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If you have children of your own, how many of the traditions that you do with your own family are
also activities that you did with your family growing up? Even if they are new traditions, they still
have an important part in passing on a legacy of values that you are working on instilling in your

Family values include sharing your faith and teaching your children about God and the Gospel,
teaching morals, modeling that time spent together is a priority and your family would not be
complete without each member.

We desire for our children to not only be responsible and productive members of society who care
for others and display acts of love and service, but our main goal is that our children learn to love the
Lord their God with all their hearts, minds and souls.


Spending time together, predictable routines, special days… all of these help our children develop a
positive sense of belonging in our family.

When we spend time together as a family intentionally, we are sending the message to our kids that
they are special, valued, loved and important. They belong in our family, our family is not complete
without them.

Family traditions are the sign of unity

Family traditions are repeated common actions that are clear to others. These are rituals and rites,
which are transmitted in the family from generation to generation.

It is worth to mention how much important family traditional hierarchy is. It means that a man is the
head of the family, he is strong, reliable, able to solve the problems of all family members, of his
wife, children and older generation, he is always ready to give a hand in any difficult life situation.

2. They Strengthen Family Bonds

Traditions are hopefully those times where you put work and school aside and just enjoy being a
family. In an increasingly technology-driven culture, it’s rare to enjoy one-on-one, face-to-face time
in large quantities. Traditions are the perfect way to get everyone to put down the smartphones and
spend time together.

3. Help Make Children Feel Secure

Life can be unpredictable. Forming family traditions will help your child feel more secure about
themselves and their lives. Family meals gathered around the table are easy ways to make children
feel comforted and secure at home. A secure child is typically a happy child. Weekday traditions, like
a pizza and movie night once a week, are great ways to boost your child’s sense of security.
Traditions don’t have to be elaborate or fancy. They just need to be heartfelt.
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4. Traditions Impart Values

Traditions provide a springboard to talk about your moral and spiritual beliefs with your children.
Many (if not most) family traditions reinforce your value system in a concrete and tangible way.
Regular bedtime devotions or prayers with your children each night is a great tradition to start if you
haven’t already.

5. They Add Spice To Life

Monday through Friday can get pretty boring and repetitive. That’s why so many adults look forward
to the next big vacation or day off from work. Well, believe it or not, children can get bored too.
Traditions give kids a way to look ahead to something exciting and fun! It also allows them to
understand the ebb and flow of the seasons of life, and appreciate each holiday or season as a gift.

6. Connect Generations

I don’t know about you, but some of our family’s best traditions involve grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins, and even great-grandparents. Creating traditions allows families to have a link between the
young and old, connecting and bonding generations to one another.

7. Make Lasting Memories

As you become an adult, you realize some of your best childhood memories weren’t toys or even
things … they were often memories of your grandparents, vacations, and experiences you had along
the way as you grew up. You might not remember what you got for Christmas when you were nine
years old, but you distinctly remember the special menu grandma made every Christmas Eve.
Develop some family traditions and your children will have those very same positive and lasting

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