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Chapter no. 4


Short questions.

Question .1:Sodium is softer than copper , but both are very good
electrical conductor?
The strength of metallic bond is directly proportional to number of
valence electrons. Cu has greater number of valence electrons as
compared to Na. So, the metallic bond of Na is weaker than Cu and it is
relatively soft . As, both Na and Cu have free valance electrons. Hence ,
electrical conductor.

Question .2:Diamond is hard and an electrical insulator.

Diamond is hard because C-C singal bonds are very strong. In the three
– dimentional network of atoms, each carbon atoms share its four
valence electrons with four other carbon atoms to form four single
bonds. The bonding atoms are tightly bond and highly lozalized .
Diamond is electrical insulator because there are no free valence
electrons. All the valence electrons are tightly bond and high lozalized
due to formation of four covalent bonds.
Question.3: Sodium Chloride and cesium chloride have different
The structure of ionic crystals depend upon the radius ratio of cations
and anions. If two ionic crystals have same radius ratio of cations and
anions , then their structure will be same . The radius ratio of cations and

anions in sodium chloride and cesium chloride is different . Hence, they

have different structure.
Question.4:Iodine dissolve readily in tetra chloromethane.
The genral rule of solubulity “ Like dissolve like ‘Non-polar solutes
dissolve in non-polar solvents. Since, iodine I2 and carbon tetrachloride
CCl4 both are non-polar, so both dissolve into each other . The process
involves the breakdown of weak van der walls forces in iodine lattice.
Question.5: The vapor pressure of solids are for less than those of
The magnitude of vapour pressure is inversly proportional to the
strength of intermolecular attractration forces.These forces are stronger
in solids as compared to the loquids. Hence, vapour pressure of solids is
far less than liquids.
Question.6: Amorphous solids like glass are super cooled liquid .
Many crystalline solids can be changes into amorphous solids by
melting them and then cooling the molten mass rapidly. In this way the
constituent particale do not not find time to arrange themselves. These
substances have solid state properties and virtually complete maintence
of shape and volume .But they are in fact liquids cooled between their
freezing point with out crystallization. Therfore, amorphous solid like
glass is also called super cooled liquid.
Question.7:Cleavage of Crystals is itself anisotropic behavior.

In crystal the particals are arranged in a regular repeating three
dimentional pattern .This arrangement of so thare paritical is different in
different planes. It is due to the reason that cleavage of crystals accour
differently in different directions. Hence, cleavage of crystals is itself
anisotropic behavior.
Question.8:The crystals showing isomorphism mostly have the same
atomic ratios.
The crystal which show isomorphism have same crystalline form and
depend upon the number of atoms and their way of combination.
Isomorphism substances.have equal number of atoms linked with each
other in similar ways. Different crystals can show isomorphism only
when they have same atomic ratios e.g., Na, NO3 and KNO3 are
isomorphs . They have rhombohedral crystaline form and they have
same atomic ration that 1:1:3.
Question.9:The transition temperature is shown by elements having
allotropic form and by compounds showing polymorphism.
The element which show allotropy have different crystalline forms ,
similarly the compounds which shows polymorphism have different
crystalline forms. Each crystalline form is stable over a particular range
of temperature .On heating, one crystalline form can be changed into
another.The temperature at which one crystalline form changes into an
other is called transition temperature . Hence, transition temperature is
shown by elements and compounds having allotropic or polymorphic
form, e.g.,

9.950 C
Sulphur S8 Sulphur S8
(Rhombic) (Monoclinic)
Question.10.One of the unit Cell angles of hexagonal crystal is 1200
The angle between regular sides of a regular figure of ‘n’ sides=  
 n 

Since regular hexagon has 6 sides and angle in the same plane .So , n= 6

Angle=180  6  2  degrees.
 6 

Angle=180  4  degree.

Question.11:The electrical conductor of the metals decrease by
increasing temperature.
The electrical conductivity of metals decrease with the increase in
temperature . The reason is that with the increase in temperature the
positive metal ions also begin to oscillate and the motion hindess the
free movement of mobile electrons between the positive ions .This
hindrace decreases the electrical conductivity.

Question.12:In closest packing of atom of metals, only 74% space is


Each atom in close packing is ssurronded by six other. Packing of at oms

in this way gives a lattice whaere74% space is accupied , where 26%
forms crevies or interstices as free space.
Question.13: Ionic crystals don’t conduct electricity in the solid state.
Ionic crystals do not conduct electricity in solid state, because of
electrostatic force between cations and anions remain tightly held to
gether and occupy fixed position.
Question.14: Ionic crystals are highly brittle.
Ionc crystals are higly brittle because ionic solids are composed of
parallel layers which contain cations and anions in alternate positions.
When an external force is applied , one layer of the ions slides a bit over
the other layer along a plane. In this way like ions come in front of each
othere and hence begin to repel which cause brittleness.

Question.15:The number of positive ions surrounding the negative ions

in the ionic crystal lattice depends upon the size of the two ions.
Ionic compounds , negative ions are surronded by positive ions or vice
versa. Usually, each ion is surrended by largest possible number of
oppositely charged ions. The number of ions surreonded by a particular
ion depends upon radius ratio

Radiusofcation(r )
Radius ratio= .
Radiusofanion)(r _)

Greater the radius ratio, greater , greater is the coordination number. A

greater surface area of an ion will have a tendency to get surrounded
by large number of oppositely charged ions.

Radius Ratio Coordination Structure

0.155-0.255 3 Triangular
0.732-100 8 Cubic

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