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Published October 20, 2016

Review & Analysis—Soil & Water Management & Conservation

The Soil Remembers

Terrestrial ecosystems worldwide face mounting stresses and upheavals,
H. Henry Janzen* mostly from human demands and interferences. Our search for better ways of
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
living on these lands, however, is constrained by a most vexing variable: time.
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The final outcomes of our management choices—well intended or not—will
Canada. often fully emerge only after decades, when we are no longer there to see
them. A way around this dilemma is to view a longer span of time by studying
the land’s own memories, notably those in the soil. Most ecosystem elements
flicker and fade, much as we do, but the soil stays, … and the soil remem-
bers. In this essay, I propose that the fundamental aim of soil science is to
extract and describe the narratives embedded in soils’ memories, and I pon-
der some ways of doing that. This guiding motive, perhaps, may offer hope
not only for our science but also for our lands everywhere—on which we and
those who follow us will always depend.

ixty years ago, leading scholars from many fields assembled in Princeton,
NJ, to ponder the human role in “changing the face of the Earth” (Thomas,
1956). They fretted about spiraling population; about depleting reserves of
land, food, and energy; about threatened species, the fouling of air and of water;
and yes, already then about emissions of CO2. Among the luminaries there was
Charles Galton Darwin, a physicist and grandson of his more famous namesake.
Citing Rutherford, he said: “[M]ost of the problems presented to us by nature
could be defeated by experiment but … there was one thing which would always
defeat us, and this was time” (Darwin, 1956). “Some of the things we want to
study,” he mused, “depend … on time itself, and then everything becomes much
more difficult.”
The litany of troubles that prompted the Princeton gathering afflicts us still
today, but at a quickening pace, widening scale, and mounting urgency. And, as
then, the most vexing variable in addressing global change is time. By definition,
change can be seen only with the passage of time. It is time, driven irreversibly by
growing entropy, that relentlessly shuttles the ever-coming future into the past,
leaving in its wake remolded forms on the land as evidence of its passing (Mumford,
1956; Carroll, 2010; Tiezzi, 2003, 2006). And often enough, especially in recent
decades, the signs of its passing—more CO2 in the air, bio-depleted ecosystems,
nutrient-polluted waters, for example—are symptoms of the human presence, ves-
tiges of our acts and aspirations. For this reason, the ecologically minded, intent on
assuaging or healing human damage to the biosphere, are “haunted by the conse-
quences of time” (Hardin, 1993, p. 15).
But always, in addressing biospheric change, we are constrained by Darwin’s
dilemma: the consequences of our actions, reckless or benevolent, are fully re-
Core Ideas vealed only over lengths of time exceeding our brief cognizance (Foster et al., 2003;
• Sustainability can only be measured Kümmerer et al., 2010; Raffaelli and White, 2013). The changes happening now
over long time periods. reflect lingering repercussions of events and choices made before our tenure. And
• To evaluate sustainability, therefore,
we need a way of keeping track—a Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.
memory. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.05.0143
Open access.
• Soil offers such a memory because Received 10 May 2016.
the soil stays. Accepted 15 Aug. 2016.
*Corresponding author (Henry.Janzen@agr.gc.ca).
• An underlying aim of soil science is to © Soil Science Society of America. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND
extract and describe soils’ memories. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Soil Science Society of America Journal
the presumptive benefit of what we do today—the practices we tem stream through the soil in endless cycles; pollutants released
adopt, the policies we enact—will be fully realized or refuted into the sky are neutralized within the soil. And in their passing
only when we are no longer around to see it. In every ecosystem through, the energy, the nutrients, the pollutants leave behind a
worldwide, and in the biosphere itself, we are now performing trace, indelibly etched into the memory of the soil, recorded there
a long experiment, with no controls (Revelle and Suess, 1957). in chemical, isotopic, biological, and physical script. Perceptive
Owing to inscrutable complexity, our ecosystems’ future vitali- analysis of the soil can thus disclose the burning of ancient fires
ties can never be predicted precisely (Boyd, 2012; Weinberger, (Schmidt and Noack, 2000), changes to climate in another era
2012; Sutherland et al., 2013; Villa et al., 2014)–only time, across (Monger and Rachal, 2013), the ingenuity of farmers long forgot-
a span exceeding our view, will reveal their evolving, interwoven ten (Wiedner et al., 2015; Pagano et al., 2016), the signatures of
trajectories. We seek to manage our lands sustainably, we say; vegetative cover no longer present (Balesdent et al., 1988; Ertlen
but we cannot know in advance whether our well-intentioned et al., 2015), the ripples from plowing a century ago (Ellert and
practices will, in fact, enhance our ecosystems’ future function- Janzen, 2006), the release of pollutants from smelters decades ago
ing (Costanza and Patten, 1995; White, 2013). Time is the final (Schindler and Hochella, 2015), the explosion of an atom bomb
arbiter, the eventual judge; and it renders its verdict only halt- half a world away (Jenkinson et al., 2008). Today’s analysis of a soil
ingly, unhurriedly, often only after decades, centuries even, when reveals its instantaneous construct, but the time-attuned analyst
we are no longer there to hear its judgement. sees in that moment the residues of centuries. By virtue of its mem-
How then do we resolve Darwin’s dilemma? How do ory, the soil is a seamless continuum, connecting ecosystems not
we extend our purview of changes beyond the fleeting human only over space but also over time. By careful reading of the soil,
span (Schlesinger, 2010)? The answer, emerging from dispa- then, the landscape becomes a “timescape” (Buell, 2001, p. 77).
rate fields of study, lies in scrutinizing the lands’ own memories Perhaps the soils’ most illuminating memories are those of
(Dokuchaev, cited by Sokolov, 1996; Hyams, 1952; Hoskins, things once living, recorded in organic matter. The “decay of ani-
1955; Drabble, 1979; Schama, 1995; Bowker, 2008; Perring et mal and vegetable matter,” said Burroughs (1908, p. 199–213),
al., 2016). Cumulative memory binds together events, scattered long ago, is the process “that gives the humus to the soil, in fact,
over time, into a meaningful continuum, connecting all that hap- almost humanizes it, making it tender and full of sentiment and
pened in the past to what is happening now, as the future gradu- memories, as it were, so that it responds more quickly to our
ally displaces the malleable present. The memory of land duly needs and to our culture. The elements of the soil remember all
records responses to unfolding stresses and upheavals, foreshad- those forms of animal and vegetable life of which they once made
owing injuries and renewals yet to come. a part, and they take them on again the more readily.” The study
Of particular urgency, now in the Anthropocene, is discern- of soil organic matter, then, is really a study of biotic memories,
ing human influences, recorded in the planet’s lands. “There ex- of how living things, whether bacteria or people, reshape and are
ists … in external material nature, an ineffaceable, imperishable themselves reshaped by their habitat, through many generations.
record … of every act done, every word uttered, nay, of every wish It is an investigation of the interweaving of land and life that
and purpose and thought conceived by mortal man, from the might guide us to a more symbiotic future.
birth of our first parent to the final extinction of our race,” wrote The memories of soil may be most instructive to us in
Marsh (1864, p. 548–549), a little floridly, in an early treatise farmlands and other managed ecosystems. Here, especially, the
on global change induced by humans. Lowdermilk (1953, p. 1) memories speak not only of natural processes; they speak more
concurred: “In a very real sense the land does not lie; it bears a re- forcefully about our influence, of how we have rearranged the
cord of what [humans] write on it.” Few if any lands, now, world- land and modified its processes. Such potential insights, still not
wide, remain untouched, untrampled by the ever more pervasive fully seen, might impel us to consider time more explicitly in our
human presence (Ellis, 2011). Exploring the memories of lands studies, probing the soil’s memories, hoping to see in the length-
can divulge the lingering traces of human missteps as well as our ening past the first inklings of what is yet to be. Soil science then
inspired choices and show us how, in coming years, to tread more becomes not a study of what is, but of what is happening, and
tenderly on land. of what is yet to happen (Sears, 1935); it becomes a study not
The land archives its memories in many media; a long-lived only of how things are, but also of how they are evolving. As an
tree, for example, records the human signal on the atmosphere example, consider the question of land health (Leopold, 1949).
through centuries of time (Hartley, 2010). But its longest, most What matters most, perhaps, is not how the health of the land
lasting and indelible memories are recorded in the soil (Richter varies across space–is its health “better” here than there?—but
and Yaalon, 2012; Lin, 2011; Richter et al., 2011). People come how the health of a given field or meadow or woodland is chang-
and go, trees will burn or rot away, but the soil stays, and the soil ing with time under our lengthening stewardship. Is it holding
remembers. up or building, or is it slowly waning? The soil can tell of such
The soil is at the confluence of energy and matter fluxes in things, for the soil remembers.
the ecosystem (Targulian and Sokolova, 1996). Most of the so- Learning from the soil’s memory demands a long view, peer-
lar energy trapped by photosynthesis in carbonaceous molecules ing ahead into the future from our vantage in the remembered
passes through the soil; the nutrients coursing through the ecosys- past ( Janzen, 2001); it invites us to look beyond the instinctive

∆ Soil Science Society of America Journal

preoccupation with current productivity to see the long-unfold- scientists expressed alarm over humus loss from newly cultivated
ing trajectories, for ecology uses a slower clock to measure time prairies (Shutt, 1910), but longer observation showed the soil ad-
than does the economy (Arnold, 2006; Berry, 2005). One way justing and then restabilizing, mostly by its native resilience (Shutt,
of fostering this long view is through “listening places” ( Janzen, 1925). Given time enough, even a soil willfully denuded can some-
2009; Schaefer and Tillmanns, 2015)—places set aside for pa- times slowly regain vitality (Larney et al., 2016); even a soil de-
tient and oft-repeated measurements, where our observations are spoiled by reckless mining practices can gradually recover function
melded into those of our predecessors, then handed off as heir- (Bradshaw, 1997). Looking at soil over multi-decadal time, as re-
looms to those who follow us. In that way, we bequeath a length- corded in its memory, may move us from merely mourning and
ening legacy—a library expanding with time—from which to denouncing past degradation to patiently awaiting soil’s slow and
read the soil’s memory and elicit portents of what is yet to be. subtle promise of renewal. It may move us beyond merely scram-
What we learn from such long-term listening places, of course, bling to avoid more losses to also asking: how can we aid and abet
cannot be extrapolated directly—each place responds to time soil’s indigenous, relentless processes of restoring itself and the land
uniquely—but it helps us calibrate the reading of soil memory in which it is embedded? What unfinished narrative lies latent,
against our current measurements. Long-term sites are case stud- still unseen and undiscovered, in the degraded monoculture wheat
ies from which to decipher nature’s language recorded in the soil, field, the trampled mud on the river’s edge, the overgrazed eroding
much as a scrap of ancient parchment is used to translate an un- pasture land, the clearcut forestland, the weedy urban lot? Time is
known script: “I wish to learn this language …”, said Ralph Waldo not only a constraint, it can also be an ally if we have persistence
Emerson (Whicher and Spiller, 1966, p. 26), “that I may read the enough, and foresight enough—and hope enough.
great book which is written in that tongue.” Only after decades will time divulge how well we have lived
The underlying aim of soil science, in thinking about time, is in each of our places and within the larger biosphere. Only unfold-
to reveal the narratives of our lands, stories of how we are shaping ing time, its narrative faithfully recorded in the soil, will resolve
the land by demands and practices imposed on it. In the end, it is Darwin’s dilemma. It is by studying soil, and by nurturing it, that
narratives we seek by probing the memories of the soil, not merely we lengthen and strengthen our own hopeful communion with
data or statistically significant differences. Narratives are what pull the land along the continuum of time. For the soil remembers, and
together disparate observations scattered over time into a long one day, for better or for worse, it will remember also us.
continuum that is heading somewhere, offering meaning, impart-
ed by a destination still not fully seen (Hyams, 1952; Haff, 2014). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
And the legacy of our science depends not only on discerning these Funding was provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. I thank
Kimberley Beattie for assistance in preparing the manuscript, and several
narratives but also on finding more compelling ways of recounting
reviewers and the associate editor for offering insights that strengthened
the stories we bring to light. As Jenny (1984) admitted frankly, we its content. Most of all, I am grateful to countless mentors, those I have
have not always told those narratives in lucid and appealing ways: worked alongside and those I know only through their timeless writings,
“our soil language is lifeless, and the soil descriptions in our pub- for wisdom that continues to inspire.
lications are utterly boring.” This may be, in part, because soil has
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