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Parameter Patient preparation Falsely increased Falsely decreased Affect the results

FT3 and FT4 No specific preparation Heparin Hemolysis

T3 Withhold : steroids, propra-nolol, Clofibrate, estrogens, T3, Ethionamide,FFA,heparin, Hemolysis
cholestyramine methadone, progestins iodides, Lithium, methimazole,
phenylbutazone, methylthio-
uracyl, phenytoin, propranolol,
ates (high dose), steroids,
Growth hormone Restrict food & fluids (ex-cept Oral contraceptive, estrogens, Cortisol, phenothiazines, hy- Radioactive agents,
plain water) 8-10 hrs before test; arginine, L-dopa, insulin, hy- perglycemia, obesity Hemolysis, exercise,
quiet & resting poglycemia, starvation, fasting, sleep, stress, nutritio-
1 hr before test. Sampling at 6-8 amphetamines, ß-adrenergic nal status may cause
AM on 2 consecutive days blockers inaccurate interpre-
PTH: intact PTH, Overnight fasting Failure to fast (too short
N-terminal frag- or too long), hemolysis
ments, C-terminal
Cortisol Maintain normal Na+ diet Estrogens (oral contra-ceptive, Androgens, phenytoin (caused Hemolysis
3 days before test; fasting & limit pregnancy), obesity, stress; decrease cortisol binding pro-
physical activity for 10-12 hrs severe hepatic or renal disease teins)
before test, with-hold: estrogen, (disturb hormone cata-bolism)
androgens, phenytoin 48 hrs
before test, relax and recumbent
30 mi-nutes before test

Parameter Patient preparation Falsely increased Falsely decreased Affect the results
Free Cortisol Not to restrict food or fluids; Reserpine, phenothiazines, morphine, Dexamethasone, ethacrynic acid,
(urine) avoid stressful situations, li-mit amphetamines, oral contraceptive, thiazides, ketoconazole
physical exercise; collect 24-hrs danazol, aldac-tone, pregnancy,
urine specimen prolonged steroid therapy
Insulin Fasting 10-12 hrs before test; Failure to fasting &
withhold: corticotrophin, limit activity; type I
corticosteroid, oral contra- DM (high level of
ceptive, thyroid supplement, insulin antibody), not
epinephrine,; relaxed & re- transporting samples on
cumbent 30 minutes before test the ice; hemolysis
C-peptide *Indirectly measure insulin
(Connecting secretion in the presence of
peptide of insulin) circulating insulin antibody.
Determine ß-cell function.
Endogenous insulin: C-pep-tide
(higher levels)
Fasting blood Fasting 8-12 hrs before test, Steroids; dextrose infusion; Insulin; alcohol; anabolic
glucose may drink plain water; stop anesthesia; stress; infection; caffeine; steroids; insulin, OAD, ß-adre-
(LAB.ACT. II) OAD/ insulin or any drugs until nicotine,; total paren-teral nutrition; nergic blockers; delayed mea-
blood is drawn diuretics; estro-gen; phenytoin, surement/ sampling
Fasting Urine Fasting 8-12 hrs before test, Acute tubular necrosis; niacin; Tetracycline; levodopa; ascor-bic
glucose may drink plain water (small phenothiazines; asparaginase; acid; phenazopyridine; me-
amount); stop OAD/ insulin or carbamazepine; NH4Cl, thia-zides; thyldopa; salicylate
any drugs until urine is dextrothyroxine; lithium carbonate
collected (Have the patient
void, give her/him a drink of
water. After 30-45 minu-tes,
collect the second vo-ided
morning urine)

Parameter Patient preparation Falsely increased Falsely decreased Affect the results
2 hrs post meal Diagnosis: Take balance meal Acetaminophen (GOD-PAP or ß-adrenergic blockers, amphe-
blood glucose after fasting samples are taken, hexokinase methods), HCT, tamines, ethanol, clofibrate,
(LAB.ACT. II) and then fasting for the next 2 thiazides, furosemide, triamte- insulin, OAD, MAO-inhibitor,
hours rene,oral contraceptive, benzo- delayed measurement/ sam-
diazepines, phenytoin, phenol- pling
Follow-up: continue OAD/ thiazines, lithium, epinephrine,
insulin, take balance meal after arginine, phenolphthalein, dex-
fasting samples are taken, and trothyroxine, diazoxide, nicoti-nic
then fasting for the next 2 hours acid (large doses), cortico-
steroids; sample is drawn < 2
hours after meal (too early)
Oral Glucose
Tolerance Test

1. Henry JB; Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Method; 19th ed 1996; W.B. Saunders Co
2. Wallach J; Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests; 7 th ed. 2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Co.
3. Breuninger CM, Wittig P; Diagnostics- An A to Z Guide to Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures; 2001, Springhouse Corp, Pennsylvania
4. Gaedeke MK, Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Handbook, 1996, Addison-Wesley, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co

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