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Welcome to the opportunity-rich

world of copywriting!
The goal of this action plan is to give you a framework for moving forward with your
writing goals.

More importantly, it’s a timeline to keep you focused and on track.

Chances are good you can even complete the program in less than 90 days. Still, I want
you to have this guide so you have the best probability of succeeding as a high-earning

We understand how it’s all too easy to take an interest in a new venture like this and then
get sidetracked. After all, life happens.

But, because this is something that can radically improve your quality of life — not to
mention give you the means to design a lifestyle of your choosing — it’s absolutely worth
sticking with it and seeing it through.

By developing your skills as a copywriter, you pave the way to long-term financial freedom
and independence. Not only is copywriting the key to a variety of money-making opportunities,
it’s also a tool you can use to gain advantages and perks in your day-to-day life.

So, time to get started. Use this 90-Day Success Plan for The Accelerated Program for
Six-Figure Copywriting as a guide to keep moving forward and to stay accountable to
your goals.

With just a little forward-progress every day, you’ll soon master this program and find
yourself on the doorstep to countless new opportunities.

To your success,

Rebecca Matter

P.S. Review the User Guide for tips on reading through the Digital Version of the program.
The better you are at navigating the program, the faster you’ll go.
Read Part 1 completely
1 Getting Started As a Copywriter:
Days 1-7
The Opportunity and the Lifestyle
Meet Master Copywriter David Ogilvy and
welcome to the world of copywriting.

Welcome aboard and congratulations on your decision to join the ranks of top copywriters!
This is a decision that will probably change the rest of your life (in a very good way!). In
this first part of the program, you will learn exactly what copywriting is, and what you
need to become a copywriter. You will discover your earning potential and we will let you
in on a little something extra, we call it Glicken.

And then, I want you to immerse yourself in the world of copywriting ...

Start by reading Part 1 in The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. It will
answer some questions you may have about copywriting, and what becoming a copywriter
can do for you.

Also in Part 1, you’ll meet copywriting legend, David Ogilvy. He’s widely hailed as “The
Father of Advertising,” and in 1962, Time magazine called him “the most sought-after
wizard in today’s advertising industry.” He wrote classic books that have become required
reading for all copywriters and ad men (and women) including Ogilvy on Advertising,
Confessions of an Advertising Man, and his autobiography Blood, Brains, and Beer.

As you read through the program, keep notes on important tips, techniques, and
principles with page numbers ... anything you might want to refer back to later.

Start looking for signs of copywriting in the world around you. When you’re watching TV,
listening to the radio, or surfing the Web, look for the messages that ask you to take action.

This is the time you’d be wise to start saving your “junk mail.” Anything you get from a
company or organization that wants you to donate, buy, or subscribe to something is a
good candidate.

Read those messages in their entirety and pay attention to how those messages are
phrased. Think about the emotion the advertiser is trying to stir up — is it excitement?
Curiosity? Guilt? Think about how each message makes you feel.

In addition, check out images used in visual ads. This will give you some clue about who
those messages are meant for.

As you progress, you’ll learn to speak the language of direct response and answer with
authority when asked about why messages are crafted the way they are.

Above all, though, make sure you enjoy yourself. This program has been designed to help
you get well-acquainted with the world of copywriting in a fun and enjoyable way.

And remember, this approach has been proven many times over. Make sure you complete
the exercises in the program. Don’t skip these simple tasks, they can make a fundamental
difference in your ability to tap the basics of successful promotions.

As you begin to refine your copywriting skills, you’ll discover that being able to use words
to connect people with the things they want really can bring you a lifetime of fascinating
work — not to mention unlimited opportunities and enjoyable experiences!

Read Part 2, Pages 1-47
2 The Fundamentals of Persuasive Writing
Days 8-14 Start focusing on the fundamentals of persuasive
writing by getting to know your prospect and
studying Master Copywriters, Claude Hopkins
and Bill Bonner.

The secrets you’ll learn throughout this program will empower you to grasp absolutely
everything there is to know about direct-response copywriting. Our goal is simple ... to
teach you how to become one of the country’s (world’s) top-producing copywriters.

In this section of Part 2, you’ll be introduced to the three fundamental rules of selling and
how to apply them to your writing.

Also featured is a discussion of your prospect, the most important person you’ll meet as
a copywriter. Once you understand his desires ... to be richer, smarter, sexier, healthier,
thinner ... and talk to him directly to help him address his needs, you’ll become a
successful copywriter and he will become a loyal customer.

And, how do you learn about your prospect’s needs, wants, and desires? By doing
extensive research into both your product and your prospect. Master Copywriter Will
Newman provides some insights into the process.

You’ll also meet two Masters of Copywriting, Claude Hopkins and Bill Bonner. Claude
Hopkins was an advertising pioneer who revolutionized how advertisers spoke to their
prospects. To track the results of his advertising, he used key-coded coupons and then
tested headlines, offers, and propositions against one another. He used the analysis of
these measurements to continually improve his ad results, driving responses and the
cost-effectiveness of his clients’ advertising spending. His classic book, Scientific
Advertising, was published in 1923. Bill Bonner is president of publishing giant, Agora
Inc. Bill has received many awards for his business successes, including “Entrepreneur of

the Year” as well as Direct Marketing “Man of the Year.” In 1999, Bill founded The Daily
Reckoning; he continues to write for it daily. The Daily Reckoning weaves information
about the financial world, investing, and everyday life into an educational and entertaining
format. Today, more than 500,000 subscribers receive Bill’s daily columns.

And, there are three more exercises to help you internalize the fundamentals of
persuasive writing.

Finish reading Part 2,
WEEK Pages 47-128
The Fundamentals of Persuasive Writing
Days 15-21
More elements of persuasion and meet Master
Copywriters, Gene Schwartz and John Caples.

This section of Part 2 is where you’ll start to separate yourself from those who notice
direct-response advertising and those who truly understand it (and can write it!). We
continue your introduction to the principles of persuasive writing, and you’ll learn several
important secrets.

You can also begin to “seed” yourself on various mail and email lists so you can begin to
receive today’s most successful mailings ... and some that you’ll recognize are not. Collect
these and begin to compile your personal “Swipe File” so you’ll always have current
examples of direct-response copy to draw inspiration from.

You’ll also meet two more of the giants of direct-response copywriting ... Gene Schwartz
and John Caples. Gene Schwartz sold more than $100 billion worth of products in his day,
and was instrumental in the success of Rodale Books and Phillips Publishing, two of the
largest direct-mail companies in the U.S. And John Caples who, as a new copywriter in
1926, wrote one of the most famous advertising headlines ever — “They Laughed When I
Sat Down at the Piano but When I Started to Play!” for the U.S. School of Music. He also
advised fellow copywriters to “use words you would expect to find in a fifth-grade reader”
because “the average American is approximately 13 years old mentally.”

So, lots of great information to soak in; another exercise to practice your skills; and your
first persuasive letter to write, inviting a friend to your favorite restaurant.

Begin reading Part 3,
WEEKS Pages 1-140
4 and 5
The Secret Structure of
Days 22-35
Direct-Response Sales Copy
Begin to uncover the secret structure of
direct-response sales copy and how to apply
these secrets to your own copywriting sample.

In this section of Part 3, we’ll explore in-depth some essential ingredients in any
persuasive message, including headlines, subheads, leads, and subject lines. And, you’ll
begin the process of putting together your copywriting sample using these techniques to
build a strong offer.

We’ll start with knowing your prospect on a deeper level, what’s important to him, and
what makes him act. As you read about the differences between features and benefits,
think hard about why you use the products you do. Push yourself to go beyond the
features. Tap benefits. Think about the emotions they stir in you. Remember, emotions
push people to act. Think about that as you go to the store and buy. And, use emotion to
make your offer irresistible to your prospect.

Your headline or subject line must grab your reader’s attention to draw him into your
message. According to David Ogilvy, one of the legends of advertising whom you met in
Part 1 of this program, the headline is the most important part of an ad. On average, five
times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.

The lead is the foundation of your letter. You can catch your prospect’s attention with a
good headline, but if you don’t engage him completely with your lead, he’ll never read
through your promotion.

Finally, you’ll read about the opportunities in writing for the Web. Companies desperately
need writers in this booming industry to write both promotional sales copy and content.
If this niche appeals to you, these pages will be a valuable resource.

And, lots of exercises for you to complete in this section — all with the end goal of
creating your own copywriting sample. So take your time to master these skills before you
move on to the next section.
Continue reading Part 3,
WEEK Pages 141-217
Days 36-42
The Secret Structure of
Direct-Response Sales Copy
Building your sales copy using
The Architecture of Persuasion.

According to Mark Morgan Ford (pen name Michael Masterson) and presented in his
acclaimed book, The Architecture of Persuasion: How to Write a Well-Constructed Sales
Letter, “selling, in its purest form, is nothing short of a romantic endeavor. It’s the subtle
art of using persuasion to evoke emotions and move your prospect from one level of
commitment to another.” It’s a simple formula for crafting successful direct-response
sales copy.

In this section, Mark begins to dissect a beautiful house, as a metaphor for the various
elements of a sales letter. In order to build your house, the most important ingredient is
a solid foundation ... without a solid foundation, the house will not stand. Similarly, the
foundation of a sales letter is your written proposal ... the research and planning that
goes into formulating your offer.

From there, Mark relates these five copy parts of a typical sales letter — teasers,
headlines, leads, sales argument (offer), and close — to the parts of your house.

He uses moving through the house as a metaphor for the sales process taking place in a
direct-response letter, and The Architecture of Persuasion model to relate the importance
of building a permanent relationship with your prospect. It’s just another way for you to
understand these vital principles of direct-response sales copy.

And, of course, you should continue creating your copywriting sample applying these
principles to your own writing.

Finish reading Part 3,
WEEK Pages 218-303
Days 43-49
The Secret Structure of
Direct-Response Sales Copy
Adding strength and credibility to your copywriting
sample by using teasers, testimonials, lift notes,
and premiums.

In this final portion of Part 3, Mark rounds out the final elements of a successful sales
letter. You’ll quickly see the value of adding these to your copy to make your offer
stronger and your response rate higher.

I remind you to continue saving direct-mail packages and email letters for your ever-
growing Swipe File. Pay special attention to those offers that feature teaser copy on the
envelope and if that teaser influenced your decision to open that package. And, once
inside, is the offer credible? Are there customer testimonials, expert endorsements, a lift
note from a noted authority? Stay alert to the thousands of free offers that surround sales
messages on a daily basis.

At this point, you’re able to scrutinize each and every mailing you receive and separate
the wheat from the chaff ... in other words, the controls from the flops.

To close out this section, Mark reviews his process for editing and refining your writing
to make your copy sing. It’s vital to send “clean” copy to your clients ... copy that flows
smoothly and is free of obvious errors. Once you’ve mastered these persuasive writing
techniques, little else will do more to establish you as a go-to copywriter.

And, you’ll continue refining your copywriting sample by completing the exercises. There’s
plenty of time built in to this 90-Day Plan to complete, edit, and polish your sample, so
take a deep breath and enjoy your day!

Spend these next days
WEEKS reviewing the key points of
8 and 9 the program and refining your
Days 50-63 copywriting sample.

AWAI is built on a big promise … that we can teach you a new skill that can lead to
increased income … independence from the 9-to-5 grind … and the freedom to live and
work where you choose.

All of us at AWAI stand behind that promise. In fact, that’s how we measure our success
— by how many people we help reinvent their lives.

So, to help you accomplish your version of the writer’s life, we suggest you use this
two-week block of time to go back through the key points of the program and cement
those key principles of persuasion into your mind. Master them on a deep, deep level,
so you can recall them instantly any time you’re writing copy.

And, spend some time applying them to your copywriting sample. Keep refining it ...
there’s no rush to submit it until you’re 100% satisfied that it’s your very best effort.

– 10 –
Read Part 4 completely
Choosing Your Path
10 and 11
Are you ready to choose your path? Here’s
Days 64-77 a broad range of ideas for your consideration.

By now you’ve learned what copywriting is, the opportunities in this industry, and how to
write persuasive copy. There are many options and many paths to focus on ... decisions
for you to make.

In the words of American fiction writer, Ray Bradbury:

“Love what you do and do what you love.”

Use that as your guide and you won’t go wrong.

A niche is a distinct segment of a market, and by choosing one in which to specialize,

you’ll find it easier to find, win, and keep clients. You’ll become a recognized expert in that
segment, able to increase your demand and prices, and more easily promote yourself in a
targeted way.

There are so many niches to choose from under the copywriting umbrella alone. It’s a
wide range, including writing for the catalog industry, or the Christian, health, financial,
fundraising, or self-help markets. You can choose to specialize in the broad Business-
to-Business (B2B) niche, with sub-niches including case studies or white papers among
others. Or, you can choose writing for the Web specializing in Search Engine Optimization
(SEO), social media marketing, Site Audits, video marketing online, or emails and
autoresponders. This list goes on and on — there are countless areas to specialize in! —
and all of these and more are introduced in this section.

Take this two-week period to explore the various avenues available to you in choosing a
niche. And, once you’ve chosen your path, you’re well on your way to living your version
of the writer’s life.
– 11 –
Read Part 5 completely
12 and 13 You’re a Copywriter!
Your Guide to Getting Clients
Days 78-90
Pick the marketing tools that suit your personality
and begin to promote your copywriting services.

Every business owner or marketing director has one basic goal: to increase sales.

Every new (and experienced) copywriter has one basic goal: to get clients.

Your personal marketing plan will give you the tools to connect your goal of getting clients
with the business owners who want to increase sales. In Part 5 of the program, we’ve
gathered an array of tools that have been used by successful AWAI members to launch
their careers and combined them with recommendations from the pros. You can take
every tool we outline, or some, or one ... but at the end of the day, these are proven
methods of self-promotion. Others have done it, and you can, too!

You’re well on your way ...

4 You’ve mastered the core elements of persuasive writing
4 You’ve gotten hands-on experience at practicing your writing skills
4 You’ve chosen your niche to focus on
4 You’re ready to launch your copywriting business

This world of copywriting is constantly evolving, making it vital to stay engaged and
continually reaching out to other copywriters who share your interest in this industry.

You’re almost done with The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. My hope is
that by the end of this section, you’ll have a marketing plan, based on best practices, but
designed for YOU. Your challenge will then be to follow that plan and let it lead you to the
writer’s life.

AWAI is here to help in whatever way we can!

– 12 –

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