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Sub DUGmakeCR()

'If condition DHA is OFF & ON ??

'if maio contains NULL Values ( iqnore it )
'remove R2 to U10000
'Length for Loop
'Active TRXs

Dim wsidea As Worksheet

Set wsidea = Worksheets("Sheet1")

Dim wsresult As Worksheet

Set wsresult = Worksheets("Sheet6")

lngRoww = wsresult.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row

MsgBox lngRoww

n = 2
ss = 2
For i = 2 To 7
MsgBox "i" & i
MsgBox wsresult.Range("M" & i)

'Check one DUG or second DUG based on TG + Check Site RBS 2000 or 6000 ?? to
activate or Tune Capacity ??

'Serach MCTR if TG exist or not RBS 2000 or 6000

'Length MCTR File

'Search what TG of Cell

For ix = 1 To 1000

If wsresult.Range("M" & i) = wsidea.Range("D" & ix) Then

'TG Name
'MsgBox VarType(wsidea.Range("BLK" & ix))

TG = wsidea.Range("BLM" & ix)

'MsgBox "TG1" & TG
'MsgBox VarType(TG)
TG2 = wsidea.Range("BSP" & ix)
'MsgBox "TG2" & TG2
'MsgBox VarType(TG2)


'BSC Name
BSC = wsidea.Range("C" & ix)
BSPWRB = wsidea.Range("EY" & ix)
BSPWRT = wsidea.Range("FA" & ix)
Dim NUMREQBPC1 As Integer
Dim NUMREQBPC2 As Integer
'typeval(wsidea.Range("BRS" & ix)
'MsgBox VarType(wsidea.Range("BRS" & ix))

NUMREQBPC1 = wsidea.Range("BRT" & ix)

'MsgBox VarType(NUMREQBPC1)
'NUMREQBPC2 = wsidea.Range("BVG" & ix)

'If Maio has NULL Values ( Iqnore )

MAIO0 = wsidea.Range("BRC" & ix)
MAIO1 = wsidea.Range("BRD" & ix)
MAIO2 = wsidea.Range("BRE" & ix)
MAIO3 = wsidea.Range("BRF" & ix)
MAIO4 = wsidea.Range("BRG" & ix)
MAIO5 = wsidea.Range("BRH" & ix)
MAIO6 = wsidea.Range("BRI" & ix)

DHA = wsidea.Range("PM" & ix)
DTHAMR = wsidea.Range("TH" & ix)
SDCCH = wsidea.Range("BOL" & ix)

NameC = wsidea.Range("F" & ix)

'problem GC2010B
GoTo line1

End If

Next ix

'Search using TG of Cell ( Type of RBS )


'For ixx = 1 To 1000

'If TG = wsresult.Range("B" & ixx) Then

''TG = wsresult.Range("BLK" & ix)
''RBS 6000 ********************************************************************
'MsgBox "need MCTR"

Dim oRange As Range, aCell As Range, bCell As Range

Dim wsNCS As Worksheet
Dim SearCHString As String
Dim FoundAt As String
Set oRange = wsresult.Columns(2)
SearCHString = TG
Set aCell = oRange.Find(What:=SearCHString, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole,
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearCHDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False,
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
Set bCell = aCell
'FoundAt(1) = aCell.Address
FoundAt = aCell.Row
MsgBox "FoundAt" & FoundAt
MsgBox " Need MCTR Config RBS 6000"
'MsgBox ActiveCell.Row
' Dim wsFindNext As Worksheet
' ' HO Attempts index to matCH
' Set wsFindNext = Worksheets("FindNext")
'wsFindNext.Cells(ii, 1) = FoundAt

'' Check one Dug or Second DUG ???


'if second DUG Empty = 0

If TG <> 0 And TG2 <> 0 Then

MsgBox "Dual DUG"

'Site GC2010
'RXOTG -187


MsgBox "One DUG"

''Cell A or Cell B or Cell C ( Switch Case ) for Cell.

'Cell A
'MCTR Return Configurations.

If NameC = "A" Then

For xx = 0 To 14

wsresult.Range("R" & n + xx) = BSC

'Cell name

wsresult.Range("S" & n + xx) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)

Next xx

wsresult.Range("T" & n) = "BSPWRB"
wsresult.Range("U" & n) = BSPWRB

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 1) = "BSPWRT"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 1) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 2) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-0)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 2) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 3) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-0)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 3) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 0)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 4) = "TRXs(MCTR-0)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 4) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 5) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 5) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 6) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 6) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 1)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 7) = "TRXs(MCTR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 7) = BSPWRT
'Active TRXs
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 8) = "Active TRXs"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 8) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 9) = "NUMREQBPC(CHGR-1)"

'numreqbpc(CHGR-1) 16 24

'if condition if value or if NULL ??

'wsresult.Range("U" & n) = NUMREQBPC1 + NUMREQBPC2
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 9) = NUMREQBPC1
'Maio(CHGR-1) 2,4 2,4,6

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 10) = "Maio(CHGR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 10) = MAIO0 & "," & MAIO1 & "," & MAIO2 & "," & MAIO3 &
"," & MAIO4 & "," & MAIO5 & "," & MAIO6

'TRXs(CHGR - 1)

' active TRX 3(1800) 4(1800)

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 11) = "Active TRXs"
'wsresult.Range("U" & n+2) = "Active TRXs"

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 12) = "DHA"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 12) = DHA
' DTHAMR 0 100
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 13) = "DTHAMR"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 13) = DTHAMR
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 14) = "SDCCH"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 14) = SDCCH

n = n + 15
End If

If NameC = "B" Then

For xx = 0 To 14

wsresult.Range("R" & n + xx) = BSC

'Cell name

wsresult.Range("S" & n + xx) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)

Next xx

wsresult.Range("T" & n) = "BSPWRB"
wsresult.Range("U" & n) = BSPWRB

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 1) = "BSPWRT"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 1) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 2) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-2)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 2) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 3) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-2)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 3) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 0)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 4) = "TRXs(MCTR-2)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 4) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 5) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-3)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 5) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 6) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-3)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 6) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 1)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 7) = "TRXs(MCTR-3)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 7) = BSPWRT
'Active TRXs
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 8) = "Active TRXs"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 8) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 9) = "NUMREQBPC(CHGR-1)"

'numreqbpc(CHGR-1) 16 24

'if condition if value or if NULL ??

'wsresult.Range("U" & n) = NUMREQBPC1 + NUMREQBPC2
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 9) = NUMREQBPC1
'Maio(CHGR-1) 2,4 2,4,6

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 10) = "Maio(CHGR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 10) = MAIO0 & "," & MAIO1 & "," & MAIO2 & "," & MAIO3 &
"," & MAIO4 & "," & MAIO5 & "," & MAIO6

'TRXs(CHGR - 1)

' active TRX 3(1800) 4(1800)

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 11) = "Active TRXs"
'wsresult.Range("U" & n+2) = "Active TRXs"

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 12) = "DHA"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 12) = DHA
' DTHAMR 0 100
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 13) = "DTHAMR"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 13) = DTHAMR
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 14) = "SDCCH"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 14) = SDCCH

n = n + 15

End If

If NameC = "C" Then

For xx = 0 To 14

wsresult.Range("R" & n + xx) = BSC

'Cell name

wsresult.Range("S" & n + xx) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)

Next xx

wsresult.Range("T" & n) = "BSPWRB"
wsresult.Range("U" & n) = BSPWRB

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 1) = "BSPWRT"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 1) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 2) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-4)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 2) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 3) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-4)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 3) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 0)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 4) = "TRXs(MCTR-4)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 4) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 5) = "MAXTRX(MCTR-5)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 5) = BSPWRT
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 6) = "MAXPWR(MCTR-5)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 6) = BSPWRT
'TRXs (MCTR - 1)
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 7) = "TRXs(MCTR-5)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 7) = BSPWRT
'Active TRXs
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 8) = "Active TRXs"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 8) = BSPWRT

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 9) = "NUMREQBPC(CHGR-1)"

'numreqbpc(CHGR-1) 16 24

'if condition if value or if NULL ??

'wsresult.Range("U" & n) = NUMREQBPC1 + NUMREQBPC2
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 9) = NUMREQBPC1
'Maio(CHGR-1) 2,4 2,4,6

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 10) = "Maio(CHGR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 10) = MAIO0 & "," & MAIO1 & "," & MAIO2 & "," & MAIO3 &
"," & MAIO4 & "," & MAIO5 & "," & MAIO6

'TRXs(CHGR - 1)

' active TRX 3(1800) 4(1800)

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 11) = "Active TRXs"
'wsresult.Range("U" & n+2) = "Active TRXs"

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 12) = "DHA"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 12) = DHA
' DTHAMR 0 100
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 13) = "DTHAMR"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 13) = DTHAMR
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 14) = "SDCCH"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 14) = SDCCH

n = n + 15

End If
End If


MsgBox "RBS 2000 Config "

MsgBox "not need MCTR"

'For repeat it 5 Times

wsresult.Range("R" & n) = BSC

wsresult.Range("R" & n + 1) = BSC
wsresult.Range("R" & n + 2) = BSC
wsresult.Range("R" & n + 3) = BSC
wsresult.Range("R" & n + 4) = BSC
wsresult.Range("R" & n + 5) = BSC
'Cell name

wsresult.Range("S" & n) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)

wsresult.Range("S" & n + 1) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)
wsresult.Range("S" & n + 2) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)
wsresult.Range("S" & n + 3) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)
wsresult.Range("S" & n + 4) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)
wsresult.Range("S" & n + 5) = wsresult.Range("M" & i)
wsresult.Range("T" & n) = "NUMREQBPC(CHGR-1)"

'numreqbpc(CHGR-1) 16 24

'if condition if value or if NULL ??

'wsresult.Range("U" & n) = NUMREQBPC1 + NUMREQBPC2
wsresult.Range("U" & n) = NUMREQBPC1
'Maio(CHGR-1) 2,4 2,4,6

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 1) = "Maio(CHGR-1)"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 1) = MAIO0 & "," & MAIO1 & "," & MAIO2 & "," & MAIO3 & ","
& MAIO4 & "," & MAIO5 & "," & MAIO6

'TRXs(CHGR - 1)

' active TRX 3(1800) 4(1800)

wsresult.Range("T" & n + 2) = "Active TRXs"
'wsresult.Range("U" & n+2) = "Active TRXs"
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 3) = "DHA"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 3) = DHA
' DTHAMR 0 100
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 4) = "DTHAMR"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 4) = DTHAMR
wsresult.Range("T" & n + 5) = "SDCCH"
wsresult.Range("U" & n + 5) = SDCCH

n = n + 6

'Start new n to map after theses Values

End If

Next i

'TG =========================

End Sub

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