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The Elements of Form

Oxford University Press I99I

The Skeleton . SKULL

NASi'lL .,( 80N f:

J ANT /NA5Al SPINE '. /"



~---.::_M[ N.TAl TU5E.RC: I..~ F~ON'T VI[W






r.lASAL ElONE ,/




7heS.ffe1emn • V~R'IE6RAL COLUMN



The S,keleflo.n • RIB CAGE



12'1';; THORACIC V E:R,l'Ef>F!.A










RUi-HT 510E VII!::W PO 5T. ........... A,NT.


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,SAC K {D'OR~A6) Vi E W Vl..tH\il.~' R~I)IAL.


/ • / TRIQUE1RI\.l-.

--+5 C.I\PHO~D

~R APE Z I UM~\ "":.. _..:;..--PISI FORI'\'\~

(TUB,I:: RCU,e) ~ OOIt$M.. . HAMULUS _ OF-



'1H.lD 'Ii IE W 0 F' C.ARPUS

5C AF'HO 1 D

~'\ L.ONA.TE .r

---7 T R!Q'J E;TR;AL





.~ IlHAlANX ,Z


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015T ,A.L. PH AlAH:<


L.! T no E: ~ I,N GCR. 51 DE (u L.N AR V lEW) PALMAR (---'> DORSAl...

The Skeleton


The SKH,ETON Of THE HAND is designedl to' perf'Orm, rhe mo:;t h~avy brutal oIllQ[lcs, as well as eX:[ii'em.e]y precise, ¥e'l:IsiliV1e, <lnd deliate movements .. 11lI I ife'~ ~he hand is prcdominamly balllY. with ruts, 8U!dacc: ~onn b4S00 :tor [ihCi mOM part on its sikdemon. e5pedall~)' its back or dQfSilJl surface. [t c(msism 'Of the &a"lnl5. the metuC'.'U· pus, and the phalange'S. The ph,aLaJl'Ig.es mgCther are: lenger dI.an 'me meracarpals, whi.c'h, in turn are 'longer than (he carpals. These p.roportlions arc' opposite to dUlse; found j,n ~he foot between the: 'tarsals" metat:n~a"'., <lind phalanges,

lillie CARPUS consists, 'Of eight small im-ifC,gUl.lady shaiped cacpal1 ~nes a[,mn;ed in rwo

ro'Ows a prcximal :lod iii disrnl-of :foLWf bones eseh, 1iIte Pfox~lfillll mw mntairll' rile s(:.aplDJoi:d~ lMilK, ttiq·l1~u::d • .and p~i.form. The distal row contains die tr,3~i!.!lnJ!! na~oid> ,capitate" and hamate. As <Ii u'I'dt.; me carpal bones form haU a dL&C whi.dI is earved s~de m sidlt, so that wts dorsa.l sllIr£aa .is convex; the concave palmar suefaee is, 'lra'llsformed uno the caJjpal wrulicl for passage 'Of the f1Cl()OIi tendons to du~ finglt~.

On die back of t:he carpus, between the two carpal rows" is a dt;Jil'~.~o]J (located '~owa rd the fad ial s.idc). :I~ is ,~pecially noticcabl.c' wil.en, [he wris~ joimJ'~ is flexed. Also noticeable iUll '[his posi tien is another depr,essio]l, between the distal end of rhe radill.s alld tim proximal carpal r.ow (d'lc arlliclIIlarDn.g proxima] sueface of the carpliAS becomes a lI':aised p[lominenc:e between 'the mO' depressions),

On the ptillm3Jr si.dll: of the carpus, bony prominences aile fQrmed by ehe pisiform at the ..:11 11 lIr' side (ar' [he base oi ll,ypmhenaf 'emiln~[iCic) and by [he ~1ij bercles o:f the ~r,1lIpezi III m and S'Ca,· :plmid tog,ether 0:11 the I'adl<ll side (a[ ti'he base o.f dlle thena r eminence). These bony p,oj,ectio:II's

,:I lie ,e,SipeQaHy nedeeable whC1l rhe wrist jo:inr is ex~nd;cd.

A.t the wrist joint, ,the 31'C''hed prOllCimaW carpal :mow aericnleres prima rib' \vitl-. die: dis'tal ,ell.d of

the radiusand minimally with the liibl\o!ls disc 3!tt3.ched to the distal C'IId of the ulna.

The Mi: T ACARPUS c'Olisists ,(lithe 6vI.i mil,ta· UCjpaID bOD~,. The bO'M]i ke base of each bone is ,~ocated ,11~ the proximal exn~mi,l)' 'Of Ike ~b ah, 'wl! i~'e 'the nPU1lded bead is located at tlhe distal extremi ry .. MCUi.C{irp~ds two dI rolJ!gih 6ve Undex 100 Linl!.: 1~:lDger) as a. group radiate disraUy. The dorsal. ,sudaces 'Of ~he mell'ac3wpals ,::life wide and :Ibttened, especiaUy dis'I3lly, and al] have 3 slight COIII,vex ClJfVarlllr~. MetaarpaWs two tihro~81i1 fhre': create a 'plane on fhe back of the hand th.af cillnes side roside; i~ is ~lPecially lfiotioeab~e a't tiliIe knuckles. Tbiscurve, 0.1" 'lraJIiIS· v1l:ifSe a~:h" hdps a'e3re the Cioncavity oofthe pa_lm. The cu rY3UlIli(i of the tr.aJl'Isve.rse a reh fl3'~' tens wllu:n ·the open ha'llld is pressed ag.ainst 3 8at sudace..

D.ist.ally ~ 'IDe heads oi mcmcaqldls two th!!'ough five aU! eeaneeeed to C3.~III, odu;1I" b,. ligamelilts;Ehe head of the dlll.lImb is unattached. allowing it to have a great range 01 moticaar the carpomc:t::1icarpl9il j'Oin'[ 3i11d die' abi li.a:y to' oppose tiliI-c' other finger.s i [i grasp~ng. The thumb's m.craarplltl is, rOt3~ed a_rQLWnd 'uts long. axis so rh:u in dOl':S1d suefaee faO!s latICJ".1!I])I' Yih,CiII'I iIIlle' pallm is directed forward Uf£ diorsaW SIUJ'3!CCl iii

31 mQ:S~ pe~pcndicl.lllar' eo rile dorsa_] surfaees of the other mClI'acarpals)'.

The heads o:f metac3q>atls two ,through five ::lil'e som.ewhat spherical. Their distal stlda.CCli become exposed inlife as rounded knuckles wne'll [he bscrs a re fJl~lI)~ at the metaearpophelangcal jOillllts. These fOll!f metacarpals end dist3I~lr' OIhmg a cu rved ~Iiw.e. w~lth[he m iddle ~~ger p:l"ojecring Th~ farthest. The width alC1l'OSS d~e"'sc' .(iour :mcm,C,iI,rpal heads I~S Cfe,;Uer thaa the 'Mddl aCfOSS dle humera'~ epi,cofldyles Slf '~he elbow, Because fhe thumb's mer3.C3!rpo1 head is mH as IIoll!'!ded ,as the .others., and becaltlse oJ ~imi~ed monon art th~ mt!'f3ca'fjpophalall.geal. joint of the ti'Dllilmb"the distal slIIrface of this f1tctacar·

:P'OS"I'. ~, AIN T.



The Skeleton 0, PELVIS

_ -!~LIUM

" 5I\CRU,M



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F'lISle TIJBt.R.ClE /'





ART I cv I.. 1\, R 5URF1\CE AT PUBIC 5"1"MPHYS i :,

i NF[RIOR i'l.AMV5 Oof 'PUSU)__ IS,CHIOPUBIC ~ -, ,

INFERIOR. RAMUS. Of rs,(.HIUM[ R.AMUS ~ __ "'"



PO S TE"It! 0 It 50P Uti 0 Ft I L I At 5PINIE

,t,N T.





The' Skeleton • PATELLA

The PATELLA, or kneecap, is the ilarg:,est sesamo:~d IOOne 'of the rood)". It i.s atta'clned to, 'tthe deep sl.Irface of tlie mndon of insertion of du~ qusdrieeps muscle of t:h,e th~. The :funaion of the p:nell.a :is eo move this tendon away fll'Q.m th,!; joint, givilllg the ql1.l3.drict:ps yea1!er rneehanica I a!divanroge. U,e dele',!, SUdOlCle o~ the pa:t~I~3 articulaees wilh dltc disml ext'rem~ty of 'the fg. mlJir. pliOoo-cting the' a,rtiCUlI8if ell rti lagcoS of the condyles. ,eS'pecidy w,tnli~e kneel ing.

The :pareUlI is tria~I}J'lar with ro!Jnded CO:l"ners and is flarrened fflom front' 'm back. hl'i apc:lr! Is dilffitled linkriotl:y. The two upper rounded COmers are promimcin on the sUI':f<loe in lilf~. The :3J!'IteWDii su rface of t:he' :pa~~I3! is convex" whlle ~he posrec,iof s~rf3Jce ~,~s a wide vertical ridge which glides in the groove be'1:'\I'i'C'e'fl [he C,03l1.d'yi,es o~ ,the femur. The in reno:!'" 3Jpex. attaching to the p!3.u:Llar I.igatmeilit. is, not seen on. the 51!! rfaee in du: stra ighlt exwfldledl Ikoll~i however, a horizontal skin funow ma)' appear ar I[hil> attachment. When [he [knee: is flexed. [he :!Jnl'ewio[ surface of [he p:3iooUa fUif.l11S 311 angle' wi~h die patellar ligament, ~e\'ealing the apex: (in side view). The upper ,ed,ge of (he


PO!>'" LAT+~i.P. ANT


FRONT Vi ........

I.. ... T ....... ,.,.,~O.

OU"'6~DL .... IE;W Po5T~·""NT

SA-c.1< li'l Eo W MED.-LA

INSIDE: VIEW .t'ot>l,.-pc~.,.

~N"T LAT"':"',..ED f'(i~T


patef a is seen ito f.h e [Jelejed knee, ,!tor ~n tine elCtcl'lded klLcc'. because I~ke 'qua,drice:ps tendon meets the p:uell!a Bit ;lin angle during f1ex.ion.

[1'1 tiIIi,e smncilling posi~io:ll widll [ffile thigh relax)edi, the bonem of me parella. sift! at ,s L~\t~1 just slightly 1l~8hcr tha'll. the' be of m.e knii'e ,jQ~l'It; i~ rises slighdy when t1ll,e [hagh muscles

aee tensed (with 1110 motio:ll taking place ,at

'th,e kn!;ejoint between, rhefe,mur and obis). The pol eella is w,idtf than the dis~ance 3CI'O!ili the anterior ponion of the ridg,es of 'the medi!ll and ~ ;;Itern I cC:Jil,d1y~,es 'o~ 'the femur ,Sind there'lore coyers a pnrrion of [l1,e&e cdg~ when die !knee is ex[~nd~d.

Wh.e~ the knee is s:~ra~,gJh'~! 'the pa:I:CJlla 5i~ in the anterior shalluw I',l~rr of me femora,1 oQ!1dy~e groo,w. M die knee is Jtexcd, diU~ pateHa slides, diowl'i into dec<pe-J" pam of [he groove. lbi:s acdO:1II displaces, the pa:[~1'13 posteriorly in r,ei:niom ru the aneetior profille of me lower- l~,\'1Wu~n the knee is nexed, the thigh appears IOlillger j because fh,~ pa~dl" has been dir::lIgg,ed a round roO tn¢ distal surmce of th,e o::mdyles of the ftilll'lIIr. add.in~ its ~hickllless ~Q ~he length ot die fhiglt,

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KNEE: P'OS'Ir.-.."Nl'! KNE e;-

Sf DE: 'ViE'W


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FRONT VIEW L.AT 4"""""'" ME 0,



U'HC::RMEDIAT~ C.UNELf'ORM " thl EI\O \. ." y.OOY

ME.DL':"L CU N£:IF"ORM \" \. "/ .. ,

flRSl \. _


PflOXLMAl. \



t.lP-.VjCUL",R -'-V8F:RCLE

1~:iIDE VIEW P(l5T·-~·ANT



1"AL.U£ \



INH"~ME_OI ATE CUN~lrORM 1 t1!;.DI,.,l CLiNtl rQRM

I ., __ HE' D 'B115f SHAFT ~EA.P

i!I~'>" SHAfT . \ I -1--..,

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TUIU: ~05n y or F'IF" HI ME: TATA.R~,Ii\.L.


SOT"l'OI"'l VIEW L.AT. "05T"'+~At-H 1'\(0.


The Sk,alelon • FOOT

The SKEl..HON OF 'THE FOOT is des]gned to p~'OVide $[3 biilit)!' in ~lIDppOirting .and dlisnibliiting, the body's weigi1,t a"d resmency wllclI r«eivillg the impact of the bGdly'.s weight while walll:ing, nUlllling, ,aJnd jump/ins. h a lso aC5lls as ,a ~ever, PlJshing the body forward during ilooomonoll. mr is rigid liIpOJl mk'iWf~ and flexible ~pon ~m.pacr" 11e foot ski!lletolll is composed of die tarsus, metatarsus, and pllaISiIl!;cs, and tl:xupr for the ph31:mges of rhelaeeral ~'Ou_r tea" ilS bones are cin."ract'eriir~ by their lhickness and su,emgth. The plllllllllng~ 3'lFC shorter thalli [he mct3tl'i11'53,ls, which lun ~lIDrn are sho.rrer than dte ml'Sali·s. This 3.rralilgemel'!'t is .opposi~ to mat fOllnd ~n the hand, when: ~Jte carpus is, short and the ph,,Ilal1ges are imag. In [he kioor. tlhe big toe' ws ~estricred 1:0 lY~Qg parallel to' d,e OdlJef toes. un-

Wi ke the [lhUlmb, whid! is capable of ,opposing [hii ,other 'limgers.

The foot has two perpendicular arches: .l!! lengiltlldma~, itrch from :front t'O b ... ek and a UiI'IDSverse ar 1iI from side re side. These arches 11101 onll)" dis,triibute weilll# bueal so aUmd the loor a de~ree of dastidry, pr-o,..,id~nc shock absoqniolit. The IOllgj,tudinal 3lirelru is OIctu1Jlly a series olf fi\ie a~n"j(m pi!lran,e~ '(sb~dy ~adiaJt!ln,g~ II rd!Ics Ps.ss· illlg torough tlhe 'Iiong axes.of [he fiv,c toes. Theil'e is, .iii hrn~1iI medial arch on die :insi.de of the fQCIt· and 11 \l\ery ~ow :la1!erai, an:h on tine outs:ide (me base of tihe mem13rnllli ofthe little~oe does 1II01t Sl~ppO;11t weight in the foot ilrllt, 0111 ~,C'~O(II;)., The 'tr:3I11S,y.erSIC ,lIn:b curves ,3cc'oss, the foot, bringing the eueer edge of the foot down [,owa!"d the SIC·oum:!. h ii,s most l'lot:ioeaJb~e at lIle midpoint of tln.e fOQt, where it, is, high on [he ~n5icl!e and low onthe eueslde .. The rnaseles, tendons, ligament's, .and fllsuac: of t'h~ ~OQt m~intain these arehes.

The TARSUS cenraias !leVen s·tJOot Ears'!l

M6'~ -t."",T.


f ,.VMTV!)!i:R-



bones: the talus" CalC3!U:'IlS, clll'boid, l113.yi,cUt(;ljf. and three (;Uiflei rorl'l1!s. TIiel'e is sllbS~<lnti_SiI mov·emen~ wilhin dle'mnus.

The 131 U~ (ilStr3~3]U5)., l!o~ate-d S1boill',e thecal,eanellS flear 'the back ,ernd of the medial side of the fOOT, consists of <Ii body. 3'11 3i1'imriorly pro .. jecriil'ig ru:ck.lInd a ro~r:LdGd ~,ea,dI in fl:'on~. The 'lI.pper all'ticlll,~~ poniolll of the body, the ItroG;i.hlea. is spo.ol-sliJaped. Wt is 'the highe-st bone o-f the roOl" and artiealates soperiorly with the tibia and 6bl:ll.31 to form the anl'l!i_' io.iI1~. Only i1el!:ion and exrensina alce posssble at dI is join~. The ta ~us Ji[t~culate5 inferiorly with the eeleam~llI!l at tile slIibtalam j,oint and atueriody with the I'! .. viml",r. Tlne~.-u bralar joint permiu in,'I'ersiolll ,3!lld cv·er.s:ion o:f the foot .. The lateral edge of die tr-ocblea ·of [he [;SJlus becomesvisible om ~h.,e surf3a WI'! front of the lateral ma]leo~l!Js o£ the Iiblll31 dildns ~lCrreme pl,.utar ftexioll of the foo1: (roepoillitiIliW. During. inlo'e'FSion of the £oo:tt (€acing [he foot ·inward). due lateral pa n of line head of dilc'ndus shows underthe tendons of [he exrense« digimrom lengus, w'h.il!e the medi al part of dile head shows during e\i'euiQn (facin:g rhe foo.t outward) berwe~lli the mediOlI mallro]l1,<j and the nta ... ic1J·~3r tubercle .. Tlu:sc poilllt:S of t!he talllls, \tilteD s!:Cn, appear ,as subde prom.jnell.~S.

The' aJcmtu s, or heel bene, is blockl ike" fl ~trened si.de to side. and 1"00.llldedi on irs posr,eriof sudace. mt is, [he Ill!rt;Cst foot borne. It is inclined ltpwa~d I .forward, and slightly laJtei'lI]!Y., resting its lower back edge: on (be ground (p.mtKted Ibelow by E1h~ fatty cushion of the sole of tili'le rio-cn). The calcaneus atn 3 s :I le\l'CiI". Mo~[ of 'rhe ilatenl surface lind pan of tile posterior sllIrface (I~tween ehe insertion of the Achilles tendon and tile !:icel ,clIshion) aee subcumnoous. The Achillestlmdo:n eoneeals the uppe;1" plirt of irs back Sill rfaee,

IPOST. ___"·ji;.NT.,


rhe Join's






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A:1rJ,I'1IT "'''''Nil'


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~mE VI~W IFU!iltJiT LL6- [jI!<O~~T .......... ~,""T,

DORS I ru:. x ION


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(l'OIIf (1001 "'DU.~



~r:Si~&: ~ICW

fIInv.t1T FOOT _



The Jolnfs



,siOE: VlfW


'U$IHIHy !'let pcs~jb~,e to make =:I fist w~en the w,riSf is fuUy IiI~Xi~, because the liilll,ger £leNO,n; are ~oo short to conrract further (Oleo",!! insuffi,· cienq) =:In.d rhe linger exreJl,Sors are tully stretched (passive imIsuflldeilCY). pm:,eYcnt'ing [he 'Illger.; from flexing fuUy.,

InS!flalyz,inl!l muscular :),ctiviW. it is hnporran~ ro[h~nk tn V!erms of t,he rombined actions o:Jall dae musdrcs iln ;;Ii given area-some work individl!J3Jlly, ethers work as groups;, some ,!ita'bilize ODe region of ~h,e body whi le others eresre moo rion wn ;1 notbilr.l" region~ some begin ,an acticnlIl while other ml.l~des eernpleee 'if; some .oppose the pull of guviqr. Dul'lilngoomplex actions, note tile' seqmm'Ce' of t!he' C'O!lIlractio:n "nd rei ax- 3[10n of die 'IIlLllmerolls mLl!sdes fll3~ 3re 'fl.ln,ctioning. Ohserv,e the action, vi uallize ~liIe ske'le- 1:01'11 deep in t:he body and what charn.,ges are' takling place ,"t'ifS joinrs, and !then detell'mi'!1e 'w:hich musdes are w,orikJing illl order to perform ~'h3lf action. For further information ,01'1 funenon, rereI' ~'D dne mo:s:t rece'll1 upd seed :mGda.~a,l" p!hysiology~ klnesioJogy. alild phy.s:ica I ~herapy teKts.


The muscles, of tbe body are independent COnvex £'Of,ms, a l1I.d wih(lil1 ,pl a eed side' 'by s;de 3~d one on top of the O'rher to makt up the figllre, du!'y stlllUC'!'UI'e the figure iiiifO .11 series, of adiaGenl. bu~ging, convex fO.rms, wh ich 3!re ,roYcr,~ by tile s:k ill •. AJI'i :lp'preclat~(m of due (r>illness of these c,rmvexities wil~ prOORte 3friWo,r.k. with Id~ rn.lill}' 31f1d a fcdi:ng of energene inlier Me radlati IlL& from the GCnt'l.:f 01Jrw,1I~d. Trtle oonClli". ili!lS show 'up oll~Y f3(\llly in die body., and o;lIIe must be carefuID ncr to mist:alcie a series ,of conV\exiriC!l for it Goncllv.ity. Know the anach menrs of mus-



des. beesuse (ihat is w1h~m~ d.ei~' form begins and 'e'mk Know the baste i'Jdividw:ll sluip,;!! of each rtlfl$de. TRink of [he form of a, muscle as a, swollen axis pas,s,inS] between ~Iu~ canters om ~tll :ueas of armChm,eilU.

Beware of mUsfr3riofiS 'that simply diagl:'am [he iluria.!I:-e muscles' oll!cl lnes witliloLII[' gi'o'ing ind icatiml o£ 'the deeper Stiruom res 'lha~ rna)" actll!aUy be cr,e::ldllg dte fOIl'IDS we see (very lii:t1e

of the form of the latissimus dersi is directly seen, lilt ,us ih,~ fO:l'ilnS of r:he dec,cc srruem r-es- 1,l~l1\OI:or spinae, serraau illllrtc(ior, teres maf:or, and II'Iib ca~dilat ,crcale surface (ann). Keep t!l mind thar the furm of one musde can blend

wi rh t'liLe fcmn of anether !muscle or wit'll fa~ pnds, that the ihapes of muscles are sometimes, affe-c:~ed by 'o\leri.ying fascia, tlliar muscles appear shorter <lind thickc.r WIiL~iii oontr-a~1 and longer and [Mnner wlhell1 stretched, and lha't they ~erome mum defined when the)' are contracted. En other wn"', the same muscle will appear differe'!1dy i n dimk:I"Cn~ actions and po~.

The artiSt mllllt undeeseand aU dle anaromical COlilipolllcnlS that or-ea'me huma'iiI surface form, and when s,[udyi~lg, ehe Ul\I'ing model. be abl e to meml31~y !impose dliC:se stnectures d~3I!:r<lmma'~icaU,. on [he model. For wbille everything 'is diere. most of it is u5ua,lly concealed ro [he 1lI[I~raifD,ed c)"e. It becomes the' .anis[·s jol) to anaI,y~t', selecr, and ehen eresre.

Note: In ~liI.e' foUo-wing iUlIstlJ;3tions, muscle attndl mcnts on til e skdet'OllJ 3'rC I~ndk:lted by :5otid r,c;-.ci 3 reas, ",,:11 i~ e nOl'lbon)l attachment areas are 1lI5[I3I~y ~ndiCllired by red cl'OS&-ha~dhing. They a;e k!!beled <0 fo~' origiml ,;!JD'ld ~ 'for ins.cn ~on. A. cursed arrow ilildicates dlar an auac'hmcnl is hidden from view. All Ulus.trati01,iS are of the' rigb,isrde o/Jhe body.

"'::rOIl''''' I'Ile:UT~""L

F1;ELAXm (S.T~£ TCt-Im)

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l"E: NDONS 0 N£ E"N D B01"H E MOS

p;<: ~ too, <'0 LIMe. - CONTO!".'R_ CO.NF"O~M::' to !o.IMI:I C IRC UMF'E: fl[NCE

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T~ r.5 E D LIMB - c:OMTOLR. CO'l'-ORMS TO INOlv,t;lU .... _ l"'U5CL.~'S

IIPONE. UROSJ S 0'm y WI 0 E: TEo til DON)

lA.1i5S,MVS ODR 50. 1"1 uS (..l.. a-




~ __ ~ "'i"·-··'''''''-·DJ~IITOR NARIS RISORIUS __ ===~~~ORilICUI..)\RiS ORIS



/>"~-r:__--il-DH TDID ----+---\J-'\--<

THE ~ MINOR ~!r---~_"~....): .... I NFRASPINATU5 --IP----hrt FtE 5 MI\JOR ---I----i;::-'\+-



U TrRr,tjAL OllllOUE" tAli S5J M us D(}R5j -~-'r-""":-l~~:::'Il-S EM I LU"'AR II Nf LINEA AL8"'"

/>IS 0 R. C iIIR pr R"IlIAU ~ lOHG.


E )('1E '·U:Jl.R.PI RADIAL! S II R[V U.UN,SO!l [lIGHORUM ·;-.,.lI,'_""_-4-if--fJ.rXOR C~RPj UI.N"'R1S

n.rt CARPI UL~"R.'S FHJII. f'III.L'lCI5 lONGU~ Mil POLLlt 15 WM MP POLUm aFl.l.Y Flf;( POll !REV.


- Fl.EClU5 HMORI5 GFl.ACrllS ------II -+-~__ft_-lH>-- VAS T us L. A, URAL 15 -'1\+-11---11---1- rm,EP5 fEMORIS (l H)-tt--+--+&EMIlE NOINOS.US -H--IIVAS-TU.s MEDIAl..lS, 5EMIME M8RAN05U.5



1+i'i-.Jf-H--BIC£P5 f£ MORI!> (s H) -HHf'--"V;,"'c-

PAH.Ll",-R UG:~I"'IENT---~rm==!- 5 ..... RTOP,IU5 -----Hili.

HE "'1> OF nI)UL~ 1[l\IALI5 A~ITE fUO fI,

11,*-+47'4-- f'E RONE US lOMr.US l+-M'---'lr--+---+- S OL f U 5 G:AHIl.OCNEMIU S ----+.....---+ ..... TIBIA

HNOOH OF G~)nwc c-- rXT£N. DIGITORUM lON~ SOlEU~-----------~~--~ p~ !lONE U~ l.ONGUS. P£RONE1J~ BFl.E.VI5

PtE M N,E. us. TERTIUS -----1IIU .n-M"'I"L,!I.U R.M M~LtEOLU~ (ne.ULA)


!'i',t;_[l.IAl MAlHOLUS (TIgiA) CHtJ.J.E5 TENDO~



The Facial Musctes


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1\ LIe Bu, (fIU((JI CO'R {.(", ".I:,HIIf ~"rwfn/ll 1);\0 lJ~'lnt'~~'.r.m/o:1l1r rms lll'L1 f),".h'_c" Jr I,./.ir 1i11!"lllJrl~ I)~ nrr,jfj" I'.m~ DO;; fkfH"S~"f 'U1't'rdhl

H L) hwu,lb - '.11"".11 /HJrIIlIJ! 1-( M hnW.llrs - m{',/!"l Wnlrrm III I""swlt.< f.,t.'llll/~'j"mrl$

I [ !'I III, r>rJ'/r~ 1.1",/ ~~'fJj'mm~ Ll~ tL'I',d!jJf I.,bll Slipt'n"rl5 llS,\J\' i_"j",dhIT ',JIm ~jlf't'l-mrl$ .,I,It"llrt' 1M:;'

I .1' 1 .Ihr,~l ",,'i r~m" l p," I ,'hU" r p,II"t'/lf,lL' m/"'r iml~ '~A I \1"", fi$ 1\ 1 E N \ 't"U,lhs J"< '\ fI,t,'

'\: I' \",h,"" p/,uY'<IItor nOe OR.B) r JdUCilr,lrLc ntil'l 'Irll,/.IJ fmrr,wl

OO~- PA L) ()r!jlo,l,ms ItCII/i f',IJ/,d",., pmrwu OO'r(OllT) (' 'rblwr,ms rlri$ t uttrr {'flTtiWI

Uot)r Rt 'ldn,ul,H/s f~t'> -re,J 1'/' pHrtjWI Z MA.I/_\'J.;(.m,!/ICUS "I,ll'" 7 MIN l'i'!>,ml,'11.-r'$ nuunr

TIle Facial Muse'es • FRONTALIS

-~~D5 rr-r'::"":"":"':-:"-';-" 0 Co



ME DIAL POR,. mN (+ CO RRUG.l LJS lJ!!fm·$&~r .su/rttdJir f{l~ "t(~'ll',j'i~-I,j~<'l'"II,urlNJ~ F(NU I-um',llu; - rljN1MI "Hurrm

GA C;lfl'<J ,rtmlj""Jm'~':'4j OO~ ~ hr~i'j~l.lri~ t~wl; P f"rn~:WUf

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,""E..{l/AL - I...!w TtR;'L PQ~TION s 'lr co R "IIJ~A TO:A

The Facia' Muscles· fRONTALIS

11.1e rTmu~H~ is th eanjerio r liI1IU'5.e:l'~ bl!Hy nt die ~~ ~lensi'V,e t1'1I,icltil nilL!l:!i m U!:>de.

The ep[i:'rnmI:lS mosdL'l eo!'I.~is:r:s 'fi1 .'Il hroOid 13)'cr o'r~l1'n:doinl (t:b~ g.111!~('!r{l:fi!e~rQllQ) .un] ~kil1l, m,il tlcl" bem~s~ ,~t COill"C'['S [he ~op firld S'i,tli;~ or [11111: ·~k ul], frn·mn I'he: bttw,'s .m. fW!lTU fU th!:' bWi~ of r:he ~ktill 1~1l bilek. ,tlInd O~~l" ~o dt~ l(ll~:!i of dlC' ears.

o RIG I N The fl'Ol'!f eJsc o£ the ga~~.1 :I pOI'lI;I.IIIO· t'i.;:8l, 1~:S1 prn;~erior to rh" tD,p or the- fore.nlC';ld.

INS E: R T I 0 NTI11!5T.: ~I'! <ltlhl:' 'eycb~UW::1illd roOl o:r [hI!' nnse, M ~~ diJ'!,& wjt:h the fi mrs o£ th~ pre~~s, orbicul lI'riS m:uLi1 arid Clllrnag:.1tor S'LI'~V~h~:.

ACT I 0 NM'I'd'ral Q~,d//1te'l':tJ,~ t~or'~:On~ WS>l!1lu!'r:

Ra ise ~'h!! eiil'nn: "'r~:brow!, ir'ltJlrc1!s inG its o".c ran 'i:'1iH'¥:!U.1If:~ (~:h~~JlIt:rll~ pc·rt;io~ is pl.I~lI::d nigi1n). Th~)' ~Im 1)1 ~ n ~:hc sea I, (hairli nC'ls~ iijlu~ y rol",,,;ani .~.:!i ~ih'ey p1lJ n en uhc gJk'"{l, "·ljlOllt"lJImtilO!l. lItfcdI' .. 1 ~PrJi~m cnrl)':PlIIll~ !J~' tbe medi.;!1 cm~: (If the. c),cbl:ow •. Lt/'f!'Nlt pO'rl'ir;;m mll)r: Pili I!:!; dlc midd~c .~nd I,l~~r~t end of rn,e cyt'bro'W u:pw~lrti. giviil1£ ~h~ iIlylibr-ow /1 5t'mng ooU"!l':n:U!(·t;'.

n C Iil'II:d il3 i ,ortIID!15 of both ~~d!:,5 uf rhe €l'!CI: alw3.ys ennnacr ~of,~,t!h.er 1I1'!d n;~e ... I:m~l!ol t'!~ ways :lcC!I1mpnlilicd b), "lll'[ltrl!U:rLOI'I of the ,mrfl!l.[lOl tOt stl~!~ci]'ii ~.O'II!'~n udncss.). The' I ~rurn I~Dniori on'll( OIMI~~ira ~ L1iUy eeneraets by ~ llll-ir" ~rld IUSUlIlUy iaene ~li'eb;mw anty ..

STR U CTUA IE The frolljf .. lis i~ dh+;i~'~e fu!tlc[lomdl:y into med ial :!IJ'Id i.uend pOl rI'S. The mro fI!'Q:nW!li~ heU les o<f rhe h,~d are i'lil .rnnt:JQI' wi~h .~a;,.h gt'hCT :'It du,i r lowlC rporcicil. om Ii'll.;' m idlin!\:' of rbe for.JJIi~rl.

E H'E C T ConllmCt i(jj!~ o'f Ell!: ifr'Ol:Iud iJ~11 ~t>.li prodlJlQllS horj",cQ~ ml wrinkleso,~oss~hil fom~U'ad. 11,e wlr;jlnkil es arc SlIl peri or 1:)' 1.111 rv~il ;J b()Ye each re':ribf1oW IHlidi d~ip d:owlll~!;l'!lrd on '!h~ ,m-l!Itcr]il'l~. Wlili!~ only ~'ht:' m~di:l'~ p;!!lft of dni1' fl'nlu~i belly COJJl~[:;jjct5" hor~1Jol'It.:lc1 wri akles rlOITI!I 'OU ·dJ.e 'cco" IlE:r (If ~h fo~ehCi!.d .only, m rhis cast: the !i!ileilill~





<!:: uds of 'rile c~'l:bnJ'Y.I:;, .~n: pu:Ucd Ulp~MlI'm, Ho,...'· ~e:rj depcndinn '011 till:' pl]~iliol'l (oblluquh)!) (If the ,~yebf'lJW~ ~i':'i dn,1: ['I!.stil'lg pnsitioll. ~he m~[li;:!~ ends ITIlly 1ilol ol,ppear to ,h"~\'1: hWl rll!ised. Hocr:i· ZO 11t'31 wrin klcs Ci·Jnlllhc CC"~~:I" of It be fureh>t:;]d; :!,I)C Idiio1,gnosf-ic of 111 edial f~!J:I1 mJ is ,roll lfllC[i1Dlll. Bilmuse t~le' ctJ'I":mg.nm: typicai If CDtil1rill(llS;w.hlLIill Oilly the mi.'dial ffdiUllil i~ 'llInlr.l(UJ" dH? c}'~h;m.w dc\'c~'OPI; .:l. "k~nkinc·· t1:l:'lJIli ilS!1l1ed~~l end 0:, a,I'I' Ol!"·ef.al ~ ~h!llP~d rn rv.[I[U f\e,lts ITu,ili~·1 t: lilt! i~ j:iL!llli~ 1J1pwllrJI b,' the !nedi;!1 froFlf.t!J1 i5. and i~'S Cicollll('r: is puUed d,Q~~'TIlO\';:mJ b)'thl: c:ornllg.1tor. As al penon 1l1;e!>. th.>t:' fUl[ehc~dwrinl t~~ do

nOit fub dwsa~'pt:~( will;;'111 ~Iu: :~Wlrnill~ b"n ies ;J.~ tn.1'la]!ie>clI,

\Wh,~ Ul the t:)lcbmws 1Jn' r:lJI~. ~h~ roo~ o·r[h e nese bt:romcs. thi IlIrmf .md th~ :G~ lIbdh becomes slll!1oom. 1t:i:1~'~ng the I;ye,brow,~ :J ~SPpU.lJ;5 the

skllil betw~"(}1Ii the ~)rchrQw aim d Y!l~' C'yehd C![q p\Y.:ill:d.~!("p{~~i!'lg mollt of rn e ,eyelild. The skin bd~'I\" th e e'yebl'ow ~ [he eye Cover fokll) dl~n I~cs hsform (us b'llllgin:g. '1~.:!Utyl and ~eCiOll'Ie'S sfr,ct('h ed ovc:: r d:1e b(lml~ klll~dl. f'i!VCIlHl:1g the form, uf ~hll bOlJTl}' (llrhl!t. The distance Ibcrw!!cliI [he milld.kl~ end (If ,th!!' ,eyebrow ttl'!d 't'be inner mmCir of t~~ li!ye i1ilcrens.es; [hij.1> i'll~s.peci::JJ1 ~'" IiItQucc:Jblt when ofllr rh~ IiIn~di;lt PO~iO<llS .~rl· Cl;m~roc~cd.

When ~ht" C'yd;ruwi; !Ire r:Dliii~l, Ih~ 'I!l!r:~ .1 r~ ri~ sU~dy.

E X P R,E S S I a N Medial and lattlnJ' purlruns ~ 'f bmh ~iJ~s .of Ibv ff1i'i1: al!llrp:liii\;,., aston Ui~ !'l1!it'n'r" 'rear, rrigh,t. hOlril'(lif;. illH!fl1:St" lIU>C:!'U!OI1I; qucm~l1l· m,&l. duuln. Mf!dw1,mrJ/QlJ$ of llOr/' .~~G;f:!i of ~'hf;) (aClf t wi~h ·oorr!lg:.,~lo,rl ~ S<! dIlCSS" ~,u d .. ~,u rf:trin8:, sm11,~umes re<!r. Medial (1m) lat.r.!t~d pan/DIleS of (me ~tdl: of thl! face: iI'I!I1I,tnlJ;,it1tVllnesSi,. ~kJ~ptlCI;!<;m. l..arcr(J~ f!orlfmt of atilt sitk f;Jf m.~ ~1'1f,~': $~'f. d~ ~ltOI.!S ~lJo:k.

Com::[~niolJl of rill!' entire It II'Gll1wJ:I:sis offen. llSed as .j ~rJlNlt:lnG. SIi:11o:!i or fo, cO:llver~.:lJti.on:l·1 t'mprr.a"~i~. Th!£ use IS 11UU ~ll cx.,reSlSkm or cmOt1@o.

The Facial Muscles . ORB~CULARIS OGUU



DS ,Dllpn7~~or ~il'Wrc~'bl !if fmm,lllS lLS l.l1'l'drnr- M:m sn/umnris

L lSI'll N Lei ·l~IQr JI1~}if tillpem:J<Tt5 OI"fq.I!t' Uii$f Mill MfJlam OOe Orbrc/jltl~u oculi OOc:(Or) O,lm;ulan5I')cr,li-orbual pfliT/it"" OOi:(IP.~]~ nr/locular:l:5 om/~-palpebml pOrll~P1 I? Pmt'e1w:I< Ti: Te-mpomUs Z M<lI ZygoJlUdtrali IJll1if}r Z IV!. ~ Z)'8n.mrll~"I"~ ,m',wr



~_..,~;-D.s "'i'::--,:-#O a ~

COrfUQ'ilItOlU S~pet!'Gi I'l ~

o RIG I N The l'Ojli; Ji[ thl: m~d i~lI I:nd of fh ~ ~JU,I~rd tl iln'!1 rch. near ~hl.: UPlflC'ii mner romer' u i ,th~ orbu,

INS ERn 0 N The skm (1 r th~~mldk poflilon Q I t h ~ !:)'~b mW •. and lh~ ikm 01 the rnrl.:'n ea d i ml111l:icliJltdy ahove rt, TIle 6,hers lIuerb,I."e WiUl 11· bcrs o J the ftQrlt;1irs a.rut! orbku~J1ns m:llIh.

A CT ION ~u~ b uhl:' mld'L'H.: sertion uf theeyebro\', JO~i!'"nw.lrd .n~lI rrti:'~:h;lJly 11'1 .. m nblliq!l~ din:!:! 11~'n .~hl:'rd})· pu n i[!li; thl~ Ilflow~ togl!~}lt'r, ~[ U~UJ ny work~ s.i.nu~ It~mi:l1u~h with the ['! ru~~ru~ .1 n d dt'prl.:".lii%llf ~'IJ~ rei I~I m 11IM,I'!.lr th~ l1y~;h".iiw:,> :H'I d' puH ahem r(]l,g~llu'r. h (;ill"1 \,'II'url.,w ~l nmu du."!!.t' muscles. pull UI'I& the !l'y~b V(~w~ I,Q~ r h ('r. when 'l:h~ ~)'i:bmw~ are r~h~d by ~hc 'rnHw'l~h, !JOt" sides u ~ullUy wnrk U'lU:~~ ~r~ e)i,"~pt \,,,"hl:n (JIll' eYI.l!Jrl)W i:!, rul!~d dQtwl'lw::Il'd I!,f!d ~ht:' [UliCf IJf'lw::JrJ.

S T Rue T U R E. TIu· cofrulg<lwr SI.1 p~rdhi i~ IlJ narrow, dunl.¥LteJUInJSti;:lit'. Mo~t of Ih~ 1'n~~J ~ is U!t~!I' HI th~ orbil;l!Il .. ris ocu ~i. b!li~ t hil= lau:'mi np'!l ofit!l fib~rj pi~rC"e til ~ erbieu hni~· ~)ll r.N' !illjJC'rfiei,tq II ~ ~f!d j~w",rlt inn' ~h~ "'kin.

E F FE CT lh: rornl!1-alor Sl~p(lrC:l~ ii t)'pica.U), erenes Str'Uiilt vernca i or shr.;h dy ob hq IlI1 wrinkles aflLI vt:niGd bu Ig~!> on l~ e .rJ;bbd III betu!~,rq die medl~I'nd~ o~ Ihl: I:),cbrows .• Ie also swdli& the sJ;;m ar the m.(:di.l~ end of ~'h", eyebrow bHO iI wide, t:h ick, 'rt:s~cm·siH.l!p"d bl~ Il\'~" Thi~ action



pu II~ Ehl: i'J row~~h el Ii iloil: (IoV~r thl:' I:')'C'~. sha dmg rh 1:'"1 frOI1!! 'inong I i~hl.,

~\ d~Ji'l,~-,;~'i 1m (UrI'l!!'> I,n rhll' ,kiln .lhml'l;' rile ~fliJJII;' ~lr t~ll: l:yd,lWW (LI~(1u,dl¥ ~dL'~cr tu 'th~ m~~li;lll:wJl :,~. ~IU" mrrug;<I,hJlr (:mHrn('t~. h I~h'!.:u gh'~, I he ~~Yl:brm," .1 n !ii.~ h;a,pl,ld .:urvl:'-rh~ t:'rt:'~rnw dl:vdup:lo ,l: L'!1'nlU":I1, dUiWnW>1itJ dip (u~ii~~I~>' ~k[w lu t I u~1II1'_'~hl'll ~ 11 cll .[I'~ the mu~,h: rIJJI~ ~ ~~. iTl1ldillll" rmtif"~ nf ,the l:yl~~br,Clw duwnwlmili:'lnJ Ilrnv~ucl. 1'tl-, b !;!'\pl:'dll n y I1ti1k~;1~' It:' I f till!' IHC'· !1bll~lmiuFl u'!' tn~ fmFlmll~ i~;lJ"I' hhllll,l th.: !n~~;a.tll en~i ~lj' dH:' q't:'bro,\'. ·nw mrrllg;nor 111.lf ... I~o Cf!;':ltt'., I~mg, Glhhqm:. sh,]li:llw ~mww tm thl! ,~m'l;'"d ~idc 111 rhe Irul'lt or 1111/ rUh;'h!::ld •

TIt'l; lurruw b d'ir·'1;'n:~i I.IIr~/I!;mj arnl bLW'\1;1I'td, :rnl1H dll::' nn:dl [I~ ~nd ur du: l'~'ch ~OtW (}f f!\llm t ne \k illl ~h:pr,~~~[J11 h:U::lftl..J, abovl! ~hCU1~JJI", nf t'hc '~:rehrw\'I'.

The Inw!.::~-,jnc of dH.' hl'tiW hr Ih,~' ,u'wrugi:ltmr n,t1irlfflW~ thi! tl'rt.' openi rig b r r'Ll~h 111~ the skin hdol,\' the c}',~hm".,. ;1 Ul~ I.II~rl:t c>'c::licl dowll fIi[,ord.

~ X P FiI E S S ION AutgCr; s~Jncsl>. S~i fir crin);:, grid" P,~I"' trowning~ lml.:l'cs[. dluU~htil~1 rcfl~,c;liml. ~OI1C,fJH!'1HIDIl (~g cused ltmugllil)" OInu.~it)" conhU'UJ!fh The corn~p..lmr can be conSIdered ;. tutilsdc uf Iti!:i!;lti~\e t~"eling~. bd!lg q'piJL:;]U~' USI.'I~~ IiI') 5:!I:!~CcS:;,. ffcar, i1nd :lrI~~r., C(Jra~x'ntIioHlnn aml dcu:rmffM tien, '",)h leh also 1111 0 kit' ~tm Img U5~ ~If t~le cnrru~rnr. ImJ}" be 'r.!W1rtiL'J ,'l" 1I11~~I'l]WJ 5[f~fui (11C!¥'IfiI"C) ~r:u:('s,




Levator Palpebr;;l,El 8upe!'fo:ris

Dfli I GI N lJ:eel~ in [ht' b;)~k of d'l~ It)'!: o;~u;k~t. fr~u'll the rygf 11 r ttll: y riJ if,

INS E R T I o NI Th~ em irl! IUV,V,l1'f t~-dgr (J~ the UI'pt', eyelid.

ACT ION R.llI'f<'l;srhl:' uPIPI::r c~'di(!. h hn lids t~iI:

Cl~' 0fl~fI II'! the nonual n ~'i.HrJ ~ rO~ltmn. E!!l'lr~S~i(in dl:~'dt)ldIl> unly- i1hcr ~hl: eYl.1Jld hm; bl:\tn r,~g_'jled {Ibo~1: this pcsinon,

5 T Fi U C T U R IE -fht' I ~nn!~r p .. lp;!.!br.H:~uperi(llrl ~ i:. a lung ~nu~d~ whu:1l tPI!1~!oI."~ averthe t~y.c.'b::lii. LC!~J'1 in ~~ ~ <l7YI;' 's m:kd" llIl~'1n~ ~hc l'tIuf uf rh'i: orbit, N:uoow hC'hi~d. it widens as II .UIVilflCl:5 ;liru~rinrlj', b~(f1mlllg :.pnm:unnic betere il'l:il'flifle l!'HllJ rhe margin n' rhe UP,W'l:if cy~lid.

E F FEe T f.:.i pos~ th~~ u,pp~r purtion uf tbe iri lio li,nJ :the w :h,itiL~ of d~ ~ tcy,~ {~c,ler:!l :J bo\l'~ ~hc iris . .6y r:orLlinlJ.~u, ... CJtio:r! it pul ts r}J11' wpper ~)'C'I id k1,ckso lt d!sapp!l:'ar.5 fmm VQCW ul'lth::r rhe c)lC' cover Fold.

,E X F'FI E S S ION SI'L~h'~ rui SUlg o( the u:PJpt'r ~y~. I'u:~ b~yonJ,thc m:a'r:ma~ ll]:l>t:n ~1t: prodUOOi til, M;::!I,ring" fi!(~d ,g::l7/i? or ~ht! t::»pn!.!i.!iHJIl ur s;urpd!M1. Full CCln:tinl~Uln pf\od~~c~ in 1'C'llsot: tt:"'p~I:~~IOlil!!; r.l,ngl n<!; FrlOm fetl,r. rerrur. ~Inu:". m.'Do!IU5h~,11 ern, arid inrense joy w " biiln k, h ~fHiiloriC" I oak, Slight n:I;});;'3nUJ'l yf ehe 1iIiI1!I~1,11 (cou!i~ng [he lIpper ,eyeIi d tD dlr-.ofl[l) with the eye srm rC'lnl.1Inirw. PJ ..... [i[lI~1' Qpen suggestS d ruW,~I't1IC'S,~ O[ in ro~:ic"ti on, -CSP'CI:Ul,1.I y I'r the fron,mJj~ I~ iI~!>O eoraracted ~,n 0 n ~rili!:nlip~ eo hold rhe t:}'C5 open bi)' rn jsi n,l!, the ~ydloi·QWS. Tins i::l!: pn."S510Hl tll!l:P()Se',~ more () I [h~' I:Ipptr ,eytilld. ~vhlt'h hns di!5oen.dl!:d omo the I.lpper-portion (I ff the ms. U,I'IF'r '~J',~hd droop ::md gelll'lle eye dOallN: (wni:'WI du~ low>C'Ji' eyelid does IllQ[ nSt:') 1:1n:: C::1'U~\':d b)' 'ftd :JJx:!lio!:l 0 ~ ~he h:Y~HQr p\~I,iX'bro\t: sllperiClns, no~ by ,o:nmriCtlon of rille orh~clllb ris tOCL!D Ii.

O. (~'U.·Pl


The Facial Muscles· PROCERUS

PlfDCeflUS (IPyramida'l~s N~si)

OR I GIN lJhc r!l~dn, cov~rJn~ Ihe lQwcf P;'Irt 'nf tlw nJl~,!:l.1 bflm:~ ;lnd th~ upper rim ~f tilt: lat·

~ r'a I J'I!I~-:! II,';~ I'n ~lIgCl>.

'NSERTION The ski![l between lin: t'ydmll~~ m:ul !.:II'I rhe hjwtor portien (.III rh~ O!mt~r of the fO:l'l::h~I1d. Its fib~~r! b]~ndw]thfiben of the" !r('!iI1' t.;l~i1> in the same .r~gilliJ.'_

Ae Tl 0 N run~ downl tb.t: Sk.1iI of tile muddl~ ot rhetc rdle.l.cl aliid rhe un:d~ ;11'1 i:l'lds (if (jhc t'>'(l~ brews, l1u~. muS!:I.e' \i!,''iDrk~ lin cnnjunctinn w~th the 'O:[Ii11Ull~~Or~Up~[t:lllu a nd depn~Sl!.lH '0111 Pl:'fCH Ii i tu IU'WCf dIe' Itu:d:i;'l ~ ends of til ~ ~yebrow!i. The

pro~TlIl5 ~ulJ['Om ~,u~aHy cuiil.rr,H:ts\l>,h t'll ~ht:' levanD. ~(ihn ~tlpl:nons .• '1llii.l:qlu: n:J~.~ 15 umsl"d. h can he ti~'\l: n VI,ofkm8. ~Jy md F if the t'!!,chl:'ow:; are ·firlifrlH~ed h)· thlttfronwh~ :u:uJ rhf:rI duo IcvJIrnr I t'lhu ~ L1~ [.Iom; (l~ m:qllC mlSI is cenersered,

S TRU ClU R E ~rnc P1"QC'J!1"1.I1o. mu~c1~ fif brnh ~i de:; f erm .1 5ing,le tori:'l !II:rgI.l~ ~f ~ heel ~:lf m II~] ~ ~t\\.'ccn th~ !;')ld.lirow~.

IE F FEe T TIn~ [pI!(J>l:l:'rtI.cS m:l)' OCC<I!.iCl'=H)i :1' roo dace d ho~a."l.on[;J] wrinkle a eross th~ b:riJ.g~ of ~.h~ Ilo~~ ..

E>l PRE S S ION Anger >;'I~rl:~tnn, p:l ~n ~ frow:n., ro:tlCCf!tiraf'Y!'l~ cnnmbutes to d~!ogiJs~.


The Facia' Muscles: • NASAUS


r~""""';h-. US AN .--'..4 ....... ~fII:,

, ... ;,;. _ _,,__,. D N

YJ~~~llLSAN 00'1"

DN D#~lm 'ranJ U. S.:\ N b::mlOd.lbll ~~Ip"f'rons alat'>llldi' IWS. N A .'1nsah.s - ,jl," ".art Nt' N~~$l1fr~-/~(J:II;5I'.!lnl" part .oOr CJrb.icl,l.rm oru r Pmcerm;


The Facia' Muscles· DILATOR NARIS

D II,ator iNamii (Alans)

ORIGIN Edge rl,1 the nasal nm~h ('I tht.': IniJK~HlI (bon}' rmwn) ilInd tl-w lesser .11;}f '~rfllJW-'~ ;lI~d Im*~r 'l.Jge ~I the I;]rural crus of th,~ t-;fL:.ller .llar Glrblagc (l:.:mIlJglllol]$ (Jl"lgm~'.

INS EAT I ON Th~ ~kir:l ;1'[ 1111.; ~n'~t'nor margm uf rhe willg uf the HOW.

AC T ION lJilall1''!i (IIrnrl!'.!.) tbe winl'; 01 the n01>(:. lrorh sid~ work sil'l'U1lf::i.nt:ousJ~'.

STRUCTURE 11n: dilarur In;1lrt~ b ~"I:r)' thin

rt'tl'o'!lli:ubr muscle I'hm li(l<~ un tk~ outer !>U,lil,Lt or lilt' Wln~ of the IH)~I:'.

E FF EC T I:.nr:lr~" the op~fIIng oj' (he nnsrnl, 111(' u I'IPc-r ,t:Jgt:~ Ii ~ me wmg.~ 01' rhe n"~" hemmi1 dern:~Iit:J l'f1u11t:'u l'Ilt;dIOlU)'), ;:lind rbe lurrow m the Lipj:H:r 'l-dge of rhe wmg becomes J111IHC 1'1 ,un oUillllnl. I n ~ Ld~ \'! ew, c h ~ IIlmMle ol r~ t: lowe. cdw: of -rh e Win,!!: t~ rOI Sb-d, (!XPomll! tUIUI:' flf [hc nosrnl,

f x PRE 5 S ION PasSIOIl: .lnger, r:lg-.:; 1.1 non:d h rCll dung, C'''It: rnon.

The Facial Muscles " ORB~CUlAR'S ORIS





WlU D'ep.~~~or I;,{,ii ilWr-mrlS LUi I.cnJ'IJr l!1bi.~ $t!pNmm ll$,AN tl"~';1t".l1 {.JIm ~l~pl.'rmrts ;~"!~'1~/t "<lSI M~' ilhwl,;di5: NLF N.astJllJut,,11 fl~rr{Jn' N~ NrJd(' UO~(Q<ul!l Orln'I~/.m:s uu~- fJ"ll"r ImrtHUl OOr{Rl' Orbrc·nlarls ~TU-t~ljJ {ill P!j~,liml r,ILl rWl'yml,~-/jl"ulll'rJt/jrm ZlVH l)'$;tJ'm,r/t!:fl$ mmor

8 -4



(CrEEP) •



fa r~--:I~t-"""""; "_--r~'


ON DliatQFlianl! D,Iii Dtlpn550r snpl!uthi Ill,S ul!t1wdahn ~utl'l'J'ltmJ

LLSAN LCl~lt>!Jll"IJj'll/~p~N'mr~ ill .. eqf/l:' 'I,IU! Nlf Ni1sQ/iJbmf furrfmr NT i\~Ii'sLdj5-trmm'i.'r.w pont 00(; O,b'.ld,mf (Jw/J 00 r 0 ~blnlhms ,arts I,t 1'r«C'rltS'




tL'?-"'~~F 2M. Nlilf

L u. l:_.:ommr hrlm SIl[u'rums 1..1I.!i I'll l..t'i ,.1/ndJlm $u{il!rmm JJld.I.'.,'IC .IIJJ' N L F "Josnl,'/J1ll1 {.IJ·WIt OOe O"!JII:'IiI,,u'15 fll::-Il/, OOr O~IJlmJafJ~ rm! ZMi 2)'MUlWJtIC"S !lJllror

The Faciat MUSlcies


Zygoma'llcus, Minor (QuadratulS Labi1 SupenorisZygoma~ic Head)

OR I GIN The r !'Cifll ~~ rfilcc I ~ f the ~l"~llm :lit! c: bon~.be]Il\.\I tthr: l:Itcr:l~1 C'd&c Dr rhe urbit (bl:'lnw the eure r ce ~ .. er of tnc II:}'C').

INSERTION The ~kln of rhe In~'dJI~ secrmn of til..: n3S0l.abial lu~ru'W ,~iIld into the check. !flU" Orh('r' fib~r!> c.onttl'lUI! ~unh~r dWi!.i'fI'W.:JrJ re rhl!' l'~d I'Lp. p.I~S I ng: over .h wd~ ~l!; [hmugh 'h t:

IU[ll,S~ oi lh~ d~rb t L:~a b ri~ j Jris (~~'( insertion 0 f I.:~'" ator 1.1 bi ~ ~upcri~)ri~)"

A C 1 , D to.! Pu ~I s thl! mldidl~ secnon f) r [he naseIllb .. al furrow ,lnd (hill Inidd~~ pllrti,nll of one MJC u ~ 1:111:: u[ppcr ltip OU'n'l',[Jlfd nrrd !>h,ghdy ~ p-

..... ~rd. Thl15 15 .. snlnll!', obhquil [.IU~~. where;!,!; rhe

p'U ~~ ~)f dl!t' 11:'\' J.lCl'r 100bi i superinris i~ l>tnllght up. TIn: l\,ygoITM;l!"U~ rtlHI1IH dD~ nnt pun the a "gil!' of the mDU~ Iil.

STRUC TUIR E Fit)!!1 ~t.~ orillli,n. thi~ ~m"H muvdll :p;u;s~s m~dil;'lny .1od dH!n~l!rvc.~ dmvltw:ml h hl!,~ Jt~p te rh~ y~~, i cliIl.ui~ ~1'I:"U ~i lIf it .. migi 1].

EF FlEe T The Z)'l;:Ortlt::tti:CLl ~ minor d~epem, [he purrion nf ih,~ mudd'i ~ SOCUOffil of dllE lIII~sob bUJ~ furro,",' lucalioo' midwLt:f bfr~.H·en rh~lc\ld n( (Ill:

I:mtrom (If t'h~ nWll! ;11'1 d the !t1p I~,f rhe uppef ~ip.

E l( P FE E S S ION 5J:!dm!'.ss. I,t 1"111115 the IUl~ [illl~ till IlH,~ ~h!:: !o:ryi nH pm;~Hon. T&1 ~ "l;ygom:mclIS 1'Ifn'1!1iOf tlfl~ w~l t:)lI)(t'!>~ disglJ5lt or h:JppUHI'!)~.;Ihhough ns ;}criull un.1 f liDO!.; S ilnll:lrro d.i'5!jUM •

""""'-::rt+-f-.+!-- 2' M 1--I!!Ir-'"":"'I'I:"

ZMo.,-~~~ .

."".,.__,.-_",- COr




levalor Anguli aries (Can~nu5'

OR! GIN TIle C.II'II i11: fl}~~.i of the m':1:",~n;]. tm~IlW du: l1rmIJh: Id the ~ tlW~r ~"lgp nf rhe mbit.

INS EAT I Q N Tille II1USCU Lu node .n [be' .~n!l.l~ of tlu~ IIImulh.

Ii. C TID N Pli n~ 1111:: n mil:, am.! ~hC'r~fon: rhe JJ1.I11- ~11.: of tht, Ultmm (mu tht' IJIJ,pi!.r lilp}" nr.1lghl

1:1,(1. 111m 15 .. dj ffic:ult :JCCICI III to d [) ~'ol'IJ rH:llfil,..

Sf f!i U CTU R E nb, ~oml:wh[u f~llfTI·~hll~-d I1I'I~hd~~'(m\1crt~ mf'!:rhJrlr Im~1 the rIndt'. h hc~ ~~C1;'J'! II, mhcr 'I' a d.d muscl es,

E F F E CT llu ~hrl'lg tht: a !lSi CS fi ~ I'he muuth '!;U';ugin up, the le'!;'.1~nr .lIIflgl,di IlIril~ clu''I{e~ thl:

rn Cloth hn ~ UPW;1 I'de ;1'r lets ~nd~. 11m ~,~ ;l ~n'!.!n,d~cr, lJigll'1'~' Cl!r,,;1n~rl: thafl {.IMt 'l'w.s!:d hy T~'!: ,l')'t:o:rnaU(Uli malor Juruig a ll"lfm;:d, lTl!1:' ~Im!.:. The k~v~tur ,;'!n)]jl.lli ori~ ahio~fH'lch~stht: i~p:s. TIl~ limn, y:f rill: dm:'k IS lih.:d ;Hld pliHed ~mr" 1111: l1~nlh~bl::1i furrow n~C5 ;Jnti' moves hU:!l:mliy.

EXPA E 5S I ON UI,.;onmrun:'1ble. uncertain, Ilr "smpid'" Mn~lc. TIb nUN.:lc i~ prnbllblY!'lm used in cNpn:~jt1~ dlChfl~l~ t'ml:l'~Ol'llo~ ~I. nur h~· lIs",c;I pri 1'I'l.r.l ri ~y ttl sti;lb [lillt:' rile node.

nle IFadal Muscles . ZYGOMATlCUS MAJOR

01:11 f.lrl.yullllf~r L~\O 1_~'p.u'll~ .mgl~l~ rm~ L\l .. M.,I~.fdl:'r MOll i\T,r/.m.:i NLF ,'\l.{sf~l,i')~.l' '''~Tfm' N U I\!OUt! Z:1;,1111 L},.I!mlf'llK~.~ i11,!P)'" Z M i .l~\'g~m1j~jjl"f:~~ '~UI~W

T~e Facial Muscles ' RISORIUS


OR I GIN Th~ (.l~~b I~( (Iu:= I".hcC'k u~ct:flyitl!'l the m~~s~~t!r l'IUJ~d~' {.! 1U:'1!1b'lln~' uril';il1}.

INS E FI T ION The ni1JhCl.ll.1 r l1,odl1 ::H t'hl1 OJ.fI!l-T ~ 01 t'h c mou,rh <1 ntlsometim es into the pos;r~rin r txl'flt: 0 ~ rhe upper end of ~h ~ d~pr~"M.or ;lfIgllil i 0,15.

ACT ION r:'uU~ ~~ll: nnde, mild thllrdort:' thl! angIl!' ~) frh e ulnnl h, hack W urd 'Ill d mU w:lHi--lmT' 1.~nmtJtI_v---wwurd lin: calf lube, Tfm 'l'e.ry \,\le:lk ;"!L'Q:JlUI LS IJmh~bl~' used tor {'re::ll:ung~lIbd~ rnovemeuts of ~h t: mouth dllLrmg "peecn.

!:itJi(Jrlg rC[lfil~tI(II:n nt rh'f .[Ingl~ of I.he !,!~'lU~n IS P~[jJuc~ocl hy the- nodular l'or,[IQ!rn .of ~he pllJ· f]r'~nlil, w(nen oJt~n .~IIIl~ H slightly Jo,,,,'nwiliud.

S T PI U c T U R E Th I." ri~nrrl1~ LIS nn~ of rhe mf'~t vanable of rhe 1:'11:1:111 ITIU'~dt:~. PI g{lo~i pt'r~~m&

::Ig~ of p~nf.1,.le h;l~1: Ill; mmLY~ ;I~ .111, while ulh~I'!I: h:! f!;' ,(111 t:;O;P !1f1SurC (me. ~TI sorae L Il~h nd'LI<lls, dlC mesele IS p ret;~nf un une ~H:i~ of the r~ ce (l1'l1),. Thl: ILlldu~~lu pl.lL;'~n1;), '1Iuwl:~'i:r. I~, prl:l~~m U':I aU p!.;:oplc. !-itHLnllrilll:r, the nS'!mu~ mn,g1:."S

f rum .1 tn oJ LltllJ lar rnuscular ~hl:t'i d! at t:mwll'rgt'li lin In ~hc i'L ode to [I l1.11rm\\' h~ml rh·L!IJ L!I1:1f [flon· t.Hn unly tI ft""" srrn nds o:r III ill !;.cu b r Ii h~ ~+

E F FEe Tl"ilc ri sori I:L1> "","I.u it:'llS the m,l)mih., ~tn:~d~1rI~fflnJ Il:llnr:ni[J{l d:1C' li.p~. lt ~;mlh rl1~ In~Y!:f ~JlJ of lht' nasolabial t'u.rrc;w O~IW,olJfJ ,IJlJ h.tdwilnl.

E)I PRE S S ION Wh,e.n pl'~ .. e.f~ t. the fI~(J'rL Ih tiM}' 'OIHn~lur to r'ICU~ ~xpr~~I(m!; .h:n Itl\O'i1h·,t: rctrnctinn of rJu;: .melt' il f '[he 111 outh, c~r~d[[lly sm ihng; tho1PPH"~"'», !!Ilbrl,g W~T h1 the 111 ore P(lWerful 7.!"g!Jrml!u.·lI~ tn'lltH.

The Facial Muscles ~ BUCC INATDR


o Fi I GIN Th" nuWr ~u rf ~IC~ lIf ~h~ upper' ,! I'! J Ilu~!;Iu i~u'l'~. ILilil .ibtw~ .111,d b~~o\ll,' ~hc thr~~ l'at:i. mobr~ rc.~fll'(rn'dy. arnl rl'Llm, .1 h!nL.hn'lm~ l"::lInd thllt "",:I ~ ~ ;waa~~ th~ pl1'!1wru~ r end nf

tn ~~ l'wn~ tmgi ~".

I NSE R T I ON lneo the mu~cul:'J1r inOcll:' nt tilt: .1111- glt: IJlr the mO U rh.

A C TI 0 N The hUCCli1 [II or flUU~ die ~,'/I!!dJal !:~I~ of thl: flMdt;" and ~ht: ~Wflh; ~Jf [hI: 11'Ioml1 nh~ ~~nn:1'l11:' hll[t.nll:ud of ~hl: InYll(h hne) ~ffmp.lu bat'k (~~ll:flurlr. nor I;.w~raliy~. and usu .. nr

~il g,h'rly UrjwJ.r~l. Jr Q.Ulnl~~ fC:>5CS th~ cheeks to fon:f.: out ,:'lIr ~!fn:r rhey bave bl:<t:ll dl'StC'nda1 (ur rr'i:'_'l:fI~ them from b-.:-mg distt:ndcdl nnd k~p.~ fog.! berwee n the 1'l:t'IIr. whi ~I: chc \\' mg.

STR U r TV R IE Thi~, rd~.i'l'd¥ d~'r, ~ul1liril:H~ril~ ml1~d~ 'urm'~ Ih~ l<lrE:nl~ w.JH tl·1 th.:: cheek, Iyu'!g ttl'! the- ~HH ... idt' uj [he: teerh, 1l1~ 'l'hICk ~lIC-

i:.'11 fch~~l fill TMd 1IC5 hn tilt:' mlL~d,,'~ fiIH~T ~ud."l~'1;'.

E F FEe T The ,1 n,~ e ('if rhe mouthi ~ puHeJ i 1'w:u.l m plli;1iI"rc~1 11U,\I'JrU ,1'IlU i~ ~1l1J1I:r .. I1!oiO ptlH~. ~hg~ul} upwOlrdl, ~I.Hvlng th~ mouth hnl:' ~I i ghd~ II pl.\, ,mIl\( ib ends, Li nl;~ mu~' r;gJi ~ l,< {fmn rhe Jflv"h: III [w~'rmJl.uh. ~1-pe,-iaU\ Olt~ ~.I1,:1~ P;)~I0~~ uutward <lind cl.owl'I~~l!IrJ" Tb~ li~lIr~ widened and d"~l'\ga! ~J [IS lh~ f .U~ IP'Ill1 il L'd notll'ld '[~e !J:'ylim,,h;r ur Ih.: ml1i'!<1'k •• ulld ~hl:' rlclihi' Pf~l1j i ~{:11(,1!' fll I h ~ ~illa i~ '~' i cll:'rl>l:J ,1ml fhlu;,n~d ~Ii~hdy. The IUWCF L':IILI nf the n.I~.,I~bial !urrpw Il!i~y dl~'t:T'I:II. wh~I~' rhe check lI~ut

i I.J ~l 'kncrn I ~ [I t hI: \'li I'nrled .mgk of tin:: nUlLHh dcv",hlp! ~!!vetil ~ b U Igcd fnrm~.

E XPRES SION S.1r,a~ric ~l1l1'rk. ;Jl1rmy.1n~c, cmlu:mpr. I;h.scapr rnv::l L T~{:~l: il'mUrml'l~ a m C'lo:. rH~ .... wd by t:1 [111:: r 11 1111 ~ner .,1 or lnlateral crl~ traenun of th~ bu~ma~m".

M", Bu-----. ...........



'Depressor Anguli Oris (Triangularis; Triangularis Manti)

OR I GIN neep in·oJ. (ltmg I~i!<ld): ,\ Im~ nil ahl.' oUt" ide II r the ho~~y or tim i1n.lInli ble, I!l\ l'I:"IHJj II~ rnrwiird to {he: iirn:nul tubcrdc. Tlu.; lill~ i .. \'"ciable 111 Itngrh-ofr.:n rhe long h,It'll.J .1rl~C'.~ ullly hum the fltl!l'Ifal Illtlerd.: at I:hl: ~tll'rlilcr of Ih\: chin. ~.,,,rr{idtll bt'lld reo/put Jallim}: The f.J~Li[j envering the p~:!Il'pm~ and dcpre~~~lr 1.1bji Blf~rimii.

IN SEATION 1l1C' flllU<;cul;lir IloJr llt rile .uIgJe ur [he ITiPutb,

AC110N PYII~ ~hc node (J'Ifld anele (II rJli: rnuanh) onty ... Ii.~'nll' duwnw::trd and h'itt: .... lJr from its normal restmg posmoll. l:1l1s muscle ,,, th~ ::mt"'~lmiJ;l 0 r rhe ZY}l:lDIrl nneus mll'l or. ~nd the hm~ 1'II:',nl mar 'blC seen em rhe surrl'l!:'!:: il-~ a r.HS~tJ rriJIte dunnG ~tmflg ~mmng lICUOIl ;)~ rhe zy~J)m[ltLru~ pulls the node Ilpw.nd nnd OIJ,(\\. rd,

s T PI U c T U R E The J,~pn.."lI~tl r ;1n~1I1i IIno; ,~ tl1l'1de UIJi1I'IJ tWO I,l)'cr;: 1 _ uperficinl he-,I,~1 ansIng, from f.N.i;.. IInJ .1 L1~1' h~:lJ dmirlg ~m1:l1 hll"~. The J,,"I:P he::!J I" ufn:n narrow ;.wd S!f:3P'" Ilk!! • .:m~lng lrern dill' ~m:111 br.itl}' :J.r~d f.lf rhe mt'1'!1l'I1 tubercle, Together, boriJ l1~cld!. (T~;Ht' .1 ~.1INtlJtpc:J mli~de t'h, I mm't.:'fjtl!'!. into the norle.

E F F EC T The tlcprc:!>,*or anguli Ofl.,. CU'l"\.'C .. rllr mouth Jownwilru .it: il:!. utn1fl!r '~!Jrner:o.. wh,n:h

JI .. fI I~ngfiu:m rhe 'rm~ul ... hiill Iilrruw willl'L: deep.,mmc. It., lower end tPTfH:IiJl;.inJ;; the "long fJ!IX" ~'lf ~"Hlne"'}. h wnJcn, t~t· mouth ... li~lnlf and sHe-Ed, e !> Ihe 'hp~. bneFloug rhern, Strung. contril ~·tlO'Il \"n II prodm:c seveea ~ Ll Li Iging fllrm!l helou, ,1Iul btc:rnl 10 rbe .mgll: uf rhe mrlUlil. The fLirnlw desC'eiH~in~, tl ~h Qu.d~~· fm m ehe .In:gl~~ I.If the: mouth i d1.'erC:rIC.lJ and f"mlunlJlc\l.

EXPRESSION 'S.u.1ni!5i<=, grid ... urrow, Jl:'rll."!<" 5imH dic .. gusr,

+~-~-c. '. --. -....:;.~':-. PilL:

~.J~;"~~rNO :~ ... ~-PlL, ~~r---~ DLI,


Depressor LabH !n1el1iorls

(Quadratus lalbii Infel'lo'ris; Cuadr,atus Ment~l

D 1=11 GIN AI'I nhh~U'~ I i ne llTi the I !I..mld~ nf til!:' bod r r! r Ilw m[l1'Idihl~, IllL~1" \lIpCflOr to the fH'1- g~n of the J~prl/~~(J r .Jngl~B urk

INSERT ION The ~kln 01 the m~ditlll pernen 01 each hal I of tin: lower lip. a ~nlol!it 11 p re the n:J pan" OinJ mto ~tn~ ~1Ii bsra n~ ,or dH:' orbi.t"1J b ris oris. Then be ~s of 'rh~' ruusc] ~ (I f cacfl side or the fi:lo~ bl~nJlIt mit nlhllinl: [ust bdow ~iW' lower hp.,

ACT rON Tnt: iilHlsc1 es nf ho~n sides ~ullm'!t:r ~ugethl:r w rmH du: middle t h Ir(J~Jf the ~n[m: lower lip ~,r:'l~!:in r d(~I"' 11 wt~fJ+ 11m. pa ru; ,'hl:

I !'pes. 1::;; pn~lnli'l th~' '~~'t:ih Olnd kn'!'>t'r gu rn (~I so see

~t;'!jol1 of ~~bi(ll p'l (ltySrrl iJJ', The d~r~~'r bb<1I il'llferior~~ J$S1~\'!'i 111 cv,ers]on nf til!: lower hp, I!.;"po~il'lg rhe inside \1111;'1 mlu:ml~ membrane. lts IT[tdi.11~b~n. pu~h til!: dnn r'romil1l:m,~ dn' .... I'iI· "", .. td.

S T RUe T U F!i E Th~ J~pre!>~or I., hi i i n£crlf:l ri ~ I_~ :l. qll;JJ,rll;1t~r:11 mu§dt, k~ If~wcr Ll~~:!i'i!1 'l'htrW1n hes Je!1IJ to fib!!1"l III ~hl:' Jt'rr~~~lCIr :mguh nd ... :'InJ th~ 1;1 bi.11 1'1.1 ry~m;l.

E F FlEe T The IUlwt'r ~ ip cu rves d~)WI~wi:l,r[1 .U It.~ t"t:I'IU~~ •. A hOflzollt('li ski 1111 fo~ d ~d"c mt=l'I[n! ilIbi ~,I ~ulms} ooluw dH~ lnw~r lip m~~' dl:.'Ii'cl~)p fU deepen. 1l1C' l1~nr ~UOllfUI1~I'I~ nf rh-= chm '$ pll.!.h.~r dO\\lJlWiUd •. Ulit mouth dllt'~ Ilflr W'1.!:,h~rL

EXEJI R ESSJ D N Primnnly used m ~;pciJkmg.


The Facial Muscles . MENTALIS


i.~~~ ...... f~

, DLI-~+-~

----h;c MUS,I:.LU Q!lf'

1lI~"I'H .s1~1Il!


The Facial Muscles • PLAT SMA


/, / I / /r /" '

I \. ,!!, ,,;' ~¥'~

ENTIRE r-'lU5CU: ,t

A C Ikmmmu C (J./~lld,' D IJdlmd DA 0 Ui'jiUl"Smr ,mglfh nr~ [) U nl"fm~UlJr l.i~W m'(rnm u ,'ll! ML'U~rh'J' Nu .'\Iv,J,- OOr [)rfWjlr,m:irJN$ rh. rl,Ur5i{l" :IIIL. r~~/t$mi.J-I,"wd Iwrlm ..

rt " r/,l,_vfllJot-m .• m tlUJ1A'1~ pri r urm f! I N PJ"r"gIII,l- ,r.Ja.,r t, l r {lnftjflll P I\.J ~ 1'j:t:fIJ rLjb~ mal" r

'R ~ RjS{Jflu-i Sb ''fvnjQ~')'f'1"J S[m Sr .. mmll{~~lmJ

(.orne slighdy parted, When t'he levator labii SIJperioris alaeque na si c.oml:<lCl'S unil [litera II y. ski n wri'llkles form on ,that side oi the nose only.

The corners of til eo mouth ~rll pu UIX! ~t'l'a;g!Jt' .bQck (pusteriorly, not laterally) end dimpled, on both sides or on oneside only (buccinator).

Disgusr and contempt arc closely [dared 'Y'Cl

di sri nCI, and are grouped tegether.

Disgust often blends wilh anger <111<1 SUrp[iSi~. h u~lluolllg]u aboue by the aetua I e~pe-rhencing of unpleasant sight!',;, las'mes, smells. or tactile experienees, of [ust by the thollgh~ of them. Sticking the 'longllle our, as in an attempr 'to remove undesired m:.ute. from tille l1I1ol.uh, is alii ,e.xtli'em,e' form of disglls~. Vomiting i~ the 'Illtiman: disglll~r reaction,

Oontem,lu :is the expression of eondeseensian reward people wi til 3J Jeel illlg of iuperiority ft:ll. OI boped :ror, by rhe cxp:rC5ser. 111C bead may be ripped b:lck. so the ey~ look dowa at the other ,person. ~n fhis posi[i on. the no!Oe is rsised and dw upper eyelids are lowered,


Vana'tio:o.!l o:f the basic emotion (rypeJinkl1S.lry).: alerrness, brightness, attentiveness, ell:pcct3'1'lg' and a nttcipa.rion.

A:pp~3Irnnce ,(lind m II:KJe IlctiO:l1 =

The ,eyebrows, .1il:'e raised, pl!odlllcing hmrirontal wrinkles across ihe entire fOfCh"'81d (fumtalis-both media] end latera II portions],

"f,he eyebrows may be pulled t.oil,ether (in ,eirber [heir normal or raised pus~(iOlts). cre:lting vertical fmrows between rhem (COffUI,ga.lOf' supercilii),

The' mnut'lil is open and ma y be' re I axed Or 1Ft1llilded alld pursed (om:is'l\lus lab!i sllperio,~;5 and! i nferiorisl.

The !lend may be ,adv:'lI'Iced forward.

Inretcstie!l::citen'lelU' is also dU:l'racr,erilllcd by a fucuse.d g:lZC wilk COIiHi'lllI.OUS eye tracking of



die p!.:JrSOIl 011' object of inreresr, Slight 'flllmi'llg of the head so as ro di:rect d~e ear Ti!tIWll~d I~he sound stimu1us .ii13.y also be present .. Jllltcrest/ clIci,ternen'f il; the QP'Posite of boredom" ,~nd often a,C(c:mp:anies other emonol1s (happiness, fear), llf is ~imilar to surprise, b~H sUlI'p'ris~ is a 'v,cry hr;id emotion. W£ the appeaC31'1CC of surprise lasrs f(ll" an extended period -of time, if is, prob,aMy il'lren:sr/~xcitemelu.


Valni~l'I:iQnS of the b:uic senS.ilJti~i!D (typeJintcnsity); Uiscom~ofl:, .<Iche, hurt, unbearable pain,

Ap,pe.:nanre and muscle m;;C!iOIil:

The eyes are comp[e~ely and ti,~hdy dosed :for iong per,iods of ~_ime; ~he clitClCk:s are [aised (orbicularis ocu~i-bodl orbital and p-alpcbra.lJP'OI'tl01l4

The eyebrows rire pulled rogerher alld downw,ard (c:orrlll.ga.to:r' sgpercmu, pmce:w!>, depressor slJpC'rdliii).

The moultiI, is usua lily wide open, and the I ips arc squared-oU il1l}f1ep:llr:uion for cryillg or sere .. am il1g. The .angles of the jillOuth a re p~ !ltd outward and downward (upper Iabi;}1 tmClur5. labial end nodu la r pliuysm a],

The moud! may be liIll"ltly pressed together, .'lind th,e jaw ri~liIdy clenched (Qrbi cularis oris-« OIJ't,er ponion, m~nlali5. IHlsalis-tlmllJ5verse portion, tempm:'3li 5, masseter),

High skin ridges appear 0[11 da,e neck (alllhree parts of the platysma).

PJinJdisrrcss is US~3Uy characterized by ililtense muscular ,oorulMoCtioll. It us often acoomfl3l·nied by sadness, crying" or screaming,

Author'S 1iIIote: TIle coOfnplcx sabiecr of wha't actually constirl!lJ!cs the emotions. and, their expsession Q:Il the ~acc. 05 n~H under ml!l.cli discussion in the VSyt:hologJicaJlliterarmc.




Expression 0' 'he Emo'ions


Express/a." 0' rIte· Emotions


iFRONT V I! !::W

rtu;~ Head ,a,nd Neel Musoles


V~"E: W



ANT. ~~t~· ~-


£X"if[R.NAL ::!1iJI GiU~. A. R. """'-';---1 VE.IN

The He'ad anel Neck Ml.Iscfes • TEMPOAALIS


S CE VI:" -:

The Haad and Neck Muscles



ORIGI~I t-rmrrt' [j;!nl[lnmI1fJ1,M 1.111 Ilu: ~1th .. III rh~ ~knll dml~ht" d0l'p "l1rl.l~'" 01 tl1~ h:mpor.:rl I;IM:I;I ~"lwLo'rwg dB." I'IHI.~l.:.I.I!'.

H'I S ER TI 0 ~ A!'L: v , mJ J~~~'r ~LITt:Wl: nl tiw ,no 1"III1IIIJ I'IW'!.c~\ III (III: maruhble (ll~w ~t)f1t' .1tId mm d~t, (rmu c .. d~ .,r rhe ramus fit rhe msmdr"'~ .llrnu..,t:l iar d'Jwn a~ ~fle 1""',1 mnlnr,

ACT ION Li lt~1 the T1l.1Il'lJlblc, which LlIII'.I;\oo the Id.,.,.. thL' rLl>(Cflm fiber. pulJ ,h~' ,.I\\, luckw.JrJ. 1."111.: IltH1pLlr;'lli~ hulJ~ tht· pw dll~L.J when the ll~aJ i~ urrigilr •• nul It clenrhe .. rhe teeth lur

dn'wlnJ.\.. - .

S TRue T U RE The tlltmpfir.Jilb is hi II.H, f.m· ~hl1pC'J rnli~(k. thin ar i~ ... margin, [h.n 'filh ihc depression 0[1 rhe SlJt' of [he: skull, TIle ~IJc of the skull trhe 'UC.l nf Uf'lglil ul (he [[,1l1por:1II"1 JnJ Ell!.: mner "-Utl,l,-e ui' lite u.'Jl1ptlr.lI b .. Cl:l [",,:hld) CO\'cr-. rhl." tempuralis) lorm .1 l1:m\JneJ comamer !fom whose im.ILfL surfaces rill: remrllr;)ll~ ilrlJlin.m's. 11~(' fiht!f"<; of Ihl:: a~1i11ror;.lIk~ ~{)rln:rg.: inu. .1 ~tronp, It'nlltHl deep to nhr t}IJ,O' 111;1(J ~ "T~h.

The ~ U f'l'l' Ffi L I .11 pu t~lflrl 11 f dll:' [l·mpo'rJ.IL> prei.hlll't.."!i ~l 111"1r1:.;o:wlm! 0".]1 rdid Ull she ~ur!.lc!.' ,,~'h~n ~IN;'I'D._ The .1~[t'rUlr portiun of tli1l: IIUISl'k Ill.l~ he sla,!!hrh' n:~c~~cJ from [h{;. outer bL!O~' pnnilJll 0,1 dlL' orhic. which tht·u "'t'I.Mllle~ ~mtn· rnenr, The povnrier pl~rrjun 'II rht' h!ln(uu'";Ih, .~ u~u'llI:v (o\I'cn:J by halr,

Tilt' h~f1lpor.lI falidil j ... 1 .. I rung, Jl'rN.~ 1.1}lcr 01 ra~t:b.I rh,u, Ju:~ 011 llJr uf rhe 11·r1lJ1i~r,lJi~. arL:1~hinJ! N:I the "klillilJ~t bc~nnJ th~ llu~ln u]

t I'l n-IUM.l~' ~ lh~ &nn~dc,uL.] ch t'~ ,., fll C IF1II!TLI J f tt'lfl.p~ I m ~ I j nl.: un tbt!" 1'01 ull i lh~ [~tn rnr .11 r.1 ~1(1ol ~'Untl BUI:" p.hl II tu .11 I .1~ 11 H1 t I, e ~II prnur rempfl.r.d lmt"l. rntrriml) (3. ~hnrr ~id~r.1Ih,e ~upcri~n EO dw :trgonMf'll J.rLhl, dl~ 1t'ltIrHr;llll"~"'i.1 It".ln ~ till" o;urf.lCt. n] rhe tcftllulr;llj~ Ell i1u,uh io rhl: ~Irpu ~JgL: u'l the 'YJ:.0I11,lfl ... ireb, ,\( II,.., prunt, J ~L1ln, r, m[i,ll ,11. ... I.III1IlJ.lI!I,m .,r tar Ii£' .... hl1"

!1t:,nh lilt' 11I101;'i.l (unlupllr the PllI\.I:I",), Thl: pbnro .,f [hl~ lower r'-I~~;J i~ h;]~~c;'lHv Hrl!:ntt'd IlhhLlllcJy mnw;)rJ and tJlm ard, II~ ~nnu"hl W lill:. ~'crtlL';L1 ilrjt'm;.'ltl'rm of dUJ Id.tgt·r rnn-hm nf LhL U~lfII pur,ll f ,N:-I;]. wh I J;.h I U:!~ "'11 Ihe tern rur.111:0. wnl~dc bellr. [k.:-.llI .... ~ dw pLm.ne .~f 'rhl: limier j'.I~CQ.I 1~ dlr«tcJ 'hghd) upwnrd, It n:L:~in: .. own:: li~lu than lilt' \'l1'rt]lcn~ fI;ltIrurnll~ .. -1111.' Inwtl' (,B.da iluw .. InlO rhl: lrgumalK 3roh, ueJtill).!, ,I ~Itlgle. munded, Iwriznllt.11 Inrm 1.111 duo ~idl.'1 III 1111: dn:t:k. There rs ll.s,ulllh, nil ~11~lhl" '>4::11U;)tLUIl between the [I1P cJgt' nl til!: .. ~·gd· rna li.:- ,II'lL:]' l1f1d In Wlolt pnnioll JJ r th CO f~~I.1J!. Th~ pl,i.Tle Il( Inc 1III\!.I'I.:'r '(.1ma &F:!dmlll>' M~n&, HUn rhe I"r.il.IIH" ~ if I~h ~ 1'':lTIptlr<~h!o.

~'Hl~· rhe lown "union of the 1J.~i:i~ ~pnn~ nver rn the I,n;nm,m c ~rch. rhe ~.:mrnmlj~ UC\'t'r ,lfire.1r"> [0 aClu311~' 'P"~ l.H1de-r the l.ygoOOHiI.. :!n:h. 1111: Imny ",gum.nic .:m::11 Itself i .. u~Ui.llly OnE ,h:upi} tlchnl.'J. 0111) "l!.:C.a.siOl1l1lh tim.:· ... II .. how dr:;;rlv -

.'\1 tnt: Il!'ll1r~'" !p~~h.'nOT TO rhe hUll' (Jlflnut of Ihl' q'!;' ~rlt~ ~lIrcfinr [0 the 7;rc,omll.(I'-· • rrch), lht' l~rurl.JrJ~.lb i~ ~!.:'rn bulgmg when (he J~'" I~ ~In~~ trhe helly h shnrtcned i1ndrhl,k~nt"d) mJ ~mkil1~, tn ""ne:"O It" j~ opened [the bell v I~ \!I"CfI,.:hcd and rhHWlcdl. Wlml~hi: IOJW u~ f~lh' I1pcncd. hil'WC\1Cr. the .:ondyl!: llLrid ramus ('It 'rhe rnundrble mOl'!! lnrward, C{)fl1[lre..'lll'lg till;! I1n and muscular 'IISc'SIIt" In fr{)n~ 01'- rhem. Tlll~

pU~11 c: .. rl ie 1..1 t Illdgll:d under rh e "YIwm:IIlC ;) rch llflwl1rJ, wlm;lil buill!!.;; I:hC lower purtlOll !)f the rempura] .'15CI:I mHW[I"rJ. The 'ld\·alllr:.1rIftm~nJihu[;lu "olldt'J~ ;]nd 'COll1prt",:st:d m~'lIe olh.o

II Li Igt: the m a-serer Il'I u scle bel ow lilt" Z)l~'"Mic arch om:-",,·.l,rd O;;w.:rn B}· J. th.: net ,rre:~uh b!.'m~

rh <If til l" h nm:ofll 3 I ;1;)1 glilli [lUi: [I ech becomes recesscd berween rltt" ,,,try buJIlt" .:JbiJV~ and l~e l!lIlSC;III;]r bulge below, nus I~ unusua], he<:llusc stretched and elofl,Amcd muscles alwavs ~c(,OInr.: tlnnner, inerea .. ing diO: prrqccnon Ilfadl.l(!:111 hoor arens,

The Head and Neclc Muscles . MASSETER


o AI GIN l1upar(l,r;ml {ml't: Am:ennr [;wQ"(l'tmds ot ~ Ii!~ l'I1f>ef!f)r bordee of dn:: ~ygQm (Ith::~l'(h. ,o]lti~ui!l!.g forw .. rd to the 7.ys,omancproCC'S'S of [he m~!)al hi. Deep fMrts~ 'I iilfilctf (deep) !O~ri.1.a: 0'[ the enun: 1;)lgonnilt1( 3.r4::1I1.

INS E R T ION L'Ilcra II Sill rbCe5 Q r the oo',rn!lu;ud p:mce~'S, r,;Imu'!!.;Ifld '!'lI!gl.~ air du' j:lW,

ACT I ON Gn~i!~ tn'~ jaw by Hfl:ing itlln~ mandiM~'~ clenches: [He ~c~~h for ch~\lI1'nng.

S T Rue T U R E The m!lSllC~iIi:, i~ ~ ~~ick ql:!:1!d,~" lateral ITIUSdelhal lic~ obli,tIUd)' on dile ~,idt or the isow. ]t~ i .. din:c~cJ rrom [he lowt:r liII!Jrgin of rnt" z.)I~om3nc .1 rcli1 ., n d,h~k bone dm't"I'i~,~·lIiFd ::Ind iilm::!.. WOlHllt) till ~ ,::JIngle of tn.co j,'!:w. o.liI~!, i ts ~lJ.pl:'rfld:d ponnml is '~~Im, \'Vhlln d~n dlilllg dq~

[iCeth bC'lj;a.u~e at h!ill~nOT;l. Q r wh~nl cheow nn~ [}11~ h~ll'iIl'1' ofrhl!' n1lt:1s-s¢ter helm), C<I!'I he ~eu. ~P~[· ling iIm:1 seveml [11~ n, dn.ng. a Ic:d. par-dId bun(H~~, ,i!li ~ctcd .''1ion,g the o'Vcmll woi Ih~ (unn of ~'he' IlI1u&dll:- Thcnilu!S,t ilfirl."r10lf of d'H~c bundles: 5how~ tip on dB~ ]CI<w~rh,aif o( (he hern eJ~ of 1th~ b~Hlr'. The ('nfir~ front eql~~ uf the iJ1l]uscl]! ma)1 '!J.~ '!1~:n H dn:: dlcck r~t is tb in. whcn~'",~ ~hc bl!ck edge' i£1!I ~[ d is'Linc( ::!." il is

~() ncnecl hy EI1~ oYl1dyung; parot.id g,1::!:nd .•

Th Ll' sllirfa.rupl<J,!,!I!.~ of t'n'C J1lIl!5W~~!'!i""U'I both ~'id~ n:~ [h~ hl!;[Jd ~Sl!I!lI~ Iy ':~lnVii:l'ic .,J~gl·nlll' in:fc,~,ndf. bue 1'I1I~)1 ::1{ l1If!11n be p.1rn~ld Dr even tti'verge i 111 fe-norl),. The ~U rf'OlCC or the ,trrl;JS1i;eh:r

~n:l y lflow i un [l1' ah i: ~ut.b~ u:F lItl!' :t:ygc!I:n.nk .m:h (1110 ~t:p.lr:;liI:tUn). Dr l'ntl ·~u perio r ,~"d of lh~mll~' ~Cn:F un,])' l:I('rroll'~~ ~~ighdf~ k,.!lvinll. fltl:' IQw~. L'dll.~ ot th~ ~;ygQ!lfI ~tic 3 N.lh dl:~ I'!i)d.

.AJ .re\IJ,gIt:' of bill' i11l1 BU\G'!'IuJtor D iA DiSi'l"Slric -~WIl!!Twr lid/}' Ii]!l Hyoid btuw Ml!J M£l!if~'Mr M,d, M(J/ldri)t~ .Mll I\.lolj, M.x Mil.'l:iIJJJ M 11 J'.I}'lutJyuM m'G :l'oifrtl'i'l1 glfilld

'.;:; ~ S=:CTION A


The Head and Neck Museles



OR rG I N A line ~tOl1g I~~C 3'iHl!rior theee-quorrers of fhi! moner sUlff::II~~ o.r the bod>, or the lower ~!ilw.

INSERTION A medllll11 tendllums line, or

raphe (atITlmUy iJ1:!UII' 'Q)[ r:ln~ mylohyotd it!!e~fJ. whliL::b p:l;_'iise lFGIn:J thll midline <1,( d\e hcttom n ( the chin liD lh~ mn:lllnlll:'Q!1 the rom arm!!

hyoid beme, Motjl[ or the ~UI~CiJ"na r 6bcu of the lI1yloh)'oid rssert mto, rhis 'MphI.:' [me fibers from the mlUdes of bam SI(h:s, meet ber'e)" while flil1l!:' iI](.l'.~[ po.~~erlor I'ibCl1O Ins~l1: di rc.ctly i nru ~hc front surface ufme hymd bone.

Ii!, C TI a N Lihs the f1t!Jti, ofrht' nUJIJ~:~ all d (;b,~ hyoid han,!!, when s\\"llIlowllig.

S TR UCT U R E Th~ mlyl'ahyoid i~ :J [lar, sheetlike ~rill,nguLtr !l1\l",k The mu'i'Cll!." or both

~ide~ J!!-an [hI:' botmm of fh I;lW and are upwl!lrdly recessed hum the ~o,",'er tmrder Df .h~ bLldy of 'tlte m3i'uiiib.11!' 31 their I:H~r31 edges

~ du'lr ongm s). Thil' [Jverl)l ing 01 neerior bcl]jes: of the diga~l:ri~. submandibular wands., iIlnd fur loin wuh the myluhyoids in creating the bllttnm

'Plane ,o~lbe i'~w. .

111C m~'I!ahymd o( eseh Slde passes I1ledlall)' 3!nd dOfutiWi.1W' to i\.'i mserrion (lJ!I the medran raphe and hold bone. Lookiilg.n fhe side view of dIe' bottom pbm: of die I;lW, It~ profile" lar the midlil1l.~l pil':;5~ b ... ckward lind ~hghdy dO"""lftward (~!I almo:;t hnrlzo"tall. 'whc-reas Ihi: lill" or d1.!:' bottom edg:e of rhe nmnanbl!:p<ls$e5 h~ckfll'lJ'rrd and 5hghd~' upward (~S oWiqill?).


My NOT VI!iU!l1..1E

PIN P/Q/vsmll-l!(JJIt/Jlf' rmrl;{W RI P...JP'J't' &'1 RIWfil~$ ,G SI'IIJ!llllluiilJ1JJj}r g~mjJ

ZA Z)'~nl'i/rj': "m:J,. ZM:'I Z'~gQli"diN~ major


The Head and Nee. Muscles· DIGASTRIC


(Blv,entew M:aft~ i!l)u ~ae)

OR I GIN llIe mastoid I~o(dl on 't~ ~ bottQm of rhe m['lsmid p~O(lCi'>S 0:( the sikul L

I NSEAlUJN 11"c lower cdg~ of tffil'li: dU[pI1 sUlf" ~acc of [he ma n:cl~bl~ beilll'nd t:he dlun (f~~l 0(( cllcrnndhm~) ,

PI. C T ION OPCIl5 tn,e 1l!'1(~!Jdl bt, 'PlII hl'lg till: fm'u lin ()llhl.l lowl:f ~ ['IW d'mvn i Ii fru the hyoid bon!?

S HI U C T U R E Th~ J:ig;;!.str:i(; cnnsisrs of tWO o,cill ft-5, .110 .1.ntcri;or :Ill d II. po!;~:~riol'~ dn a~[lI['~ cnnnccred end W ead by " ~hon. i;~l'Itrnn)i' ]0- GH~ Il'Tldm~. The Ileii!id!nni~ b!ni.'ikcd '~ t,he s.iJ~

flf the body i.!:ml g<realit,"r horn Cit I~h!~ kyQidl bene by a fib~ous ... lcc\I'c'rhmugh wllh:h il P"~'

The tI:IfII!~ritJ:,r bdl,~' of; the diga:Hric 1.S I.us~r ;lI'IJ ~.h,icker d,!~,'rI lh~ ]ilQ!il~rior bdh'. Th!:!' ;Hiil:~ .io~ I~U')' ~OlT!let~m~ !llPp~rj; ;J"~EI S:IJbdtl elong:ucd rC'lid thJf i5 di~cClt'd :po!l!S;ll)'r'!:lr~ll' anJ ~l:i£hd)l km':i'id~r. ,I'r lies 0 n rhe bonnm ph~fI~ of dll c: law<I":r j:ll\:'I' ~on dt~ ~ud:iC~ of d~,!:'mi' Inhj'oid ~ms~~,~. When the bLl:) d ~.!. 'I1'Khmded, '11:tf,poloing 'Ihe bl'l'w'lm 1'1 r ~he ~ ... w'j thll' mllllid!:,~ Dr bmh ~icl~, can !;oo 111l.'ti mc~ be SCiCm diycrgi ng peseerio rl y fnu1'!1 l111c chin, The PO;';lIlt.'riHF bell)i' ~s eevered b)1 thl: p!:JI1Drnd gl:U'ld.,


J)~A Digll.um-~fM~"M.!~ bd/y Dtp .D.igil!stric- pmr~TIoF '~£II'!l ¥It' H,lIJjd hcme U Lt'vl.!'W~ ~p/ll~ M~ M~!Irf}itJ p,oerus Nt)' MylaiJyt!r.d Om Ol;lwbyvia S,C SJ'C'r1ICmj~/QJd-ril1!dr.J.jJ~1r IU!!ltl

The Head and Nec.k Muscle • OMOHYOID


Q RIG I N Asho IT line on ehe superi or bOl1d~r o:f the scapela, I U5t mcd~.o II to ~c noeeh 21t the I:HlJ;;~ of '~hl! Clor:lco'ld pr'lUo~ss:,Oind wmll'li m~ lrem ;1

In ~me.I'U {,h Oit eresses rh i51i oteh,

~ N S E R T I 0 fill r ntenQr border uJ the Side of the hody o~f the l'l)'fUd hom: (cw,:;ud the from Ilusr lateral to' [he msertien oflhc ~{~IiIIIQh)'Old).

A C TI Q I'll PlIlI rhe hroid bOIll: dow,lII. SHIUCTUAE The omo,hvo,id j,:nnsi!l.1I5 of [wo mu'Il'UW, I1J:!Jf be.Uics----a cSupcrh:ll" and (In infcr.Lm:--eQnl'l«fcd eml w end by a, short t'cmlon. The u:rIde," lies I~nd~r dU!5lEmOlt1llSroid mus-

dL The f1mohYlnd bends ~n rhi5; u::m:l.O!l 3:', It Mrnntl'~ I.Ipw.1rd and foru':ll'd Of'! the ~ille of the '1[11,;:':1<.. 'f}qe onmhyuid i'i m;:U;:iMllD!l:1 II y sCcn,f,lft dirocrly, p:II" indirectlll'. wh.~!I! !ipe:!b!llg, when 'rhl: muscles on the I'lonmn of thtrjllw all:! t1.lI1sed or w'Il!!'"1 lih", n,e:td 1,!;: 'funy 'turned [0 Oll~ Side. When cmllr"acd. g t iitraigihfCCITl.s between n!i 0\'0 poillts uF .lttm:htm:l1l. lifting tl:i~ 'lIoternom:IStOId in the prO'15li. TIU! rendinoas Pl1rt1011 bcmmih die st'~rIlOm(1lif'oid IS rhea seell obi a rhll;k, oMu:1UC, CllrdHke relief whose form 15 connnlJed I1Qth supen orb and un h:nnrl,y hyrh eo now \I USIh!e 'S~perjki~1 bdll~.

SG Srtbnw;tJib.'i!,Jr- glIJ'fld S.I! S'~r'Vl!'JfJ1'[JM S M SUlII!/JU~ ml!,iills, S 5 SJo!riU:mI"~itlld -sl.roul "l'ilJ Sm.m SfcriIWn,1£r()]jtl ire "[bymld t.trlil<Jgr Tr Tr.rJ1 ~lil5 Ve V~rl .. brJ


The Head and Neck Muscles . STERNOHYOID

C r CrkoJd"11'lJI~g{! HI y .Hj:tlul bOJlif' 0 m Om(jl~,!old S In, Sl'l!rl'(jfl~'t,id S5 SI'c,"I,jwmuwid -~wrl,li!d "!!Ild Te ThYF1JM, ~TU.fogi?

,J,_-I._"nt'1l"ROftl! C:Ai;i:nLA.G'1i:


TtJ'e Head and Nec,k M,useles • STERNOHYOID


OR I GIN Posttr;i:ol" Sill rfaee of l1fiC' media] end of' rhe d=:nri~h~. ehe uppeelatersl portion of the iP'OsUlrior sudaoe of the mSiI1'Y briu I1IJI of dn,c ster:nm m neae du, neeeh fUf thc da",~dc; ,r.'lDld the iligm:nclU bt:tw~'<:n these two bones,

INS E RT~ 0 N Lower border of fhe altrD'l,erio~ porrioe of the body of th,c hyoid bone. just to [he ide yf the midline ..

ACT I ON Pulls the hyoid bone dOWII1. as ill 5lwaUawing;lI!ssists ln A,cxiom of the head and neck.

S T FW C T U FII E TIle sternohyold is a rh in, ImUrow, stl"aplike musele lccared O:I'D the front of the neck, ~IIS[ 100 du~ side of rlue- midline. Commanly separated by a s!hort distance :'It" the pit '0£ ,the neck, the muscles of both sides convc~e

iU flley ascend, but never actually toueb, The space between, the two muscles therefore narrows superiorly, The thy mid and erieeld cartilages and the til froid gland aJ~C panly covered by dl.ese muscles, but: are' SltbCLIIl:3neOl.D s in the interva] between [hem. The 'nn:Ulm'W'. flat fo.rm o:f the sternohyoid lies on top of, but docsll'~ ,0011- cC3L, '[he forms of the th:ro,u (~hyroid and cricoid c3l1'itilages, tbyroid gland],

When conrracring, the sterllmh:yoids occasionalb appearas rwo raised srr!ll!ps 011 [he Im,1Ilt or t'hc neck, ohe~tillfles ccnfused wlrh rhe anterior edges of riheplal}lSn13. TIle a nrerior cdg,e of fllc' phlirysm 11 Ii s more strungy. m,or,!:' obl ique, and 10- cllted mo,re ]i1'tlCrililly [h,U1 du:- 111 most veerieal sremehyoids. Also, the plarysm a POISSC'.s over the sternernasrold, w:he reas the ~te;nohyojd passes rmder h.


The Head and Neck Muscles . SEMISPINALIS CAPITIS


[11M Dn:rp ,1Ul\id", N ~I Nnch(Jlli&.~I'I.rI!'" Sc S"IJw;;piu.,l/$ C{lp~bS SpC Sph'ml,j m{liIJ~ Srm St~r~I(l~llIS/oj'd Tr 'fmpe;ms ~'lJr~d'fr 'rapf';mts



Semispina~is Ca~piris ~ Com ple?l:us)

o rli GIN T~p~ ud thl1' tr'UM'l'r~,Lo' p"LII3~"'~I:'~ 01 rhl;' li/Cl"t·du,,11." I r1_'UI Ilw ~~\'Im~h L>t!f'l'k .. 1 "ILClW!'I to rhl:' ~i!l:,th nr ~~\'I1'f1tn rhnr.lcil.: ~·~rrC'hr .. c IU'IJ ~"UI," Ilw .! riu:u ~.u prl1( t:-"' .. ~.~ uj' rh e flllJ r~ h dl !'illl~n ~i N Ih LCr\~ j ~I verrehr ;11:.

INS E R T ION An t'lljn!}~t('iJ area UIl tJR~ b,~~ of tht skull b1:!l""~~'l1 1.1111' superior :LI'IJ inF~ri')r nuLll.!1 ~mt."~ 'J[ ~h!,; u~!I:'il'~t a 1 bone, ju",~ l;1~l"r-.d [u

t hI:." m i~IJi 11,~.

A C TI 0 N E};h:i'H~5 the Il'i:;ld .1ml rurctes It "0 ~h~u rhe !n~~ IS dll'C~h:J to the 0ppOSUI1 srde

S TAU (; HI R Eri'~~ I1Hfl ~j' tI d~t'I'I Inu~cl,~ rm the h:uk or tlw tWd':'lh.U' du~hll~ ~h It ;j~c-enJ!>.rhc:' '..elm ~1\1n' ,th~ ,,;11'11 I~ ~n.il k~!; ~H~ HUrl i'rrcltH ~I" fj~ hun nn Hl ~ I~~ I [lUI' ti ~ rhl ~ h'~1f'ln. h'\ 'v~rr ~ rna 11 r;:lft uJ- u I~ .1~tU;lUy ~ub~LH"1'1~tl1h ,1d'~~ bdo\,,'

iht' ~k '1.111. h~ I 1 ~ ~.~ never d bti n~1:lr seen OJ WI J I 'r ihlhlll~' i:! 1"l'f\;'~1 ~r tn~ hmr.) It I~c~ under till:

~Il ~fl Urr(! rtno~t pnrrmn 01' T h. IT.I!;1 ~:znb. arnl fmO) rnuseln Cfltdfi! the mlJ~nll(J1I" cnhmm Wl tIll" hilCk fli [h", Fll.:dc ~m meJ ~;H)d] w rlw ~ll.ll ~ lit T h,~

nuchal h~m&;:IiI~. llll:~11 muscles (If beth sides of rhe bod}' are therejore p:Jr'd~' rt!Sp(m5Ibi~ for 1o:rt'.Jill'lg the t~ .. n tnu.:k I.'nHI~, ~hriI !O:n [I~ .:u;u~n"ncally 31JpC[lr un thc' b:tck ul the neck {t:xi,:epr w11l:'1'1 Ihl: head IS (Blly f1e'1{{·d). The IUm1\~' ·~nl fin" nmHIn~ bL:."~\1I'.l'('H rhl"_~'~ IWD coluI'I'Rr'_~ (the flC)l>mU'mr hl!t' oog.e fl'r Jhl!' nuchal II~rlmcruJ d~'e.~n~ ,:~s H .]PI'l'Io:l,he~ t~11 .. k ul], (;!:~d 111g supe find>' a~ rhe exrernel Ol:Cll-m.l~ [l<rnmbcr:m('e (rhe .:rnmnlllWlclmu;'Ilt ~If the nuchal Ilg:lmcm), A depressieu mll)' lom'l berw ~'t:n the upper ell d of ~h.: "1:1'n lrip i n.1 h s mpm s ;'I nd rh~ srcrncclerd IH1'1i11." uHd. In \'l'hl!:h the subcueaneous rmt:ioll (lr th" ~p!ClUll~ ca rIU~~ll:s.

~sl!,:;'Illr YClTUo,;),I. dl!.: IhlCk, ~ol1]{'wh['lllhtn:nLld b.:H) uf dw Sf m ispm [ih~ ca pIUS Wl"'i! p~ arcund the dcepersr euctures of the Iw-ck. bi$1 seen ,II crass ~~ctmn. T~~ scm1splllmJlis ':IJl~U~ I~ part of En ~ [f:J n~"'VC'rsosp 1 fl~ I.~ nuu,d e grou p--rhc d~'~rwst ulLI_"-1;;k ~;mLlr ~lf Ihe b;J,k-\,,'hH;:~ mehrdes th~ mu~(ifidll~', The mc>dml porll{1n l)~~

~h1;' ~{·m I~~ I n.li~5. alpHG$, \\' If1l reh umd s (U rncr~~1:' ",nil. the srltHti b Clp'll"~~. I~ call t."ll [hI.:' ~ ~~'emcr cervicis,

The Head and NecK Muscles . LEVATOR SCAPULAE


l+---~5,t .•. - __ SIP~-~~,",!!!!;;1III!i! ~~~~----LS--~--~~ ---------Tr--~--~~~

L'S L~wror U.IPUi.Ji! ~ 'mmtlil1llUj t:'dpitis S M Sc.lII.'IW~ 1~/ol'dllj$ ,p'C SplfImllS OJfUfl$

tm Sll!'l"IItml~UliL~hJ T r TrJ/I.f'O.:UiS

The Head and Neck Musctes· EVATOR SCAPULAE

Levator Scapulae

CRIBI N TmnliTfITW l'ro~'~!;4l~, ut fl1~ fir~f IOlJr eervicul ~'~rlL"hml'

I t\1 S E R t tON UppL!'r plll1i ~lin uf rh L! ~'cwrubt .11 bu:rdt'r IlII the o;!,:.lpliJlli. Ilt:rWI:c:'il rhe !fUl'i.!nnr ang'll' ~lIIJ I he bJ,'Ii!:. u{ 1111." ~rn Ill:" of ~hL ~i,'.1~\11;J.

AcnON RmlOC"~ die sC:lJ)ub while: rllUil'l~ It shghd)' I1icdiall~·. I't :J~ISl~ III rul3UOI1 01 the SCOIpub by £:l1'i10g Ihl:' ~'cnt:'bml bnrdee, WhlLh pro(IIII:\.'" downwsnl rotannn u:1 the :u;:rUlnltm. Whell rhe shoulder il> fixeJ, ir 'I'I,iII bend rill!' neck lo1[~,mdl~.

S TRue T U R E ~J11llming tie.:p I n ~ht: Mdt' of

'f h e '1U,"I:k IIJM hclow thl."" ~ k ull, lind rmh II~ dl.'l:p 111 the- bm:1,: M the [(If'! of vhl:' shuuld!:f, ~htl 11;\'3,· 'tnt s~>Irubl.l" IS ~l,If1'~·rr.~~'lll.mly rn It,.. mlddl~

'~h I nl, 111 th'l' ~paCi!' herweeu the sternum 3.slIlld bind U',l]i1C;;!;IIJ,t> 1111 the Sid!: of rhe neck, When th(: mll';.dl'"\;o 11l'L;UI:,~11Il thrs lnten~:J1 [Ire JC'rincti ... he 1~\'01rllr ,~.lptll:H: lli iJ.!iLlliJll)' ..Ill,' most pronunent, III ~ldL:' nl:W, ~hl' L1Xl'ii or !IS narrow, ,~·yhntlllc;ll. ~Lll"l.L1tiincuu .. tnrm I~ (If'lenu:J on iii, lme drrccred I f\f11111 all L' ['m Inh~ ro the Jeep ~1JliW n ur J.I n,r,1 eo ~Ii ~h~ ~t.1 pub. "f~ ~ ~C'\I;] ff!~ '!i<!:;! pu It'll' IS 10 ~;H(!\cI ;1.11.' reru If Eu the ~pl('JlIw!i. rnrdll~. bUI wh('r~ ... s dlt'

~prnill" [I,pm" I~ Llli1t'cn:J dowawnrd :Jilt! m~jj~· I.llf~/ mw,~llrll [11 to: mulhne uf rnt:! b,lt k, rhe IC"'IUllf ~cfipllll.,e '1 ~ ~ hl't'l!:i!cd downwunl and 't1'cr~U\' tow;lr,1i! rile '~LJp uf the St'<l,PUlol." The ~,L;':'WIUU M.'"i1- IIHll.-.e n~ rhe mol'!! pwmill:[!lIt oJ rh.: ~'~j.. but rht~i' 111t!")i .dso blerrd lugct~C.i'.

TIlt' 11'\ldWf scopulue is; ~Llcb'lu:cl ~n 'till:: fWrll cdSC rJr the mw;dc EfIiHS of die ~lI.tk of Lhl! neck, '111i.s mass i~ III Ad" lip (Jf dIe tr,",pl!" ill" I lil."mispill:lil.s capiris, :-.plcnim. C.ilPlft\ •. ;]nt.l IC\'JHlr !o.cap.u!::I1~~ it C'1n be ~l:'i:"Dl loqurOlullg from (he !ot~rnom:l~wiJ ~ntllkr.: hrum lull[ of the nee], WhlJl line h':.1d i!Jo fuJi)' n;Il.!leJ tiJ one <ide, The 1~"'iJ.M)r )C-OIpl.Il'lr arul ~[';'i,lenu"~ mediLl~ ine resrorl~i b,11;' !nr rlu: ,",'3 drh ,;I' ~h~ ~iJ!~ ul the bll~-Il of the nee k.

The lev-.ul1 r '!>L" pllb~ I.~ n{tc.l1 JiflktQ k to ~r:c. .rt'gilnJlc~~ nf IllIlKlul"r dcydopm!:lu. It i~ ml.~~,t hf..d) tu he' !>L'Cift Ifl Hldl\'hJU:d .. with "'cry linl!:

I.u .II1J in [hi(' elderly. ':"I1(,'1.31Iy when the .mm. are (.]fIrlllg weight, ml the shuu!t.ll!r I', .. I'igllft)~ r.JGSI:'J. or when '[hI: 1It:"k I~ bent l.u~l'".]lI)' :Jg;lm~l rC30li~IJm:c. WhIl'I'I \~C1l. fb~ (!;I,ml,inil:d

ro 1"111) U I the It:'( .I'lur ~c.lr 1iI1~~ ;lnJ :>I~ m"ln.1~,told CI"t'.1tf' an ilWl:'fa.:J V wuh IllI;' up~r end or rhe ifOmtl!'f p.w.ing tli:f!p IU rh~ lauer,

The Head and Nel:k Muscles- SPLENJ US CAPITrs

Sp~~n:lius Ci!iprUs

a RIG, ~ N Til ~ ImN,er h:J I,r of~hc posterier free ~ge of the !1~G'h;)~ hgonu'lu ~f!d rile siP meus p"¢l"'~ of ~~ e ~eYCllf:), rervl~1 And, filfst rhn:e O~ fOll!ir l'nQmC1C veeeebrae.

I NSIE AT ION PI line "r ehe side of f~e base gf the ~k1!! U "jY!HdcfP lO die lnscrr:ioifl of rh [;' sternornn:stuidl, frum 1'1'1;: 'tip DJ~hc mj5~lI1Id p.:(U;~~S ll'Xl1:'rlJdi tlg bllc:k .'llio:urmo i~{;:ne;.

ACT I ON R(I~.!t1::> the hL'<id, ulrnin:g ,~f U1Wo1r:d lilt' ~;'1 me s'i:dc ;'I~, [he •• ,ni~'1:' ml1lSdc., TIl~ 1ln1ll5i1!l'5 o£ bgrh ~ iidcs !:DnltrrlJl;;dngmfi~t.h~1'" ilxtend duo head,

S, 'If Rue T LJ FI E Th,e splenios C-.J.pi~is ill a broad. shclldik~. ifl~I'!SlfiCU:DU~ mu!"'ci~ IO~fCd [11'1 ihe lJal:l of the neek, Only a ~m:!lH~r!!O! of i I'S MlP~nor po.niQn [s 5u~~t',6ci:d. When SiX'Ji1I, 1Is super:ticiil~ pf!ni~n is di recn:d w t/JI.' martmd pftJ,,~, The fnl:IiII' lldgc:' of ~hll' IlILu,sdll" whiCin lies at ,~htC h;1 C:k ,ciIlgc of l~Jt! ~[Iml [lr thill 1I:\I',uo; SCJJiI:u~;,!c •. canbe liI'i1ced :!Jkmg ~ line f,o~n~he npo:F I'he !11!lJs,t'Old pw~"S do'Wnw~l.l'ti to ~he back of tin:

b .. se of d~1C' ftl:C'~. The form tlf dliC kV;lt:or .. ~apu· i :U: I~ f>tWlIIg~r a.mH:I morl! P fOl'lrllm(l'd dli!ln that (I f lhll splil:1n i'LI!) ~,phi:..

ItS, U'wl'vr SCi}p,!ilf1~ N u Nlldwll,g.:.mmt'Ju Om OnwiJyuid SA Stol/~tnj~ I!Jtlt.iJn'Of

S'C StI!Tm}Jnt1~ftJiJ'-doJf)JC'j:i,lIJT rJ~',,J!J S~ St!{I.~/~pm~lh ~-apid~ SM Srllh'IJ11~ mt!di!~ SP J;t:u'l!,m~ sm1'l~I'U"



SUlr Vt,E'W

The Head and Nec:kMu!clas • SCALENUS MEDIUS

Sca~enu:s Me~j illS

o FU GIN Tr~ns~~~ pHnl!:.Sliies(l~ the seeend till rou§b M::vl:nth l.icrv~~i "'l:'!fl,ebr[li~ t~nd eeeasion .. 11)1 from dliC lId:J"~).

I fi;J SEA' T ION Upl?C r !.t1Id'llcc of 'lhll fi:r!it rI h, Ifrom U~ micl:]j'Wi'l1l.[ I:!~c:k [0 ~nerubeil'de.

ACT I 0 I'll Bl'l'Ids, th~ neck ]:nerni Ir. ,~i fn. du.l fi~n rib nJu.']f1C fnrced ill!tpin:ti,on.,

Sl["'FI. U C T U FI' E brge'!ii'~ 0 r the ScC1lciIleillUsd es rh(!: st;ali1IlIll~' nJ~di~s shows 'la P 0:11 the midd~ ~ o~ tbe lower half of tile side of dllc:' !'lock, but aet ?er;o prominel'l,dy. III :ld;ds ~1n,ic'h~S8 to d~e hee- 110m 0 r the side of d1lL~ neck whei~ ~}, e neck ntalrc5" ud ~ S us 1!11IIIIy oo",e~'Cd ill" sonse of me sill,pl::ld::J~'iGlI;] r ~:l[ •. 11u~ mu.sch:: l1'pPCMS as .11

shon, VC!l'rica]i. co!]lic-t1 f;[lml, pt1Imcd 51.1 p~r~i::n"i f. b!:twccn [h~ i 11ycnccl V lI:f tht rgtmS o~ rhll' ster:IiilQlililaslOid and ]~V'Ufl.i ~'~pu h:n: .. The sealenu» mOCIi ill!> l'!l::ly aiP p(:olr d iii rlll1g, fOl\J;;ed, i'UI~,pill".il nOI1J.

-ln~S!~t~n~s po:!i~~tr:iOI.r., ::I r1!>ing f:rQ!U1 ~hc t!<l!n!<Yt rse preresses of tlh~ fourth th rollin ~bITh ~l.'ry~c~1 vl.lut:b m~, ;lfId ~lls~rt-m,G anm .till rup surfnce of [h~ s~~"Ql'ld ",ib f!'ilst'erior [0 it'J. rn id· l'lOinf.,LS ~cll'er dis,rhw', tnn bhmd!. imn lhi1 b<lck of the (orm ur the ~'Il1:i.'llIm mLldil!~. The sea~~J!!iI!o 1I1I!1!:rlOr i.~ [no (I~p UI a,Hl!:ct surface £gnn.

i-\~ Iii I1IiIICS'i Scmc of du~ I~~rv!!l> oif dw bli1lcb~ail pT~us Cll," beseen il,~, .. lOIi;"c;:d ,cnrdlilcc dd\g~ p;]:5!5il1~ ,duwlm !llo:flg f:b,~:'IIiI'~rior c:dg~[lf th~ form of mill ~IC1lH.I;l) m cdi III~.

The Head and 'Neck Muscles . STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID

LS Llw.uor~r:afmla~ ~hl MIlIf/lfbrium MP MoI~/O!J pm~:;s Oml O,tW'''}'iil~.d PC 1'iJmtiJ g/ilmJ SA S".Jllrmu <lNh~rmr '5C St>ftmwJI>J'S/wJ -dIU1!!:ull1r 1'!!/.ul Sh Sremal,ytJid S,M Sc-cll!lmu .tmil'U$ Sp'C l!ipJI!J,I(II'$ 4lPJ"~ SS S'mlr:,J.rltu'r'liJ-!f~mtjli "eda Sl'ml SleNrmN(/!SrniI'J TC 7Jl'yfoii/,gim'ld


~ ~,,,,-:-.~


• ~

,(t~":I~~ ~ fl~r~ -


.5JJlE Vlrw

The Head and Neck Musctes . STERNOCLEI DOMAS TOlD

Sternocfaido ma.s~oi d (S~em:oma.stoid)

OR I GIN Sr!'ru~J lJead.: UPP'i':iF prm oW the 31'1l(;,nu r s~rlil!~~ of the m m;Ui bri urn, or lhc 5 rll,rnllm, i'lellir du:m Idhn~, Cla"kr~~t~F hf!(1~~: Up:pt!'r suefO'lt'~ of [he 'I'llcod i III ~hH'd oi rhe d,lW tele, excl lei dlIng [he medsal eXp:'lnll1.0n of 'r.hll' cli1vide. D.e ~fea ot oregU:1 c>lfcndli d,owllw:l,rd (:Into rhe front ~'Iii rhu:r o f t:h" d:H·id~.

INS E R TID N t\ lin.:: .dong the tip. anrenor bnrJet. O1l1:d ~alii:fl.'l~ 5Urr;]C~ !l'r the mastntd rroces~ Df ~n~ ... kull (bcluml th!; e:J;l. cenrinued around [p;o., s r~riorlf ~ nlla the h.l!'crilll p;] n uf t h1:li~ perior l'HI(_1ilEl~ lme oj th e 'aCCI[JltO'! I burn: 3trhe bitS'!:: of the-skull.

ACT ION Benh rude!. tgg.;!)l1l:.I" f1:I:'X rhe Itul'ad .:mll neck rnrwa rd. ,\en nS::I~ onL'. it \,vi n bend the head 1m d tu:cL: lrnnllUy and m tlllfl[! [hi! r!l~ mw.~rd the oPP05U£ s~d~.

S T RUe T U R E The: srernuclc iJom:J1;loi J (MerI'Il~l.1~l't!icll h, Iii w,,~JI1. basica III t' ~,tmplike musde •. l"n ick!:'5.t at i~s 'CJ:".u~r,,1 h:!t ~1P~nl~~ obhqull~~' JBWIll th~ sid~ nf ~.~~ C}'lim:irlca~ rtlrm 11r the n!:'~k. h p;IIo,se'l rr~.m belli nd rhl:' 1:'01 r fuWa rd the pi I: (l,r ll,e neck, :md ~I"UHJ~ uur pf(~ I" tn!l'nd~1 in <lui nil. The ~jns~1.: bdl)l nm~i5ls of ttwo hl.. ... d.i-! whi!:h wh~n 1~IlI'md 1;:1I~ be ~~~, !.",p'lrJllti~ng inK! the' ~hil.:kllif. mm'l;" pml1lnrn:m., fmifurm ~temlll I'll/ad and [he w~dil'r.Il!c1UCIMld. 5rrn,p~ikl:' d:lvicular ('\.l.l'u,iQ") ite.ad. The srernal 'hrad can hl.l

Sc-I:: n from origin (u irISeni(m. the d[]''I"looia, tU::Ld i~ U5il!.dY'O"I:;ibh: 111'1 the imv~r hidr ,gf lhC' nl'd un~,)' rt.hc 1.Ippl!r h.,IF ur the d;1lv~'l:Iltlil' heR,d bll;'l'ld~ i III Ul mhc dU'rllm .. U'I:I ~L'C ftH1!1 hC;JdJ.

The ~l.lpt:nt.i!r nJ of l'h(: mlll:s!Cl,~ h!h~ sinJlle bd~)" mo:!d!e u!" gf itliit~,Vfl finc'::! he-ado!ii) becomes 'lpm~eUMl1k, C'Spcl;inJly Pfl!i~'riO.lh before i~ 1'11' l>I:l!~~ mtn du' sku III. I n'Fei!'i ody. the l>~embll ... i1I ~ da~jClllJ;u h.elt&" ~re lJ~lHlUy Sl:lla fJll[ed by Ii. small u:.iil1'l1!jubr irnenJI I1JH :"Dove thtr m.cd~ .. ~ e~afl~! nil of the ,da vid~.

TIll:' su;rmu;.l!1 hC.;."Id t;J~~r~ l'I'IJl!rior!y UIU'O :! £trong nmdun rhi! r npl,C;I rs nJU nci, conspkuou s, . 1nd cord~ike nn Ihe surf:lce as I't pa':iSt:":'l, meilUlI [:0 [he CXPii1ldt:d medIal c~ld of du: d~v t:dc (n or

~I'I fn.l!IH of i~). When thll:' 11I1';ld fsku.IO !a~~5, [orWL1 00:, 'the Ililfctlotcmd o( d~!~ !;r~rl'! .. l h~-ad n.t\!~~ sl ighdy fOr'l1!!Jrti toward th!C Srei!'flt!,HIl. When the heed is romp~l."ldl' !!,(l.t<!!~cd to on e sitk, du:' Sternal :hcaJ bceomes ·Y!:'rrh.~",~ .1 fI d :llmfJ~f Icylindlfll~ Gil i.rrrrng5 ~C'I i(H~. and fO,r,t:llS th.~ ":IlI;~!~ria r :I'l ro- 1111 ~ jjf til e ntl"l.; .f\ 11]1I1J<; w,utlil the upp!:r ~gc o.F rhe mil8IJib~i,ltII1il, of rill)' sternu "1, rhe te!ldon~ (l,r tihic Sf(l'rn!!! hClld .. of l'J.orh s idl."!i ",f the bodJ1 ~ 111,01 th~ .mt,di a.! en d~ or rhe cl ::'IviclC$) ddi"nll the p~~

tl'f rh e neek,

The infl:'J+o r Ii: rid olF dUl'da1.'iiL"ImI ... r b~!!d usually dip~ dm;vnw.lrJ ~!ighrl)' bd'orr;- h~ndjng rOfwil~d lo ~h ~ day:i de ~a!!al'j 1'1& <l .~Ildl.: ron,nlo'i;ry)_ Till!' \II!jih.'J'loo form nfrhc cI:1\'1 allil r be.1:d I.I.lill13U)' .:nd!> in fl:'rin,ly :n the 'kiP t)r l,h/! d,:lolll'i.dl:. IC:lvil'lg t'nl!: farm of dill:' frn:rn PJ lh~ I:hwrdl! \I'~~I·· blc. Th ~5 h",~,d o:mtl'UI III ~ onwa.l:ld ~Q the fwm 1>!ilfmCl: or the dm'idc. bUf uU!lv vm i~;.'Ii mJl'wir;i~h: IiIl1uermd H_'udQI'!. Thc: u~p;r I'mtf of the d.:ll~'iCllI~r head 11t1ltmilltr bC"OJli'nQ p.i3Jft:~;J:Uy or Olmr1ctely cuv-cn::d by till! ~miL'1I1li1l h endas dle two h~ild5 ~ 1:~llJd togct.h!f'l".

111u:IIIUl1'Jt pO~1:~riQ r ~b!lr§ o:F the d,Il,,' ~cu,lar hctld !!In: usu 1:111)' InmlUpi CIIIOLIS. but w~ en eJ!:~ tn:omcl y [1l'1U~ [h ead boo I ~ lI~ern Ily Jl~iflSr restsrn rim', d~,~y Ibcl;:omc '" ~5! ble ",long rhtl r enriee Icngfb. p:Jssil'!:I!! h'om rile skull, m me cla\l'1CIi:. They then ~ppca r as one Ot morn und.cpendCflt J'lI('Ir:row bundle:!; des~di.lrr& lrom die IlponfUrosis .Il.[ thii:' ,..cry PO$OO nor ~!ild n r the U n~ of

arta [:i'mill;l:nt OIl the s.lo: u 11 ro lin: ~;nie:rSiIi:lIld of d'l ~ h 11 e of ,'u(llchrncrn on the df'l\lidlt:'. Thr i nlll'l'l'"a~ ~~tV'!'.r::enthc posn:rior cd,~;t' 0 J d'lC! ste fll1.OiI:II~ido· mil S'mid a nd tilt:' tliltitriuf looge 0 r the tr']p~ZILllis then :l;ppel1~S '111 [I1",m""'~lr.

Thl! su~mu.d~U]Clm,~,Sh1i~d.Jl ~t1[m [he sides o.f th.~ l'Iock, Ctl!il "~rgtns: ru>~bc)l ~d\tru:'UieaiU'(lmiorl)l 111 l(h~~1" deseem, WhCll n:ilaxcd, til"!:' S[Il'n:tOl11ftS~Ids 001'1( ri buee ttl dt~ cyli:ndrkal. natun~ of W ~ ned.:; t\'hll:fi' [rnscd, they bCC"Ollll1I; J:di~fS, ~b;lt ris.!:' up from thl! iud~tt mf ~h qhndt!r. Th~ n~cik wldll'ns wll!!!'! i~ i!; cC'!!ti~~d:M. b~'tlmiflg wid~li[ mo--th:irds l)f t'.h~ WIl)' du·wt1 rhe s~~mor:.l ~[clomOll!;wit!~ .

The Haad and Neck. Muscles' THROAT


A.i Air {J~n.~.gI· CJ· C"icmJrl.~rU/~g~ E .Esor)rm~d.~ H)I HytJi.Hmnl.' 0 in OIi'I.wI:l;\lI)il1 WIN ru of 'It-Cli. S~ Sr,(fNwilymJ SS Sti!rNmn,iJ~t~.jd -~~rtrJhll bjMli :SUfi ,SI'O!'lfldfJ{ml.UfJt,j TC Thyroid cjJrtl'l~BI' "fiG Tbj'nmJ gl,mJ '"f~C' Trolcb~'fl \flit' 't'tt,d.lfl.l

The Head Ild Neck Muscles • THROAT

Ole r~ROA r I~ the wmdprpe, 1)[ hrc-.nhmg rll,",C', :md tlm.I'!>!!> ul [ht: larwnx cllld trachea, 11\~ rh),rtliJ gi.mJ ~nmt!buu:~ to H~ kmn.

Tille Ihrn.11 I~ h:l~I,",llly J ~~Imn~~d cylmdrical ~UU~Ulf't'. IOL,UClJ on the lrtmt 01 th; neck, whl"h l..onm'l.:r~ (he mouth to the IUIl~~. The Ul"[l~f lront edge 01 the throat cylmder I~ tnrmcJ I'Iy the If-shaped h!o'OIJ hune (1111: ~rwd bane UI(OIL~pKUllm~I~' he" ar chI!' ILlI1CElIlI'l between the ~onmn rb.I1.!;' ui l~1: 1M\' .mel the

tmnt or ehe rhrour .::yIIIlJer). nIl!! throat l.:ylil1- der I~ dm:,-(ed JUWI1Wl,ilCd mnl b~lclkw;mJ ism the .:::heq .;;.I"'II~ '[0 rhc iOf1j.\~. p.l~m~ behind thl! nlJ.llu!'mllTl ul the ~u:rnmn, Tilt: qlinJ('f" i!i rd.1 turd:. WII.:! ~- .. slrnosr hah ah.a:' wid th uf ~1~ nl"Ck- .. H1J 'Iics between ~h[' bl!lht'~ II,f the ~wmllntilMUid In u ~d~. ll\t."C".msl:: the lhfLI~1t crhmler rart:h II1hmoriy •• 11111:1 bC'c:ul!oc i .... ll1w~r poruon i!\O r:,n.mlly covered 0111 [Ill" ~Ilk"!'; h~ Ihl:' ~H:rnnm.1~· Inid;lo. II appears un the MlrfJL:C UJ b~· an 111- vl1'T!.nl eone, It I~ .1'~1I ud~'L;r~'i! Ofl ih rmlll I~~

thl' ~lr'Il"[6kL' Infr:llnmJ mlli'Jdcs [ht!:'nlnIHo'nid~. omohymd_ .. , erc.), \,vhlLn ... olul'1hm~ tn Us cylinJIrII:.J1 (orm.

As .] UI1II. r he r·h rn.rr nl(l\'c~ LIp when tn{ b cad I~ i!!'l<o:[l'lll!cd Ijr 1111: tlmgu{ rrfJtruJcJ,. ':ID1J uuwn wllcn thehe.ul IS Ilc'l.eJ. During ",,""'.:lllu\\ JO~. il h plilicill lit" III, .lIl1d dum u[!JP!< Jt.\WfI Ieom. the hyoid hone. Tile tnm.1t !I:)'IiIl~lrr IH1 ... twn h~lnlp~ 11TI its anteriur ~UL'lu:c: ~lw I h ~'rll i~1 1,;.11",1.1 .1g~' Ull n~ upper thied t'lI1J Ill!: (uwtlln~J ~FI:~:\m! ~.Irn· ~,,~ and til, miJ jl.lilmJ on U~ rniddh, rh~rJ \th~' [orrn ,,(lhe ~rkmd c:Jnil.:t~~· 1'U'~,J'nITIIIlJh,'" It1

the m.~le~ In rh.t klll;dc. rhe rh>'fl1l~t &[.1111.1 I~ IIfrcn !lf1{1~! prnrrunenr). The rr.]chl."01 J~(IJLlnL'. tur tl~1;;· [m"'cr ~hlrJ u( [h~' o,;)'hnJ~f. hut I~ nut ~t!n Jrf~~~h' ,,~ Ir i~ ~Ul'!::n'J h~ I~e ~k.qn JrilI"'eJ m'l!r [ill!' ~~rm;fll!'l:'~ .it the lower purtren 01 IIw rhflMr. W11,n nml.lin'i l'i. a ,,1111I:01\le Jqm~'''''HIIl on [h~ I'IH ul rhe neck, In tnr male, the urfk'r

bump I~ 1.H"g~T rh'lIl the IllWCI" une, IPl lilt' .1{,hlh I~TI1.lrc. l>olh l'IulllP~ lire murc m le~ 1.!'~lu .. 1 In ~i,·~ ~(Jllli1tinn::.~ !loth .lre IIII:Lm'pl~l4lJlI~. fllrm" mg .J '\lIlIllle Lurl'l.' "lluug rht' I rflfH IH1ililL' !If 1111: ned .. nu' hum~ .. h~~tJ'I1W mmr rnllilllnl:lU when d~l' 1H.'3d JJIlJ flc~k .lre t''<iH:'l~~1.

T~~' I .. r)'n~. nr "'\;IH'~' bn"t." cnn~~~r.~, Ira rart.

ul Ihl:: lhymuJ Glrlil.lill:. vocal cords, and .:rl~lJi(1 I,;'"rrll;l~i(.

TI11:" .hyro! ~ QilFfilJ.ge I~ I he I .. Hgr~l (':I rnl n 1:,1:'

u1 ~h~ thro.l!. SU!ltlcmleJ b~' .1 mt:tnbrmw [rorn the I1YlilJ bone, it l~ sl1.1p~d like rn[ hLlW n:f .1 ~tll'P' Il~ two "I(I.:'~. nr [aramne, mCl."r .If .1 "h<lrp .il1~lt' W furm Ih trum: c.l~ [Illint ~l.lllo: ,mt! !th'lrpL'r In rhe m;1lc ,h.lnl 111 rhe f,"'rTI.dl:'). In 'lJr ~'II~\\, the urp~·t ;l1111 !mlo, er pllrtlUI1'i of u-frunt ~J~C' rlrl; cur h',1.~L:. hi rWt]uc:1:' tl ~"~i II t 0111 ab JJfUcFlUr I!<Ij:;e. llrlt' IIIPPl!"f portion lUI> an ~lllmI;.m;ii V-~h.Jrllli mrtch, ,,,,hid) i~ I.>.l'>ily l'J.lr.1Ii:J .1."11 uh.:'r\ 't'COli tt'~pl:''''''l.dl~ loll Ih~ C,'i).!t'l'ldL'd 11.:-)J). 'Ill.:' thvrnul (,)rtii:Jogt., i~ lugl:r ~'1ll nwr~ pr[PHliri'I'~TI1 111 the' .n]!.ih In,,] 1 ~ than W l he' adult f~ nI..11~. ,Jnt! a~ ~Jl!eJ 'th~ Ad.:lm·~ apple.

The cricuid. rnrtiila.gc i~ .:l o;.mil.l~inllu~ rin~ h.)!...](.:'J Inferior [10 lh.~ ':l.In~h.lt:'rnl"l\I 1.11f'~l!r rhyruiJI cartllagc arul ~upC'rLur ru rhe n.lrflllln'r 1r.Jchca, h I,ll ~ a wiJ.~ U-~h.tpq:d uUI!,"n LIn ch,~ f rrllll of Ir~ Lipper I;'d~!:. whrch r];'gI~wro. .L~ .1 ~nlL.tl~ JcrT'L"!>~IWi uu the ~uri.n:('. l he I..rh:mJ .:.uul:lg~ i!' !Iou,",cliI.lnilUu,l> .1I1L11 .. \ iSlole In the fIlJI e , wlwn. II ~R.Ht's the ~1l1.l1ICf, ruunder, lniernu hump nil Ih~ from ul ~h(: rhm.l!. In Ihe IClliali:. ir~ ifufLn L~ m'l~kcil (.lhhuLlb:h ~nl ,-u~·l.:'n:dl Jw ~111: "wdhn~ nf Ilw I;ulll!r rh} rnH,! Il.I.Jl1J,

1:11&:' ~h:rrojd gl.lllld he!'. rnLlghl~ OIl dll.1 level uf rhe cn!.:OId carnlagc. II wn .. h,b, "I~ .• reLuivdy I.1r~. 1''',11, lnhe 11T1 l~.II.:n ~IJl' <If dR' IIUII.li (UIV' ~n:J lao fhe q~rnoh~'l1iJ~IlC'IiJln~n~J In Iwm ~} .1 narrow l~thl11Lb I~I gl.mJ cL .. ru~'" ~~l' urr~'r J1'ilrfinll III rile O'.ldW,1 (over rhl: ~I.:'(IIIUI .H1d rhrrd trachea] rln}l,"), The r.d.mtl I" !.'Nhh: 111 rll~· .lJuil r~I11:1ll" J'flJ m yl1Lllh. h h~'rL:" It HI.'Olh: .. th!:'

'-'I ~h ~wd~lI'It=. 01' rhl: lfIil.'rim bump I ~11 tlli.' II'1Jnt III fh~ 11~1.'l. while clJn~~'ah'llH the cnceul ... urn'>lgl'o 111 In!:rl. ~hr ~"'lnJ , .. ll~lm'll~' IIH.::n[l~pICllr}U~.

The tr.lc'h",a. bt'~lnl1lll!,: Ill .. ' [,dnYo' lilt Ulullt.! '_·.lr! i I rl~~, I'> I he ill fenor ~ !ll1wnm::11f uf Il1e ~ uu,-m.m~"l,IU~ Wlmlripl:. II cunnnues rhe filtm rll fiw Ihru;u ~rjirlclcr helmul rh~ ~lcrnlifOl min rnb' !;hl.:"~l. l\hllllUl1h ijh .1I:ru:l~ ~1'hlldll\-o~1 limn " t.mKI.:'i1llcJ hy T!n' fhY!'ltl,1 ~l.mJ .. !ll1tr1nrl~ .1ml [he ~uU~fcl~fefll.;J1 Lu 111 Icrltlrh , n '~n l:.l~lly h.:r.ill'''' h:J. II ~ mdw I UlM 1 ".1rllldglil nil ~ ri ng~ .In- 110t '-I ~ib 1 ~.




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T;iJ,e frunlcMusctes


. .



FE M,u R ----+


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The Tru'nk Muscles

The region from the shoulders to the iliac lines is co:J1:!>udered the trunk. The TRUNK MUS eLE S. described on tl'ne followin,g pages, for' 'the most part Ii e on the trunk it:.df,. alshough some Cross th'e shou Met joint lI'n,d [h,e neck,

The shape of t'lilC trunk is It'lrrgely determined by the rib cage, u pen which the 'py ram idal shoulder appa:rntIJs of bor'n sides-the bony shoulder girdles <I'!Id th'eir' muscles-sit and gl~dc. The trun k is fl3U'ened from fl'Ont to back, nnwworth'f in the human figuee because in quadruped mammals the torso is laterally compressed .from side ro side.

The rigid rib cage is separated from the pelvic region (the r1gid upper margin of the pelvis) by the museu'la r bod y wall" These "'rigid u nits" a re independent of and af~ell dyJl3m~ca.lly opposed




r-~""-:::~-l-----t,""",,\:-TE R rs MAJOR INFfRIOR ANGl£ -,+-11;-+ OF .sCAPULA


l ...... -~...,-.. ANTERIOR




o---!--==-,:;;;;,---+-- MEDIAL FORM




ro each other. They are ,connected by the lumba r verrebeae in back, whidl. lI~iow, snd aJlso limit, the movements possible between them.

The ieregu l8.rly shaped ~nt,erva] ben .... een the two. bony regiorrs (betw'een rhe b(Jt~om of the db cage and the top of the pdv.is) is, bridged by the th in, sofr, musculaf kdy wall, made up of the rectus abdominis and the external vbli'qne (as well as other thin 1''lYeiT'S of deeper muscles). Th~se :muscles accommodate 1111 the tw,isting and bending .of lhe bOIlY .regions by su,e~chi[Jg, coneaering, folding, and bulgins,

The trunk {induding dte shoulders) is ,ea~iIIY visualized as <1 flattened box. Tile back Oof the trunk appears I arger than the fro:lln, ,~nd can be visualized as all. inferiorly pointed triangular wedge, especially i'lil the male,


The Trunk ,Muscles • ERECTOR SPINAE

~)M DCt'p w~lsd,· ES, h,·,rlF)fSpm'!I(· ElHl) £rI.'C/f'~ SI"~/'U!-'oJr:c:raJ fOl'm

ES ~ M) fN.'!;"lillT spm(j() -rm~Jl.J1 fa"" FF fhmk ,{;It fmd C I\~ ~ U Illrlf'~l,j; maXmm8 G M.il c.lU¥tllU ~tlr:dm& ~ Uwm L L~lj~~mrU dr,trs~ M U M~llllJidiMC '!iW5/bsre~w.r snp,d'lmr jUai" SpJU!'

IQl fJmi{Jmtu~ Imnvor,lfm R iUb:l< S{u:: ~a£rwJl Sc:A j,~rri.lUI$ dm~riol' Tr Tfap('~m$ Ve 1i!t'li"I,_;br,r ~ U"rGl'f' '.llI~mm$ dflr~'

5Ec.TrON A



The Trunk Muscles· ERECTOR SPINAE

Erector Spinae (Sacrnspin rJllis)

o RIG I N ,\ "nllunUnU ~ hne w flll:,h hC~lIl" fill

che ItHlllJ ~urf,l~L' I~{ dw pH~ICnl'lr Ihird nr rill;' ih.ll,; •• .resr, p.l':._'i-l... .... ' down rilL' larer.rl (t'I'H ni she ".l .. rum (nut Ihr l_utcl".lI c:ugc}. Cllt'llt"" .lfOlm~1 to .lfiU rhen up rhe liH~lhllf! ~rc,~ t1f Ih~ ~JI."1"u_m [nn rhl. rm dl'll1L'l, .IFI~I, cennnue ... q mnJ;lh r LIp lh e n p~ 11'1 tin: ~1'11l UII .. 'p"'! .iC!,.-'<lsl.c.... and 'iU l'rJ"Ip'llll:t I I'I~ n - m,'Hf n] rlw IUI1~n;Jjr Jml luwer 'MI) rhf~mj;l," veri ehrue, I TIH:t~' .m: .J JdUlOJlL1 I llc~p "Hc~ n't rmgin [urrhcr up the ".wk.,

Ii SEATION 1:'.)' malilY umscuinr shps IIHO nutnll:r,lU~ p[.i'UllJi 1111 rhe b'lt'b ur 1iI,1I n ... d\'~ribs. between ,tht!' angles, ul Ilu' rdts l.!tl'r.1U), and rhe lul,adi's '4' ,111' nIl:' Ilwtihlllv; mm '1,1iIe- 'ipU10!!l~ .mdfru rmn~'~1 w 111mn"»Cl> nl allrhc thoracic

.. md cervical vertehrae: kmd l'Iun ~h~· IftMl>WIJ rn 'C["~~ III rhe skull.

A~ T ION l: "'rL'lld~ [~'i.' verrebre] ,ulllmn .J!:IJ the In:;IJ. Pnrunns flllhc cr~~~wr !iPIIl.I~ assist III rohlUufI :lI1d lnreenl Ilc\lIill ul rhe vl!'rtc"r~1 I:ul1 nnn,

S If A U C T U R E ·nll.:' ertclnr sp I nac, ue .~-il.l:ro· s'l"ali~ ~{m!>l~b uf lol.''U'fill ccmbraed muscl, .... ';!.'l1l~h torm ,I duck, dun1h.'lDt'tl mll~dt' mOM, 11111 Che b.n:!.; w the ~'Ill(' l~f th.: ~l,jnlJu~ pm"cssc~ uf thL: verrehral cnhunrr, h ('lCtl:'l1-i.l'lo {wm du: ~1~" rum IU rhe h,ll>l' u] thl!' .. kull. It i!o thi",kl!:!il 111 11\( ll1lt1h.u ~,nll cervical n:l:;rln~, und Ihinlt(r .1f1J "111t'f U1 the dtlJhlli,e n-gi,1rl. II'! the thLlr,J~I~ re- 1-:1111'1, 'il .... ,[d["n~ uut [0. but nut P3:H, Ih[' aa~k.., fir rhe nbs At abuur [he 1L"'\'d uf the h~"lum 111 lllt 'C.I f(UI.l. It ~ h 'Nfl b!:'1:1 mi~'" I~~~ ,I i ~t1n ~ I .1' it (hin~ .mJ r .. b~C:' upward under rhe rh!lmlwn\l~

• and Lhl.: u..J.pl."'lill ....

hi Inc !J.IJI.: "Il'U ol tin puJ~. the ~ud, .. prufile <!.Ii rin' l1'nLhLI~ 'I'l~'ilh'~ .1 tr.IlI"IUIlIl hlo!lWCCl1 clw JOll'" tJi.1JU' uf (Ii!." b.l .. k uf Ithl:. tlm!".I'" :md rhl: rip rllLllh' l~f llu' h.h-!', tlf lhl.' ~;llnlm, 111L b:.lel< pwm L Ihl-i ,III" .1 rri:<1r1o ,J ~ .1 ~HI i!~ fl frn n .. on·

\ t"" i III:"" n .. I h( ~R'-( tor ~ran ,~~ ~I:~U r':l1 L" HII U 1m:· JI.II .Iml I.U!.tr.l1 inrm .. ['iCt" Ilc!lm ... ). Th rumh.u pL Irthll1 II r 11ll' ~'fl'I.."Ior ~I' 111;ll' (, irnl" :.'I VH~"'(1.hJ I lind 'I~ rom lIlL'n, ~ll\1~CU I,Dr 'l,;! dum n 11 rd I:',H;i1 ~jd:L" uf du' '~Plil!." III nhe tl1\\I:' ['111.:1, ,,·rc:t-rl1,1 to.1> !Ill' 'fffUllg (f)rd~ II r IIt~ C"11I mu-n m tlJ'i ....

Th,i. ~rc~llli "'f'llfl,;It' i .. "lmr1r: .vmJ lllmll1luu~ .1'1 aI~ OJr'igm l\,~ II ~~~Ii:i1J~. II Ji\'IJcr> IUltil \1i.'\·~r.,1 1I\11\d .... ~ whi~ h "rill IfllII nlll'lle:FijU_~ hUlII.Jk.~: n~w til, .... rl> .1ri~\' .... hn'.'C'F fil'a:-r, IMIlI1. TIll" ~l"p.l· r.Ue n IU~"_ I ~ ;1InJ i'iunJ II.'~ .. U" 1JM.:~\1~ 11111.111 r '~~'''''It IItl !h~' ~Llrl.Ii.'I;-lI"ll.lll~ n'II'llIl~lItarlly JUrilDlI 1I11111un

WIlL'11 ;ht;' ~gm(' I~ ~Umlin~ t'r~l"I', .111,1 tlw t'n~lflr 'I~m"l' I~ :rd.I~c-J .. Ihl:' Ilm~dl:' ;]rr-t:'LU~ ,1'" .JI sm~/I' !liliA, Pr""Htda, fur'" nil' 1:'1~~II.~r .. ide rl£ Ilw I11cth.m ~rllll;d iurl'll"" (rht' dl:'prc,,-.ctl f.d~

01 the ~rm(Ju~ rr'l)~.j;s.c!li). l\lo rhe t1mnx r1n.1$ (-urwoird at dll.~ wm~l. the ll'iusdC' rmrrl':llil.UL'I.~' tenses ;IDHI hardens •• 1I1J the cyhlldricul form nf 1.',,(/, !mJ~ divides, U1'[O Ut1(j' rOTm_a narrew, lnwe-r. \'{'rncJ1 mc(h ... 1 form ,:ilnd a y,'I~ler,. TncJlcr. uhhque 1,;H~'rJIII torm.

111~ m~di.ll.1 r!'lnn. j~ I'mlll~ ()I rhe 11IlIiflll'ltluG Hill"dc I !'If ICrlo.1!i' [lrU1~ under til ~ [ell Jlin u f rhe I!'rc"II.H '~PIfDj_'I(!,} ,IIi1J p;ur of the hdly I~f the rrec[j r :l1',nuC' su periu rh. llll~ f!lnn hew iii .. mid-sacrum, sllJ":hrly ~r.IW dw le~'d of rheposterier

'~1,1 p~. rier ii lac . ..-pi 1fI'~ •• 1In L] 1:1'1 J~ superiorl j' jUS( beluw rht! lo .... , .. 'r iJr Itf ehe rrapezias, If iiI!!> between the .!'ipinm.l~ rln'-UCC~!<~ ul lit:' lumbar verrebrac l'In,j lhe llcprC;',~kU1 (Of bump) or III~ pustermr StlJllcrl,ru-- liloll,; !!'-piru:. TnI:' iIIlkri.ur e'rld or the mcdl;J1 form widens 101i~d\' Oil ine rml!:rior :!.u,r(;u:e 11'[ rhe ~almm •

1111~ II'nh!Jml ~()rm b!1lDIlS Dl'lfl'riorh' m ehe 1('\'.::1 of rlu.: luI" o( the C'[l:"( of the ilillm .1n~1 disappC:lr~ superiorlv at IJ1(! level wi rhe bnll0li11 nf ji1c !<~-,uplil.:J. lL!"hc,rc It thin~ uUl ~nd rlil>-"'~ Llnd~r rile rrdpiJLimi 'i~ i~ ULL4.itmaB>' ~I.'en higher, htll~lfIg under I'he u"apl.".r.im,. Thi-, fmm i .. ubhque, b~jng difCCilCll upw.rrdand ~~Ighlh' meui.1 llv, ~( j~ ,tl"d~ up n f fb: .. h:; 111] uscle Ii be Ir', I J r tit!!: t'lFt"c[O,r !ipilla'l!. ThE' lateral Imm It. u~\l.llly "'jJb" II1f~_I"14.Irlr (II,.... purnon ofthe belly ber\\'tl'n the rib [.agc lind rile prdVI~ bulg" .... ln~r.lIl)' h~i(.lu~ on (h~ (UUI'II.~~ uf rhe 11I1iJJ.de). It fI.lrtl1"'" Mlpl'rimly !Ii:>. lateral rdg\' ,1;1Itin, medi.11 ~~ l .l~ I h~ ascendi I'll! nltl"d Ii: hurul les >Il ~II'!~ i t~ I.UC'r.ll ~ Ill!! th in imu nnn ~'I ~ihll" rl!rIlJ.)'rl~. ~hC' tmJull~ L'lIll1{lrlUc [u i!l~ert lint In dh' (tnG,I~~ uf thl: nh", 11m the vl~~hh: fHrm ...!t~~~ Innl t"'-I:u:'l'ld ~h'lf r.u l;u,,'r,\lh'. 11111 hlw~r~!:IJ, ul Ih~' 1.1[C'rnl I(,rl'll I~ en .... l tel.! w h ere jlS II C., h~' t1l1cr.. J rrach imn ito; wIJe tcnJnn uf mgll'l •

l\~ 'I h~ rrun k r-C.l ~_h C" 11IU !1t:.'iI ien (111:.'( ing, l1U the vcmcbd column, nur FU i'llI:' hlp IOlnt:t./. thl.' !:1'II!C-lUJ "PIl1Jt' is ~1Il11~11 rl:'i.Irn'i:I)' thin ,illt! fbt, ;Il1J 1111: "plll!lm r n-i(:I!'~:.C:" of dB: Iii mh.l ran...!

... ,u;ml \lll'fhl'hr.lt!. ;I~ wdl m .. ~h~ p[l~Wml,r .. upr:nm ili.h.. 'l-pill""". rn.~111 [(I I"roll'''r.. Whi:.!1 Ihe figun: , .. er~'t. tht: vtn-i!:al mt'Jian lIuruw QI '[he h,u:k I~i rile 1"H lI[mJ'i l1r !IIIo·hlCh 11~ rile \'crtc:br,'1I '~rlil1l1~'~ 1"m'I. ... ~I'~) I:nd!i ~flkii[l.ly hilHwa~' down d~1.." .,.;1 ,,-'TLi 111.

The: lili:l'>3i'II1oHh dllt:'1 mil}' j;('Intu~e ll1l1' .;;h.1Jl!: gf f1u: I:R'oI:tnr 'PUNIC ~li tWD \'\":1) ". 1=lrst. d t1 U: l:'rt:cl'l.l r ~ [lln,lt' ... fl: [")led", II ~'Ii rhe h,t] !i.:!ilml.l!> JUT"i I ... l-ell!o!;'d, thi: I.nilic ... imLlLo; I'mll .. Oil U" wid ..... ~,hrctllk~+ It'!1lllln 01 rm~rn tJilho c~Hw, lhe Ihur.J"u'llmh;l r r "~CI it j. Will ~'l-D he'S 011 the "Ill rfiJ!tt ul rht' I!rcr:fllf ~rll1.1'L1. Thl's pllllIl'l~ cal,'i('!> mJp.lI1-~ or furrm!.',., H1 J'\:\lII.'I0Jl >l:cmss tht.· long (}:(I'> ut the

~n h L'r,r:crUr "p nu I: • T11e!S1i:' I1J,g~'~ .llre 111 hm:- w uf! ~ h~ ,hl1~"(Tlfm nt til L: mu~d!." libe~ uf die liJtIl.51p Ifill!>, ,mJ ,'Ire rhl"'rdor;e alUm!!f hOrlnlnul upen· tclrly ,mJ mnru oflhql.l_e Hlieriurlr. cl.unr:l, ""he_"


Th:eTrunk M£lse/es • ERECfOIR SPINAE

tile ~ati~I!i,~ml]s us te!1!1ecl, the line of <In;;l!chmem o:ff its rn II sden bers i rUo it'S wide tendon of orig~n OC'casiO~il!!Uy becomes visj,b~,t~i~:> mlli!i<dt: fihers a re in sl~g~,[ raised r,di~f w:~II~m fhey meet tlle~[ldon", Thi s ~,~s~ ble diagona ~ 1 ine, eD eher curved or straight, sits O1J ,fOp of t!1e llMe;;a!

-fl,j,~1>1 'if':: N l\lrNO~ POSnH)N

+- LINE Al.e N G AfJGt.1!I OF"

Fl! 0<50

f'Orm of the erector spinae. ]t i~, lo,a~lxl, lateral

to du:- obliq I:I,~ I inc w'h ich s.€]:>.2Ira'm5 the erectne ~pi'IIHle ~!Un it,~ moo ial ::lIld l1JJtcra ~ forl1l1s" The latissimus Ul1ie appc:lrs oniy whcfI the ~tlJt~s~imUJs dors~ is tensed, rcgardkss o:fy,oi:n:~h~r the C[<l'1:W.rr s;pi 111111:' ~ s relaxed or conrraeted,

s ro r VIEW

The funk Muscles· MULTlFIQUS

MliJ1iJidus (Multifidi)

Q RIG, I N The m~i:d h:dr of ihe: l:m,;s~nill! rsurfal;;!1 I] r the ~crum, the ~ nm:iI' .. <spcct of Ih~P05- !;['rior !ii~periQr ~ 1~'iI(, !lipiIl!:., ti!B~po:;tWi.rio.f ~rnoil i:u: I~m;tnts. an d 1;':ildO!.l~po;.IWl5 Of! ~'he back uf [hi! 1.1U!r.d 1?'m~ IDf all me YCfi1lefb141: 1:.11:GCpt 1tU: '!irsl r1l ree c:e~ic;]1 vertebeae,

INS E R liON The 5pinOiUi,; p:rI:KI!8SI!.S elf nil rhl: 'vl:nl:'brae. t'),';(I~,P[ thl!' a tlas,

ACT I (J N 8r~ends> lI<lJOOrnl])' 1lt'.l(I:',s. end mt.ate~ dll,~ vertebral colum n.

SlR IJCTU R IS The muhifidus, (l'I'wihili,diJ U~S dl!~p to i~e erecrer spnme.1 [ IfiIUs me l!tlorw groo.'e <In both srdes of rhtspirn;Dus pl'O~S of rh~verrcbrn.e a tot'lg d'i,e ,6,~rire ycrtehml eelumn. hconsms ofll:ltmill'mllll~ short b undles passJng obhquclYl!lp\III'[Jr(! ~:!:1d mediaUy. The!, \I';]r.iolllsly

'I2U~ OVI!Ji 'MO ttl nve \l'iirtgbm~ .;lta rilme, depend ins, g:Jil thcii r kli1Iltin ,~;o i nsert ~nln ~ lli,Glh.e[" ycnebrn.

. Thl) up~rpDn~fm nf d'lc mll.!!sdc lis dc!:'p HI [hi: odbelr spin:lJi rng,sdcs, ~t pmgceS'SJvdy becomes IT,icker gel wider as it dt~(jit.ill&. lnf!:'riorlY1 ~~. is covt:red only liY). th~ ll'odo:n [If dte C:!leCtor slpin.1;c iJl the [OWl!'f lumba r' O1!nd sacral n:gioml.TI'Ic glu:~ru"~ m"",lm~s Q,r'lijgimue\ in p8iflt frorn the s,!;!rfa!C'.e (1jf rhe ~:n\Cml pm:lI'iml of IM~ liill'.nJQf!. The multi lidl.i!i ~:Iri~,fdpH! d'iteetl)' creates rs;!lQrfacl::' EOfliF1 in the J,ower ~ ~mbOll~ ~fld ~,'!Irr.tl S.f~::1iS.

WI'II:O th!! ba,t:'k rneseles ;) fit n:I'I~()d. d'll:' mill ~tJi," ,lldllJi i::1'~iUllS ~h!: l.mw,er portiolll Ol~ mre narm ...... ~rtiC1l ~ Jerm llh.if~i es imml:'tii:,u:cly 01'11 dllil~r sk!eof ~hc~p~nol!ls Pf;OOCS5£Si nF m~ ~ .. t;:rlol.m <! 1'1 d ~l!rn:b<!r vertebrae,

ES E.n/clor 5pmtl~ E!!I (Ll :ll:r,t:'l'faor $P,ull1l:-l,tJt.~l:1Jt (6rm ES(M) cruror $iprlldl!~mol1diaJ form

IGMa m.UIi!.tl& mill.\"lIi/IU M iI MfdtitldlJ,~ liS] S Iblt.eriCol'" SI~ptTio,. {lliJC SpWf! Sac Maim.! V~ \I:!!fl.d'w;'l1 ~ fh,ld'y 'II'JI'~'.rimW' dr.mi t Utu/~ ~oI'l~dor .spimf~

Tile Trunk Muscles • RECTUS ABDOMINIS


Ap ;'prJllt'fJm:5i~ em (<JJ'I,Ir.l~ EO ~M'rhll rJbHqil.r' EIIIIl Ep~WJ3'tlr r/"fJr'l's,SI'O't 1'0 fIJ·/f!~t.11 Qr}lr'1lll LA Lm&'., a·fl,.J PMa !\<rllJrdl.i~ It'll/lor itA Re"lfiS ;r!J.Jmmms '!il Sam/mmr lim:

Til Telldmmu "'/~r&.'£.b(m X XiphOId prOCf'Sl

The Trunk Musc'es • RECTUS ABDOMIN1S

Rectus Abdolllinis

a RU]I N Pubi~ e"'~1 or the pubk bone (11 ~~orl lu~ri:llo!1ml line l!,t t he lOr (I f the f;l'illl hi c ~rmphY~l'~) :md Jrern I ig:!lments en d'le (<tun II r lht' pu bic ~yrnphy:;;i~.

IN SE FIT I a N J\l1cerhH' t.urli1Ci."'!!, ofrht:' eostal canil n s~, ~~'rrhc '~hh. ~jx~l1. ,mdl>~vl:'mh rib:; .1nJ t~!:1 .'1hte-I"Ior _';lJ.rfll~ gf du: xi.phl.i!~d pro~~,

#Ii. C T '0 N FtC'lIIef. r-he IfU~l k ~U' the h,Hnbilr venebrae,

S,T AUCT LJ R IE The ~nn~ .lhd~~minis i~, ~ long, rl:u" vertlc.;!l nmsele 01'1 ,tlle f'1"4l:fIlIr uf the .~bdtlo ..

I'll ~]1. h ~1l wid.: J fild ililfi .tho\'c and rn~ rs be- 1u\1I'. The I'll Lmdcs 0 f each s..idc g ( tJht· ood)' meet .. ~ rlu: rnidline .J~ a n.'ndin:ousY'll.fnml. line, the ~illl1:'01 :db\lll (wh.if~ hue), whid! !:',)l:tl'mb from r'he "!.~phuiJ pIlMf.':!i!. tCJI lh~ 'P ~bis. The 1 i 1I1(;.'1;)!ba "p' f!"L;!af!; as·:I vl:'rti Ci.ll fll.! rmw herween i!'h~ NO hd· lit!:.. gr::ld Ui.J.U) !iii sa ppeari ~ bdow rht' n{wel. Tin: nnvel I'~ '''In.ilb~y ~iru0i~t:dh;!.lfy"itli" H~I ~Wo· thirili nf Iht' wa)! down rhi~ Im~. DUlr~ng I"lcr~l tnmk 11<:~ iont. Qnly ~ h:;:, porno JI (I'f the ~ inc" ",'I ba abeve [hI: nnd C~n.'c:; l:ucraUy (CCf'n.~lfXll1iding, to t'he curvmg lumb;lf ~':t:n"l:'hr.lI: ~n back).

ThL' hl[~ral eJ~~ ij r rhl! fe!.":ru~ ahdum illJi!, 'i.!. ~C!I'"i1r<lu~-d frum thl: nb~r!I. of th il' 'il'!i: ternnl CI blti,qlJ~ by 01 lenJin{JjQ~ fiurrow Co"lUIl:-d the ~(!mill!lm!~f li!!1~. II '! ~ I "Cl:l~-=J 'IIf'di,J/ lill -1 I inc d mpp.:d I rom dl.: lIIi[lpll: (or ~m~igln dow~ ('ram mld-d.3i'olid.:)

w hkh b. directed du\\Vnw;)r,~ IUWtlnl ~.hl: middle Df du! thl.g!h (~.n tht! ~11.:u{Hlllit;'l'Il posum!l I. The ~c:rm I III IHI" Ii f1!! beg~f1fi,il!~t bdfj,w the I ewer bu rd~r ll:rpI:'CN;)r;Jh~ lfiIilIi'f.lf ~(jn lJ;u~ l>urf,l~ of the

fll~ c~t':. when;, i r ~ 5 ;~1!Iim) nnd ro-mlnut'"5 dOi""ll"'[lrd b("yonJ, the rib c:J~, where i'~ I:!> mo~ pm· nnunceel, ~n kriQ rl ~I. 11.1 th e level. Q r t~1e ~aI~e1,lhc ~r!l~ lannr 1~ fie begllu liO Wlidcn into flleTl di~P\llS tn(lD1guliilr C:';:P'-;lnSW!'l.

USI.M ~l)1. l'h ree ~ bwus ~'K'Inds, dlt\' tendjntl'll$ iUli~n~(lIiitlml.!i', a r~ ~iiU"~'cd 1111 the IlllU ... d.!:' [Inc! ins-!:"fLbc tmlls¥>Ll'~ funolW~"u:rOM lhe bd~y. Thll)' dn n{H ne~~ssaj'"J.ly :Pl5'S n~:!I!gln m;roSSDOl"h reclU~ ;J.bdoll1Uru ~ ffiu.sdcs. bu l "re S('IlnCltlfl'l,es, 10- 'CI'Itcd at cMtlt:'retu I~'!'d:s an cad] side'. gl""1I1S: thll:

LlibJorllcn JiIla5)'mmclri.,~1 "PP'C':lf;]I'ICC. Anl[ldi~ i,1 ~dU.11 un:ersccl'LO!1 IIl'Il'I y be dt'ha 'Sfr:J ~gh I nr z.~g. l.;'Ig. CI.ISiil:.llly. lim!:' IDWC~~ ImniinOil8 illlJl:!f1ilIlC-

til on 1 ~ horizon:r~lil !I'nd i ~ luC'aled IiIl. o.r sli,~hdy [Ibo\'~, the ~ eve! n( ~:he n:lVd. 11~~ h'l.gh~:';tt is, di· ~glln:J I .. ll1tl I~ J'ireil:u~d ap.fmn.:imeduly f!'(lm dll ~ tiip uf I.hc' 'IIil'llloid pmce5!; ~n rhe poilln wheft!

the ~mi IIDa~ 'I1llt' crosse.'> rh.: 'n m~ COM.:tI CH'(i~!!Ii~. TIll: middle ~endirtous i.nU::rsCOiCllrll III 10- lciI~cd ;Jit or .1bliJl,'e dH!' I~ ",d of tlrn.~ W'Ol'il. :J1!l,d] i ~ d.egl">l!£' (]If 1I1.1IlklllJi ij!i~ m~Jwa)" ~('tw(l~l1th~ other 'two. OCC!l~i.ol1i1ll)' il: Jnun:h ~!:flJh~!.'!u!!l in~IL;r:.lt;c· ri(ln. iii found lll.~lo\. .. • the :tIJiI!o'c-J. bm i~nol .1Iwll.)'~ ~cn, Th(: ubllquity ur fhl:! ~rm::ltl!im;rioru; b highly \'II,ri.lhil1. >!liIt! they m>lll)' ;ill! ,bchori~nl':d.

The rhree u~nd~ !lOU:;, lmerseenens diVide It'n.c IIK'UI.S abdomims inn) '!~l!r tlesily, mu~,uia~ ~tB· m ~WlI:S. The' ~1iIi'p~nor ~c:'il'll ~'n r l'~ QOI:llf::im.u:d u,~~ wned 0\1'1,:1' the ~Qs[:J1 c<Jnilllgtl 011 the Froru of the rib cl:Ig~ and I~ the il~;)I~t CO","PK''UOllJ) DE the fOILl.r.1 OJ; Ilp~r cdg,c u5~,J:1.B)I eoiaodes wuh: ~nc:

Iuwa" border of the Wlecm.r41 is lna ior; tll:lI:tc:fo~l.'. dlb SC.gnll:'flt CIiII,:h; befere .c01chint,'; the berrem at ~he stt:m.lIm, INWilll!:, the un(m5l'el"rml HOlch (~pig.1!>h'ic J:ftpf@blarl) ~lfpo:!ied. ~t m::l~' e,nd higher, 'iCi."Il'I:rmll~i I'll ~mdcr ~ 1~~ 'pCt:tfllfi'lliis .. (nor rowcr. C~posil1,g co$mI crrmla@e. Somenrnes lruis 5~gm.~j[[ di 'O'LdQ u:lK~ lh.r~.t:' "'~r:riC"lll bundles of 1!I1l!~ Ll:!LI kQgtb. progr,l1:!OS.i\"dy M[".clIWling Icmg,er ~Jn.di1!serriiITIg high!':!: bll:'f:Jli:y. The o\,'!T.l.]1 plal'l~ of the llpp~r seg:rn~r!l. j!l. di'l'"eClt'd ~liShd:.' upw:!rill.. The mediilll bu,".dlc ~f ~h i~ :.~gm(:JiI~ ;ur-.I!C,I1(:~im\" dl~ '~1o'e~iUh COl rrIJi.!se: til ~'m h..ld Iii: hl.melle. in til l.he !.ixth ~ aud 1:Ii,t: l.ul:'r.:Il bi.H~ die. itlfrl! ~hi! ~hJ] c_;]~ri· liI~rr a lIIiI, i rl; bOIl,), r~b. Th,~ luw~! SC'glfl'lc:n l-lo!1g ,.~nd t~I"i!~ing i~ri~rll1rllr'._1tHdge.~ the mo~t .. Thi~ '~,glf!~m b p;m uf the ~'l;Cl"'LcvolumC', ,:!Jnd '[hi: '~~lIm!:it1l'!. or the t:v.'.u ~irJ~ or dtl: body am u~ilI,aJly nof ~~JIOIrnn:d by th ~ I inl1'~ ".\I bll. l}iI:l C(imerfj :of .ThH da~ s,~gm,('nn "I'll' ~H~hdr n''UIII!aJ~I.

l"1uII rmmdi!d ... bdom~~QI Ili r Gf\~tl~ <!!~th" 3:l. '~lI!figmed Ul ,d~s.~.iCl!~ G~el;'l.. ~culpwrc. I~ ~u mplliC'JtC'd~ ilUild is c:omplJs~d of ~1.:'oI'crc31 ~n'ucmre.<,----.,C.1rtil~gc. 11Illisde bell)', .:JJml~l::l1I,din.ol.!l.s ian:r:>I:clli,[In. h bi:'i:,ns 1.1I~~ral'~)' ond infe.rio.rty ~t ~h~ 'lrosm.~ t:iJrti~age::> a:F du: rib~ ~fllOm We tj!liIdl rib} lIncl ,nnlmue!. ~Ir >lind UV'l:f dmmgh tI"1t uppmmJlt 't:mh,mtis m~t!fse'lImJ of ith~ rectus :lib· d'DminflS. Theu rp~r nuut n~sn,y ~gmcn~ of tn!."l n.:,:Wj tibJollil in~l~ of both S1,d~~ bu~,g~ :1 IIDve the ren dllf~ pus intersecnon and U the ~h.i1Irp •. Clllp.· lilr~lIlrnflnil: bff'l7l'ee:n the rwo ~H;le.s yfrhe tlPPI:[ t.'II.w of~hc OOilit.l1 ,c:ani I>'!\ges. "",Iun: '[hl:)! :mt:>et the lower ~i'I.d 01 the st:c,rll1U.IIi'n iJi~ ml .('[111j.]e .of <ij:O~ tmu[t;:1IIl:lIu: m [ht: temilh:l. The up of ten!: l!!iphOld pr"{){i~s PHlJ~~ fOI:"\,l;'lIrd, pusl'l:ung muscle ;;Ind tCFldinollisililrcrsccit1:0n .:Jjrne:~ro[I)'. w"lIdl

tllso 'hdp5 tiO r;o'l!llil (IoU ~"C' .:iIbdcumniJ ~ :J n:!II, SU1(:e d1Crccl1U~ IlIbdoln:Ln~!:i ffilllsde belly ![["OS'M;S (j",!!Ii.I' the co.s~1 01 rrilagc!, in mu£c!illar iJll.di'!'idL!,-d~ fh~ I: tHin: tOrlill of rill: upper 'S-Cgmcm m..~l!' preJqnlirl:'ltc .,!tnd be :~cl:l tis :l, d.i.srinct Incsh)1 bulg,r, wh~reas i n ~In ill~ i IIImi'!' ii.! Il 31 h t]j~ fo:rm uf lh~ un· d~rlfiHg em;l"J1! 'iI::!In~l~lW 1m!»' pI\OO!umin3~il'.

n~ i Wfl ":'l,d, ~"Sn [0 look ror .'I'!. t,Fu!' fmn.t OIJ thi~' rilh t::lgt .m; the ,.lUlU&oJ Greek ~nch. pro-

d yccd by lh~ rtcn.lS 11 Mom iflhs fnrn;ch: Illul fill uJPpe rrnoM It'mlinouJ!i in'~t".rs.:c(tiun. oif dl'~ s1u~rp skdC!~J1! il:rt;h, plfodllJood. by tht' conal c;lni]ltll:lcs II1t"C't.ing rl1~ i:mtt.um .of du~~u~rnum f llst abof:t' th~ pit itlf ttl!: M!.l,m<li.h. The' s1u rp skdetul I!I.rdl

lJ hew p~tw.lgmi I'H'Ih$ in fitl.'; [em ",11:; while d~,,' nJu:nJ.cd Gr«k ;'I:n.:h 'iJ19'1.H'I~.I)' pn:,domlUliut·,I; In rile !1l!:lik.,

fll~!'Il' mbHqllf.!!i'!llriid~ C!1 the SU:rJ:aI(<e' of dlc H!il:~


rus obdomi'llis. especially :It its upper end, are occasi.o113,lly created when the pecml"alis maim: muJl external obl iq ue eonersee and pull on the thin abdominal aponeurosis thatcovers the reetlll~S abdom iill is, These ridges are in, I inc w ~th Ehe direc.,ioll, o:f the ,Ii bers 0'( [he pectoralis ,and exrernal ebliqae; the fibers of the recras albd!ominis are vertical,

Duri ng fnrward trunk flexion" [he .muscle fibers sherren and lilt: tend inolll5 D nlCT5cction s


move closer together. T \YO horizontal skin folds. se;ell at o:r ,above the leYe! of [he navel, ~p:Jjr'He the thoracic and pd~'ic: masses, Laterally, these skinrolds ,t:I],d at or just beyond du ~millllml'r Inne, whic<h remains ~'isible.

When inhaling. dae diaphr,t'lgm pushes the abdumillal contents downw3rd, causing flie rectus abdominis to protrude, When the trunk is Hexed forward, file belly (and ~hl:' f(:Ctll:S abdom j'n is) bU~ge5 be low '~ht: k,'rl of the II:!IM;t


J I ~re:sSr'D vERIICR


51D5: VIEW

Th Trunk Muscles . EXTERNAL OBUaUE

A po Afl(}f/~lr(m5 .HI S [$ A ,u<r,wr s/J,Ji!'ri(Jl ilin~~piJt~ Ctti OJ r't lag I! Cl Cr';!sJ of ,Irum

EO urC'fnll,l Dbhqu~ ~O(F) fstt!fTltll ohliqj«,-,l~ttf.: porfifJ!1 EO(T J ,E.'fh·nlal Qb.fiqll,~-llw'(Idr. ptJrrlrJjj IFF fohmk jlJ~ piJJ GM,~ G'l~,trw m~'(IiIi5 U.I'~£Ilwal iJf.lr#i"1.11 lL~ iI,de lint!' ~O lm.tml,IJ (,h1i4llr'

II. LlU.Ut1PHU d,[1lf"si PMII ft"Ctor;rlis m~i'Jr It Rib ItA. Rl!'cl~S .,bdommls SIl!A fii!r.~lIU'$ Jmr!~i()F

Sl S~mlJWjar lirk"

The Trunk Musc'es • EXTERNAL OBLIQUE

pad p05f~u'rT~--,h,rn,s .1 higb t:tIIIl"lIcti. ,t:lJrl:. The .ii.iac Ime h:!~~ J subtle, dotl.gau."d S curve. m( io,terseers ,Vlth the I1lne crest at a point olle-third ~ll [he way oodt 011 Lilli:'! nell'! (at the widl.':51 ppim (if ~'he pd"'i~). l1ac lJJcl\11!l1 o",er!,ap ~11 ~hc pmn:rior punjon o( the flank p:ld, past' [he lhac c.[~r llJfld 01'110 the !lLlrf:!,!: nf the WLiUlii medius, consi~ts Qf 1:'Ilr tml;! s!dn,. The: U1i't:rlilP mcreases

wh 1:1\ ttle 'rhD'r.J!I: u. bent I :1('e'311)' lO\l,I3 rJ l~k3C KidII:' !rhr= iliac l'llle! dl$CC!I'1d1s). J!'O the' eiUfJ ;;;killl

• aeen mu ~,;uc~. W"h en bern fl~ rill: other ~I 00., the U iac Ii n e ;l'IId d~,t I{:Il,IC,r1:1f! o,r [he ~ ,mil. pad iI!l'Vil'r.I· ~lll'IlIy .ilmplC'~dy ~hsap,pl!liI[" as tlU\l}' i!l'if! stNtohc-d. w~lI:h CtlJn e~lP'D51' ~I~no~t the enare Hi::!c C~J:S[. When rh~ ~rLll'lk i~ n~ed ~orwlJird. duo: p!Osu~lr';llr" p.art 'ut d\l' iliac line dis3[1,pt:lm.

The' Kmilul'Illr lim: ! .. the 1I:l1dinol:l!> furrow IOil:'l!J(_~d Cln rhe Irrol'\[ of rhl: :1Ibdom,t:1iI b~fW~rn (hi! reCHI:!. J~mninis '::l:Iuli I'xu."l"Il:.1 obliqRJl:.". hlrt'norl)', at tht: level or the Ill~\'el. ir begmlO [0 expand irno n frillngular l'rJ1l.linou~ JJlfi:ti WliOSkl stl:rbl'£, butge!'!; nurn'lud bci!t:.1us.c IOf the abdontiI'm I ~nn:n~ dl.'t: 11" W If. Pi! rr of -rhll deep illllemal olilli'lIUle IDtlsdc :IJ'i:'S dir€"Ctly hene;}[h [iw: tCcllditll;I us expnnsion, OGt:;:l !iion:.lly rroduclIl"g;! narH.W. oLdlque relief form beneath it, d'n ..... 1l~ dflwlilw,[IInl and ml;:diall),· {imlim:dillrel), abO¥l1l nnd r:.rolld to rhc inl;l!lllll:Ji11 hsamclU).

The muscle fibc£!!, of ~hl: '1:1(:1Cfn31 obi ique dl (It


inserr ~mlCl h:!!J oJ puncum!!i~s do ,"~1 '~ria separa III: bIlIlJIc. ... wh'ich oft!!n CreDit!:!; a j3gg1:d. im:gu'la'f line ~dnl lateral ~gr of the' rcctU_, 3bdomini:!o, is srnnuth ).

A Irrbll1gui;u d'CiP,re:;~,i:1J1l 1n!lJir' O[ClI r 11f] ~hc perliOIl, e the C rerrtal oblique b~Uy inmill.-di"'tdy below dill: ,00'>1;11 GlIrfil;)gr-lust I n:rallo lin: ~jfnilLln:l1' ~.iItlJll' and 'i!J5~ IIbo¥c t:hc' fr,ul'n 'rorlirll'l of dn~ OIll'lk pad. ln mb cnse, th,~ co'ta'll::iuri· IIJFi-r bC'CQITlcs prDfilill1cm •

The ingilil.imd lig;]JjliU~IlIII, (Poup:rlrt') h;:lm.nn) l>Ii Ihe d,idlrn't~ I()!o'.~r bueder uf me lI.ptmC'llro~is of dIc t:"xtc.rIHlI obTi(j II!!' (i I' l!s not a 5ICpIUlIh'! !ifmctu re~. h is, arraehed I arerally to dm DI!f.1lJe o.f [he a nlerior !IiUpc-rior- i'l iJC spine and medially (0 rhc PUb1C tllbcrd&, ncar lb., midline. It fot1111>l> eit'her it curved of litr.3lidlt line, m:J~kjng the sc,p3f'11'iiUlil bctw~en sh e'abdQmeTl and [hll,~. It m',ng'l:m~tl's lind deepens when the t'hlgh 15 fllC'Xtld. When seea U1 tin: rcm .. li: (whcre It liS liLlilIlJlly lIe;y f<lItH), tilt:' 1I18um~1 helmC'nu of bod, sides hlrm [I ~\'idif:r V 111:11'111'1 ~h,~' mil le, This Lii because in lb..;: fem:!lle the [evel of lin: iIImC-IfIOF !iuperio:r Ih3C spines is dosel' [0 the I~yd of rhe pUbiS, .1l\d rhe !'Wo' anrcnor sllperior d.im; spirlelj, SJrt: rcli!.ti\lclr frn'dtcr ~rilll1 (~h~ fem31~C' pelvrs IS :.ItO'l'tOf liIlnd wld~ than the m.(l,lc pcIYI!;).


The Trunh Muscles . PECTORALIS MAJOR

DB flic-t'1'''' IJMd)jl HL ,1'Jf'I!/)$ brclcbli-ltmg I'l!m;/ BS Hit:~~p~ br:,Jc"ii-~hfm II/md C~.f CitI'l#tJg~ o DdmuJ DA D{!lwjd-Ilm'f'fll)r pormm EO Ull!r'I(l/ {)lJIlt~'lIe HI Hwurws ~\11111 MQtworiotfl P AbC't'CwM'ts-l1{;rlJommaJ pcmu,m 11<: r~t:lO,(}lis:- d<1llil:ljl~r p(m.(}'~' 'MQ. Pcc~'O~(1lis m~w r I?~~i PIIi:l[l<:r.lnS rmflOr PSr P~cll)rJits-ltunrDro~wl prmioll' R Rill RAI. R('clti$ /JhJfJ~i~~~'

!iccJli. So!NtJillS alUllm~r s~c !'iic.rmtJl,l

The Trunk usc;[es· PECTORALIS MAJOR

P,eClorails Malor

o A I GIN Ihe al'lt~lrmF 1iUdllee of d'''': med Ill'! I

hal f (;If flU' d.! vH:le. the e rlfl re lengdl (If .Jl~ nrcrior ~lIrl~L't' tI't the ~fC!1'HlIt'I U1W<1rd Itll, later .. 1 t'd~ (not frum da~ X1rk(ild ~'m~IS. .. J. [he: cnrtiI~g,e~ nf rhe fil10f ~IX or ::;C\'CfiI nb", ond the U'1f1'('iC'r '1'i~1 (lJ the .1.rofl~urm,i~ fit the ex~crniJJl oblique mu~dl' [nhdomma] .J(1onI:UM$ls) l)'Ins un rill.: rnp 01 ~ ~ I: rectus ;:I bdo nn III ~ muscle.

INS E R T ION Lateral ~I pol rhe mnl'rmlu:rclJliIB r .. ulcus tbicil?lul gi'OO\lel on du: flam of ilic humerus,

II C T W N A,ld U cts th c: :1'1"m. pull ing i I .• l'Lm. ... ~ rhe '"iJc~t~ il1;~li[lIl), n"Ohl~ the arm. The d.;I\1~cul[1lr 'p-c.ur]on Will r[llisr (nc'!l th~ 1'iITI" while 'the lower I;lte""~ !OEcmnOO!>t.tI 'PO"!"!O" will then pUJl it dnwn [,t-xumd i~. blllt not ]typercxu:-mJ jt, back P"~t rile Jib ~Jgt' l.

S TA IJ C 'ji Ll A E TIll:' llC,wnlli .. maim i .. :!I ,larsit', t·Mek. I n-~h.lflcJ mlll .. l~ 1~ling on the IrOin nf 'Fhe: thnnlX. II crosses tI,_ I'null cd the arm.rn, ~\!h!;'rC' il r~rn:1IIl'" rhl.L:k. erul rhen 3U3Cht'~ fQ .'I~ til in, ~tl tH'Ilre te If! dlwl of 'i n~~nllln. w~lIch I:h:l blr, i ~ tll'l pass InI(.h:r the dchnld IU ru[~. Inl~\;rt iU1:I. NI1 mUIo!:ul;lr ru~l:r~ ll~ the 'rcCilof::lllls '~:)o under the Jdfnll:I---nnl~' It~ terulors does,

Th~ pl1'tCtmOlhs Ii .. dwi·dcd imo tI.;IJ~CI.!J4l!1i OJn.! ~n:mm:o-"[,'d ~rti on!!, b .. ~d tin rhe ~ rigin of ~llc;t' ~I:CWuu. TIll:' moM larernl .1.llId infc:rwf di\' I~mll ut eh r: ~fcmlKO~~::I1I pomon IS called fhe a'bdol'lllimd p rtiop. Lbssr,ciillIy. the.' pecmralls rnajar It:; 11.11, rI3Jl:l'r. and squared-off, hut n 1,;;'111 il~!l(l hI:' filUfl!;)h:Q aud Lm11o!.1I1g, dt:pt:mJing on u.s




!f3r1:1blc oudil1e ~nd ,he- (BI;.:v~l{jpil1ent of ~l~ mll","!:ulu ma~. TI,e !;,cctomli!i maJor [Ortns [ile dlkk mUi~'lIlnr anterior ""'ilill nr me armpit. The de~"Clm:! unseen p~c~nnl&. minor .Ii t'!> bd'aim! il. add mil! th iL'kne~ t~'1 die IIh::ruai end uf dl.e I'>'JlH of the armpir, J-\ small li'lart uf thl:' P'" l'llralii; mmor mll,y acru.ill)· come '10 the :!>IIIT.U:'C Iherureelfl the iJil'CCilo.rilli~lIIlailll" ;md the uppermosr vi5ilDh· L1i~tol linn (IJ f the ~t:'rr.1tln i1.1'1lrrinr, IHH II;

b. .tlnt dc!lncd t'!c' seen 11::. ,I di~"tlm:t form.

;\!. the), erne off [h.:ir ul'igll'l, tke mu~dl: Ilb-EI'1i, of dl pecme .. ll~ Ifl,3jllJ; di'>'idc: mto numerPI!!I~ hundle~. Th~ bundle> raper anJ cCllwerge li.ilIC:£o1II,)I. prog,r'CSsively u\'l:'flyi:ng nne another; a ~Ulfl\'Jrdf)r lnJl'll::I~ii:' cl"O!ii~il1g, in fmrif nf ~h~ blllru:lll: hl1m~.h;qtd)' mferiOif ru 1[. ThiS,~ bundl~ bc.:wme q,!.IiTII: ",-onspilruoL1S when du: m~le!dlt is OOll,rm t:ctl. Thl' uppermOM' dBl'o'icul r 1ibi1rli; :If\, JuC('~c:d duwnw~1 r(J, mild I:m:1i'a_I])I 10\1013 r,J the' lxiuUI1I1 ur ,t h e line uf i n scrnon; '~h t' lowest .1'f1J GloM I rC1'31 itbJomnlrml1 fillers from thc~idc of the eht:M arc diin.oc[ed urw;ml Jtld 1.l1[l:mlly roW31'd the top tlf tliu: 1m!; of msertion, and rhe rumai !lmg liugc grnup of bl:JTull~<;, ben ,~CI1 .h,li:m are, ;'1:> ~ g.nHlp, ,~iTectcd ::tCl1(1~ eoward du: m!ddle uf r:h:u lone. Th'llli IIrr;lt!sell~cj]f rreares a itihiek. rnuscular, muCfo5s 'l'i\l"i~tiIilS of the fibers HI (1'ol1'r 11 r the ;1 mlpic. \\' 1['1iI the d l'l!.'U';L1I.ar porrion on top ,!III (ifOliU) and [hI:' :Jbdnmllllol perlion d~~p llii bad. A II these fi bers (1'1 meh 111W :l !il(j IH'Ire comnlun u:ncinn wb leh then pa SSC'S

~h f\C1ugh the '[I tllI'fO'YO' SP"';:C U ndcr the dcltnrd :J nd oy~r rhe b 1,IC~flS 00' re ch us inSt'l'tLl)1l on the humerus. ~e.\'cl'!.'!l VenU:(1I skin wrinkles ~'ppe.'ir sn life on rep of the crisscressmg fibers \"hlm

The Trunk Muscles • LA TIISSIMUS DORSI

Ap i'\pgr.ll·I~'(}JU Cl ('res' Q{ iU~fJi' EO ~¥~_"'I'ltfll P'JJtl'lj~~ ES [,,"'''.lO~ :spm~1!/ Ff H"mk fiJI' p.'1.rJ GM:I. G lilh'I~S J~wxmW~ GJ\h G/Mt·'.~S ~mrdms IU Hirle Ii".: hi j,i(rjjS'pJ".rJ/rls l ['lti~mm$ dr;fSl R Ri.~ R.b~1wlUbr:J1,ds SeA S~rcro1'u,~.mh'fiJ;J1' TM,.\ T~~tsllJlt'f)r Tr Trup:t~;'fS

• UjlJCf I,Jtij&i,m,11J; ,r!I(J!'Sj

The Trunk Muscles • LATISSIMUS DORSI

ItTCS maim, ,fl,b e.lg,e [. nd IlI!Idividu.n1 ribs], :mJ csp,-,t:iaU ~ du~ ~err.II1IS anreriur, These form, are marl! clenrl ... seen wllm me tfllllJlk ill l1~ccl furward, th~ :lrm mis!!ldl,ood the s'houhier ~Iid [urwlJ'rd, srreeduug and thirming the JarissimLl!!. The' dll"Cct t:~'idc"J:ICI" or fhe lanssimu On the !om· face, IJ'I order of p rornirrence, is i~, s latera] 'bur-


der, superior border, and the hlll~ n arraehmem of If.!o m11l5CI.II~r r.1J.~r,> ill W ~l!Ii ['~l1clo,n, Tlw ntllIlr de .. heet of "h I.lEf~imlU5 [hi:dc'EfI!. ru; I~ :I(1~ preaches the a rlilil,ri~ ,fi IJi_ng du~ ~plH,r ~i<irf'OI_m J. Il1g t:hl: ft!rm~ uf [ne tCI"Q 11Iillnf .mJ scrrntu~

;I iii Itrim,


The Trunk Muscles . TRAPEZIUS

C7 ':i~rwIIIH::UI'IWII'i!T,rr'bN £5 r".·.t:l'onpWjji' Wn h.(msp'11r7WS L ,Ln'uSilnll~ .:lm'Sl

l!. !.j"jJ,;Il(Jf $Co11UJJ.1j1 N u 'l.il,cr~.rllignt1II!II·' R h R rJ rmrfJ('ldJ S, ScdPjl/~ • t 5f'm!5p'~MIr,f ro.l/Jltl6

SM .. 'ic,l'I!JIII' "",.Jim SpC Spl;mrf~~ '","~lj~ SSe S;m1l' (If !c:.l,mli~ T 1 I'mt tlm~am· "£11I'br.r

Tr TM~'r;:ltj$ Ve ~h't'hm



The Trunk Musch~s • TRAPEZIUS


OR 1 G l N A 1(r1~ ~hj)ll p:l:S'!ie~ ;:Jjcr~~~ the m t:clin I thm::! or the ~ulP'~nor nuchal lin!:, :'It the 1JJ;~e: 0:1' f.h~ shdl, Oyer to th!: c';>! I,t:rfl:l ~ {Ia:1 pl'm I !U'c'U:I-' 'h£!rnnce. lt dle'I'I .des,:,t:I1w;. >!llong the pnSlIl'flQr free t:dgt: o~ ~he nLidjl['l~ I igl'llTllenJf, d1lf~\!'crtcb:~~ I ~',p iUU'1II3 prc.c:!..'jj;51:,!; down ~ rhe f~.Yd hh rhora,,~c \'~n~br,lJJ. ;J rl d '~h e i·~".u~r\l'cmln~ S'.lpniiSp I na i tlg;l'IDeIU:;. The ljne of U flgl!ll 1~.rl11 ~p:!iid~-dowill. l

INS E FH 1 (J. N A cnnti n!JlI.lU~ I inc th,u pa~ i1UOOS rill;' Po.~[!!r!or border il'~ me t;n~r.l~ lhi,wd oJ tilL' d~~ide. ~ ~tu 'rlle ml.lJi:ll1 hmxilAtr ot th ~ ;,!'J'Q'unkm~ ;! ml <110,,& die' UpPf!~ ~ge of I.h,~ 5pil'lC' or till:' Sc.lPUI.;l l'llllldl.ld.io:g ~h~ ~!("p:r"ded, t1M':mgl.dtlf aIT:l :U thc S!P'It'!e'!i ml)ldijJI~ 'end). The line of insertion then douMe5' ha.cloi ;,lrULIl'lJ for.:I 5hol1 d~~l:m!:iC [I ton~tlle· ImveT edge o:F nil: spin!:' o r the !i(~l flul!l, 'en dlflG, .i:lf rhe 'I'll bel'dl.: uf the !pin.e. Se~n rmul ~boye,. rill:: hnL:' of msernnn i~ a 'if. poi nu:d hm:raH y. 'on [he ~fI ·0 r [he bQn~'

shoLl Mer [:I!'t:ileo.

ACT ION RtH[I~eS I:hl:' ~·LM pLli1ll by Ii hi rig It.~ 1.1,1- eral t:'II1J ;lInJ puHmgiL" n~~,i:al t:~d duw!'!w:lru. Workmg ·S~p~r.1I ely, the upper PO'i'lIOti ml~ ,h~ ~,pU]Ii. t~t' rn idd Ie pnrtwn pu,Hs [llIiiT1l:d~ rilly. end the ~ l'WCr rurlion pu 115 ~t d rJ\,mw~ud.

Sf R U CTUR E n,e ~!";lpc~il!~ i~ an ,elItC:n5I\'Ci wu:!~. ~.r,taUlg;u];,r musele tOC'lI!~-d en ·rk",· bll,ck of th~ chC'~t. tii'le wp of 'rhl:' 'l:ho,uldc1f'. 'In.J tOle b.~,k of lhe neek,

The u ppllr fiblC.r!> of '~h il' tf"J}Cj'-~U~ P0l5!\ J()WI~· ''fi1IHI~l1d nUt"W.f1Jn:!;. thl! m~ddh~ fibC'!'~ lPil~5 hun- 7_0nl.1U)c Bll(1Wllrd, Imd the lOWCf Ifilb!l:f'!J film upw.~\rd 3f1d 1Il1.l{'W{ud. h"',luirlb towtlrd th~ tuhe.l'I:l~ 01'1 du: ~~pi Uit of rh ~ r.Cllp uln ~':~~ 11 MlI'I~U a~~on!!u~ r'Olib" Th t:' mllJhs;;:l", ''1''.3·,.1:1 ... ,:,; 1111 f~ ie:k f1es~, It] it::. Jifr>frclI:I~ .:J,m;]_~.l1u~ 'p,m 011 ~ht= back of the: fleck 15 ~'!:1:ry thi:ITH :.Ic,ug wi~ln rhe dr:er,sefilll~pin a ~i~ rnpi:~i~, nUJ!tCjt;' ir !."fll:'lI~c:;. <l muscul'ar mhm:m on t'itiu:r ~ide a:~ rhe m~dlinc. Th~ m;uilial I'~.r.ame"n lic:s on tht, m]d~1 ~,~ fllr Ih~ back fl J tile' liIcck, ;]'r

til e hnfMlm 0 r the 'l"erricd JP'09ve hetwt:~n rh~ colunm~ when rh", iI1t:!:k ~s u IUlHhf. Ir bt:c;oml:S :I m ised nJ~t:' wh~'n th i; hC01d .1 !JHl. neck ,l.re tlclie4 lorw.tlwd. I rL 51 d~l \,~I!'W,. [lw b.o.,k pmliik of duo m;:ck c:l1ll be concave, slr.iight. (I,r C(~nl'ii'CX,

h! mmmuscul1Jr IL'l d'rvidu:lts. (1:1'" W~C'II one: S'Cll~ [)1II ~a h;)~ btc n ~I id 1':Uenlll)' llnd foto1~~d50 d:u~ up,poerpOl'IIJ:on o~ dt~ Imp~"i.lu~ b~,ome..~ eTongiltl::d ~nd thin, lin!:!! v,L!rteb"d border Q J the se .. ·· PU~:l loe:ucd II b~lW the b~s~ o:f tile IIPlt'l!!: ma.)' I:lectlm~ ,evu1eJat QIl t11e s~riftlC'C·. bcne.utl dl!:' muscle. When liw ;l 1'1111 is abtlucmed, d'l!:' o\'~li 'orm or the supr.m.spina m~ c,m, he seen ~:Hd~iWlg d,c:cp IN] the lraP'i-'zilll§ jurst (1lI:!O\I'.~ the mecllinl ro:rrion ():ffh~ ~pirLe n r rhe Sc:l pl.ll~.

The Inwt,"-"t fi'bers of du: [fJ.p~lJs. f:L'tiJ.r S!:!ramre ViSUMlYl !."ru.ltmg .1.1:1 intiClX'ndl!'l1[ eH.i[lltiC"dl or elongated lo.rlllJ, d:l[\l::t~~..cI up,ward .:1rld 0 !!u-

\\0'>1 rJ tow.l!lrd ~h~ sc:!pu I.I,~· t'!&herdc.Utis pu F!:iOI1 can 'Dr V!,';u.,I!.?.cd il~ .t ~cp.1rnre [lit'lf muscle bdl~' wi d~ ~kutc ned [cfldollill> at bueh ends .•

Th~ ]u.wt't r :lk:.rnIi ~ of t h~ tlr:lpt:!":l!lUS ,","iJJfI be set: ~ p~~nc 01:l11l1 lid)' u~ waedund outward QfI the middle of the b;u;;k ~ i l ~ ~ dc.uJy !ice" Whl:'li [hit' Mllit i~ h~~J jJJl~lnl.!"'l>~U;J U Y plU 'tu ~ &w side rill cl pu~hcd dnwn iti}1 in~r n:iilst ,11:11.:1:.

Th e ~1lIt111C' trn~!j IJ~ ell l'l be n·do(l.'cl ee rhrtt ~Ila ~(l:r :pl.;! !'ICS~ ~h e b:wckplJ tile nt'rtl~ lIeek, 111 II:' ItOP p~.:'!nc of dill:' ~hnl.ll.dcr;. :ilmJ [hI,)Y<l\'~~iC;:;l1 pJllnL' or the b;a.ck.

Tn ~ m~'iori ~t' or th,~ ~Pelju!o e('Il'Eltc~ '!~ ~ verII.lil,~3[ P~II~I: ClI\f dn.1l bad", alse ,C'~Ucdtht:' rl~omba:rd fI:.lan~ (billl~cd !If! the oriCllt.].I)u:m of the underlyiV1g dlOl'Ilboidl 111Iu~ck:'j. TIl~5 ~'~rrkil~ plan.: is di ructl:d ullcd~ :'111)' :lnd .1nu:.riDIr1 y from. tnt' \'I1,f' tebrnl border o~ the: 5C~plJli1il ·rn ~.~~ ~pi ia (:IIJj P'!'Qt't'S:lit:5 u f theverrrbrne fin tin l' nn il:W 1'1 e ~lf rlre body. ~nll:'lf!mO!'I1 boid pl.m!:!';, uf bt.nh rnusdes (lu:H~ sn]~ @r tile body l, tI~ong with btllrh S'3'~' lll!r plla~C5 ! Eh!: piOl t1;~"S created ~~..~he n~ fY:Jsf'! ~n:l· ru~, andspmc of ~hl1 ~C;Jpllln), cl'f:.:Ile 11 Wld" W ~::mfigJJrJu()n when ,wCWltd (rmu 'he ~CJp. Whl::H the ~holJjlder hli'ldl:'~ art: pulled to~th~T IU ~tli;k, the rhomboid pIL'lnt:~ dl!;l.IppCllf end the trnpe- 7'~U:f unl.l~<::h:s 'l!'f beth sld.l.';S. bul,&l= .:Iud l[gll.GiI e1'I.il:n OdUT. pmd III ,"~n!!l n tlglu ~'C1l'I 1m I ddt berween ~hl:!m,

The U:liijl p~lJiIlHl of d!'C'~ho~ddcr. for the most flJJrr. fs d~I\""[£d upw.ud J ml b.acicw.m.l. The postenor ,edge of t11 isplane IS ~onn~d by the !>r'lnc o,f me' M:<I.pul [I. Anteriorly,. the s!1~ou lder plan ~ i:IU''I'CS O~'~f Lhe~or of the shCli U Idcr .

The haek "m .. ~,~ of ~ he neik.crt:.ued b)' d'l{' ,I;Cfv t'l1J PQJ rllolU (I { [he rnlpr:',dus of botb si~It'~ o( t:llc bod)' •. can be \l'i'!;ualii~ed il'l tWO~\?.:Jys-onl thc OIlC h~ nd it is o£t~ III 1'1:. ttt'nctl :J n d p1 :m,:n~ w], ilil' (It m.h[1:f ri mes it is l"Oi!mded ,,!>idc to ~I(~e) ilnd pattici pOl~es il'l pmduci fI(l. the c~li !IId'nc:t1

'!O~ u.me ol '!h ~ f1t1ck"

n\t'r,e ::In: (bre!:' uimt;l.lhw apm:u:tI'U:Jbc O.r (~I!I' d.OOOM (I!l'Co1:5 1 i'l [he tfll~iQ.S., .~s follows,;

I. A. rci;uh!'dy tarsemallgiill.li.tr nn!il Sl.u'(olJlild~ inc: dllC' :~v,elilil:h ce.rv.lc;:tl y,e:rJ:ebnl. Th:(i'5'I) ~,~ JlI~ dillolll~ n.~a $ of the mu~1r" .. oJ bot~ sIdes of [h ~ body (r!::J~e n diaBl0nd. {JiI>':lt IPr [eII,drQP-~h~ped J ~ pressio FlI, prolofl,gcd up\Vtlrd. 01'11 the o('!ck of fin'li! ncck. [[ ibU;'IUy tcach~~ up to til",· bl!ist Df dlc slu.l11 .:II,nd c:-nds illl ~l!lri· orly.u the !1!~!I1~ ll·f the Npi'J:lUM If! rocll'·iS. of Ih~ I:hm.l thurI'lcl-L::ver.teb M],. llrih~ prom inen~ ~plnl:m~ j;lrn~,~!'i~ of ~t,~ f.l!:'\!cnrll o::rviCtlT lHld

In r~[ ~~mr:lC"ic ",~bm t: p:roioc[ .u Iflc G!:::I'ltcr nf U1I is lCfltll 1101Illi, Jt'p fC!>5t'1d .1.l'ffi.

l.. J.i,"Dul!llcr u1MgU11.rnr a.~l!J 1[[ ,.~ U;p,pu b:lil'ml cod of dll~ fib~rli (:Jf ~~!~ bJ'W~f tu~1 f of lin: '!n!!Pl.~'!!Ui. l'li:t> u:ndifll'lUS. blift"J UC!i p.:'Irr~a II-y QI'! ~h!!:'cxpll III dcx] I'lri[lJJ18U~.'Ii1' Mo1i,t' o.f rhe me"

Th,errunlc Muscles ,. TRAPEZIUS

dial end of the spine or the scapula (which

... hows through as a. bOllY plane) and partia.II)' nn the su rf a ce of (he in frasplnarus muscle, The inrraspitlJJ[us punioil of the tendon ma Y appear :1'5 :I depression, c:.JJuscd by the 'rlllnn~~s of the sUfnnandiJ1g muscular asd Inmy forms. 111e lower edge 0'£ rhos rendi"JlU~ trii.lingle can sollle~ imes be seen constricting fhe rauseulor form or the ilniri'l,SriI1.1- UIS, The 1,i\tCl'al cl'ld~ I1f the [ower muscle filbcTS of the trapezius attach into. the infra.spinarus portion or the tendon in an elongatool S-curve Iblc which Ikl> lalual to the

U.U1 J!:rlyi ng vertebral border of th,c scapula, 111h IHtHl,lI,Ol·~ ii planr ch.mgc uf th L:' twa p~.

zi III ~ bel If m. its fihers pass n\'CI" [hn 5 scaptq la r border; most IJ f [he be II y lies rned la I m ~in'L: venebral border on [he rll:lomblJbd 1'1:1111.:'., whil,~ only a \f'l"ry small pornon of the belly 'lies I:n~r:ll to it Of! the seapuler plane. \V1l~1I rhe ~lrm is abducted a'" .... l.~' from tilL:' side of

,t:t: o

the body, automatically rotating. tnt.:· scapula, the scapula :J'lId (lverlyi'fllg 'ill'(raspin~ltLls slide mit lare ral ~y from under the srnoll sC;1 pula r ponkm of rhe belly ofrhe trapeeius,

,). The smalh::5 [ nia IIrglllar iI rca ;1'1: dlll.: ~n~crior 'rip' of dill: muscle. If is. t31 ~~ ~ Ill:! n rri ~lllgllla r

3 poneu ro.!;i~., 110~ t'h eo ~cnD ~~ Itlll sclc libcrs, 'tlin:U r,~t'Lches filt" ~'c'Y bottom of the 'III'IC of origin of ,the trape7.iu!> (:11' tlil~ ~pillOlh IUO' cess or [he: rwelfrh ritllfacic vertebra). Be· ';IIllS;: this rend i'1I0l15 area IS not \' isi blc a s it 'lies 0111 dlL:' erector spinae. t'Irn,L:' infni,of end of 'In c form of dle rn til ~c:uL'lr bell y (I f the U"" pe;r.j q,a ~ cnJ~ superior m the r, nal auach n'u:m. The truan,gular wndia1OL.i~ areas uff b.tuh ~idt"s, of rhc hod)' create a dil:JlllOlid shape, with the i'l'Dferior ends of both sides of [he IUIISCU' f(Jr form of ehe trapeaius endjng ill rdid as an ill\lcrn:d V. or at least appearing blllInt. rather tilem as ::l single sh::ll'p poilU.

r TR .... pE 'Z:IUJS f




The. Trunk Muscles· RHOMBOIDS


(Major and MinoT TogmJhar)1

o Fli G' N From rhc I1rderlor ponwl'l 01 [he nud:nd Jig;:mu:nt dO'lloT!;I to theJihh dl(~mdc V.rr;rI:<l:'bra, Il<long the Spll'lOUS processes I'Ind It'In:rCOIl~ neclPllg suprnspilull ~iS;:li:nelu of [hI: \;ertr'bre.e (nJ'l the midHnc 01 du: lipp-t"r back),

INS ERn 0 N 1I1!!' ,'cry edge: of the rnedm] '\'Err tehml) bnrder u" tb.e sc n pula., ,c:xtcndill1g from the [UP of the mnngular expansion (If [he base of the spme down [Q tnt;> mfenor angle;

ACT ION T og':fhlr'f the ~homboi ds adducr and mhe [he scapula, TIU!y .3!ic!lJl5.tln rot;][mgrhc ~C3pU~3 (d'LIri1l1g Iro~ati(ln. m~ !JouGm pf 1'11~ K.1. pU~3 l11o'lll:~ m~di::Ji!ly .. ad ehe aerumien mllVtli

1'1Ift tl"norly ).,

S T Rue TU R E The rhomboid rna ior JIllI rhom· btljJ minru:" 1I1lJ'MJI:':!o r.J~ ~m:rdr separab,lc Jnd l.re h(re cnll'<ld:ereJ a~ a !iil'l~le, llin, qtlJiJnla-

li:"r.il, muscle un the upper ll:H;k. When eonrrucrInc jlH;! ~horl'~nil1g ~pllninG rhe scapula m'l'o.mJl.~ the midiirn:'). the tll1ornhflid~ rna)' produce an 0\,.,1 buil;l: wll1'''~ c~n b~ ~1:'~.11 unJIil~~hL\' 1lI''''FI~' lius. ni~ flll11'i hl.'5 dij~~r UJ the !leap..,]I/! than net mt' mldlJnll II r [he' hI! ck,

1111~ Laleriltl ~mrritlll ~jf rhc oblique i11lfHLO'r binder nf rhe mUl!dt!' i" sU('ierficial, but i~ nof "lw::lY~ l:::Io;H~ seen, h li~, in rhe triallgul~n s~M,ce ho:rdl:n.-d by tlll~ 1liI~I.H:ll bordt:r uf the- CilPUI::t, the J:.nel"l1ll t;d,ge of [he tr~pc"l.mSi .:md rhe rep I:d:g,.: n f rhe I'Hi~imul5 d'I:!r~l. Th~ rest 01' the mferiur ~'dgt (;.111 sorneri rnes be ..,~~n undl!r rhr fmpezj U.s. he:u.!ing dtagnnal] ~ ~!l'i'lo"a'm ond ml"cl iJUyUl n~ .. ttachment onthe ",ertebl'..:L1 '.(llllmp, AllY l~nl1' m form direc~ed upltJtNd f~lJJJ nu'dt· ;JU)· from the inferior ",1IIg,1,e uirh!: ~ClJiPulg ro

the rni<UiI'l!: is pan lIf the rbomlnndr.. nor till! i'ro~ezlll~.

f.S, Er(!clOl s{.Iillm: 10Infr.Js,pmdttls I. LiJflSS;,mu d(jT:S~ R.l11 H.'mmbcJld~ S "cIJP .. r~ TMiJI T"Tf'J; ri.PiJjvr Tr Tr"pe:rll~ Ve Ve'u"hr.:1



EO f-:ctenl4i ,J1/iq'lr L 1,lltJssfmrrulor$J IP M;! iy.r:1r iMItHII'I/~r r M i IhhJNli.l minor It R.lb S 'i"'~P!I'tJ ScoA Semnu.i rJtJiermr '~ub SuiJ5<:41pull1'J'u' lfMQ {;L'.,-ei m~lrlf Tr rr..lp(·:ms

• Ulld~r 11l1J.50flfmlS dm'SI


Serr<llt~s AI1!~eriOr (Serl!'a1us: IMagnus)

o FI f GIN A II~m: uf small rrirlflg.ula r 1I1~c:oJ:l.\ rJll

Ihl: Oml:':f ~urf~('t'7> n:nd ~U~J,~(J:r ~tJ~1:''l of th~ first, dflh~ nr l1ii Irn~ rib~ I1'!!I,21 ~b~ "pOll! reu ros~J, CO\'_ ~rung lh\: ~nh!.r\'!:ni ng Intlc:r'(o!;,fJ~ mu~d e..

!:f\4SEATION NlI.rrm.~· l>~rir on rhi:' GOM::!.! (deep) _~lJrrf'l~ nf It'!,!:, !'iUpMIi! nt us ,,~ru~br.:d ool\der, whkh ~)(J'I.lml!js m ;,!fe~ .1t '~h~ 1I'I,f~nt'lr .111i(l,h~' nf rhe SCi! pUll;]..

ACT ION S ~idrs l'hif!' '~O'I,p!J b ~rolcmdfoflWOl rd, ,il,S 1l1li PlJflC~nn!;, ;!ud b>· II:!> mfciI'u'orq bers ror.:ues ns lilh:nor :lngJ~ hucmUy. wl'w:h elevmes the' .I~I[. erol end of dt~ sl1(1ldde!r. ,1I1:J dl.el"ll:,f,m"e d11!' lum,.

S T Rue n.J R E When coru;idc ~d in i~ Enlti I"eif}'. t~1: ~'rr.l~!Illl. anterior is J Ijug.!: qk!~d~l.;JIu:r:l~ f'il11.I:!ilt:llt' 'l'l'h~ ill !l:'m bmees d~r: II:"U rV.:dk'rm ~l'r~ht:' rill cage. h is di vi c1~" ~ rlIttJ fingc~1 i k'i: djgililritifl~ [hult1dle~~, e-.Kh [l)rigmatillg from an :lin:~ on ril!: !iu;!c MId Up~~iI' horder £If :J rib r1l1d the Uitelt:4)i~ fa l space .abuvc. Tnt: flU! scle COl'" be ~~!bd Ponded HHo 'U ppernad iowl:r portions, nl e ~ppe17 rornon p~rr'I.iJM,)' li{'s in(;oiilJipiC"lJol1sly "g.1ni'~t fbe 1~I~l~c'r 5,~dc of ~h,", rlh i;',(IJ11¥'11I1 the a rrll ,It[Jnd

p:l ni>llly 50! ~S 5;Jndwic.~,I.:',d, bCfwcen '~he .SC:lpU ~/I

tl no ri hcage,

11.1: Inw~rpo"io:lt roi'l_si~til of five lor six POilltlCd dIJl,HaUOI1~ w~m:h Cfr:ne Ii1I vb.a, Irnnsb~picd m:lS'i nu:li:Um,g fD:twn rd from mil i f1terio.r :m:gh~ (I' the ~GI pub •. Only fh..~ IOIl'o'est 1:11 ~e:(I:r r'IJu~ 01 tillese dil'll't1;'l~ ~O:JlS C::DJn be s,ccl'!-t'h!l)i r an~'r~IJ'~ h:l U l~ su ~rli~~ ~ 0 fi the siJc u( the chest

~ \'Vhrl'\~ [he)' i liIilcn;liili ~.u:c \'1Iriii1 the bund1 es of ~ht:

PClS T: ~ ANlT,


t;xu;,_m~1 uM It! l!!~}t bu~ .11~· rhey lll: .. d ~nW;'lrd '~h~ ]nferlor :lngJ ~ o'r til.: !1!capulll. the)' pass d~cp lO ~ h ~ I:Hi.!l!iimu~ dOI'~i; hewever j [hI! ,rurm uf cllc: r~wt'r pU'Uljoilt rem.SiI ru; \< istblt; l..mdct til r: lhi il, II!' lI::OMnm;l;. The 'U ppcrrmo5l 1'1s:ib.~~ d~~IJ;Hiolli begins Jt or ~ ust Jbo¥~ the ]['vd o~lhll infl)lriGr borde'r j)~ the l'ulclOrnl:il~ majo]". The dlwtalti(Q~,'S "ani begln <ru i b~ far fon,'loI'::!rd QfI the side ill duo db cage, OJ~ most reach illS the rruflt of I~h t: ",1 ... ,,:;(.

111t' 11111:' uf on~~n of t:hli: Ups uf the '!:I!: pOlllm:l thglfliJlTi nns un t ntl' side uf ~n,~ rib c.;!ge fOrlll1s. a [O~lt:iu,'ld (scr!,a~!I:J. ,[I!'lt\t!lf,tO~~Y cuuv'w lme, whu:h ~ppea rs m ~ di recu~d from ~heli!lpp~e ~o lhe .fl'05lCrior supe1iu or ~ hacspme wh ~:ul lookl:n~ at li1 e fig;u re 111 side 'VIeW. Therefore, me ~ C'n£lh or dl e e..\f,p'Iuccl p:tlirt oi each DIF~he d;,gJll:nll:~n'ii, (wm'l i~s Of! (£I th~ 1:1 Fi~r;]~ bord'i!r of ~h~ 1.1ti~L· :mllls dors .. , d~Jmi[! ishes ;nltlllfio:I!'~\I'. s.om.f:l'~im~ [he ~ip of the IOWC'S'l ~h~["tiQn rna;. be co~p~~~]y - ~ iddcn fro In '" n:w U IiIId't'f rhe from cdico't d1.1t' l.uissltlU~., es-p«i,:'!Tlr if 'tile bt.i~in.l1.ls is drawn (orw.1rd il!ll the iuh[ln(;li~ shoull.!.er.

The J'Lgumr~ilms or lh~ ~r'rntI[JS, ,:!olltcrinr .ue bllll9.cd:l!'l d more 1l01'l1;Olllrni [h1!,n cite Ibn~r Il!f:Id I'ItlQ,re oblique diglt'm1,on~ of 'me (;Xlem[l[ ohhqUl:. The rihs, uhcn seen I!lI1Jl:r [he c;,:tcma~ lobUque •. a:ru ~O[ seen iU.IH:lu the ~'>C rra 1W: •.

TIl!: i.nfl/nor Iro.rde:r of d:t~ ii~rmtlil$ ,JnID~.!"i:or w]11 SCi~]~tLn~,~s ,ronlii!~lIC' i l1i!>crri ng P;;lst the iRfe!'Lor :mgl~ 01 tht' ~Olfl ala i nm, the lewer ooge e,f the ~'l11l11 Poid m :ljOf muscle for 4 ~tl!~rl' d~~tj! no:; COl'Iscqll!:mJ')!. tile hum of ~.llii,~ SlC mI,'~Ill.l. UJmh.ll:" :rh~ l.Joti.$JOi mU!; wi U extend flli:'rh",r mt'di~,Hy.

QRIG:,IN It;;IF" S~RRATU.s 'ROM IbeW,IrR ;'PG,i;; O,F .A;'i'lOM8.011.lt)





POST. ~ AN" •. V I. E: W


The Shoulder Muscles . DELTOID

IlUI, ntc .. ,p~ i:m.JI~Jm RL Bjj,"l'(lS f"Mili. -frm~ 'J~~.jB f iJflldJi,di! .us B;ups i~M(;h;i -s]Jm' br11ld C (. 'lililJld ' C V C..'pl.'dll~ [I,'m v' Ul'frtJid D A lJ&!itl),d - ,;Jld<>nul fHJ rtian ,nlAi:D1fllmd-·o1cm,mIJJ peprw'UI D" Ddl(.!id-JnJ,n~rmr purtir)!l .H NI~ml!"',~~ In '.,rmspin'J/ns IP,C Pel:l'or.Jlis-dtll'ii:Jji.tJr plJrflrm PM .. 1',:'tur.ll,,s woJ;or SS~ Spmc o{u,.JpullJ

TLa Tricep.r-I.Jttmll'hrud TLIl Trict'ps-Ioflghold Tl\h Til"r~ m.#"lf TMi T"'l'S !1Jillor Tr Trap.t:ms


The Shoulder Muscles • DELTOID


o A I GIN A COUl."inu(.'l~~ h!'le pa:s:s Ull,'!: g long ,r~ I:: ,I]J"'~ r~(l r ~~rfll cc of rh e I~u:!]rn I lh~ rd 0 r the d"Vi~ de" tlte cNre-ml1lli be rdt'.r !l!nJ ndJ:la:,rn lOp Surfaee 01 die" ~cromiol'l! olf dl!:!OQj,pull;i, and thll IUW~,H lC:;clg~ (I r ~ne s,p.ne of th~ scapull<!, (exl~(!lld" II1g ml,lciill,Ii)' u~ to. hu ~ f10t ~ I"lchldi ng. I rs moohd tn OJllgl~br CXlil':;Imlu:m). The. deimid rOll~h I)' onilJ," II1.UCS .juSt' below the inSCl1io.n of [he trnpt-"Zi1ll8 (Me s.~';'lpu:l:lr spine remains ~Ubctlr.Ji'IlI,eUUl».

INS E R T I 0 1\.1 The ddwid mbl:'('Osit;.' htl~furl!l)' down the uut<!.ide of ~hl!' sbj;f[ of d'll~ huml!'rus.

A C 1'1 0 N The .mu:!rilJf 'p-nrfi on n!t'xe. the ;!fm (r:ll t>~.~ h i fI h1!:lfU uf~hl: bod y ~ ilnd pu'lb [hI:' huril,!H'II[.l~ .'lmfl Euw,l'Ird rhc frol'lt IJf ~h!: b~,dn

Ih ~ mlddllc: o'1Homial PO!'''!'iUIII, Imw~r.hd'i y ahduers [hi.:' <I.nn, OJ n d (:h~ Ikl~m rtfl'!i' P'C'Irti en Ii' ,,!~;endl:. rhi: ,~rm b.h;lnll'n~U !ll11d r'U~h 111~~ hnri.tarlla~ ;um b!lck w;] rd. Th t' :Iw!~~'rio r:lIld pO~tit: rior P'Orti orl~ an: ,1f1l.1gDtll~~~ \C~'hm 'l:h i:y :n~,x 1II1'1d ~!!,lI~nd the arm ;11 [nit !ohuul,d~r 'ioil'lf.

S T Rue T U Fi E 111c J!Chmd iIs ~ th lelk fI'IllIfI!;ub r flllJM;[C, pOinted Hnrerkll'iJ)'. l",'ilrw;;h l.;'1IJf5 the

~h ~J!JJ dl:'f ~~i ",I. TIn I:: I1Illsf;li: II ~ d ~~' ~dcd intu rh rt:€' po~nf~31,~:: 1Ul "Iner-Or (diiJlo' icu~ ill rl rmll'tior.! I an :J'L::[QI1Hal (lilidellll:} ponion. llJl'ld .I!I [,lOMf'fIQr petlion. ln tmn'[, [he dch~lj d and ~fi!'eCfor,A!!.i5 111;1 Jor ri~C' sep.UElIOC'd, fe r ,::I ~.hOrt ponuon or lfl,m lengths, ~u.~~ be'low rhe dilYldc. by 11 trllllngul.1r d~rI\5SI~1'I eailed the l!n'raJd.1 'oI'icu lou fm.~,~.


- 51 DE


The .iln~triiJlf ,pon:illn o~ th~ JI!h;oid,. originlH" 11rn~ frmr.1 thl;' cl [!Nide. [s shorter than ~be ether tw'o ,portlon~. I~ ShDW'l up :15 :I ten rurap tit' UY,:l!1 r·d! ef on I'h~ 5U iif(!loc. :],nd oom'~rimt~ spht'~ d1o\im rhe middle ifni!) rwu form~. The: lareea l,rnrrn dC!>~l1d,l, ~ligfu!tI}" furthl.llC. n~ b~Uy of th~ ,;I!nU:~ nor po nil.] n litll dlo ~ n i llo UW~ wid!:' f!;ltclnn 011 ~Il(m ,di_"IJI'IIl(J: abov~' ~hc final 'n~rtioJ1 01'1' the humerus, nl!- bodl),. :l11d. the bi:Hy or the clavi" CI.II<"If porfl(,}I'i! (l,f the pc'[(]rali~ mtljo~. {!llId :l'1

a OOlit dtestlmc lu:vd {thl.l .::mU~nQf po~ir.1I'! ur the d~hoid :'iCit'IIHl~ly dcsm~.n& s~ightJy r~rthcr). ll11: fib1!1'5 •. fiIllil,d li~~.,e fQ~ the ,rQrm:!o; of these ,[Wi) mU.5d~ ~iC' side by si d~tht: ddwid docs nm ODVcr t!l~ mllsi:~Ii1r fibc.s uf thl: d~vil:ultlr jJCCtlHiJlis; lmwe¥cf,rhc te1lt:i'W! of th~ ~J':l1i'irulr.if ptcmr;t[i5 (whilo1.oJt tibilil'ffij dfH~ 'prl!l;5 ulid.~r~hlil I:In~ ri or di:htDi:d. TIc t(odoJil o!fiw!~e:I'tio:r! 'of the L1r1h:riDr portion o,r the Jd~old then descends Oil lheF'VQJIIl (IlPI outer) surface yf t'h.c' ~Croi]]~;l ~ fibers (IE the dc,1 t{Jid a n:d ~lIsert1. '~[lW~ rd the

ifn')lU sllrfl!l~~~ of 'the hu III1!:fUi. adl.l~l.lm: ~o dl~ ~mbm of the I:mu:hll'll i!i. h is al;:li!.I a I~~' the other t\\I'OpOrl1,OI1!i, of th~ del tQld l'hru msen muo (hI: nlJ~ldc of r.he hl.lm ~r!JI:S,

The ;If![cri.Of porrior:i of tile dchm.d ~m~ect:~ :lnfcri"riy ow.ln!'! h.) r.h~ forward Plf(lj~U::m of the undcil'l1 )i'frn,g~phcriClI ,P[1PXIU]Hd extrem ~ty of lh~ hUI'U~ru.5, C'!I',F(Jm!U r w~el1 the :Inn lS hyper· c:>itcnd.e:d b;JCI.: 11;15'1: the I fIJI nk.

Thepos~.riQ:r portion of t1il~' d!cl~ojd is [oalled 011 the bsek of the sl1otlld!~r. h dlllilll~ illno an

1L. ..... ~I!1"'b.

FRONT v.rE.w'


e,A('K VI [W



C :>'

Tho Shoulder Muscles . SUPRASPINATUS

Ely ~:J'a:spirra~u.s,

a FIll GIN Met! 1:11 ~wo" thm,is oJ ':h{;Po!ltl1~or 'lilll~'faoe of ~he scapl!Il£I sU,penOf lotb~ ~pllm: (su·

prtlSptn(Jf~t5 {oWJ', .

IN S E FI T I a N Supc;Jl1i or ft'lcet of 'I:~ ~ &n:~:Ul'r tub~n::I~ [],~~ thcmnp j',)f ~~ ~ lau:t'd I P:JiIr't o:f d~c pm}!.· im:d c;o:m:m it)' ti!f the' num erus,

AC T I ON AbdlUc~ Ithe 3rll'l;, ~mbil~i!:£'s r.hll ~hO'IlII· dL;f loint ~mm abovl: llly piIIlrilliig '~.hll' hCild e rthe h ..,mu~~ i flLO i~1 sncker,

STA U CTUI=! IE T1~e ~uprnsp~n':lrus p3sSti I:Ua

~~ .. I1~' over >rite t~~p (I f d'lc s:h.oU[d~r l!J1i:rH ~ I;!.Odi!'f d'li~ :u::~omi 011) UJ us insertion Oil rll:!e Dlltsidt' of ~li ~ top (I f the pml'ei.III.'1al ~t!l'f'mit:y ()f II'h ~huml:" intis. Aldumgh it lrM d!:'~p ~Q the fr3pt7.i u.s i.1iTicl'.c.f ;I &ub.i;[an.ti.l!l~. thickl1Css of muscle, wl1c.i'I rht'= ;UIn

iii tlbd u o~, i~ ftmifl ~s OCC35iunally ~,~vca! ~J <IS .1, bu~gin:c 'cgs-!>.h a ~d ulr f'~.!InI!I'op fOIiifl (polmltt:d end di~«rJt :liH~r.lIll!f) :!bo"'~ th e m~di:]1 hl1iif or Itlile '5:pin~ of diu~s.L;.IIp:y la, In tb is, posi riua, th ~ ~IJ'P raspi n~Ua_'j L~"t i r5 ~hOnC5[ ill'l,d ~hick~!il.

Ir (hI!' ~i;npl.IIl~ is pfl:vciflral ~mm 'rot!ltiftg [~l[her b:r' exn:mnl r~SI.lit~lll;~ or ~nt!!'rn;d musde' fium:II'I);'I5 'l'k~ ;I.rnl is abducted ~'iI:! th~ ~gn1.On~ r<ll .:liwayfrgm the side of the ~oclJY. ~Jl]i blJ~ge di.lvdupi ng ,~b(we du: SCllplJilllr spine Inllfit b~ th~ SUj;l ,i! ~pllllnt'W" sinal ~ n this cnsetbere is no ~ho,tii;:~~ in~ !l!f the lTi1I"l:7.il.!i~.

Wh en lilile ,atrn ~.!I down by the s;idl.: o:ftht: body ,rhc:1'1:' i", rm jnd iI;::lti(l!l1l oE thl: SUfJi"':I~PIfl:JlUll (JI1i! mil ~,rf3~. A ,r;!ight hollow mo:l'~' m;tu:J~ly dt!Vdop ,,,!:Jove d~e SCblP Lib r SP:IIlIt.:. iiiI' tilt; 5'upr,l\" 'SpiJn;Jilu~ ill 111 ow sm:rch ~ t~ U].

(D E It: P)


The Shoulder Muse1 s . INFRASPINATUS


o Fli GIN Mos.f of (hI: pmill!rior tlurfm;;£' o'r th.: il;C.J~'fl] lil below me lipi~c (mfrosfJffU11U5 {m~l1J"

INS E: R T I 0- N Midd,l~ r[JJ(l~t of the g,n:"'~lIl r mh!;r' dl: of rhl: humerus,

l\. CT ION Laterall y rotates me arrn; hel ps stabrIhi!:' the shmdcic"r jOint from behind by IlrIolding ~b~ ~ad of rille lUllneru.s ilfn i~ sneker,

STRUCTURE The mfmSpmil'l:L1IS i~ a f1a~(l]1l~ngllllllJr musele Ih:af shs (In tilt' back u f the shuulncr bl:ule below du: SPIl1C. Altholl!y. ryplc:ally e:"hibnan~ Ill, sli~dy ,planar surfaee slltrmul'lded by b ~ IgillS mLl!sdC,!i, d:u! 111 fr,lsp mams m~d f GIJI bu I~C' 'C'Ollsider;] bl~' "",he'll the: h Ltflll!enlS 1$ larc;rnlly O"Ut(lred [0 ies rn[lXlrDllIln {dlU;, ilIcu,on

shorreas 3.ndl dnckens the muscle], Bt'Ci!I.!"t: illi II:u:clral poruonis covered by the ddwidl. [he ~uperfio:ll :I1'le1\ of rhe IIlfrtlJ5p.lnnn15 may fJl"JIC::Ir :'IS g wtde verneal fo:tm wh~mt the IIFIlJ 1.5, dOWIl, W~len the a rm ls r:!us'\-Jh. rhe posr<eI"DOr' ]lOfUtlJ1 of II1n: d=lttlld slides upward. e'XPOMl'Ig 'fIlO!:'!!' surf::J:c-e mre:l 01 the li.nfra.spmiJ'ltis.

The mu.. s de fibers, dWJacd muw3.rd and lip· ward, stem m be f[J~ded C)lII, themselves, wbi~,:h 6I:ClI:ii~iom~lIy d~ y~ des Ith~ Uq (r;lspl'n:~tus unn t'lillto r orrmi-(!j SiJ periur ilnd an i nfcrlo~par;;llCd hr ;1 shal1.ow furrow thar is dille ted outward and Ilrward roward the !tead of the: 11umeru.s.. Thl~ r~nrnw mayor mEl)' nat reach all the way IU'C r ro ~ i!€ rned h'l1l imrd~r of riI~ s.ca,pltln.


171"~ __ ~


II) Deltoia DJ' Di11IoiJ-pmurr.or parllfJtI IH H~ml.'t'IJ'5 In I'Jfr,]~marll!, RII, Roomhmdf. 5 !.t:Il{lUJJ1 !i'cA Sl:m"-fl$ olff,tt"l';rn Ii e Spin~: 0/ UlSpll/~ T Le Trrc:tps -lollg f1Cild T M Q T ... .r1!1 PUIJJor


The Shoulder MU5Cre.s • TERES MINOR

Teres lM~nor

.0 Fill GIN R,jJ'h!Oed ndge of bone Oll! the jXlsu::riur mdncr of the U~PCf rwo-rhirds ofrhl: I l.1J[cr" I (;u,j I bry) border u r the SCili pu~ a, >!rld pant). from the m~affi, c~~". eFU'lS tifJ~' pOI!i,te.io. SI:Iri'J'i,a: of th~ I'~ fnls-pl'Ullll"LI:S:UII~] ~:n~ d'*El5U.I'JI!IOCl' of the m~Jil!J1 'C:lld or· the I)I:'I'\~ rnajnr,

I f'I! SE'F! T ION The Icrwcs'l: o,~ Ellc 'lhrL"e f",cJ:[s of the sr~:liu:::r mbcttlt: of '~hli: hu 111'1l1!ru!S ;:]In£! a ~~ort di"rnn'll ilmm t;~iatelf bd(!w h (In theshol ft.

ACT ION LnJer:lU >' ~ntm'C~,rh~ :I rm ,k1'nd w~a~dlr' ndd 111:'r~ ~I; hl:'lps srnbilb.e the shoLilcl~r ioi[1t by h!Jl di I'IRfhL' I'u~ad of the li!umr:ru,.r;; 11'1 ~~ roder.

STRUCTURE Rn'r'e~y ~e-cn On ["be surface, 'fh~ [1!1I~.!l minor is ::1 sm"I].duJiig<lnx'l. ql:iltldrj,c-.3J1 m,u.sdr: [~~:t truSU!;) Uy bh::tuJs wi.ttI dIe plan:~~J'~:1'u;:d by Ilt.: ll'llfrrnspil!lLrJini$ muscle, Bow ml!!~l~ an: cuvered by It byer ,[If dense ("soia ",11 ieh OEII'l!Ool.iclan~~ d~e'~r Jr)m1i!;. Theteres In ~nl1'r rLH1!:> f!bJiq ~ei)l upw;ml ;'lfi~ l'H.! ~N';'l rd Ifrom i(!', origin

;l il>L.I i niOe n:S '" in :I [hick, rJ at u'!r1dlliUl, 'on~Q th~ lJ.1ik of rl1:!1 su~emi or part of t'"~ h 1~f!1~r!J;5,. If is OCc<JiS~OI1:1 U y ~~!1 'W h~r!' the ;I·rrn i~,hc-tJ ,~lori>liol1' ~'" n:r'~ ~s!~~r.:l U:, nmm·d, 'I'ua,cl then pu.~lu,~ dtlwfIWOl rd .md buk w:lfd3Wo'1i ns[ r-c~'i,SlOlI1l~.

The ShouieJer Muscles· TERES MAJOR

,.r _____ TMo.i


Rh' ,

Dr D.tIwid-PQSltntJr lH.J(t'~rm In hl(rOlspbtoitJrS L LwIiJi~imllJi doru R~ Rlu,wb.mds S Sr,tput~ 5.: A Silmm~ Illirf!n'ar Sub SUbU(lPU/II'T'U no TTl{;t!p.~ -Ifmg hlJlJd nil!! T!',rl'S Nloljur

ThU TUl'l mimlr "Iff Tr~ptr;:itIS • VIJdr:1' l:llis.smms dura;

The Shoulder Muscles' TERES MAJOR

T,e:re,s Majo.r·

0> R I' G ~ N R3Iwd 0"'[11 arcn em the ppsu:rior SU~Io, hlCC Ollhc uder~llr l'Illglc' of dile SCJ~,yl;J (exclud· Ing (I narrow w.!rflClI .JfC:! Immcdi(!jn:~y ~:di:u::cnf m t ~ e medial border), co.1iD I1I'11~j 111& one.~ll1lltJ o~ rhl.: WiiI)' lIlp Us laternl borcl!lrf, J1r1d ,P::Im'), ~f'om the ;jldi,i'lO~IH JOIsci:l. COII'Cfll'!g. dle ou rer 511dace of Illc infr.1!Spimnus ;md ~I:res I~il'lor muscles.

INS IE A TI 0 N A dlOrt verneal 11~i'l!i 0]'1 the me,h~1 I~p of rrhc hlclp:ill-;11 ~(l.n"c (iun:m:lbercyl~r ~iJku~) mil the U1Sldl: rwnr corner uF the hurnerus, une-Iou rIn. III f rin:w-ay dow'llII [he ~Ul111:l ~ eus (mm:lilill lO and ~h~lt1 y iQiw(: f than r:h,tt Ul~~ UltlQIiI o'ff the latiS!i'11mi1l5 dorsi l.

PI C T I Q N Addu.::t1i, ,1II'u.i, m cd inn!>, rota tC5 Hlc arm; l:l!i'u:l'uh rhe n,~~,ed :"flrll .. Nate: the reres

ma io r andm inor both, :.dduc:t diE ;1 rnr, !:1m are a I1Jtolg,l!:n ~1:..~ fo'r lint::! tion of ihl: hLlm~r~lh~ m:lin r mt.U~ u mt'di<lUr~ 'Ill!: l1~inuf, huer.lIUy.

S T FI U C T U R E The term. m;l!O r i~ ;], C)' ~!n ~kic,ll. bu! ~orll~U'h:u rn;:ln:e!'l~. thk.k. bl1llgjng !1in!M;h~. t;ner;;l'lly. H t1I'!UI;I1~ im:{I .1 bruiild r,!!rndon as ,ll il'l~C'n~" The m~bllii!'liId o·f Inc bdly dt:!~ 11m

q u i~ fc-J ch rhe mll:d mal b£lrdl1r: of the: ~,pu~~. The reres rna lor UiC.:J res pilllU of till! pf!l'i !~do:r w.lll of lhli.'l~1"'Tlpi[. ""[)s~n rig fw·om lh~ Lmttll!n or

lh~ b:u:.k of ~he ~hClu 1&:, (be nrun I.ll[ the seaplll,a) ~IO tn.e iU5{de frfmt ~oi't/cr 11 l rhe ;'nI11. Dj,\!· i'flG i!'W::i rhea rm~,i~" itl> Ol!Xi3 f.li diifelCti;t! ol:ltw'lI rd, I.lpw.;Jrd, :l nd fflnv~ rd. Wllel' dlt: ilnn lies

tlg~i 11,,[ dlC body tlnd dl~ [~rl'~ mlllj Of ls ~1!f1S{lJ. du. bd il' is' .shIJ ri!:!1jlu~J. bccomi .. g oV,;J I :and bU~J!l,l!d t rh~ UlI(1I' .t~pi'luru<; il!11J teres mi aor a re f1ancfloo ilnd pl:JliIIl'Ir).ln [M~ ~ltioll. tbe lit'.n:::. IliIIl~or mil)' ntH "'PP'~,F fll be dil'l1t.!"1.iI'ld lOllVil.l\dl thl." inner fum~ ~ornu 'of lll!)' hllITIcrm, but it uhilnlltl:'ly is. I'n thc:- rn:[·~cd arm P'Osiriofll, the ~llrl:tched t~~ mlajor bcoofl'u!:" ilimkcJbly Io.ng~'r :!nd thinner, and f],~ ~pl'!~r cd~~ of ~h!:I;lr.is.:>;-

m u s de rs,i COl I'll II fn:n be eeun ;JJo a r~i~,d, rf11ii:'f

I yiJlg ;lOQ:sS an 'belU r. l1u; lab,!O,,;imlJ~ C'{l'l"e!l"lilh E low~m~(U~J, pornen Df dl~ teres m.lillor.

~l'u~th!: ~eres majYf iI~Krr~ lewer (di~fQl) nnla the In.! rnerus thi.! n dfJCSthe ~ a tis~~ mus, til ~ ~ylmdrkJlJ :Furm of .!til:' h:m majn Ii" C1n h~ §en, ilsit' iC;Jve.'i the ~ ~i ng of ~,;ni~ilUl:Is. ~'i1i' ung the postt' !lor 'l!i" ... U of rhe "!'mp~ t a drm Me' conl,'e:li cUNe-the rCN$ Itllljor i:ssreWi dWie. 110 the' a rrn (hue ,II I and higl-lI:r) and laussi nnni d:Q~cr to lkC' lmd:r [1lI1t:d~,n 1 and [lowed. This IS b~1 5e'cn whc III dil: ~,rrn I~ held ho ri~mt:d Ollt HI [~~ side Q f rhe bod)' (~ec LuiSSiltmUS DurgH.

MI.:P, ,.eoe--'1ioit ~ l!\ r.


lh,8 Upper Arm Muscles


\ !


eRO S 5 5£ G T IONS (MID' ARM)

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_J ,I! RIt'iHl" l-IuMIO:RtJ'::; FRONT VIEW

Tn Upper Arm Muscles· BRACHIALlS


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SA i1it:-ipfMI ~:I'j&Jit!'ljF05i. DB B ircps bm~IJi'f J8 F Brtr.chi<liis B rr Jj ,',tdiQr'adi,Jlis ij T lJi't'ps tMriCU/ 0) Cu,nlaJbMc],il1l;j oCp GJpill'IIJWI [lAc Dt'.ltmd-/Jcfflmhll ptNljr.m H HJti'lVlfTil5

.l\US Mroltl'i ,iml.fl'm.u.s(;I~/.,1' septum IP rT f'rofl.lwr '!!P"!'S TLOI Trk:tps-lQu~roollJ'~('iJd

TM,t! Trlr;~pI-m(!d.il]lI1t'ilJ Tro Troddm





fIe Upper Arm Muscles • BRACHIALIS


OR I GIN Lower lulr or rile :.lmerior SLllrla,ce of t~t hilfr pf '[~t:' humerus {rhe iIIprer end af th~ origin ,rom~nUt~ J fti1.Jliild tt~ the la tl!r".I' S I,d~ tl r lhl:' bnyu:, cmbr.1dng the II"iSerntlfil or drh1Qid}~ rmd from horh the loreral .l.!1d, medial mrermuscubr ~epL.1.

IN SERTI a N AnU.lri,oF ~uFI1U:1: uf rhe corofiOiJ PI"DI:>l'Y o:r [h~ IU lna,

ACT lOoN flexes the forronn.

STRUCTURE lyi!\g underrhe bIceps and illl from of (he elbow JOilU, rhls [c_I'ltIlve!y wide, n~"Shy m ~ tide liS seen ol'lll,. on the cursi de of ~he llPP!.'l:( arm, TIe narrow "'Isible pernon passes obllqu:dy downward mH:I 'forward, ~f$l herween thtl bkeps and triceps and then !b-enwC'!;'n tin: ln(;,eps and lmlchlorodi:dis. Wts obliquu:r 'Incre3.se~ as me dbuw I ncxed. rr also becomes, ... hol1cl"

I) ml ~oWlltdei' du ri 1iI~ el bow ~ex iOin, I!-ppC;UU'~ es ,m uval i.'di~f em 11TH; outside ur the arm iU run lilIf'xion. The- brachialis li~_j;, on and adds 11lIVJ!>CIJ' ,br fullfl(.'SS tu Irlle :~rnl'lr of tlile Inwer hl:l1r of 'tI11~

humerus. lts from surlaee i~ romt:wh r llarrencd (0 rcCl1'i\',~ the 'Ibru:lle-d posecnor ~lIrfm;;1.' of rh~ bK'ePS. Th~ l:ibe~s :u the UpJK;f oulCir end of rhebr .. ,'h m 111. hl'ell d d irl!t'r1y wnh 5Qrn,e' of ~h e 111' senmg libers or rhe delnnd. Ai. dfPI1~si,Ofl mar ;'Ippem:r .n 'r~lls fllSmn.

ani t:IiI,!:' mSldl: uf tile arm, £lu: bracmahs IS CIJI1CI!J!,t'I;!l b~. nerves, J'I1{>nCi, \leIIlS. and espedally IkH. When ~~,e elbow 18 IPClm:llly Inell:~d :md 'tile museles rensed, tlilis, sren ~!ppCarll :I-!> "

fI trll 'Phn!:, b.ordcr~>d in lIfom by l he 'ib1(lCPS and rhc r!liwd medial ,aige- or the bicipirnl :.llpml!.i'Urosrs and h('llilJdl by tile- me[lial head .of the tnr eeps. nne hr-.1dm-.lis mll)' nccIl5ion:ltly be 5i.'e11 in dlls ,~i'C:tI ,MS a recessed bu.l~~. bn_u i~ i~ rnh"'J,vs C"Oi,'CJfed b~ blood i,'(;S~Is ami far rhar prolecb di~C vessels, \When the doolN i~ hilly e tClldcJ. til is pornnn uf tnt' brachialis ii pushed fur"Volro ar rile elbow joint b>' the lllltl_l'rlying tru!:"lJ1C'::J of rh~ humerus. ~f is ~rm nm S~1Il indt:pl1'ltd~~df~ hnwt:'~l:r, I hi S a rea bl:comt<c\; fuller as, ir hi pushed [aeward,




The Upper Arm Muscles· BICEPS BRACHII


..r ",.






~ I

BA m,:ipJl.QI i!Jpml~#fo~;S BB fJi~J.rps. brjJchii 1It Biup~ iJl'!Jtb#-tw.~ 'Jald Dr fJt",dnal~~ B'lur 8,acbiol-adilJUs US 1Jh:ep~ bflld,ii-sJlIOrl 'il<lil IT ihc~11$ t~ud(m Co COfii/,wbrad,wli$ CV Ci'plJolh: I!!/ill [Ii DdHml IDA Df/i'md-tmtcrlur r'O,.rifJllDAc Di"WuJ-~,:romij/l porrwJI H HUml!ftU 'piC Pt:~mraUs-dairi~U~Ji' (ltj7fialr .~M;) P~afJr.JIJ~ mtlio.r PrTPr,IJIICllDr I'ero~

F'S I Pl'CfDrali,,- SUrlJOwst.JI_{w,rfrrm Tlo Tl'iup~ -/Oi¥l hiJi.ltl T M,~ l'rl~~/',~ -mr:tiitli JU!dJ


The Upper Arm Muscles


Biceps Brachll

o Rl G I I'll Long bi!ad: SlIIpragle,noicl, tu~elrde en tbi: ~D[! of the glL!lUlUd flJ~~a ( (leket) of ,11", sealII'iJ 1/1, Slw rf 1~lWd: T~ p 1.1 f the' ceraeeid p r~t'~ of ~ni? "C'~I:mII;t (m common wi{~ tile (,orm:ttbrnchinli),).

INS E R liON TlIIikr,psltY 'o:F the radius, The oiClI!-P:; has no nrmchmenr till the IUlilfleru:.;--lf h::'l~ m'o ,ongi ns 'from [he scapul .. , nnd une msernun iara dli~ radius.

/I.e TI Q N Flexes :u:rd/I[)IJ:' SUpl1l1'ltCS the iore' rill. !:>t1pintl'tloJIII IS most power ,1.11 when (he rore:mn has been lflexed (0' 90·, If also cssises in n'tx iWig dl'8' :lun n U r ron~ of the bed)" 3Jt ~hl! shoulder ~olln. The long head holds (hI:' h~:id of th~ homeres in lts SOCk,t:E. whil:'h a fso, keeps, the head, awL'ly frum dw Dc-mmiCln \when the lum IS abduorctl.

S T R LJ C r U A E Tht' 11.1 si'f'urm lle1ih)' bcB)' uf 'rht! bict:p!i is divldeJ imo ,J lon,g nnd J S:hort bead. In l[S cnfiret}'. It extends hom thl:' !lho!llder '(Q '!Ill' dbow . .ElII1crgiflg from tho under the pL'ICitt)f· .~,Ii~ rn:Jjl.n. ~hC' bd\~' ,expands mlo It:. krndiar

bID Igi ng ~'n!llpc ;1 f1Id clu:i .. abrupd)' i'ruo ill ,,'~ry

.t ronco ~!'_mJW [I:",J(lI'I. This ~>lC11I L1ol1 inserts li:N!P' ,in the d~w .. bc:rwelm rhl:' 'l!KUmSOr and flour masse ... , DC rhe loR'arm.

TIm bnntprofil ~ of the' b LCCpS (~t'tn In si de 'I'i~w j !5, straight for' <l oolUidcrnblc ~~ngfh wham r.hl: dhow i!o I: reended, h III becom~~ qui [I: fUonclcd and bUlging \"Ilhm the db~H!" is filII)'

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flexed. Th~ d~p pmin:m:u s;llrfa.~ of the bell)'

of [be b:LI:CPS 110 ll:luel1cd wJie-re n: Ues on the b:rnchmlis. The separnnors bet:wecn duo: heads, whu;.bJ,t nmesmay 't:'xh:nd a.1I ~he W.:I)' ~Iuwn ~lu: be'II}", IS IULII>lily ~Ol very pr(ln!J'uiH~t:d .. '~he dlflen::nt charaere tlsl1.CS oJ the two bellies ! . .''aln be ~t'C'1I at dle 'upper .t!'Il.Ci 01 the biZlly ,,·ilu.'!n the elhow is (uJly 11'lu ... tI-tne long head is fulJec. more ruunded, :md I.h~ccted toward the head or (he ~HJU~l~H'iItlS. w~en:n:s [he short ~:u::.lll is r,l)o~ dnllS-HI: JfHli din."Ctl:d [uwatd dn.C' 3J1m'lpif.

}\[ [he lnft'nm: end of r.ht' musde, !hl: fibers .n the !iI1t'Ji.1li1 sillr of the beily descend luwci' dlllri tJilOSC' uf the' IaI~r.:J1 ~idc. lllt: medial pnrrinn (If [he b~.ly mar furrher diio'idc lynWmr,lillr'll~)'. Emmins:a nllrrow. dongan:d mlJsdt' slip all us esreeme mediid cJgc .. l'hl5 1:S nnt [he !ocp:1rariQIl! bC'lw!'en the m~Jbl nnd lateral h~lId •

Tin: b&l:ilfli~al, .IIIporuml'osh (laeertus ~;bru~U5) [5 a Ibrorlld. ~hC'i!'tilike. apeneueetle cxp~nsitlfl whidl ,ongi'II!9JICS off zhe .uue.riur 'mriil.t"1: uf ~.h.~ Jf:IId:;de fiber .. on [hI! ItlL-di:.l. side of ~h~ low~r end ,of the bicep!! ;).111.1 off [h~ frol!t ,lIJrf~o: of the upperpnrnnn of;o; ~n.I:loJ1 (II he~ mcdi<'ll EO the ~l:'litlon of i nsenien of ~hc biceps), h f.1nN m1l: '~O""f1Wilrd ;md mc:dil'lU},. \1Itmpp.ing amlind and 'ro I'D ~~rictlng the billgmg ~1J:rm I] i tin' fOre::lrm flexor mass a Goupil: of im:h~ below [heir origill a~ the m~di.::n.l cpiconJ~I!1! of the humerus, TIlt: c:onnrictiog lIaion of the' OIptmelJfOSIs ere:!In~·.5 ~i'l:her .. wide or harru~,v 'furrow. Dr II fJiit7 'terllll~ vn dile: fo;rcJ rm n~!i:{Ir mass, sn that the De;gr 1JI:l-U bul~r:s 111:IO:ve and bel'Dw the ,apo--

FLliX£,1) E'Le.OW

ANT, ..... - ......... '" pon; INSIDE VI'Ii'W


Co racol:lI'aGhialis:

o RIG I N 1J~~p uf d!il: corilc;o~d proc:e!>S {It rh~ !>c[!prn 1;1 (~Il CO.mnlOn wi uh fh~sho n hl;:"IId Qi ~hc b~~1.:iiJ\s~.

IN SE AT I ON5hon v~'rti~"31 line llalf,;.,'Il'Y dOWil th~'h I:Im~nl~ (111 Ilt~ Fnl:ditd s.ul'fa~~.

A C r ION F1:C'~~ a n~ addu(ts: du: .. rrn :lr ~Il.:! ~h{l~ Ider ~t!Im.

S TRUer U RE The oorm;:ohmchj~lis IS !\ t:~ick i;:y~ had rJC<l1 rI1usdl: fn~f is p3rtit!I'~),' s~"C:tiI.on 'thi! i.w$ld.e of lhe Uppt:'f eiild ,,( (ih~ ,raised a 1'1111. nea r

I 'L

dn ~gmlpil. ~~ .. fl.ln~ altlQgside. bur ~!:pal:';'IIC fHlm, Or: ~ort"iI!ad oJ due bicl:p~. Till: belly of the cnracc hrachiJt~ is i~ seen QI~ til!:' 5urf.u;1l for on!)' j shun dists!w::c l,d'O(',!:: if dives J~~ply bCfVr'C'e.n dl!i~ bicep~ and dl~lii:'n::d~;'I~ ~e'ad of the ~rioeps. The ~tmfll' head uf rhe bkep~ ~Cill',ers mO!>1 ur [h~ .1 1'1 I:t'fio r 5ud ... cl1 of cl1c corl3!oob~ i!c:n lalis.

Tll.'!! corn.coblr:ld'l~.'! ~i!'; :111 d ill ccJil5 3~1' sl,."p.aroted fm·m [Ih~ rria:ps b)l.l gr-o!.llo'~ wit&!IIn which lie ~"enc",,~ 3:nd b~UDd y,~~ (~u.rmUl1dcd fb)o' (m:) r~i the arm.

EJ.B B~cep.~ b,ac1,t~ Dr fJr:at'lJhlli$ m&S .Rj~i!rl,~ bM(;Mi-J~mF-I.l~'~ltl Co COfD/t(J1J1'o1ciJwril 1'1 l=Jum~'lI$ Vllt~~ .~~wral;~ t/MjDT no rr:it:Jt{1J-It,IJ£ hC1JJ TMe -rtict:fJs-mJtdial hf!lJ.d


Ao AlICOllll'l!l; n B lJ'j~~fJ$ bmthl'i ~'r ,~m~b.I"ib. 181'11: ,fj'r:;ldm-mldlair$ Co C~m(;obrOlduaJrj D Dl!lro!d' lEeR:!.. £"~:t'Kl5Qr t:_(ffPi radr,,:iilJ,~ Irmg1J.$ Iii H"mt!.l'If$ lE l,ptf!nd l!/,u;omlyJt!

ME IMcd1l11e-pmmdyk 1\11'15 MI·~iil1i ,~~r(>~lul$,wh!r wp$mn 0 nl~,ml't.rwl Tla T"Ui!IH-I,Ml!1'a! l}ClJJ TLo Tr,rt:~'ps-kmg /9(!jld l'M~' Tru:eps-ml:d;.(~1 hmJ TI Thn'{Jif to'!udfjm

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