111 ~1 W\11 ~l'd I tho ptulll",t~
i or tort1lie 0~lt}H~c11ll1Jt1 the! ll llo werl tltll g111o ll (HIIJJUt or : t ,~ornll)!'-l '1111.:til.) AIC-fl Vlll lr1b le V✓ltli 1:11111'.,i11111 IJ11tl 1r111111,11J11, 11 . 1·,' I I

111••,·l11111tt'i1I o11m1 111 el to tlllv.i ve~y 111181! lttlih:)f8, !lllll 11le11 lhet th0 s!l11 U? ~ystll tri u~ed tu Llrtva ti • /fij I 111•• rr 11 il t li••qiJ ~"' cl,nre clorlieQ Wil li l11til 1 11,111•1• l11 1rl 111,'
• 1 llJNc' nteC t • · -•
,, ,, r 111~• 1111 11 l1i1•I , I 'uh .- 11 1~11.. 11 1.. , uri ll cu, r 1.. " 111 1 ill 11 ,,
- ' ' 1tt.1(11llt}fl , 1 ' r;; -
., (\Us II qp el~I 1ype t)f ~•tVOlllOlOfl lite ~l'OVlde~ 011 t Ne lllechlne IUOI l.u ~tuVltle !It ffi,~
1,,0 ttttlv&ftll!III IO the 81ide, 'rhe!ie 111e 11ruvltlt)u l11tl1111!.lt1t.lc111l y tu puwei· 111 ·
t1t1\•J! 8e 11u1Jl\\u11111
y AC 8ervo n1111ot-
'fhd three 1,ti Mo AC: ~01-vo 1'11oldts efo lt~rd l" 111Jleln IM t 1c, Jiull sc . ~,, 111••, t 1'
tt1 oh ~lltle, Mu y,m \1111 feed f.mty Oill! 1llde or 1111,lldd ii\ ii tlou!, 'rh teoltetthitln~ bttll ltit1d •uni , 1
' '

\Y llh M1t11u1 J\~Re l ,I~ I~ IJUlltJlet.l dll't\llly hJ lhe tl!fY01lluhw ~hlll\ wh11.1 l1 nl hllti ln&t1111lly whll . {Jfllll&f for, ludey L'N(;' 111eehlno luol lo 111'1\ c the ,lirh "-l<W, r "- ' ,,, ,
I 11)1Jtl! ~ I'
1·11IAl111-1he ,01·vun 11tn1· 1h11 l\illowh,1 ~l}eA orHrvom1.1t11 f11 1111d 1eoh1'ul111h1g \Joll lMt.1 ~orow 01 0 , ,_ 010,,0r~ fit!Jfi:I' tlto~o =ci v1nn•1l t1f!l 1b1rn tltho, 1yw•t rhr llt• 11 ..,. 1, 1, 'l lllJ H" 1 + •1l" ' , 1,
ftJ80U11 · "
\ltit!U fur t:Ne ~,d I l'ltve an t fi (ldChllB llufl i!11tl uooolcfel lhtl IP fQ Ur Thoqc n11,1 ut~ AI CllOql f! lt ~tl 111 IIHhl \l ' I ll'i ,1
' vontll't1tcd 11 1,n 'I lti.: yiHl' 111 Mv ldcd wi th 1nu;111 n1t•li l11 1ld 111~ h•,,111 1,, ,, i.1 ,1,,, , •~ ,
Nlllf\l}h\{l mo1111· • . . owei ~od n: lh1h lll1y 'l'l,uy hnvo "ol!ll~.l11h ll n1 n11111•11,11111 ,·,,p, 111 \11111 , 11111

'l'h@•H' l'\llt i! ~rm1or enn~l~Iwith ft r111rn111nd t()Wf, 'l'_h,y !II'!' l1nn~lt•11i! lr1l fu 1•unldl roe 1lm1~1111 ! : ,.,,~nlngil of At
.rn vu , ,1,,1111 lhcv fl'"' ti11.fl!M11111dv 11 11111· 1111 11111~1 111 , 1✓1 11111, '" 1111 1",

1\t1hftijllOn11I r,1111111 n I Nt111t 1r ~OIIRllil w11.h 11u1olm t1f wll\llh\11, 0011 ~1 1·011w IH1~ no wln~ll11~ ht!liilc 11 n, .
i ~, h1 ,11 luu§h\181.11\il ~lkp1111~~ - 11 ,~illi 1nol'tint 11!ll 1J1.1mml dovltll , ('ha 1 l'lmor 1'1111111!~ hy n 8ilC\11on1w '~1@ drlvt n111tur11 •
,)f 111\)111 1ul~-~ fl" lj It)~ lhhllt((h II IOjlll QlfOlth111\110 ttmplln-,r tlrlvh1j& 111111 ' Thi~ 1111 \r umw11 n thoI 'fh o110 MM thti VIHlllhl c ~111ndlo ilf\011(1r1, 1v~ ll) (lllj f ~ 1111111 ~1111 1, l'llj l(I ~tr•1111 11 111 ' II '• ll' I•
t11l'111I11nh1g IJIMllh,1 , 1j1-.1.1~ ln\o 11n11l1;1~ 111 ~ 11wltuhln• HQ11ant1~ nt~did 10 11-lhitll 1h11 rotor Nhbt\ , l'hi drlv.i motor- mu~, ho oontroll~blc over 11 wl<Jg r~n~o 011we1r111d ~pcc>d /\ c11 n~11111111, ,,.,
1n11111,m t1l ~hilO fHl ~llh)ll 1l@p111ll, upoo 1h11 f\!Q~IVMI flt11T1htl' il r p11l ~e~ Ill 1111rlmllt1 1hll1' Th~ PYillahlo OV(ll' lt1rw1li fl ~() f\ 11111{!'1 ft ~ pn~ ~1 hl e -ft 1hr~1• 111 1' (i r , 11;11 ,•,I "' lj \\'f ' I " ' 1 1111 11 , ..
V\llqol1y tlf p\llm ~1 011,rrnlntll by 1ho p,ulH l\1qll1m1y (pulH por ~o,mml) , Tho l1tf11JI pul~a wldo r11n(le '!'ho ~pln1Jle 1~ r111111 r ci d1rc1i1 ly ih 11111h11 1n1ar ~i1 Rl1 111 1111l11 t1~ 11 v llv 11t,, 11111 111,•d
~V~llltf\l!U.,. lllrnNI t~ l Into t)ropo1'tl@1111I 11111111"-r movtm11nt orm1n,, ~h11ll 0 1111 11111111l"r lno111tno111 \ ~om111lmo~ 1w,, nlllQ,i'I i!0ft1 1r11mm1 u111n Th0rt1 11r(I 1wn 1vpe~ 11 1 , plntll r 111111 11 r~ 1• ,, , 1 1
"fffilfl r h111 on@~,~I' 1lhi,, nomherof~ltpa ror11vulutfon luloiam,lnad hy 1honumharorph 1m 1~11nil ' miehlnoIMI A1X; v~rl11hlc ijf)lncllr ~r,occl (lrl v(\~ IHHI I\! vr, , 1t1hlr ~p 1mllr- '11'c r d 111iv,
1'Ph1~ . Tho Mll'[lf)lll 1iolt\f lhllt l'Qll!lt 1r,t0lno n1.11nbtr or diijlftOil In fHf)Ollm 10 1w111notle Ht1l(l : Al tho ho~lnlng 11f NC: "'"chino f')C ~rin<lle ctrlve~ l\rt: w,cllcy U~lid I 111••,, '11
l1h1111i;&tij, It 111 oll11n "~~umci,I that tht. atoppor 11 l'trfoQlly 11co11rfttei ftfl{I uavcir ml•• M
taiu 110 ,~ol comp111.1 1 do~l~n 11llowl"B ~1,melnnl ovorlo11d~ 1wl 11 l'lt!t<I 1c,, q11c Thc~r urc \\ 11 1• ' '
POMltlon munhorln ~\mply lnvolvoa QQ\lntln11 lh• mrmhor Q( 1n1lm 1on110 tho , 1oppor ovor limo, i dtm11n1toni lHlfJ 1,10h welg M, Todny AC 5plndle orlve tn ductl~fl motor11 Rrf' 1, r,•f<" '
l'ho11o ilr• whh h,w 11(1Wflf and iorq110,110 1hoy •11 u•od only ln imall CNC m110hln111. Tl\010 11_ro tho m1nufactureri , blilCCIUH th@H 11ro morQ reli ab le eillct tre@ or llruutie r. ,rn fl ' 11 1
11uhe(Imo11ly fnrop nlh1np uuntrul •Yfllnn, ~ WHrlng p1rt1, ThHc nre ~ullt tn small comp11ct del'lgn with ,elf coolln o fi Y6lrrn ' 11•'
d1•1ve prpvldoa both low and l)IQh 11pecd with i tl'.lble nnd ti mooth wl thl'lLtt 0 11·, ·:ill"•' '' 1 ,, 1
. OC Hf\'il molo r I ..,
ond n~o:
The, DC w 1tjn nr-e. tho mo•I wldoJy u11ttdriv, jn bogh,lnQ tbr CNC maohlno tool. The ✓ ~Ctt~~ ~~
111111,11 ,.' N1N l,1w,1h 111111re wlndlns 01\"rotoomHho Aeld wlndloa In 11ator. 'rho DC n1ot~~ rotate R@c:lrcyl1tln9 ball)ic.rew and boxnut 11,embty ·
on a pnno1p11I of mt 1in11 of 11n arm1n1f11 wlpdln11 within II m11gnotlc notcl. Tho 11nn11111rc lthcl 11old Th e re clrculatlng boll screw thre11d5 nre des11,1 nt> cl like ft s em1c 11 rt
," ,,

~OIIR11n, wo1ind or i () II core!!, Tho olootr-1011 p~wcr auppllcd It\ lho ar,maturo from oxtornal ~ouroc hellc.lll grQove, Tl1l s ~h,m~ ts not fully se mlc1rcwll'l r, but e1s ~ome gvth·c :, .
lw wbivl, ~rn•111,1no • 111t•.,; ' ' "'"' ti•• -'~l~.,._v<1rn1.,_,, In"' rr111oJ1f!11/(ltj / 1111,,yw l<I ,IFlvft th11 rotation of •nlierlc:111 b~ll Io,ellminato tho backla i:11 Sa me lhread gro0ve ,s rl 11 1 ·,

(:Nt~1'NJ1nolu~1i ·"1 <:.!C)· ~~

1.1 CNC Mechlno Tool Ortv, lv,ttm I CNC 1!ethnology

CID l,5 CNC Machine Tool Orlv e c; y, 1, ,t
• - -.. "-- '"' '- ' 11 9 baf1
··assembly is designed w ith fine adiustment compression and tensio • _ - --~•::,· l &r\.. v c:.. d :::i :.. 1c v.
uts .

!~ Tenr · ~
I I~ .
.1 \ \\ \ \ ·\ · \ \ \ \ II\ \_\ \ .
n,e 1 . 5 - R.ecin-ut adn& tta.11 sc:r-rto, &< Bax nut I Fig. l .6 Prelodlng me1hod of bcrt!
e. c.ontact: point of b a 11 and groove surface is v
::.or• ta c t Th
po 1nt o f steel ba U a fways chang h
ery ess,
ence reduc e th e fr1ct1on
• .
due to recircula ing the ~ .
!:tie v;ear. power requj rem t . and hence educe · Udefeedingsystem- e main parts used in s lide
s lide can b en is a 1so less due to Jess con ta ct point
. between b lls· and . . •
screv, ~hus ~ e
. _ e moved forward or reversed direction in a microns ofd' tan
. Se,vomo'°" and ,ecn-culatingball ,=w a=mbly . ~ which is directly couplea ro
• feedmg. Servomotors.are~ t0. rt?t.ate t'1c rccin:ulating ball scr-l ndependently 10 each axis o r
ofinput pulses. To move the
• , e n _= me: snck-sh P motJon
· and backlash 15• chm . mated
. and get a precise positionin . d high
ces. • shaft by flexoble
- o motm- . couplmg,
. S,,,,,omot=
. prov;,i,i,
~' • f= ness. Thus by the use of" tbc recirculating ball screw reduced the friction. d reduced.:,, .
machine tool ..,..,..,. mo-a,9-,0....,.by ...,.;vod ""~ .
al coded command through a
ing unit and these signal s
t-r= ;.Jash.. redooed the .stick-slip
· motion.
. as . compared to simple
. . lead . of conv ;cn,w "::a1
f · comp•"''• this command " ..,ovated mto pubca ngnab ..
j; · ,xisinaparticUWd~,...,....,..,.,..._..,..., by...,.
d,c , ~ the ball screw, the bali.s ru ii m
slide, moves lO the particular

r::-"""°b u;e tool. The efficiency of the rccru;ulattng ball screw LS m«eased highly due to . t
l•rgc,- I · are sentto
. th e setv . •
omotor. Tbustheservomototrotatcswithrotati ' back device inounte.l ;:;r. it-:

t n.ru5l load 1o be carried our with Jess torque. The scn:w =d boxnut are made of EN. 9 steel !"
the goove<>S the ,ccew ro,_ and,...,
boxnu<. wi<h Iha< ..,u,u, d by the comparing rt wHh ihc: II
la end 0 ftheshdd po•••·
- • - ~ ; "" I .
;:,...nd spherical balls are made of EN 31 steel mater.al. They are bardcocd and• . d ,... d"n,ctio•
tclY I . . rr..-
with ............ . th di the
up•• Th<_f~
. __ , ., nd i,oxn ut. the balls in the grooves e,<tt from the ua, I ng en ; ,ea,.ide ofthe 50,vomotor t<> - • 5P cement
· ,..___ .,..., outside and recirculated i to the :;: co~mandedposWon.
Machi~ _.j
----..,,...... . .

,7 Advantages and disadvantages of CNC ~

. '), : l,eSS ,nan power - . .
erator has free tune after setting the work on one nm.h1nl' 1uu 1 , 1, 1s trn,
, .1~~11 The op . .
l ~:lP\ • tt ing or other mach ine tool operations. thu s one 0pcr,, ; " v fi'- ,., ,
The tool (~s) traverse automatically throu!h 1:ervomnti,~ !1!'1<1 ball !~nd screw with in~· :-~ -
,R'.,3;ii·'or other se
~ ~ l•
1fi'i'~ hine tool.
L " ' ,

dtstancc of one m lc~n and measuring the position of the slides by precision feedback. devic '. Av ',I' Lowlsbourcost -
~ hich can ~ r e t~e positioning in (!licron accuracy. The accuracy is repeatable. So the produc~ ~ one _programme~ can pr_epare and edit.the program on num ber of mac hine lu<' "
1s produced tn reqqr~ tolerances. ~"'~ . , grammers and highly skilled and experienced operator is avoided .
✓ , 0 ~ ~, ·'--~ · · orePro
:.,r , lac.resse , octi?n~~\ ~ rn
Due to th b_gidity'.pf machine tool increased speed and feed material removal rate . ~ Increase tool life-
. The t ~ produced in shortertime, and thus increase~ the production rate. · Due to the provision of suitable cutting speed and feed , ettmg and r nn l ;i n 1 , ._ -·

Rechlced d time- h. e tool can cut the material smooth Iv and with constant rare hen r.E,r. ;:rea, .: , rn . 1 ,, -

Tool maglncs
.. ·
With ATC and turrets arc used for holding and changing the tools quickly. .
mac in

I °'7'.- -:.:..1

reduced th

tz:.ne lS '.
'oi - -
to. bring the tool to the cutting zone and a possibility of; .
""""""«! not requool ,ny speciol setting ofw.,,-k, thus the yr/
More machine life -
CNC m,chm, to~I muSt be prov,d'.dw;,h "' mo_'."" ""'. toe '"' wock P"" "'"<!IS""" ~

tool-holder. The :ilide teedmg :, j ~lem I Lil, V. llh ~optl l :, [ 11.,ad.;L. Oa , • ·"·'"f'-• - .-. .. _.. __ · , u .. --- l. ~ITT) · '(
I )'}J f

Red11c:ed c;l'own time -

• • • •

and tear and increases more machine hfe.

• l e.e-.q ~c'ttov \)tN,~ Jc,\'..C,\u.C,") 1- · I '

j _ More tl-1 o~e tables (pallets} used .in a CNC machine tool, thus minimizing the tim~
mpm,:d for ~ over a parts to be machined through the use of worktables ~d autotna~

I ::g---· . ,
pa.Ile( c:haagu s. ~ to the easy adjusbQCut of the machine, adjustment requires less time.in-other : I] Higher Investment cost -
mc:s:bods. J _ . · · · · , The CNC machine tool is designed and built with sophistica1ed technique thus rd.11 ·.
]if' bigbprice. So the high inves1mentis ;n the machine tool and oqmpments I
The °'JC. . ine t.ooJworb en a given instruction data, thus by the accurate input data . /
p;zrts aJso · -.:cwatt. Ake there is a provision -of wear correction and tool lite · 2} Highermaintenancecost-
/ ~- ~=- ~ - .-; _ _• .___ . . . . . . . The design ofCNC machine tool is very complicated so the special maintenanc <' en •~·n .
rnmaga:m:nt. uui;
, ~ m_ .I = .·_ . u . w ~ .....P ~ wtthin tolerance hence rcJecllon become
1/ _ .
•<SSential. Founajorm,;n1en,nccwehavetocalltheman•factmcc engm=s

I= /
• •
Rednttd·r 1w:fiOMileeedQISt-
Dae ro tne~vlsien-of-wcar correction mxhool-~

dd ditu
• . ·.
ttlijH ..,_ • · l><m:
. •
. /,
maoagcment operator can maintain
• .
_;.,r, • ...,...... or ,_.iely inspectiomot

f Cost increase for small batches of product -
/.'7 .';,}<j L\e.9 ·•c.,, 1-.\.(:~ ,h '< E'\ t.t.{ \:~ ~
~ o \H kii(
The CNC ' . ·-~ machines the, part automatically by the input ~iograro
~ t-\1v f<'\ ct,(, h, n"l ~.
rontnmoo.sfy one Qnt. ·beoce1he product become similar without any scrap, hence the.scrap is ,.

CNC ~ CE:) 1.7 Advatages anddisadvatagesof.fJ«~ CTedmolocs&Y <::::IC:> 1.1 Advatages and ~ sadwa~ {'.f c~:-~
~! ! •
- -- ~ ..__

h ".Q"
l \

-----•...)J ...
. ,;

- \..
•.... ,.,
•• ♦T
••·'< ' ••.• t ,...., , .ii

ttr• I
1 lrQ.MHn( , . Qt,. .~....
► (l •, Y ♦ I


.. , I• 1 • l

\ U.ril .. '/
JC . .....

., ·I I • •J ., •• I( ••••

4 Ul""~
~ •. Y·)
. l'rOuNrant
(I ♦ , •• ,

•X •'\'
.... ·•·

Coordlnato ,ysttm orpolntln a plane- . .

[fki.•1 ,ilJ
It is a system ofcoordinntcs when. a point in a Y ••e
space is defined bythccanesianaxes. Inn figun, X and Yan:
lhc coordina,c axcsand Pbc any point in the plane. Draw
1~--... ------:
p (X, Y)

PMJ. Xaxis and PM .l Y axis . There is unique number, S/ ,

d to point Mon Xaxis and this IIUmber is ca11cc1 X ;M
coor 1na1eo
. . P..s·lmt·1ar1y Ihere IS
f P0mt · a U~quc number X·Y1! •· ·5 \ 5 10 t5 X, +ve
assoc,. tcd 10 lht POtnt N •nd Y 11J< is and this Rutnbc,- is _xo, YO
col led Ycoordillatc of Poin1 P. Y·ve

ofpoim P X co
arc X Y IO. of point p is 15 and y COon:linatc of poi
I 5,Ordinate fAo 1 ,:;-;

Ortetn (Datutn)- 1s IO we say that coorci,na res

to th~
ir ZCro'1
I 1; .. ~ :. .. 11 is nknown
point is also reference point
as rt~"-- from Which all COor,i;ft••·- •· I
·r.. I
f P\ ,~~O. " -'e SIYthe! the roon:liMtes ofN)tn! PI are X40. Y30 and Similarly P2
~-Co-ordinate system and CNC machine ax~~ ,
X~ Y-~O. P.S Xf Y--40.
Coordln~tesof pa{"1Dra~'ing - .. . . _ _
coordinate system -
. ,.;:: · n rrench mathematician Rene Descartes first used algebra 111 th e stuci· ,, ~ ;?n).~ - \-\ ~

- cl. method of accu,-ie pos1t:10mng in rclauon to the cutting tool ,~,. ,_ :rt,e
rescnung point.~ 111 the plane by ordered pims Rnci re:ll numb er: ·.1 ·1·. (c:t.-'<..te. <,fCl{)
• • ,: d• l' 3 1C ~)'5\C1, i ·h1le dcc:: rr.1 :11;n~ ti : ; JJS. by ~p .
y This coordinate geometry plays important rol e in 1he developmc: 111 , ·
coordinates ofan given part drawing. the same 1---------,--,....
di-swi ng is c.onsi r,ed in any one quadrant of Pl . , ..' .•ian coordinates are the foundation of analyt ic geometry. Rane dcscarccs w.1., 11 " v.,-VVo · :,ir'

.:ar1e.si.rn sxes by ,t/ich a horizontal and vertical '.~ ~ - bra and e.u:y,-,Because of this ,coordinate geometry 1s w1dclv app llerl "' , ". ·
~ 1
ed age . .
, Imes of part dra rig lines on X ax is and Yax is :" . has physics andengmecnng technology.
rcspcc.tivcly. Acco: ·ng to the quadrant and positive , ; fiislds.
~- - · --~sue .\
artes invented . two such lines peI1Jcndicular< ;.·, ;: .1, '·, o ~ 'c ,' V)
the idea of placing
!"iegat, vc d ircct io p.s of axes from or igin, the

1;!' N
( lane and locating points on the. plane referring to these lines. In this,or,e line ·., " })e '\,o ~
coordi nates ofa pqi nt may be positive. negative ~ line is called the X ax1; . rnc , ~r. :dt~ . l, '1 (
aring the each comer point I
3tl 1°
7 .,,1. +ve

drawin~ . sequence number

qstartpointsochasPl,P2,P3-------ctc. .l
. I I'
Y·axis +ve called the Y axis. The no int where m •' 11 ·-e<; tl..'t ~
. !
I1(\terset! is called origin or datum. Th e: r,1 ~h :d ') of
4"twingcoordinates arc determined bycorisidering drawmg m each quaclraii~l i a po1111111 a pianc 1s cie tenrnnc o" 1111 rc~fY\( ~ ii'.)
two fixed rnu ;ual iv rerpend1cu l~1 1~e-S , ,.

:., ·r1- - ...

'-<.; '>(\ X u ls +ve

Enmplt :- y fnslQuadn,nt the coordmate axes . lnclud111 f! th ird : l>t':>'-' ) z_
became a sys tem of coord inate, ,,.,,·(_N (
,c v~
v•o _ - · □n.• - P2 XlO, Y◄ O
PJ X40, '140
X ci, YlO : P4 X40, YID a,rls e.Ve point in space is detined by mc:Jn, , 1
... ........_...,._ _ _..,...._._._...,x+
Zuls -ve
F19.(JJ]] VMC AXIS IL TOOL MOVEMENT orthogonal axes X Y and Z. This systc lli 1, ..
X· t t S a
1u 1 • 1u 1~ '_ in CNC machine tool to positioning the cuttin
Thus we can say th.at CNC machinccutf decided area according to the ..:anc, .

X• •=t TMrd ~ ~r f ·~l t: • f ~

Four1tl Quadn,nt
t V•
,1 coordinate system. Z A•ls (+ve )

n□ - -Co-on:linates
, 50
•I J" . . Pl x~o. Y,30 _ JO
n X•30;Y40· XO, YO, ZO 20
Pl X-:40, Y-20
l.f.l: P4 lOO, Y·◄O
y• . .Y• X Awl< ( ·•_•!
10 JO 40 S0 60 X A.:ls (+ve )
Da"'"1tf:wo,k....,)alcenter WORK

"""• I -1 0 I U. ·Co-ordinates •
·Pl x-·is, ·v.1s . \'
P2 ~-15;.YfS
pj x1s,Y1s '°
P4 Xf!I, Y-15

CNCTedmolo -~ C·Technology ~ 1.9 Coordinate:system and CNC machine axes J

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - I


·t I ,_ , ~· ntadHn c tvv , " '.;; - As cx pla111t:J above coordinate ofrhr~•: urthogunaf axes

i '"' ' "" ' "g ''' ""' ' mill ing mochioo <oul hm ,lso rhre, shdcs , r>cd.s) The Jongi
name as X axis, cross feed name as y axis, and vertical feed as Z axes . Like this
,.. r:=;:l " u.;-~
rcrations-on x;;- h. d
workple::: [ ·111.e . d coord.maH
t JS etermme

i system and the cutting tool moves uniformly with as

IIs f an.1- quadr.:: 1·,r< , ~
ified feedrate to como k :c r!. .

I ~·oordma tc: sys rem and lhrt:c slides XYZ of ve~t1cc1I milling mach ines became same. ,. example as shown in fig. J.J9 the coordinat~ of poi Pl,P2 .P3 .P4 are determined
I I bt' fined with a control system and for the ourpose of giving fl"!'1 "riral inst:uc.t ion, t 1

;,such as X l_LJ, YIU,,\ 1u Yj\J , XJO Y JO, XJO, YIO and i Y 10 respecm·ely from work.
I , , ~:,1em rhe ax is nave robe idenutied. Thus this mach ine tool is known as CNC machi
YO). The CNC system decodes the instructions a:nd sen c the each slides 10 enable rhe .

basis of axis identification is cartesian coordinate system and the three axis of m
th e
Il identified as X, Y and Z ax is.
~hus we ca~ say that the ~tti_ng tool ofCNC m ' e oave,..d on wockpiecc o~ ·

/ ,. VMC Work Axis Id•ntlflc:atlon (3D}


r.1..1, t n,1 The relative positive directions ofa CNC mac, e tool axes can be 1den tJ tied
with right ha_nd rule. As wn in fig. 1.20 rf th:· c::I ·.
+Z ~ ·c (J.e. thumb a11d ch~,_;· ( \\. \.., ,
,.•·.-;.:r·.'. --
LUl\,'- JJUE,\,,,I Vl ~l UL uau ,

l"-k (1•I
neiboughor fingers) st ' htened from each other. 1h{'

I M-i d. f fi"'Y1.9,.n·thwnb lie horizontal by j


u ,. I
, ,✓,;: .
I ,. +Y I

direction the neare;;t fin

1%~~ ,. .• ,. ,.
uf thumb show:. ..i
~ 1
I ~,. ... .,.~,"'
l •1•~ ; •• ~
Fig. l. l
f01:_ft1~ositive direcrion, the
~1 'h,um..b positives direction . ese three fin g ers arc:
die finger shows a l cl~ I~

A.:cordin l! to the fi
, nr.e~s~
whe re the X, Y and Z axes inten:s.1.cach other, this intersecti
kllL' Wn as datum. Cons idering the datum as starting point, each quadrant coordi ates a. Flg,:[:20)
intcrsec.t each other ll~t the center ot hand .
considering the datumof es at the center of hand. the
opposite dtrections ofX, 'tj d Z from datum arc became ,
) Ji:tmnined for position ing the tool. The tool ofCNC machine ca.n be travesed in any qu drant·b:'
the received coordinates instruction. The X axis of sitive directions aRd their opposite directions shows an
, shows a
.c opened fingers
hU.ections. The closed fingers

posaive X axis movement is identified as being to the right from its origin or datu !. ~hepositivcdircctio~ofrotaryaxcs.
; gative X axis movement is identified as being to the left t~om its datum. The Y axis · ·
--right angle to both the X and Z axis, positive Y axis movement is always opposite directi
_1 opmlD, and n<galive Y .,,;, movemont i, tow•«ls th, OQCrato,. _!f .,;s ;, taken e;thc, ~ong ••J
~pindle ax,s or parallel to the spindle axis. The positive Z axis movement is in the dircc 'on thal
im:c:ases the distance between the work iece and the tool. i.e. up wor9s in verticalspindle 1u;hine. :
I Th-: negative Z ax is movement decreases the distance between the workpiece and the tool i . down f
! 11nru~ in ,·ernca1 spindle machine
Thus th;: ~artesian coordinatt: s stem and CNC machine -tool axes are ._assoicated to each .·
~The cutting tool ofCNC machine travered on axes by the given coordinates and G co es for

If.'~C Technolog,· (3D

~· ~(; Tedmolo!fT. ~ 1.9 (oordinaHlsvstl!m and CNC miidiinfl -'Yfl(

~.,.zi il~. _ {#"~ -~-.;,-_,._ . -.~. e:. ,½;_.1'( ~;'%.

': cNC Grinrlin~ Machine
Chapter-2 'J/
al cNCI
surfa9e grtnd 1g
b) CNC cylindric al gr nd in[!
M-ACHlN·E.·T()OLS i. c)CNCprofilegnnd1 :1g
.f'/t) cNC Drilling machine.
~ --·- _.,_... ·- -··-•·--· - ·- -. -··-- --•---·-·-·---- -..-·,-·.. ....
~ ytf1Ssification of CNC Machine Tools
~ . -"
1:-♦~ •

,;\'(,i).ccordlng to number of axes.


Three axesCNC
Compute Numerical Control machine tools .are .fully automatic machines which

. . c) Four axes CNC

designed on the b r
of-coordinate .system and controlled· by a softw~c based mini compui · ~.,. :~f
d) Five axes CNC
These machines a puilt without cha_nging any.original .principle of conventional machine too · :} ' ·
According to·furpose
Conventional ma h\ne tools are convert~ into CNC machine .tools by replacing as of 1. '. .Cf a) EDM (Electr.ic disc 1arge machining) wire cu r
conventional gear ~ and hand operated control levers with sotlware control mini computer b) Vertical EDM
possible. Convent ota:1 mill:ing is convert~ into· CNC miliing, conventional lathe. convened' is c) CMM (Coordinate measuring machine)
into CNC Lathe, c rjventional grindi~g machine is converted into.'CNC grinding machine. 1n1111
CNC system is a If contained NC system for a single machine toot includes a mini comp '
i~stru~tion td'perfon.n some or all of the basic NC functions.
Machining Centers:-
pvements ofCNC' machine ·_tools are done according to the principle n · o :ire versatile malhine tc:ols used for mach :r. :ng ·:~r:ou, opcrat1::: :1:; i:: : :·,·:.: ·:' ..
Cartesian. coordin'aE$ystem..-due to this instead of longitudinal, cross and verti_c~I feed. names, the • uw- -!'ft' ! . tl ·. ·s The operation- S(tC h ,is p! (ltn m11 I tng . dl1 ~' " "
, .. . . . . . . . . lar shape work by' I cren cu . 1.. ..
cr-.;c machine slid s j,amedi!.ii X ax1s; Yax1s andZ ax1s forpnmar.y axes and A,B,C as rotary axet irregu . , . fil machining often turn ing. These arc w :11 l. ib l,
. . . . . . drilling reaming, boring, tapping, pro I e . . . .
Depending on the e of work done accordmg to .the purpose and the operations as 2D and3D . ' . . 'th four and five axes. These arc equipped with ,Hit, " " ·'.
· , · ' · ·· · ,· · . . inimum three axes and maximum w1 .
rofiles the CNC abhine tools have minimum two ax-es, some wit-h three axes, four axes and til~ .m . b i • h tool from spindle can be changed automauca Ih " i: I
P ' I . . .
ic: way CNC.machine toots aredaSS1fied.as followmg.
• . . .
1 Ichangers and tool magazmes Yw,uc
d A
d' t the spindle position machining centers are classified as tol 1° 11111 c- ·
. , " I
T ··
•5toI0secon s. ccor mg 0 II
cation:- ~ (Vertlcnlr.iachinlng center)-
The spindle .position of this type of machining center is in vertical position. so. th 1s~ypi:

. efwork:clon..i~ :, .
A~cor-dJri~.!41he<Riethoct 1,

1) Maclll~jCentu~(CNC:mfllmg) · known as vertical machining center. These machines are used for surface machining gruo ,·tn r :II' • '
efticahnacbining ccn~ (VMC} · several pocketing operations. The dnim type tool magazines and automatic tool chnngt r, .1:
'.tjriznntalMachinip$.ceQfer(JIMC) ~r provided for automatic tool chan~ing onJhis machines. These. are equipped with three :J '\L'., 1:.:1 ' ,· '

, •as X,Y and Z axis: X axis tra-.zerse pro ;ided by table,. Y axis tr~vcrse provided by e0\u111 ,, :1'1
r • :. ;'·;- . .
Z)Turoing ~ter I (CNC latlae) axis traverse provided by spindle head. .
a)' CLathe . · °'--0 ;__,,--"." ,. , ' . ' '

b} .-,,; ·. -~ r»MC(Rorlzo~t~I ~}a~hiRlngCenter)-

rning center· The spindle position of th/s fyf~ of machining center is horizontal or para Iled tL) f1 l:1 n:
d) ·cat turning c;entet !his type is•kno,vn ~ horizontal machi -1ing·center. Generally large chain type to0I mag a'lllll' \\ II ' i
u~I spindic CNC ,athe .
! ' !.:
automatic-tool cha~ge~ is provided ti1is.machine. The operations like drilling. tapp in~. re 1:r ,·"
-- - · -
C}I:) 2.1 Classification of CNC machine too ls '
C 60 _) . · 2.1 Classitu:atlon of CNC ~aciiJn~ t~~ CNC TechnolQg,•
CNC Tedmolo ·
.. .
;. ~

. .
. . .'.~•; ·.

• ' ....§..

._• ~ - ..._
~ ~----..-
--• !.\.~
- ~ ,. ,- ~ -: ....~

•• "--
•. ->,,
.:, ~
- -:;_,:t::,· ~ -~=~•::c:.,
-• .:..\,.:_, ••1:..":.
" ' .,,...,_.,,. ....,- - -
...... __ ........ ...

. . .., Th.::st" ~ <!...~ ' "-:
::::ir D~~;:; l,• .:L;
' '.
.~ . ~ ·
'-.~"' - -li:"~~~
-- ~ . .i ~
cl• 1 c.y,m~ =__, ~~l
.. Tl.:.. a:acilint .._
, ~ 111-..z- ua\'C N 'O t·:L!
- ~
._.-b:ai ~ ..:: ::,_:-.x ::.·- .
"i,o,o th< ooe sµilld!< 1l1or l!lc Mt_.,.... q,,1dd)' :; s /""-""' mto seccc; , : -'-'-~ . ~ ,
..-l l31C t l ' ~~~cl:.i~~m-l -
-~ ~ .. .-;::.,-.__ ~ ~.~~ --~ ~ ~n~ \'I-;~ ::an !:u"tt u--es SM tli'O roa.-:-
~,. s .:5 ~ - ,"- !.."' h~~ ~~ ~-cr ~'.?~ :::i~ sp.i.rol: n is a,.~ ci' b l!!ng ~
· : --...::-.:r;:rJ ~,:: :.r.> \ ~ :'J..".Jl.! ::'l,.'"l$...:}n_ :,'l...~ .J$ ~ ::5 .!l'l;...-S .:-~· ~ ::-IL"½ne. Su¢i'1 l) -p: .l!~c:::_ !usmg abrasn,,e m~rmg " n~
·n~ i :r: ;:p::."'El..)J; ~ ..:i ;;-,r.,, s:d: cid :.., :aj.::i::in;i :.:i rb.: o::~'cle £i...
"'e f~ c ~ s:ngl~s..~ ~ t n 'l nnt.1 wru-tpia.~ dimmsions \Titn smooth sudi!ce . 1C system bJ.s hem z;p-pbed : l-
~ cf:o,,;ntmg opemions 'S'.ll:h as.surfacc-.,griudiag. cyti
..:,,7:7U:: ' ~.:-. . ) ; - ~ .::_~
. - • 1 • -c

_.,wrool mi.cutter grinding. Thes.lidcsofasurfacegrindmg dllnes s.rc S!lme 35 s.mu:n;;u:::;

\_ . ~ \ ~~ T~C~ren;. CIIIIICfS. but me CNC is applied ooly to thewhcef head side anrl <,; : ~-s. the hydt-ao f-.: dm-:- .s ...
' C\ !
~ Ls.~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~::J:nn-.. . ' . .
· a] ~;__ _ .
· ...;'T.. pl!ns :lSl,.:,; !Urn~ tocls. ooringbars., anrl
··- - i l r ~ table dri,,c.
-• .,non ui-n =,~-Yj'.\Jl., Tun~w- lS -~ a- Ml':S! :nlJXm~-,,
• • - • .
runu"Ju., er tonl's with some oif;-rinn , _ ~ slicks of• cylindri~I gri~ nuclriocs .a rc~ U: - ~~ c~1~ 1.-'.:. >.. ...i.: i. ... , .., _'Jo/n
•-k"lrr.!7 A.d"imce8 -~ ,., - - • _., •·-'"'5 The~Oll$ petfi:,nneduntfus machm:an:-extcmar snd 1~ ptam grinding. u~.-znoc:n.::.
. - · · ~ --.. ~ ::s~ :.:i ;:n., :;~")• p.s.ns ~d makes ,c\7limt-iQ] ~-~.....,.
.r:aaommg ~ illi . • ~ a..--cuial'-!rc grinding. Acoording ~ the C)pc ofuperation the CNC
.M.11 ,,,__ __,
,g ma.~ are LJ::tSSln-t.".:: ~:.-
._ _ - ___ . _ JlS m ng gron",ng t-acc drilling. tapping boring in a.single setup. Tite tll!T'eX
C:NC smface grinders
· • -- ~ ...-:l. --. .., ,..-... .:, , •= "- ,w iou.ung lvutS to racili ca:c oft ax1s machining. These mach.ineshs CNC cyliadrical grinders
- ~i.!;!:!u:,::-""c:i-X s- 0 7 • • _. - , ~ J .- ., I
- l - -- - - · ' ·'""- _, ... tr0 '"' ,ne. spm-dk ror:mon L C..:: a.~ ,s. \.Vh ich is used Lis G'-.C Tool and cuttttgriruiers

, -1~~'""!:l ....
.. - - - u.~ • I
CNC pro.file grinders
L '\ C Lat:bC1turningce.nccrsa.~dassllRdasfollowino
is.the IS a siandaro
- ,,,.
·. I
t 4) CNCDrilliag_Machines-
medium CNC
, Uthe - CNC . . . with X and z axis traversel used ,,_~
l.athe tul - ~ __.,,_.
. 1.,..1... •• - -
..,atanypos1bOA 1ri. ,v orkpiece. Instead ofus.:i.f .-:
M7>.Ing ' SlZC,, parts. A standard lathe with .revolvmg turret which is only sdo ted to th:t driH-jig we can position the center point-=cuntely in CNC dnlti C system has been .spph t."C
C~C oontrol but the genera.I layout is the same as used till now. f ·to position the drill tool at required ~tion. The CNC drilling ms:, c is builtv.,-;tt, mreea.,c.s ::\ _'}
b) CNC clluddng center - CNC chucking center is a light duty lath used ftrf andZ. X,Yarc the positioning axes and tfieZ axis ~•drifting op ,
rurnmg light work These machines have shorter beds and a single saddle with single m ~l !Ible of drilling machinc:in XV direction by means ofttie CNC sy . while drilling of ho les s:
rurret which acoomodatcs both internal and external tools. i different ooordina~ positions system cak:ll~ the~ in the 'G Y direc.tion of the t•bl~ •1,-1
c) CNC Turning Center- CNC turning ccnrer is a heavy duty machi med fuJ fixthepositioningofthe.wortpiecc~Jowthefleddrill. The drill le position is controlled wi1h
~ ired d~rh. If lhe ~ITT
rummg, as well as machining on cylindrical surface, grooving, drilling lappingandbori on PCD ~ ~ide traverse and drilling is done with req\lircd ft:cdratc upto j
f CNC System becomes m,:m ·
0! the face of cylindrical worlc. The run:.cc is·provided·with rotating tool to perfomrtu req_uircs a [aigc ·oumber of holes in repeated patterns the ldwmlZI.
machining opernrions. These machines have in addition to the X and Z axis control of e spindk iparent.Automadccyclesarcuserl forprogrammingoflargcnum~·
rot.a!!on i.e. C' a.xis is used forspindleorienratioA. ; : 8) Accordl'ngtothenumbcrofax.~- ·
d) CNC Vertical turning center- The spindle position or w9rk rotation.p sition oJ"i The.CNC 01lchi_oes are equip_ped with two or,::- _ inc tool independent ~l 1dt·
- f
h· · · · · · · · k · t ·
:rn.,; 1ype o mac me 1s m vertical position so this type 1s nown as vert,ca tummg c_c .. -
- · •
t•r This . Ea h ~t'd ·s rvn.vided with separate dirve .system. In a CNC
c s1 e I r"'·· .
· known as axis: thus.according to the number of SXC!
C machines arc class1tie-d .is
111.1.:hine 1s used for rurmng and machining heavy components. movement IS · -
I followit1g_.

~ , 1 ri.cllflrattnn nf CNC machine tools

, 1 r• ,~clflr11tlnn nf rNr mi1rhlnfl toob 11'~" "' • . . • .,_
. .. .._., I . J _ • •· ~

V N--(l ntilJUP
.. ~mple-1 ,,
C .
1ute nample.J
g I, ,.
~ '.'Spindle :- The spinJ k ,1 f 11-., r>-.: r la t~r ,_ •,11,:d .! · · ,: L;' :·•: • , ..i :
Pt ' ~ · Z'(I P1 • X Z0 Pl 5 20 Incremental
,, x o zo I P1 X2 zo Pl x zo P1 xss
;~,in the housing w11h caper roller bear'.ng~ or an angular -:o n1ac1 ba l, L,,· ,,· 1, ;

P2 X Z-2 P2 X4 -2 PJ X Z-20 P2 X-15 zo ':are provi"dcd 111 the front and rear s:dc of hou~1n,,e Th:: br:ITln",
::, ·
arc -.'.rcJ.·,
_ \ ..: zJ : P3 XO Pd X30 .-20 P3 XO Z-20 d
'floW I5
• provided
- wi th lubnca ling pump. These [\-ne
. ,- oibea nn c
. has low fnc 110 11 i, •11 c
P4 X- 1 0 zo
I N X 30 -i6
P5 X 42 z-l2J R6
P4 X6 Z-
P5 X12 z~ 6
P5 X 30 5
P6 X 30 l
P7• 'l( ?I\ 2 ~
~ ~~10
,-.-. .,_
'·l<l.ellSY 10 replacc:1rn:1i: 7,.. ~ \\. u ., , - ., ._ .. .. , -- ::- ' · _ ~---· "' +- · ..

removal rates, Machine spindle are made for high st iffness stability :ind ,·ap,,hl

, ..-, 4V ' ·• - • nv -·~·, d thrust load capacity.
~ p a J ~ J of CNCLatlle:- · . .
) trl,c bed of the CNC Lathe arc lightly different from onvcntional lathes. ~ . .-. , -:·;

~C lube t-oi &tructun:d in small size and very less in length and can be made ofca.~ iron il
weklro C'('(\S.tru -tioti Surface of~ is mschnedl accurately and hardened and ground The l"(
I "'""'
1S • + n mcmbe< fu, olheq,ons which slides upon ii. Thesliding romponeoo .,.,
u.is and tl' •i.s Wlits_ along wmuurt'C( head sli~ Ofl the bed. Twu ~ of~ are u.<;cd fit
4S ' }..-
I CNC lathes. f i ~ andslantbed
I I \ Q pu, .AQ -?2(1

fut 4~
:~ ~~~ =.· is fil:%::donrightsidc. ?fbcd.thc'X andZa~1$~lsaloagw~thtlJrrct hcai
. s!
. The drive for spindle is transmitted thought a tt'Othcd bi:l t fr, r lower speed and ::,01:· · 1_ ·· '> · ·
This type o(bcd is flat oq,a.-a!kl to lhe:lane. Thespu,dle head i'..fitted oo .
higher speed. Th"is belt has high.strength. Due to the meshing profile of belt the pul! r~duce,· , ···
Toe tw0 stage gear box is us~ for speed varia1ion. The hydrnulic operated chuc~ 1 , rm-..·,· .
I'S set at the -. e
portion ofbcd. 1bc llln'Ctmay be fitted either front Slde or rear side of the~ · spindle nose for holding the cylindrical work. The spindle ha~ to operates over a wider r.Dl )-'.•'
" inlc the on· the remon;u . ... faU on the way of bed and slides.. There is no provisiQ
.....'l""' ....
-~ .....,,_ rpm's Io-to 5000. As already explained about X and Z two main axis and additiona l ax is '( · , ,
thitd axis provided for taking steady position ofspindle at any commanded angle wh ich 1~ k11,,n ~·
'-}f broU,gh away chips md other safety.
as spindle orientation. Thus there are three main functions of the spindle are rotates with r~q t? 1r<"
rpm, hold the work automatically and take the orientatioR position .
Sia.at ~ - Nowday's CNC lathes are geocrally bw1d with slant beds. Slant m~•
bed is fitted wi°JI ~ angle of45 ~ or any~ with a bo~ntal sp~e pl~e. This bed i!
3. Torret-CNC lathes are provided with special automatically indexed de nce t' n \\·h•.· · ·
aiwa)'S fitted rc.w- side of the macbme mduppcr_s,dc from-honzoollll spindle ax,s. So the spaa lo 12 tool pockets are made, this device is known tool turret. The typical construction of1u1w ,

rcmam empty ~ the6PindJc and tailstock. 'b.c X and Z axis slides along with turret hcae shown in figure, If there is a provision of8 tool pockets the design of turret is made m 1he :,,ri1
s !ides cm sfmt :The ~mge of this type oftx:d is that the design ofslant bed iscompact an: regular actagonal face. The tool pocket arc numbered :is 1.2 ,3 .... 8. and these num: ::~ :!,c ~ ~ ·
. construction Due to the empty between the spindle and tailstoii : MCU memory. Tool pockets for radial tools (external) are made 111 standard tool shank s11, 1 , · _
pcmuts closed btuc
~ type · space · _ • 20or 25 x 25 mm. There is a provision ofsettinl! the sleeve for inserting the axia l 10ols I in• r •· , ·
• • j ofmetlll directfy-fall downonconveyor. In theemptybottomspacecoo 1ant ia · . . ~ _ ~
th~ ~ moval ch P . . :'L· . · ,. • b. : li'kedn!I, bonng bar etc-. on each pockenop base as sh::rxn ir. 112:~c ..-'l.x1a! roo '.s a:-~ D :~s ::· :c·. _
1·s located.. ·Thus thi! t,,.... beca.rne a ~wremoval ofcn1psd1rec1,y in .1t h . . .
•.rr- · -; _ _ , , so I ey are fitted 10 altcmate.~~ts. Some control systems are made a provis1M i'o ~ md-:-: 111;
~ is that~ slant_bed enablcslhe setting up ofwork an~ tools. also mspecl!on an: .turret only in alternate numb,rs for example I after 3 or 2 after 4. Under prograrr-c,,ntr,, 1"'h,--
rts on the turret made easy. cuning tools are set into the fool pocket, the cutting point of thar tools automa11cal!,· --~,, w ,
ccncer hc!ght of work. The tu~t is indexed in both direction manually by prcssin~ -~,l"'I" , >i), ·

I l,'l't: ·ienuao.,vj;l (E::> 2.6 CNC Lath~...L~NC Tedmolog_T - ~ 2 _6 C!\C l.at l: .


~ -
~~. ~ .


I /2.10 CNC Machine slideway's
II f
lntroduction :-

Geners.lly conventional machines are bu ild with a principal parts such .,- bed

/ c.:olwnn. ta b le and thi> c1 rh er '- lid inf '' !lrt<> •h ~ "' ;r '; r.!! !11:u:hine tahlc , li<lc, in ;;
saddle. on a lathe the can-iagc slides on the bed and a cross-slide, slides on saddle
,.. n ofslideway's -

~ ~ideways.used in machine tools are divided into two
~w11y's. - .
[fthe sliding surfaces are made from plain metals
surfal'e .:irea of both sl' din;: pa:-ts corr.e intc rn:i::1:

d s!tdes0;,.0n~ dr1o ~h . . ,
L.. - - · ·.'
1 :· ,

surtace of n part. s lides on another part surface. is known as machine tool slides_.
surfuces are machined a c curately, hardned and ground. while sliding the parts on
r0 ch e mersl to meta l large surface area in contact There i s a tendency ofmov~ble sl
lh other, ~
~~ to_sti, ·
~eway's arc known as plain stidc:way's, for example
· • cast i_ron, steel-steel , cost iron -steel, etc. The plain sli eway's have good dam, in;:
_than other slidcway's or good capacity absorb the vibrati . but there 1s a slici-:-sl ,p . 1 ,,J

i Im ~ feed and slips quickly or gee j erk with next givc:n feed. Thus the: precise po. tto11ing
ngslideway's (Linear m_o doo bearings)-
smooth mach ining is no t perfunned by ordinary conventional slidcway's.
l .-·-~ ·
The steel rollers-and steel balls are applied to rcciprocatin otion as a rolling eleme nt O T
': ss..~iding medi!l between two sliding surfaces to c:limi_!late the ck-s li p m nroo n a nd rerform
·,rick-slip morion -
~nuously easy sliding and precise positioning of slides. This of !-lidew1w'< are knC'\\.,., ? ,
! r 15 a phenomenon ofs Iiding surfaces which are slides on each other. Suppos1 you have, ' [l)Jl~g -siid~way's, when rollers or balls.are circulated between th slid ing <urfuc e.< . there "
;-;;o; -e ..1 s lide in a smd,; amuunt of distance . in low reed rate and when you give the fef feed to~ i ~ tifle contact and point contact respectively. So the friction i~
I , ':6:_i.,-: !o w t~::::c::; ~.: ·~: .:.- , 1idc -::.!:w.o, r:;-J •, e C) th~ g in ~n small amowJC offeed;but • ,alt, and high.!, ,rJ;;sm_ission efficiency. This type of slide way';

f ~lide s~ck there en a_norher surface. ~ftcr th~ ne;.:t amoun_t of fe~d is given to th~ f.
' .c slide, -,vbctC precise positioning is reriuircd
i s::me direction the slide g?:t jerk or qu1ck(y slip a head, twice a distance of both tim gtvell ~
l Advantages !)flinear motion bnriog sli<kways -
. rhere 1s d tendency o( s liding parts to stick in low feed and slip:; quickly with nex feed. lljf' I. By the . used rollin~ elements ·cherc is a little diffc cc becv..--:cn dynam:~ :::..!

' I

f d efect is caused due to used metal to metal contact of rough an.d large area ofslidin_g urface, an!
~~so caused due co the stickn~ of lu~r_ication oil. ~hus due co the stick ~nd lip tjiotic1i- 2.
dISrurbances are produced while machmtng _ According to the CNC macbme . t ol prccist
j.'OS) tion ing of sl ides and repearabiliry of sl ides are the major requirements. T fulfil thel !: .
static.friction, hence reduced the drive power.
T~e clearance _between -the two sLiding _surfaces is :d uced co zero to absorb
· machine vibrations. ·
Stick-slip motion isCQmpletely eliminated in thi9 type ofs~~ways.
Due.to rolting clement amount oftubricant is reduced.
1 contacl, so there 1s a
requireme nts of elimination ofstick-slip. the different slideways systems are used su as rollq : j_ The rolli.ng el_emcnt ha"¥C only line contact and
negligible: friction.
;ird~ ways ( linea.,r mo11o n bearing) hydrostatic or aerosratic slideways and plastic ated slick As compared to . the plain stideways-, rolling ~ij.deways have a highe r
ways_ transmission efficiency

I Requirements of good slide ways;-

I 2_
Precise positioning ofslide without stick-slip
M inimum coefficient of friction at varying slide velocities,
The machine weight ovcraUcostand maintenanc.c cost cad~treduccd.

T)-petofs~tdeways usedin CNCmac,hlne tool:-

Commonlv used slide.ways for CNC' machine tools arc JS ~

I. · Linearmationbcaringslideways- ·
) Low wear rare. ~- Hydrostati<: and aerostatic slideway's
..1 _ Mj11imum differen~e between static and dynamic friction.
l Wear resistan~ .d~eway's
Must have the capacity to absorb the vibrations . 4. Plastic coated sli(ieway's
' .Easy movements of slides while machining.
Easy machinability low cost and less maintenance.

'· ~-
. ..
. ,_. J
Y"'inc:a rm o rt . bea ring-slideway's
. . :-
2.11 Electrical dishcharge M~chining
.•. ,. : ,?··:1:··• rh eco n ca r f'oi nr of two shdmg sur,aces
·-·~• ,
.. ,.~ fi . r~n is also less . F.or the linesr
...,: 1.?•are less , th e n J I · 11 · d - Wire cut EDM -
·'=, µ 'if'/ - be nngs such as stee ro ers an
I morion
ba r~m i ir«' umsurface
lls. have
Ho ~· ~• u;J a.n
,. L"~\.,•t
. contact
. .such as,
omc contact rcspecHvely. . So t:~~y• ' •
ctloD :
duce ~nv <hRr P"r ~,-m ~\(ov ~- ~- ,··~- ·
0 · · ' ·
o •- ' • , .. a<! ...

hese are used slideway's in CNC machine : ~· •Jj

: ,!
. . the op at1ons on machining center cylmdncnl c11 penpher I cutter<~r~ u,·. · \-<
, because in is type rolling friction is Rollers .. __ . -..,,- d ce a int mal and external sharp comers on workpiece E M has ~,rn-. , .' . ' I' -
, "'(jfplJ U . . .
performed insr of sliding friction. The
gtiideways are constructed for suitable setting :'. ~ ble O the sharp c rncrs mach1nmg, elcctncally conducnvc ma ten ls such as the 1, . ,w,, , I
bearing case rollers or balls,• The Toad earring capacity is increased by the bearing ~ , ..,. These meta . would be diflicu lt to machine by convention I method But I' I l~ ' I
capable of with cl.mg ~uaf load inllily diR:Ction. 8 110
•SC ~I , tivcly simple t machine intricate shapes that would be impossible 10 pr,,du cc . , , I
nventi, :JRI cutting too Is. t 1..s w1'de Iy use d in
. too I and d1
. to accurate Iv produ c•~d,t ..
n~, aerostaticslideway•~:- \
S.'!de i Slidewoys
~ -
_4 ..

' ' ' :. -.·.~ ·.

ln a plain slide ~\~~1s the ~ayerofthiri ~ii is provid~•
for smootli shdmg, ThiS h1yer ofo1I help to rcdu;f
CO h d Thus electrical dis harge machinin g with wi~'C cu t .~1cthod and vc rtic:J : ':[' ' ·
punc e
fill fill the ;ecd. I
I '- •. ·
'-'. · the friction. The oil is continuously .Pr9vided t;
I lubrication pump. Some limes instead of laycr lif·
oil,continuously, air flow is provickd b_etween t!t:lf,.
P.rinclpa: of wire cut EDM -
E JM is a controlled metal r,

~.11- ,LL,J. • two siiding surfaces:Tne air ts prnvid~d through ., by an elec .rkspark is used to cut the w

I J.
Q ed

ceslide ~ays- :-
,_,,,,_,.....,.__,. air compressor. Thus due to the pressut~ed oit an.
LffliiM,l a~ redu~ -~ .friction, and .slides moves Ui!
without stick-shp.
intothew rkpieceatthestartpoint(work zc point) .A
then take•· ,eshape opposite to that.of th electrode The
reguirede ~ctrodc is in the fonnofwirc. F rtheoperation
widispad ogprocess.asmall throughouthoe isdri lled
~ 1•
. . .. , I

t opcraflorurarc: peifomied on°differeot machine tool~; on milling llnd l.alil _ "ire roll ( oool)-is placed atthe top of the wire cad. then . ...
icd mare . . L:-
than _pther IJ14CUU1CS, th &'. •
SO · e ,orce mc~cs on
thi s mach'me·tod · -0ne end ol' wire is taken through wire-head
. cent , an d F,g .-2.tlJ
g ~inc tool tne depdfofcut' i; mmimum than other machine tools so ~ . threaded 1 1rought drillied hole of workpiece on o take up roll. The wire and workp1c-c,: h ,ii· 1
force is also mi pmonthis~cmne-too(si.ides,Th'us tho wear and tear is minim~~ ingrlndiJii ' ·submerge, in a dielectric fluid. A Servomechanis maintains a gap of about 0.01 l O n .tl2 l111t' ,I

machine tool. post sli<Jcways.arc j,refe~forthis type ofmachine tool. The shdingsurfaccs be.ween t! .! electrode and the work. A direct current O low voltage and high ampere ·~ ddwr, ' '
- ·: 100l ( .\NODEJ
. ,
the electrode at the r;1 1,~
- · ·. - ·•.'··~;:;,:;,-,• ,:·,:.; ·;·_ ,.. ' app x1mately 20000 hcttz. Th e nk t.
4. Plastic cto.ted'slideway•s :- ·· f .-._ _: : : : : : : : 1: :· : .~ · · . . f __ . • ,
In oda ' I'CNC
. · · . ••·
machine .tool· non
· . · I'"· ' b tan
·mera1c .· su s ces an
d plasti'cs are used Fm .'
, - - - : .: :::: : .: 1::: : :
- - - ·: : : :~: : :·.: : : . melts d smallpnrt1ceo
, , 1 mo1t::,,,,1-1 ..
. .
t Y t'd. •·
. S \ tng. SU
rfaces The plastics are used fo: _
• . . . . . ·· • . ·,
· :::::=::::::. :--: : : ~ · :, : :· :· :: :: ·• . .
!lJ.El,F.Cl· ~I<::•: ; : :
· e.\pd1..:~ fro111 lnc wo r~p u.: cc
. , . . . • , ,
slimng· surfaces-. The . plastic mat1:nai art
. .. .. . -L h' h ;,, -
•~ = : : : : : : ; ; . : : ~::.r..or..'TzE~
- · . . . . . . " . ' . -Fl.UID
d:elec,nc u1d 1s used as a cut, 11 ~, ,1
·'' '
' '\: . ·-~, '-, ;- \·
·bo cfcd {coated) to the surnsces w 1c. are " · . - - -
n · . .. . :. . ~ . . · ,: ...: PTFE . :::::::::- ~ =;: :: :: :: :: · ;: :: ·: :: :: ::. :: ,. , , •r
~-'",·,,., ·,_: · contact.J'be .pl"8tlc.maybe_thennop.'t'~'!11 ··.· · ·__ _ , __ ;;: :, .. ;,;;.., :. . _;,.: T,,c ;1; 0 ·: -: rn~ n 0, ,ab,t; ;,,Jt:~ "' "''" ''"• '
- ' ~.' '• ' " '. ,>> '.·' <~ - ~(polytc~fruro_ct&ylinc}prth_c,pnoseffi~g;·SK\:: . • .' ·:~""'- .c~;f,'. ; ,>"t• > b;· C\lC prngr, 'il ;n or, ly '< ., ,.I
✓, '3 materi~t the plastic_rediJ.ces
coeffieient Qi )'_1§:.2:-3' . , . . dire,-r :,111 rnPt ·1'1 i ev,v '1, ,, ...
~/ ~
• • • :.':' : - · :- ": ../ · \:~-: .

d -increases ~ngth, wcar'res1stanct .. .. ._·k.:-: :· . . . . . . . , · ·· ... - ' ·- ·' , · '•·

-~\, l' {.
·, ••

", ~ ··
.!. -
· ·>.-.:·'- :
• . . ',_ / : .,,, \ -:~

___ , . ·,~·~:-:: ·
• . ·f
· t. i· ·

·and load bearing capacity, These· have a -~.,. · Th ·.

·ctton an . . . . · . ..• .,or pi~e The d1electnc nu1d 1s_u~ed as a cutJmg flu id. and cames away the parnc lc:; l : · ·
:. ·. . . , . , :.
, • • --· - I ,.
.w ,. ,
• • · · . , .. ·. . ,. ·_. . · · · ,, · em~ve:·· ·~ntof1ableshdesconrrolledbyCNCprogrammunlyXand'l mrection .
. .
---------=----------- -
CNC Tttfmolo,
-.-:.. '® .-. lubncated.property. · · . · · . . . ·. . ....,......
-2.10 _CNC Ma~hinesiidew~- (,\'.~ fer~iriofog1 ·· C}QD 2.11 Elcctricaldi~chargc mn~:~~,, ..
. ··~
!',ii ·,s -
1/J If
-- . -

·~ ought w r.ak.e by rht opirrator before ,, o,rr .,., ., wo rkEC.'YC m :ach Jn
. 1'
3.2 To on the CNC System { Check. that theap~arance oftru: CNC ~ h1m:_too1is ry-.ai.
i Checkthci~c~m,~gthreepha.se voltage in !.b~i! :z:-: : 2-.V,\' lfthc:r ..' · ~

The CNC rnal:hine tool equipcd \1 • lh

u~ ~,;b:';,:;~~•;~~~ :~~ :;;.~;,:,: ;~;i~~~::~h ;~~•,o;i :::;::i~

any s~, tc h,
CNC system by dl>ing the following steps sequ~ntly.
several r.:ornponents, su...:h

a!l , slbih2cr, ., '
,~ r.

i-: voltage vanatton
! ·~cceptable.
in any one phase system does ~ { ~r •

·'. Earthlings is ~ntial and must.be attached tightly at ca.J~iog pomL

± I% Vol!.!il!! -.. ·:?, ~:..w

'· ·Air conditioning system is continuously needed in M • 1f thJs system 1s ta t!te 1:i-:-
roessage will display on screen. clean the Air net filte roperely or do appropmu~
""Jj ~';ii ~~
Operating Kye 's switches remedy
~:,~,a;• The lubricating pump is provided to lubricate the sli
' :S.
Switch on the main switch Three phase supply will lubrication system is failed, the message display as 1u11-3uoo faded or Ju bn~::wr.
sta bilizer. Jow pressure. Check the oil level, check the pressure. 4h~k the pum p ,., g0e~ ,,n ... ,
Supply wil~ come int
: I 2 Turn on the stabilizer [is ON I not, check the all pipes were properly connected.
control .unit, (a ir comp
The tool changing system and tool holder hold ' system arc don <.' .1 ,:t.
11 6.
I~ um sta rts . ,. ires :!ir corr.~r-=-ssc-, ~ - ,<
pneumatic / hydraulic pressure so the system re
2 Tt.:1:-: Jr, tr, e MCU switch i MC U ON I Supp_ly ~iii come in~o M I par.1:k :1·
sure ad viced hv rh ~
(lubrication pump and a r condit- , hydraulic pump , set the proper required o
ioninq starts) . . ',
!I 4 . Un lock t he emergency stop I ,,"~" Gradually screen will di' lay, --t I
switch by tw isting appropnat1 ( C) t!
, 1

i _ ~,rect lon _ , ___ .

1 , res::. t he: ::0,,~1·0: u ,, G" ,-CT'~L ON I After the power 1s turne on
drive on key ' . check that the po.sltion s ·r~en is l: .
1 IDRIVE ONJ displayed . An alarm scr en is ~I
@I displayed If an alarm is curs
upon ower on ress re t ke , f
6. Press r eset key [Reset I Displayed message will learfroml
screen. If the alarm is b inking dof
. the a ro rlate remed '.~}
You are ready to do th task or. fl
7 Press required mode key or
JOG . CNC machine :
function key to do the task REF.

..· ·f
7 ru•·Q::::, I[ JI
oo 0,- " ' "' 0!'\'
"' J

. . .~·. .

\1 1'\I.'

~ ~ I TltC:11
$1-,t, HILl/.t.:M.
l · · ~ ·· RUL u-;rr
,.,.,1r.• r- r.xc-.'

"101 M:'111!:L

£ _i4..:.:.,3A :
b on the CNC system
lj "'.T Gv .3.

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