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This OM90 folder contains USGS GX software compiled for version 9.

0 of Oasis

These files are being made available for testing. Please notify me of any problems
at jeff@usgs.gov.

There is currently no install script for these files; you will have to copy the
individual files
from the following subfolders to the corresponding Geosoft folders on your
computer. This will
require Administrator access. You will also need to modify the system PATH

The new directory structure under 9.0 may result in old USGS GX files remaining in
bin and gx
subdirectories under \Program Files (x86)\Geosoft\Oasis montaj\. Unless removed,
these old
files could possibly interfere with proper functioning of the new USGS GX files.
This is especially
true if these directories have been placed in the System Path.

Required files:

bin32 - This directory contains two 32-bit .exe files compiled using Tcl/Tk, gcc
and g77, along with their correspinding .dll libraries. These files should
be copied to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\bin

lib32 - This directory contains the required 32-bit Tcl\Tk libraries for the
above .exe files in
two subfolders. These folders should be copied to a new directory, that
must first be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\lib

bin64 - This directory contains the 64-bit dynamic-link library (.dll) files
compiled using GX
Developer version 9.0 library functions. These files should be copied to
C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\bin
directory after removing any older versions.

gx - This directory contains the USGS GX code compiled using GX Developer

version 9.0. These
files should be copied to the
C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\gx
directory. It should be OK to overwrite any existing USGS version 8 gx
files found in
this directory.

omn - This directory contains the USGS menu files, usgsgx.omn for the licensed
version and
usgsgxv.omn for the free viewer. They should be copied to the
C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\user\omn
directory. Note that these menu files have been renamed in version 9 to
avoid a conflict
with Geosoft's new usgs.omn menu. When running Oasis, the new USGS menus
can be found
under Settings, Manage Menus, User Menus. Do not install these menu files
in the Geosoft
omn directory as they will block access to the User Menus.

ger - This directory contains the error message file, usgs.err, which should be
copied to the
C:\Program Files\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\ger
directory. It should be OK to overwrite any existing usgs.err file found
this directory.

Required modification to the system PATH variable:

The C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\bin directory

will need to be
added to the system path. To do this, go to Start Menu, Control Panel,
Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables, Path, Edit, and append
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Geosoft\Desktop Applications 9\bin
to the end. Press OK three times to exit.

Optional source code files:

src\gxsrc - This directory contains the 9.0 library files, the wrapper function
source code
files, and subfolders containing source code files for compiling each GX
64-bit MinGW compilers.

src\exesrc - This directory contains the source code files for the Tcl/Tk versions
usgs_mfdesign.exe and usgs_mfplot.exe. A utility program called mktclapp
included) was used to convert the .tcl files to .c files for compilation
using 32-bit
MinGW compilers.

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