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Ticouniy Coun Cipiatiek Coun CiDenver Probate Cour Thea ia COMBINED COURTS County, Colorado: sy iuite COUNTY COLOR ADC: Cour aes = eee S01 LAPORTE umd wa -9 P31 UE, SUITE 100, 201 LA PORTE Petitioner: Address: 4 COURT USE ONLY a Respondent Date of Birth:, Address: ie “ioiiey or Party Without Afornay (Name and Address) Case Number T70 ~ 372 ~OS AD Qoao tv /0Q Phone Number. E-mail: FAX Number: Atty. Reg. # Tie address ofthe Petitioner may be omitted from the writen order ofthe Cour ncluding the Register of actions, (See #9 below) Divison _Courroom BP: PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER ._ Susan Holm ES __(vame of petitioner) request this Court to issue an Extreme Risk Protection Order, and in support of this request do hereby swear/affirm the following under penalty of perjury: 4. Lam a family or household member to the respondent. My relationship to the respondent is: Q | am related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the respondent. WLI have a child in common with the respondent. (Regardless of marriage or whether you have lived with the respondent at any time) (11 reguiarly reside or have regularly resided with the respondent within the last six months. 11am a domestic partner of the respondent. Ct have a biological or legal parent-child relationship with the respondent. (Including stepparents and stepchildren, grandparents and grandchildren) 11 am acting or have acted as the respondents legal guardian, 11am the spouse or former spouse of the Respondent. Qin the past I have been in or am presently in an unmarried couple relationship with the Respondent. 2. 1 lama law enforcement officer, or | represent a law enforcement agency. Name of law enforcement agency: BEVALL 2 MOVV1'S (Name of Respondent) poses a significant risk of causing ‘personal injury to séif or others by having in his or her custody or control a firearm or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, Select all applicable reasons and provide detailed statements and information of the grounds supporting the Issuance of an Extreme Risk Protection Order: Q There has been a recent act or credible threat of violence by the respondent against self or others, whether or not such violence or credible threat of violence involves a firearm. Explain in detall JOF 674 R1/20 PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER "There have been a pattern of acts or credible threats of violence by the respondent within the past year, including but not limited to acts or credible threats of violence by the respondent against self or others. Explain in detail O There has been a violation of Civil Protection Order by the respondent. Expiain in deta (Provide court location and case number of protection order and any cases filed as a result of the violation): 2 There is @ previous or existing Extreme Risk Protection Order issued against the respondent and & violation of a previous or Existing Extreme Risk Protection Order. Explain in detal (Provide court location and case number of protection order and any cases filed as a result of the violation): |S The respondent has been convicted of a crime that included an underlying factual basis of domestic Violence. Explain in detail (Provide court location and case number) Wark awe —— Biase ble IThe respondent owns, has access to, or intends to possess a firearm Ertan deta pp Morris has fee sa AEM FE 20S FoR Des Sfare 1 Bie has been a credibie threat of or the unlawful or reokless use of a firearm by the respondent. enn! Did Morris usted his firearm fo ‘JDF 574 R1/20 PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER viol 1 There is 2 history of use, attempted use, or threatened use of unlawful physical force by the respondent against another person, or a history of stalking anther person by the respondent. Explain in detail O The respondent has been arrested for a crime listed in section 24-4.1-302(1)-Victims’ Rights Crimes or section 18-9-202-Cruelty to Animals Explain in detail: O) The respondent has abused controlled substances or alcohol. Explain in detail: The respondent is required to possess, carry, of use a firearm as a condition of the respondent's current Employment. Bean nda yy peg (Hef / (The respondent has recently acquired a firearm or ammunition. Explain in detal: DF §74 R1/20 PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER: O other applicable reasons and information of the grounds supporting the issuance of an Extreme Risk Protection Order. Explain in detail: Ors. Z PCV 4. Respondent esides in LAVT MEI county, Colorado 5. The quantities, types, and locations of all firearms and ammunition the petitioner believes to be in the respondent's current ownership, possession, custody or control are as follows: Quantity__/ type Location MeRIAtaa) AVE Quantity Type Location Quantity Type Location Quantity Type Location Quantity Type Location Quantity Type Location Additional pages are attached 6. JL To my knowledge, there are no existing protection orders governing the Petitioner and Respondent There are existing protection orders governing the Petitioner and Respondent. (List information below) Court Location Case Number Be mmy knowledge, there are no pending lawsuits, complaints, petitions, orather actions between ‘etitioner and Respondent Q There are pending lawsuits, complaints, petitions, or other actions between Petitioner and Respondent (List information below) ‘Court Location Case Number 8. (For family or household members only) | have informed law enforcement regarding the respondent. (List law enforcement agencies) $F i nave not notified law enforcement regarding the respondent. They have heen porrfiet “wa fawse/t DF 574 R1/20 PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER ¥ 9. (if applicable) | request that | be permitted to omit my address from this Petition and Affidavit for Extreme Risk Protection Order because | fear that including my address will isk harm to me.gr any member of my family, orhousenoss OWLy Street accogs City +lovety O OQ. Required aiternate address at which the Respondent and Court may serve notice of any motions: VERIFICATION AND ACKNOWLEGEMENT | swearfaffirm under oath and penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. Soe pen Holucs (Printed name of Petitioner) ‘SUBSCRIBED AND AFFIRMED OR SWORN TO before me in the County of Lacimer Signature of Petitioner state of _Colocada this dayof OID, Nolayy Public ‘Clerk My commission expires: WI%|2OZZ Beitfoners Attorney Signature, Fany ‘AA BERGER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY 1D 20164043561 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 11/08/2020| JDF 574 R1/20 PETITION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER Case Name Case Number: Extreme Risk Protection Order Information Sheet Complete this form and attach it to the Petition and Affidavit for Temporary Extreme Risk Protection Order or Petition and Affidavit for Extreme Risk Protection Order. Complete and accurate information is critical for the enforcement of an Extreme Risk Protection Order. If this form is Incomplete, information may not be posted with tho Colorado Bureau of investigation (CBI) for Law Enforcement officials to access and your Extreme Risk Protection order may not be properly enforcer Information about You 1 | request that | be permitted to omit my address because | fear that including my address will risk harm to me or any ‘member of my family or household. (Provide alternate address at which the Respondent and Court may serve notice of any mottos) Ful Name: Susans Hol MES Date of Birth: o) [se Compete HomelAtemate Ades: DLO LE SURE Dir Fark Collie sate Co 2p Cote geaae Telephone te: Home: P20 372 Mabon L-_STadaCoen GSA Information about Party to be Respondent ranine PDILD Monies date ofits _LYVEwerr Lous Law enforcement agency whore the respondent resides v — Ear It yu do not know the date of ith, enter approximate age | Physical description: Gender: iste Cromate ce Wh PE eign S77” weight 0 taircaor B Eye Color; Bu At oa Adress wae wal Ga 2 )avimer- 0: ae Colo Zip Cote: Telephone #'s: Home: Cot: Meridia Clehack ony pptebl, The respondent pany go by ance sci tendo, Name Name: rt Colliws Co gos az Date ; 2020 — sionaue Pancon Kebnus-s JDF 577 R1/20 EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER INFORMATION SHEET NAME, CASE NOQ0A0 ('V [92 PLEASE HAVE THIS CARD AVAILABLE WHEN YOU INQUIRE ABOUT YOUR CASE AT THE JUSTICE CENTER OR COURTS OR BY PHONE.

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