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chromatography seem obvious. Au- the data presented here i t seenis prob- graphs of nearly all organic electrolytes.

tomatic monitoring of column effluents able that the position of a n y skewed These resins should have relatively low
by available methods are necessarily peaks would advance if more solute were cross linkages to allow rapid exchange of
coniplicatcd by the prcsence of the present and retard if less material were dissolved solutes, and high mechanical
eluting solute, usually present in much put on the column. This uncertainty rigidities to allow useful flow rates
higher concentration than the substance in the posit'ion of a peak Tould give even when finely divided. If all the
being separated. Successful water elu- rise to inconstant results with different resins now available had this combina-
tion chromatography might make pos- mixtures and would cause the most tion of properties, both series would be
sible the detection and measurement trouble when separations are incomplete. nearly complete.
of eluted peaks by a simple physical This type of difficulty is encountered in
means such as a refinement of the con- other types of preparative chromatog- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ductivity mcthod demonstratd here, raphy but in some, such as carrier
ultraviolet absorbance, p H measure- displacement chromatography ( I ) , it The authors are indebted to the
ment, or possibly others. -4s pointed is less conspicuous. Rohm & Hans Co.for generous gifts of
out by Thompson and Morris ( I S ) , the Many of the resins tested seemed to the Amberlite resins XE-89, XE-168,
chemical mildness to which the separat- have acidic or basic properties in the IR-45. XE-112, and XE-58. The Ka-
ing substances arc subjected might be desirablt, range but behaved sluggishly, tional Aluminate Corp. kindly donated a
advantageous with labile compounds. perhaps because of high cross linkage. sample of Xalcite X-219 and the
I n prcparative work the ease with which Xmberlite IRC-50 is such a material. Chemical Procws Co. furnished the
the purified material c a n be recovered .A carboxylic resin of lower cross linkage, Duolite rwins C-62. C-63, and A-4.
cannot bc escet,ded by any ot,her rlnibcrlite SI<-89. cschanged more rap-
method of chromat,ogrLipliy. In large idly but, perhaps bccause of a less LITERATURE CITED
scale separations, such as those that dense structure, is somrivhat gelatinous
might be carried out indust~rially. the in tcsturc and n.Iit11 vc'ry finely ground (1) Biic:hanan. 11. L . , A s . 4 ~ .CHEar. 31,
elimination of reagcnt cost \vould bc a n allows so litth flo\v of n-atc'r as to be 833 (1959).
(2) Buchanan, 1). I,, J . Biol. Cheni. 229,
important factor. nearly usc~lcs~.I t is possiblc that r&ns 211 (195ij.
X disadvantage of this typt, of chro- might, be prqiarecl \vith tlie desired (3) Davies, C. l V . j Biochem. .I. 45, 38
matography as dewloped so far, lies nciditicxs or bxsicities and yet possess (1949).
in its lack of versatility. From avail- wtisfactorj- pliysit>al p i m p c ~ t i t ~Es-
. ( 4 ) Fisher, 5 . F.,Kunin, R., J . Pliys.
Chem. 60, 1030 (1956).
able data it ~vouldbe diffiidt to devise a periment,s dcsc:ribetl here intlicut,c, that ( 5 ) Hamilton. P. B..ANAL.Cr-mar.30, :314
uwful schcme for tlie scyaration of all only a few s w h resins would hr~nec~led; (1958).
the protclin amino acids on a single columns of an>. rcquisitcs acidity or ( 6 ) IToore, S., Stein, IT. H., J . R i d .
column or even by an orderly succcssioii basirity could be prq)Lirid b>- mising. Chem. 176,367 (1948).
of diffc,rent columns. If the isolation ( 7 ) Ibid., 211, 803 (1954).
Hon-ever, tlie mising of ver!. -trong and 18) Pai.tridw. S. 11.. Brimlev. 11. C..
\ -

of ccvtniii individual amino acids is w r y w : t k a ( d resins in iiixiiy propor- Biociiem.2.'49, 153 11931). "
intendcd, a successful mctliod (mild cer- tions would wcni g e n t ~ t l ltlisadvan-
~~ (9;) Ihid., 51, 628 (1952).
t a i n l ~ i. i o be
~ drvelopcd. tagcous i i i that the rrcalc resin xould (11.)) Partridge, S. M., Kestall, I!. G.,
P u t of tlir difficulty ill pcrforniing act niainlj, as a nicchaniixl rlilucnt or ' Ibid., 44, &l8(1949).'
(11) Iteichcnberg, D., "Ion Exchangers in
prcy:trntivc, c-hromatography n i t h these filler and little of its t~wliangr~ c.al)ac.ity Organic :ind Biochemistry," C. Calmon
techiliqrics lit's in the e f h t of column v-ould bc utilized. -1 scrics of acidic and T. R . E. Krrssman, eds., p. 90, In-
loatling t i n tht' iiosition of peaks. (cation) csc~huiigi~rcyitis with suitnble terscience, S c w York, 1957.
(12) Spies, J . R., Charnliers, D. C., J . B i d .
'The ~licwdslin~icof clution p d s that physical propCrtiw :ind app:iwnt pK Cherri. 191,79ti !1951).
oceurs xhenever a relatively abundant v ~ l u o s bitn.c,cm 1 antl 6, pcrlixps a t (13) Thompson, J. F., Iloi-ris, C:. ,J.>
solute, is present a n d wliich is h ~ l dhack int(n:ils uf :ipprosim:itc~ly 1 to 2 p K Arch. Biochern. Biophys. 8 2 , 380 (1959).
to some degree by tlw resin is ade- units. antl a similar 5erit.r of basic
quately t~sp1:iiiii~d by a tlit~orc~tical (anion) psclimigc resins with a n up- RECEIVEDfor review Ilarch 24, 1960.
hccepted .July 22, 1960. LVork was slip-
c o i i d i w t i o n of self-sl~ar~~t~riirig
ant1 parent pI< range bctwccw 8 and 12 ported i n part by the V.s. Pulilic Hralth
self-(liffiising boinidariw ( 2 1 ) . Froni n-oultl prolxihly allow useful chromnto- Pcrvice.

Stable Diazo Salts for Chromatographic

Spray Reagents
The Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wis.

b Commercially produced stable diazo

salts Of a number of aromatic amines
provide readily available spray rea-
lized diazo salts. The colors produced
were noted before and after sub-
sequent spraying with saturated sodium
I 5 A i'(wnt pwliminary coniniuiiit~a-
t'ion (9) the use of Fast Red Salt
GG, a comnic,i,rial!y avai1aI)le staldizcd
gents for locating and identifying so,utions. A great variety diazo salt of p-nitroaniline, as a spray
phenolic compounds and aromatic reagc>nt for plienolic compounds related
amines on paper chromatograms, of colors were noted for the various
t o wood cheniistqr, was reported. The
Twenty phenolic compounds were combin~tions- These cOmmercial sa'ts advantages noted for its use over the
spotted on paper and sprayed with appear to be stable for chromate- classical procedure of diazotization of
water solutions of 30 different stabi- graphic spray use for extended periods. the p-nitroaniline immediately hefore

VOL. 32, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1960 1407

use led to an investigation of other individual diazotized aromatic amines, materials are identified in Table I.
commercially available stabilized diazo and differentiation or identification The twenty phenolic compounds and
salts as spray reagents for phenolic becomes possible only by the use of their R, values related to wood chem-
compounds, especially those related many different diazotized amines. I n istry are listed in Table 11.
to our studies in xvood chemistry. accordance with classical procedures
This paper reports thp iesults of these the necessity for keeping unstable stock PROCEDURE
investigations. solutions of these amines on hand pre-
Individual diazotized aromatic amines cluded the use of a variety of diazotized Whatman No. 1 paper was spotted
often give spots of varying color when amines for routine spraying of paper with a 4% solution of the phenolic
applied to various phenolic materials, chromatograms. The stability, avail- compound in acetone or some other
and such materials have been excep- ability, and ease of application of the suitable organic solvent. From 50 to
tionally useful in the past foi, detection commercial stabilized diazo salt suggest 100 pg, of phenolic compound were
of specific phenolic compounds. For its use for differentiation and identifi- employed. The solvent was allowed
example. diazotized p-nitroaniline gives cation of individual phenolic com- to evaporate, and the spot was exposed
spots of entirely different color when pounds. In this connection, Neu ( 1 ) t o ammonia vapor and sprayed immedi-
ately with a 0.057, solution of the stable
applied to chromatograms of vanillic, has suggested the use of stabilized diazo salt in water, the paper was
syringic, p-hydroxybenzoic, ferulic, and diazonium salts of 4-amino-3,6- allowed to air-dry, and the color, if any,
p-coumaric acids, a mixture commonly dimethoxy - 4' - nitroazobenzene, 4- was recorded. After 30 minutes the
encountered in hydrolyzates of woods benzamido - 2,s - diethoxyaniline, and paper was sprayed with a saturated
( 2 ) . In many instanceq a different or di-o-anisidine for the detection of indi- solution of sodium carbonate in water
more pronounced coloi is produced vidual flavones. and allowed to dry. The color ITas
upon subsequent spraying with an again recorded.
alkaline solution such as sodium car- I n some instances the acetone solution
bonate. On the other hand, many of the phenolic compound appeared to
size the paper and cause the spray
phenolic compounds of similar structure Stabilized diazo salts were obtained reagent to form a ring around the com-
give essentially identical colors with from three commercial suppliers. These pound spot. I n most cases this could
be obviated by preliminary development
of the spot in one of the commonly used
phenolic compound developers such as
10 :3 :3 butanol-pyridine-water.

Table I. Commercial Stable Diazo Salts"
YO. Commercial Nameb Stabilized Diazo Salt of The colors of all 1200 possible com-
binations were noted and recorded in
1 Fast Red AL Salt a-Aminoanthraquinone
Naphthanil Diazo Red AL accordance with Ridgway's color stand-
2 Fast Red 3GL Salt 4Chloro-2-nitroaniline ards and nomenclature (4). However,
Naphthanil Diazo Red 3G only representative data are given here,
3 Fast Scarlet GB Salt 2,5-Dichloroaniline and only common names for colors are
Xaphthanil Diazo Scarlet 2G employed. Several of the compounds
4 Fast Scarlet R Salt 2-Amino-4-nitroanisole
Naphthanil Diazo Scarlet R tested gave essentially the same color
5 Fast Blue B Salt o-Dianisidine with all diazo reagents, indicating that
Xaphthanil Diazo Blue B
6 Fast Orange GG Salt
Fast Ponceau L Salt
in these cases, the nature of the phenolic
compound had little influence on the
;i Fast Red GL Salt 4-.4mino-3-nitrotoluene resulting azo dye. Thus, acetosyringone
9 2-.4mino-5-chlorotoluene gave a yellow-brown to brown color
10 4-Amino4 '-methoxydiphenylamine with every diazo reagent. Similarly! 2,5-
11 2-Amino-4-chlorotaluene
12 2-Amino-3-nitroanisole dihydroxyacetophenone yielded a green,
13 4-Amino-2,5-dimethoxy-4 '-nitroazobenzene and vanillil gave a yellow to gold color
14 Fast Blue Salt BBX 4-Benzamido-2,5-diethoxyaniline with every diazo reagent test'ed. For
15 Fast Bordeaux Salt BD 4-Amino-2,5-dimethoxybenzonitrile the most part, however, each phenolic
16 Fast Brown Salt Y 2-Amino-2'-chloro-4-methoxy-5-methyl-4'-
nitroazobenzene compound gave a variety of colors with
17 Fast Corinth Salt V 4-Amino-2,4'-dimethvl-5-methoxy-2'-nitro- the different diazo reagents. I n no
azobenzene instance did a diazo reagent give essen-
18 Fast Garnet Salt GBC 4-Amino-2',3-dimethylazobenzene t'ially the same color with every phenolic
19 Fast Orange Salt GR o-Xitroaniline
20 Fast Red Salt GG p-Nitroaniline compound, although some reagents did
21 Fast Red Salt ITRN N,N-diethyl. 3-amino-4-methoxybenzene- give much less variation in colors than
sulfonamide most.
22 Fast Red Salt PI)C S-n-butyl-3-amino-4-methoxybenzene- Although it is not a phenolic com-
sulfonamide pound. quinic acid wm included in this
23 Fast Red Salt R C S 2-Amino-4-chloroanisole
24 Fast Red Salt R L 2-Amino-3-nitrotoluene study because of its occurrence in so
25 Fast Scarlet Salt G 2-Amino-initrotoluene many natural products and because of
2ti Fast Violet Salt B S 4-Benzamido-2-methoxy-5-met hylaniline its close relationship to many of the
27 Fast Yellow Salt GC o-Chloroaniline phenolic acids encountered in our
28 Variamine Blue Salt RT 4-Aminodiphen ylamine
29 Variamine Blue Salt FG 4-Amino-3-methoxydiphenylamine studies. Furthermore, i t w m thought
30 Fast Orange Salt RDN 2-Chloro-5-trifluoromethylaniline that, quinic acid might give colors
similar to those given by syringic acid
a Sources of diazo salts: Kos. 1-12, Koppers Co., Inc.; Nos. 1-5, E. I. du Pont and the like which do not have ring
de Nemours & Co., Inc.: Nos. 13-30, Antara Chemicals Division of General Aniline and positions available for diazo coupling.
Film Corp.
b The h a hthanil" names for diazo salts 1-5 are names employed by E. I. du Pont de However, results obtained with quinic
Xemouriii Zo., Inc. acid indicated that no coupling or color
formation took place with any of the


diazo reagents. Instead, the quinic
acid usually acted as a sizing agent for
the paper and gave a rejection spot.
Many of the phenolic compounds with
ring positions available for diazo cou-
pling also gave such rejection spots with
some of the diazo reagents. 2-Hydroxy-
5-methoxybenzoic acid displayed this
activity more than any of the phenols
Syringic acid, having no free ring po-
sitions either ortho or para to the pheno-
lic hydroxyl group, gives bright' colors
with almost every diazo reagent em-
ployed. The bright blue obt'ained
with Fast Red Salt GG (diazotized p-
nitroaniline) is one of our most charac-
teristic color tests. iilthough the m ~ c h -
anism of color formation in this instance
is not knon-n, it is suspected that coup-
ling takes place a t one of t'he vacant ring
positions. The additive activation of
both methoxyl groups to each of these
positions apparently is sufficient, for the
coupling reaction.
Illustrative data are given in Table 11,
which records the colors given by se-
lected diazo salts of Table I with all of
the phenolic compounds. The colors
recorded are only those obtained after
spraying with saturated sodium car-
bonate solution. The colors reported
in Table I1 are those obtained with
phenolic spots obtained by evaporation
of an acetone solution applied t o the
paper. The colors obtained in this man-
ner mag be somewhat different in hue
from the color obtained with the same
compound which has been chi,omato-
graphed and absorbed by the fibers of
the paper, Therefore, it is possible that
colors obtained from these same com-
binations of phenolic compounds and
diazo salts after chromatography in
other laboratories might differ somewhat
from the reported colors. Accordingly,
care should be exercised in using these
reported colors for absolute identifica-
The effect of concentration of pheno-
lic compounds on the color produced by
the diazo salt's was checked. Light,
(25 fig.), medium (50 fig.), and heayy
(100 fig.) spots of vanillic, syringic, and
p-hydroxybenzoic acids were applied to
Whatman Xo. 1 paper and processed
\vith Fast Scarlet R Salt (diazo salt of
2-amino-4-nitroanisole) and with Fast
Red Salt GG (diazo salt of p-nitroani-
line) as described. The colors obtained
were analyzed on the General Elect'ric
recording spectrophotometer. The
curves obtained indicated that the same
color was produced by the same com-
bination of phenolic material and diazo
salt a t all three concentrations.
It has come t o our attent,ion recently
( 5 ) that, for dyestuff use, many of the
commercial stabilized diazo salts are not
completely stabilized and are refrig-
erated to prolong their useful life.
This fact might be of great' concern to

VOL. 32, NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1960 1409

the dyestuff user who must reproduce ACKNOWLEDGMENT (2) Pearl, I. A,, Beyer, D. L., Laskoweki,
The authors thank the Antara Chemi- D., Ta pi42,779 (1959).
an exact shade. However, for use as \ , Pearr I. A.. McCov.
(3) .., P. F.. ANAL.
chromatographic spray reagent, the cals Division of General Aniline and CHEM.32,132 11960).
Film Corp., the Organic Chemicals De- (4) Ridgway, R., ''Co!x Standards and
instability is not so important. I n our partment of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Color Nomenclature, 1st ed., published
experience, the colors produced by the Co., Inc., and the Koppers Co., by author, Washington, D. C., 1912.
(5) Shand, E. W., Koppers Co:, Pitts-
first five stabilized diazo salts of Table I Inc., for supplying the stabilized diazo burgh, Pa., private communication.
after standing a t room temperature for salts used in this study.
3 years were essentially identical with (1) Neu, R., 2. anal. ~Chem. 151, 321 RECEIVED for review April 21, 1960
those produced by fresh salts. (1956). Accepted July 20, 1960.

Surface Areas from Adsorption of Methyl Red

by Column Chromatography
Shell Development Co., Emeryville, Calif.

b The uses and limitations of a dye

adsorption method for the determina-
tion of the surface area of cracking
catalysts and allied solids have been
explored. The method is based on
the measurement of the length of the
colored zone produced by the chro- technique. I n the present study, this
matographic adsorption from benzene difficulty was avoided by using a
solution of methyl red on a column of chromatographic technique to measure
powdered sample. The results ob- methyl red adsorption. Employing
tained indicate that this method can be such a technique, advantage was taken I
used to determine the accessible of the fact that the equilibrium methyl
surface area of alumina-silica and red concentration behind a zone front
silica gel with a probable error of 6%. is essentially identical with the methyl
red concentration in the standard solu-
tion itself. Another advantage of the
D YE ARSORPTION methods for the
determination of surface areas of
solids have been used for many years
treme simplicity.
(6-8). Their chief advantage is the Apparatus and Materials. T h e
chromatographic tube used is shown
2 l
simplicity of the experimental technique.
in Figure 1.
Their disadvantage lies in the fact that
adsorption of dyes is highly specific;
consequently, no single dye can be used
to measure surface areas of all solids.
However, this type of method is well
suited for measurement of the surface
area of a given class of solids. Shapiro
and Kolthoff (IO) have already shown
that the area of silica gel surfaces can
be determined from measurements of
the adsorption of methyl red [o-(p-
dimethylaminophenylazo) benzoic acid i. Catalyst Composition, yo Manufacturer
Apparently, methyl red is chemisorbed MS-A-1 Aerocat 13 AlzOs, 87 s i o z American Cyanamid Co.
on silica gel through an acid-base re- h1S-A-3 Aerocat 22 A1~01,78 SiOn iZmerican Cyanamid Co.
action between the basic azo group in Filtrol SR 37 Alzo3, 63 si02 Filtrol Corp.
Alumina-silica 22 AlzOa, 78 SIOZ Sational lluminate Co.
the dye and the weakly acidic SiOH Magnesia-silica 31 MgO, 69 Si02 Davison Chemical Co.
groups on the silica gel surface. If this
is so, methyl red adsorption measure-
ments should also prove useful in the The wide range in surface area of the were obtained from Davison Chemical
determination of surface areas of crack- samples shown in Figure 2 was ob- Co. The alumina and magnesia prep-
ing catalysts, because such solids are tained by sintering fresh catalysts. arations have been described else-
Sintering was brought about by calcina- where (1).
strongly acidic ( I , 11). The present tion at 900" to 1000" C., by heating to Surface areas of all samples used were
study explored this possibility. 565" C. in the presence of steam, or by determined from nitrogen adsorption
Shapiro and Kolthoff measured long term use in the refinery. measurements a t the boiling point of
methyl red adsorption from benzene Most of the silica gel samples used nitrogen using the Brunauer-Emmett-


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