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Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry

ISSN: 0916-8451 (Print) 1347-6947 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tbbb20

The Effect of Pre-germinated Brown Rice Intake on

Blood Glucose and PAI-1 Levels in Streptozotocin-
induced Diabetic Rats

Hiromi HAGIWARA, Taiichiro SEKI & Toyohiko ARIGA

To cite this article: Hiromi HAGIWARA, Taiichiro SEKI & Toyohiko ARIGA (2004) The Effect
of Pre-germinated Brown Rice Intake on Blood Glucose and PAI-1 Levels in Streptozotocin-
induced Diabetic Rats, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 68:2, 444-447, DOI: 10.1271/

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1271/bbb.68.444

Published online: 22 May 2014.

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Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 68 (2), 444–447, 2004

The Effect of Pre-germinated Brown Rice Intake on Blood Glucose
and PAI-1 Levels in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats
Hiromi H AGIWARA, Taiichiro S EKI,y and Toyohiko ARIGA
Laboratory of Nutrition and Physiology, Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry,
Nihon University College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Graduate School of Bioresource Sciences,
Kanagawa 252-8510, Japan

Received August 8, 2003; Accepted October 29, 2003

Effects of pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) on enzymes are located in pancreatic beta cells5) and that
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were studied. The GABA stimulates insulin secretion from the pancreas.5)
feeding of a PGBR diet to diabetic rats ameliorated the Thus PGBR or its ingredient is thought to ameliorate the
elevation of blood glucose and PAI-1 concentrations disorders such as diabetes, although there is little
significantly, and tended to decrease the plasma lipid scientific evidence regarding nutritional function.
peroxide concentrations in comparison with rats fed a In this study the effects of long-term intake of PGBR
white rice diet. These results suggest that intake of on the diabetic parameters was examined in comparison
PGBR instead of white rice is effective for the pre- with the intake of white rice. We have especially
vention of diabetic vascular complications. focused on the effects of PGBR on plasma PAI-1
concentration which contributes to increase the mortal-
Key words: pre-germinated brown rice; white rice; type- ity rate of diabetic patients, and found the facts that as
1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1); compared to white rice, PGBR intake could ameliorate
diabetes hyperglycemia and concomitant increase of plasma PAI-
1 concentrations in the experimentally-induced diabetic
Diabetic macrovascular complications associated with rats.
hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia have been demon- All animal experiments were done in accordance with
strated to be linked with the mortality among diabetic institutional guidelines established by the Laboratory
patients.1) An increased plasma concentration of type-1 Animal Care and Use Committee of Nihon University
plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) has been ob- College of Bioresource Sciences. Male Wistar strain rats
served in type 2 diabetic patients with vascular dis- (Nippon Bio-Suppl., Tokyo, Japan), weighing 100 g,
eases.2) PAI-1 is the major physiological inhibitor of received intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin
tissue-type PA (tPA) and urokinase-type PA (uPA). (65 mg/kg, dissolved in 100 mmol/l sodium citrate
Both tPA and uPA convert a zymogen plasminogen into buffer, pH 4.5; Wako Pure Chemical Inc. Ltd., Osaka,
an active enzyme, plasmin. Impaired fibrinolytic poten- Japan). Control rats received only the same volume of
tial due to the increased level of plasma PAI-1 has been sodium citrate buffer. The rats were kept on a standard
shown to be a major risk factor for myocardial infarction diet (CE-2, CLEA JAPAN Inc., Tokyo, Japan) for 13
in diabetes mellitus.3) Increased oxidative stress in the days after the streptozotocin injection, and then divided
hyperglycemia has also been recognized as a causative into four groups: Non-diabetic rats fed white rice diet
of vascular damage.4) Thus the hyperglycemia is thought (NW), non-diabetic rats fed PGBR diet (NB), diabetic
to be one of the important risk factors for vascular rats fed white rice diet (DW), diabetic rats fed PGBR
complications in diabetes mellitus. diet (DB). These rats were allowed free access to the
Pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) has recently been experimental diets and water for 7 weeks. AIN-93G
widely served in Japan. PGBR had been developed (Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) containing 53%
industrially in order to improve the nutritional functions corn-starch was used as basic diet. Corn-starch of AIN-
of its source material, brown rice. PGBR can be 93G was replaced with white rice powder for the ‘‘white
produced by soaking brown rice in water for slight rice diet’’ or replaced with PGBR powder (FANCL Co.,
germination. Amounts of some constituents including - Kanagawa, Japan) for the ‘‘PGBR diet’’. White rice
aminobutyric acid (GABA) are greatly increased in powder contained (per 100 g of powder) water, 15.8 g;
PGBR. It has been reported that GABA and its related protein, 5.7 g; fat, 1.7 g; carbohydrate, 75.7 g; dietary

To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: +81-466-84-3949; E-mail: tseki@brs.nihon-u.ac.jp
Abbreviations: PGBR, pre-germinated brown rice; PAI-1, type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor; tPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator; uPA,
urokinase-type plasminogen activator; TBA, thiobarbituric acid; LDL, low density lipoprotein
Regulation of Plasma PAI-1 Level by Pre-germinated Brown Rice 445

fiber, 0.6 g; Ca, 4.7 mg; Mg, 32.2 mg; thiamine, 0.11 mg; 500
total tocopherols, 0.3 mg; and free -aminobutyric acid,
3 mg. PGBR powder contained (per 100 g of powder) 400
water, 14.7 g; protein, 6.9 g; fat, 2.5 g; carbohydrate,
72 g; dietary fiber, 2.7 g; Ca, 8.8 mg; Mg, 117 mg; NW
thiamine, 0.37 mg; total tocopherols, 1.3 mg; free - NB

aminobutyric acid, 15 mg. Amounts of food intake and
200 DB
body weight were measured every day, and blood
glucose was measured by DEXTER-Z II (Bayer Medical
Co., Ltd., Leverkusen, Germany) once a week using 100

blood obtained from the tail vein. The rats were starved
for 18 hours before the measurement of blood glucose 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weeks
concentration. Serum triglyceride concentration was
measured by using a commercial kit (Wako Pure Fig. 1. Blood Glucose Concentration of Rats Fed Either White Rice
Chemical Inc., Ltd.). Plasma PAI-1 concentration was or PGBR.
measured by an ELISA system using anti-rat PAI-1 NW, normal rats fed white rice diet (n=8); NB, normal rats fed
rabbit IgG (American Diagnostica Inc., CT, USA) and PGBR diet (n=7); DW, diabetic rats fed white rice diet (n=4); DB,
diabetic rats fed PGBR diet (n=5). Blood glucose concentrations
recombinant rat PAI-1 (American Diagnostica Inc.) as
were measured as described in the text. Each value represents the
standards. The plasma lipid peroxide concentration was meanS.E. Absence of error bars for a given data point indicated
measured by SRL Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) using thiobarbi- that S.E. is smaller than the size of symbol. The statistical analysis
turic acid (TBA) method. Serum insulin concentration was done by the Student’s t-test. *P < 0:05 vs. DW.
was measured by a commercial ELISA kit (LBISTM ,
Shibayagi Co., Ltd., Gunma, Japan).
Total amounts of food intake during the 7-weeks from a human study; the glycemic index obtained from
experimental period were not significantly different volunteers taking PGBR was significantly lower than
between the white rice group and the PGBR group in that of those who were taking the white rice (unpub-
both normal and diabetic rats, however, the rats tended lished data). The blood glucose-lowering effect of
to prefer the PGBR diet rather than white rice diet PGBR may be derived from the properties of PGBR
(Table 1). The modest body weight gain which would be involving substantially higher content of dietary fiber
due to the metabolic disorder with diabetes was than white rice (about 5-fold, as described before), and
observed in the diabetic group, but there was no PGBR exhibits the lower postprandial glycemic re-
significant difference between white rice and PGBR sponse. Intake of barley containing high dietary fiber is
diet groups in both normal and diabetic groups (Table 1). known to reduce the fasting plasma glucose, plasma
The serum triglyceride level of the diabetic group was cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in spontaneous
increased as compared to that of normal group, although diabetic rat.6) Therefore, the tendency to lower the
there was no significant difference among the groups serum triglyceride elevation in DB group may also be
(Table 1). derived from dietary fiber in PGBR.
Blood glucose concentrations were mostly equal Plasma PAI-1 concentrations in normal rats fed any
between normal rat groups, NW and NB, throughout diet (NW or NB) were approximately 0.9 ng/ml
the experimental period. Whereas in the diabetic group, (Fig. 2A). As reported previously in both type 17) and
blood glucose concentration was lower in the rat fed type 2 diabetic rats,8) plasma PAI-1 concentration was
PGBR (DB) than that in white rice fed rats (DW) elevated in the diabetic rats. The feeding of white rice to
(Fig. 1). These results are very similar to those obtained diabetic rats caused significantly higher plasma PAI-1
concentrations than normal rats fed white rice (Fig. 2A,
NW vs. DW), however the feeding of PGBR signifi-
Table 1. Total Amount of Food Intake, Body Weights and Serum cantly decreased the PAI-1 concentration of the diabetic
Triglyceride of Rats Fed Either White Rice or Pre-germinated Brown rats (DW vs. DB). Changes in the plasma lipid peroxide
concentration showed a similar tendency to those
Total amount of Body weight (g) Triglyceride (mg/dl) observed in plasma PAI-1 concentration (Fig. 2B).
food intake (g) Increased PAI-1 concentration results in impairment of
0 time 7 weeks 7 weeks
fibrinolysis as has been reported in diabetic patients.9)
NW 138734 178.03.2 532.414.5 282.154.7 Since plasma PAI-1 level can be modulated by blood
NB 142246 179.42.5 530.315.3 308.431.9 glucose concentration and hypertriglyceridemia,10,11)
DW 149663 123.07.0 156.516.7 446.092.0
DB 154630 119.56.1 167.713.5 320.839.8
intake of PGBR may reduce the risk of ischemic heart
disease including myocardial infarction in diabetes
NW, normal rats fed white rice diet (n=8); NB, normal rats fed PGBR diet mellitus. We have recently reported that treatment of
(n=7); DW, diabetic rats fed white rice diet (n=4); DB, diabetic rats fed
PGBR diet (n=5). Triglyceride concentration was measured by a commer- the type-1 diabetic rats with insulin reduced the up
cial kit as described in the text. Each value represents the meanS.E. regulated-plasma PAI-1 concentration.7) Plasma insulin
446 H. HAGIWARA et al.

A P<0.01 P<0.01 B P<0.01

8 30
7 25


4 15
3 10
1 5
0 0

Fig. 2. Plasma PAI-1 and Lipid Peroxide Concentration of Rats Fed Either White Rice or PGBR.
(A) Plasma PAI-1 concentration measured by ELISA. (B) Plasma lipid peroxide concentration measured by TBA method. NW, normal rats
fed white rice diet (n=8); NB, normal rats fed PGBR diet (n=7); DW, diabetic rats fed white rice diet (n=4); DB, diabetic rats fed PGBR diet
(n=5). Each value represents the meanS.E. Two-way factorial ANOVA was used to evaluate the differences between normal and diabetic
groups, and white rice and PGBR groups. Because a significant interaction was observed between the groups, one-way ANOVA and following
Turkey HSD test as post-ANOVA comparisons were done.

concentration was also measured in this study; NW, Uchiyama for the animal experiments, and Mr Mitsuo
1.510.53; NB, 1.040.35; DW, 0.290.07; DB, Kise, Ms Aya Mizukuchi, and Mr Yukihiko Ito (FANCL
0.620.15 ng/ml. In the diabetic rats, the plasma insulin Co.) for providing pre-germinated brown rice.
concentration was correlated with plasma PAI-1 and
glucose concentrations. References
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