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7/7/2016 BṛhaspatiKavachaMantra|SanjayRath


॥ ॥  Bṛhaspati Kavacha Mantra

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Bṛhaspati Kavacha Mantra

In jyotiṣa there is a saying that when Jupiter protects there is none that can destroy. Jupiter brings in the great mantra powers into the fifth
bhāva and dharma into the ninth bhāva. He is the ‘j īva graha’ responsible for bringing life into the various bodies. The Brahma Yamala lists
various navagraha kavacha (protection) stotra which have the best eighteen names of each of the graha.

Ɗ । śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ |

Ɗ  ḳ  ₫ asya śrībṛhaspatikavacastotramantrasya
ḙ ḳ, īśvara ṛṣiḥ,
ḝ ż, anuṣṭup chandaḥ,
ȍ ȥ , gururdevatā,
, gaṁ bījaṁ,
Ɗ , ḵɊ śrīśaktiḥ,
ũ ȗ ṥ , klīṁ kīlakaṁ,
ȍƀ Ÿ ḳ ḳȶ । guruprītyarthaṁ jape viniyogaḥ |

ḝ Ŧ ŧ ḷ । abhīṣṭaphaladaṁ devaṁ sarvajñaṁ surapūjitam |

ť ƀż Ḵ  ॥ḳ ॥ akṣamālādharaṁ śāntaṁ praṇamāmi bṛhaspatim || 1||

 ḵḳ ȍ । bṛhaspatiḥ śiraḥ pātu lalāṭaṁ pātu me guruḥ |

ȴ ȍ ₫ ḝ ॥ karṇau
॥ suraguruḥ pātu netre me’bhīṣṭadāyakaḥ || 2||
ḷ Ḧ ȱ jihv।āṁ pātu surācāryo nāsāṁ me vedapāragaḥ |
Ŧ ŧ ŷ ȍ ॥॥ mukhaṁ me p ātu sarvajño kaṇṭhaṁ me devatāguruḥ || 3||

ḳ ƀ । bhujāvāṅgirasaḥ pātu karau pātu śubhapradaḥ |

 Ṅť ť ॥ ॥stanau me pātu vāgīśaḥ kukṣiṁ me śubhalakṣaṇaḥ || 4||
Ṅ ȍ Ż ƀ । nābhiṁ devaguruḥ pātu madhyaṁ pātu sukhapradaḥ |
Ṁ Ḏżḓ Ȏ ũ ḳ ॥ kaṭ॥iṁ pātu jagadvandya ūrū me pātu vākpatiḥ || 5||

ḳ ḙȱ Ÿ jānujaṅghe
। surācāryo pādau viśvātmakastathā |
ż ḳ ḳ żť ḳŧȍ ॥॥anyāni yāni cāṅgāni rakṣenme sarvato guruḥ || 6||
Ÿ Ÿ Ḳ Ḗḳ₫ żŻ ż ityetatkavaca
। ṁ divyaṁ trisandhyaṁ yaḥ pa ṭhennaraḥ |

ż ŧ ₫ḳŧ ḕ ॥ ḳ ॥ sarvānkāmānavāpnoti sarvatra vijayī bhavet || 7||

॥ ḳƊ Ƃḣ  ḳ Ɋ Ǻ ŧ॥ || iti śrībrahmayāmaloktaṁ bṛhaspatikavacaṁ sampūrṇam ||

The eighteen names of Jupiter relate to eighteen body parts starting from the top of head
(śiras). One method uses this formula: Each name associates with two drekk āṇa reckoned from
lagna in the horoscope.

1 bṛhaspati
2 guru
3 suraguru
4 abh īṣṭadāyaka
5 sur ācārya
6 vedap āraga

7 sarvajña
8 devat āguru
9 aṅgirāsa
10 śubhaprada
11 vāgīśa
12 śubhalakṣaṇa
13 devaguru
14 sukhaprada
15 jagadvandya
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16 vākpati
17sur ācāryo
18vi śvātma
However, the stotra clearly spells out the importance of the second name ‘guru’ as this can be used all the time to protect every part. The
simple mantra for protection from all evils is
| om gurave namaḥ

Illustration: Lagna 14° Pisces is in 2 nd drekk āṇa – start count from here
Jupiter in 26° Pisces = 3rd drekkāṇa of Pisces
Counting from Lagna to Jupiter we have ‘2’ or Jupiter is in 2nd drekkāṇa. The name obtained from the list is the first name ‘bṛhaspati’. Native
should do the mantra
胊① 史 ① ꕎ
om gāṁ śrīṁ klīṁ bṛhaspataye namaḥ
In our tradition we use the gaM bīja for Ganesa and gaaM for Guru and Gita.


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