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Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

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Acta Astronautica
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On the optimal passive formation reconfiguration by using attitude control

D. Spiller a, *, Ko Basu b, Fabio Curti c, Christian Circi d
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Sapienza University, Via Eudossiana 18, Rome 00184, Italy
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, State College, PA 16802, USA
School of Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Salaria 851, Rome 00138, Italy
Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Sapienza University, Via Salaria 851, Rome 00138, Italy


Keywords: The possibility to reconfigure satellite formations with utilization of the drag and the solar radiation pressure has
Inverse dynamics been established with previous works. Passive formation reconfiguration maneuvers may be achieved by con-
Particle swarm optimization trolling the attitude of the satellites and varying the area exposed to the perturbation forces. This paper deals with
Spacecraft formations the development of a simple but effective model to understand the possibilities offered by this kind of maneuvers.
Reconfiguration maneuvers Limits and advantages of the presented maneuvers are examined considering different reconfigurations maneu-
vers among close relative trajectories in Low Earth Orbits, Medium Earth Orbits and Geostationary Orbits. The
theoretical investigations are confirmed by numerical simulations where the Inverse Dynamics Particle Swarm
Optimization is employed. The relative dynamics is simulated with a high-fidelity orbital simulator considering all
the perturbations affecting the spacecrafts orbits and the gravity gradient torque influencing the attitude dy-
namics. Several test cases are reported to underline all the possibilities offered by the proposed maneuvering

1. Introduction planning reconfiguration maneuvers using a high fidelity orbital simu-

lator to include all the most influent perturbations in low Eart orbit
This paper further develops the results reported in preliminary studies (LEO), medium Earth orbit (MEO) and geostationary orbit (GEO). When
considering the coupling between translational and rotational dynamics considering the atmospheric drag and the solar radiation pressure per-
introduced by perturbations for spacecraft formation flying (SFF) [1]. It turbations, the attitude and the orbital dynamics are coupled. As a result,
has been demonstrated that changing the atmospheric drag and the solar it has been shown that the Inverse dynamics Particle Swarm Optimiza-
radiation pressure by modifying spacecraft attitude allows the control of tion (IPSO) [1,18–21] could successfully plan near minimum-time
the relative geometry of the formation. The mission scenario is inspired reconfiguration maneuvers by means of attitude reorientation
by that of the JC2Sat Formation Flying Mission [2]. The motivation for maneuvers.
this study will contribute to the field of SFF missions [3,4]. The goal of this paper is to give a valid theoretical analysis to better
The use of atmospheric drag and the solar radiation pressure for understand the results reported in Ref. [1]. Moreover, new improved
formation maneuvers has been considered in a relatively small number of results will be presented to further validate the analytical insight to the
works up until now. The Differential Drag (DD) has been mainly studied problem. Some well-known close relative trajectories are the Projected
for formation keeping [5–7] and rendezvous [8–12]. Also the solar ra- Circular Formation (PCF), the General Circular Formation (GCF) and the
diation pressure has been considered for station-keeping problems [13] Along-Track Formation (ATF), obtained as reported in Ref. [22] starting
or formation maintenance problems [7,14,15]. Some reconfiguration from the linearized Hill-Clohessy-Whiltshire (HCW) equations [23]. In
maneuvers have been presented in Ref. [16] using DD and in Ref. [17] Ref. [1] two maneuvers have been investigated: 1) the PCF to GCF ma-
using the solar radiation pressure. neuver and 2) the Along Track reconfiguration. ATF will not be further
In Ref. [1] the problem of formation reconfiguration achieved by analyzed in this paper, however the reverse GCF to PCF maneuver will be
means of drag and solar radiation pressure has been taken into account in studied.
great detail. In that work the authors have developed a software for In this work the planning problem is numerically solved by the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: dario.spiller@uniroma1.it (D. Spiller).

Received 20 September 2017; Received in revised form 23 January 2018; Accepted 29 January 2018
Available online 6 February 2018
0094-5765/© 2018 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

2. Problem definition

Given an inertial reference frame L ¼ fX L ⇔ Y L ⇔ Z L g, a body-

fixed reference frame B and NF satellites in the formation with i 2
f1; 2…; NF g (see Fig. 1), the addressed optimization problem may be
briefly summarized as:

Find : min J ¼ tf   (1)

subject to; 8t 2 t0 ; tf ;

ng X
Orbital Dynamics : r€i ¼ ϕj;k ðr i Þ þ p; ðr i Þ þ p⋆; ðr i Þ
j¼1 k¼1

þpD ðr i ; ξi ; tÞ þ pSRP ðr i ; ξi ; tÞ
Figure 1. Inertial and Local reference frames. Attitude Dynamics : ξ_ i ¼ Ξðξi Þ ωi
ω_ i ¼ I 1 ðui þ M GG ðr i ; ξi Þ  ωi  I ωi Þ
Initial conditions : bðXðt0 Þ; Yðt0 ÞÞ ¼ 0
software presented in Ref. [1], which rely on the IPSO to optimize the     
Final conditions : e X tf ; Y tf ¼ 0
result. The IPSO is a fast and validated optimization method based on the
PSO [24]. It is particularly suitable for the addressed problem as it Path Constraints : pðX; Y; U; tÞ  0
eliminates a costly integration process during the non-linear attitude
The above quantities and relationships are defined as follows:
dynamic simulation [1]. Being based on a differentially flat imple-
mentation [25,26], the IPSO requires a small number of optimization
 X ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; …; xNF  2 ℝ6NF where xi ¼ ½r i ; r_i ; r i 2 ℝ3 is the inertial
parameters thus making it possible to deal with very complex optimi-
positions and r_i 2 ℝ3 is the inertial velocity of each satellite,
zation problems. Furthermore, satisfied boundary conditions for the
expressed in L .
attitude are guaranteed, thus reducing the complexity of the performance
 Y ¼ ½y1 ; y2 ; …; yNF  2 ℝ6NF where y i ¼ ½ξi ; ωi ; ξi 2 ℝ3 is the attitude
index. B-spline curves are used to model the attitude kinematics of the
satellites. Some little modifications have been introduced to improve the parameterization (given by roll, pitch and yaw) and ωi 2 ℝ3 the body
reliability, the robustness and the convergence ability of the software. angular velocity, expressed in B .
The introduction of the gravity gradient (GG) torque within the Euler's  U ¼ ½u1 ; u2 ; …; uNF  2 ℝ3NF where ui 2 ℝ3 is the vector of the
equation will prove the efficiency of the proposed maneuvers considering external torque for controlling the attitude of each satellite.
a more realistic attitude dynamic model than the one used in Ref. [1].  b defines the initial conditions such that b : ℝ6NF  ℝ6NF →ℝNb ; e de-
The PSO has been implemented using the local strategy [27], which is a fines the final conditions such that e : ℝ6NF  ℝ6NF →ℝNe ; p defines
simple and effective way to escape from local minima. the path constraints such that p : ℝ6NF  ℝ6NF  ℝ3NF  ℝ→ℝNp .
A key distinction of this approach with respect to using thrusters is
that the spacecraft is not limited to a finite total control input (via pro- The values of Nb ; Ne ; Np 2 ℝ depend on the problem. Initial and final
pellant) over the mission lifetime. As such, minimum time reconfigura- conditions determine the satellite configuration in t0 and tf . Inside the
tion maneuvers are a viable objective. Since perturbation forces have a path constraints, the collision avoidance (satellites inter-distance must be
small intensity compared to the gravitational field forces, the minimum greater than a user-defined threshold) and the attitude control feasibility
time planning guarantees to exploit the effect of the perturbation forces (the control must be lower the maximum available torque) are consid-
at the maximum extent and to obtain reasonable maneuver times. ered. The orbital dynamics takes into account the gravitational har-
The main objective of this paper is to show the limits and possibilities monics ϕi;j up to degree and order ng ¼ 20 (values consistent with what
offered by the proposed maneuver approach by means of: reported in Ref. [30]), the third body perturbation of the Sun and the
Moon, p; and , the drag pD and the solar radiation pressure pSRP
1. Theoretical investigations: starting from simple mathematical models perturbations. Moreover the perturbative effect of the gravity gradient
(HCW and Gauss' Variational Equations (GVE) [28]), the relative (GG) torque M GG ðr; ξÞ is properly modeled.
motion variations induced by the drag and the solar radiation pres-
sure will be investigated to understand how they affect the proposed 3. Reference relative trajectories
2. Numerical simulations: accurate numerical experiments will prove In this work, circular and near circular orbits will be taken into ac-
the effectiveness of the theoretical insights. count. Let us consider the chief satellite (subscripted with c) centered at
the origin of the rotating EulerHill frame L ¼ fX L ; Y L ; Z L g as in Fig. 1.
It is noteworthy that in this paper the IPSO method is utilized to solve Some reference trajectories of the deputy satellite (subscripted with d and
a very hard problem which requires an efficient work-station in order to identified by the position vector ρd ¼ ½xd ; yd ; zd ) are defined in L by
obtain the solution in a reasonable time, in contrast to [18–20] where the means of the linear model described by the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire
IPSO has been presented as an advantageous method for possible (HCW) equations [23],
on-board implementation of an autonomous path planning.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 the mathe- x€d  2nc y_d  3n2c xd ¼ 0; y€d þ 2nc x_d ¼ 0; z€d þ n2c zd ¼ 0; (2)
matical optimization problem is discussed, and in Sec. 3 the reference
relative trajectories are introduced using the Relative Orbit Elements where nc ¼ ðμ=a3c Þ , the mean motion, is supposed to be constant. For a
(ROE) [29] parameterization. Sec. 4 describes properties and charac- close relative trajectory, we impose the energy matching condition [22]
teristics of the proposed perturbation-based reconfiguration maneuvers given by δa ¼ ad  ac ¼ 0. Let us define the Relative Orbit Elements
and Sec. 5 gives the necessary information concerning the numerical (ROE) [29],
optimization technique used to validate the theoretical investigations.
Results are reported in Sec. 6 and conclusions are given in Sec. 7.

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Figure 2. Reference relative trajectories.

other ROE are zero. Defining y0 ¼ a0 δλ, the formation is then

described by ½xðtÞ; yðtÞ; zðtÞ ¼ ½0; y0 ; 0.
2. General Circular Formation (GCF): the relative trajectory lies on a plane
and is circular with radius R, centered in the position of the chief
3. Projected Circular Formation (PCF): the relative trajectory lies on a
plane, is elliptical and the yz projection is a circle, centered in the
position of the chief satellite and with radius R.

Close relative trajectories can be represented in Cartesian coordinates

in L as

xd ðtÞ ¼ 0:5 R sinðnc t þ α0 Þ ¼ ac δ e sinðnc t þ α0 Þ;

yd ðtÞ ¼ y0 þ R cosðnc t þ α0 Þ ¼ ac δλ þ 2ac δ e cosðnc t þ α0 Þ; (7)
zd ðtÞ ¼ 0:5 Kzx R sinðnc t þ α0 Þ ¼ ac δ i sinðnc t þ α0 Þ;

where R is related to the dimension of the formation ellipse and α0 is the

initial phase angle. Comparing Eq. (4) and Eq. (7), given that sinðαÞ ¼
Figure 3. Dimension and inclination of the relative motion ellipse. cosðα þ π =2Þ and cosðαÞ ¼ sinðα þ π =2Þ 8α 2 ℝ, the following equalities
have been established,
2 3 2 3 π
δa a1
c ðad  ac Þ φ ¼ α0 þ ; θ ¼ α0 : (8)
6 δλ 7 6 ud  uc þ ðΩd  Ωc Þcosðic Þ 7 2
6 7 6 7
6 δex 7 6 ed cosðωd Þ  ec cosðωc Þ 7 GCF, PCF and ATF are then obtained as the following special case:
δα ¼ 6 7 6 7
6 δey 7 ¼ 6 ed sinðωd Þ  ec sinðωc Þ 7; (3)
6 7 6 7 pffiffiffi
4 δix 5 4 id  ic 5
 GCF: Kzx ¼ 3 (centered in the origin of L if y0 ¼ 0).
δiy ðΩd  Ωc Þsinðic Þ  PCF: Kzx ¼ 2 (centered in the origin of L if y0 ¼ 0).
 ATF: R ¼ 0 and y0 6¼ 0.
where æ ¼ ½a; e; i; Ω; ω; M are the classical orbital elements and
u ¼ M þ ω. Accordingly, the trajectory generating from (2) can be
In the general case, the xy-projection of Eqs. (4) and (7) is a 2 : 1
expressed as
ellipse centered at ð0; y0 Þ (see Fig. 8 for clarity). With reference to Fig. 3,
xd ðtÞ ¼ ac δ e cos ðnc t  φÞ; yd ðtÞ ¼ ac δλ þ 2ac δ e sinðnc t  φÞ; zd ðtÞ the ellipse axes cy and czx are

¼ ac δ i sinðnc t  θÞ; (4) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

cy ¼ 2R; czx ¼ R K 2zx þ 1 (9)
1=2 1=2
Where δe ¼ ðδe2x þ δe2y Þ , δi ¼ ðδi2x þ δi2y Þ , φ ¼ tan1 ðδey =δex Þ and
and the inclination of the relative motion plane is
θ ¼ tan ðδiy =δix Þ. Eq. (4) is used to define the geometrical constraints of
the initial and final configurations. Note that Eq. (4) is the same as Eq. (4) φzx ¼ tan1 Kzx : (10)
in Ref. [1], here reported for the sake of completeness
The mathematical models for close relative motion given in Eqs. (4),
xd ðtÞ ¼ ac δe cosðnc t  δωÞ; (5) and (7) are linear approximations valid when no perturbations are
yd ðtÞ ¼ ac ðδω þ δM þ cos i δΩÞ þ 2ac δ e sinðnc t  δωÞ; (5) considered. Actually, more accurate models exist, as the one described in
zd ðtÞ ¼ ac ð  δΩ sin ic cos nc t þ δ i sin nc tÞ; Ref. [31] where the ROE formalism in employed to introduce the J2
gravitational contribution and the differential drag. However, employing
which was written as a function of the differential orbital elements such models, the simple and intuitive closed form solutions presented so
far to define the PCF, GCF and ATF configurations cannot be easily
δæ ¼ ½δa; δe; δi; δΩ; δω; δM (6)
When introducing non-linearities, we can only impose such reference
and was valid for ec ¼ 0 or ec →0 and δωc →0 (the sign of δω in Eq. (4) of
orbits at the t ¼ t0 . As described in Ref. [22], initial conditions on δa may
Ref. [1] is  instead of þ, and δa is zero). With reference to Fig. 2, the
be modified to take into account the along-track drift introduced by the
following three formations are defined:
J2 , which represents one of the most significant non-keplerian effects.
1. Along-Track Formation (ATF): the satellites are on the same orbit with
small differences in anomaly. Consequently, only δλ 6¼ 0, while all the

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

modeled as [34].
S 0 r ;  X    
pSRP ¼ pSRP ðr; ξ; tÞ ¼ 2ζðtÞγ   Sj cos2 βj bs j (14)
mc r ;  r  j:β <π
j 2

where γ is the reflectivity coefficient, S 0 ¼ 1352:098 kg=s2 , c ¼

2:988⋅105 km/s. The shadow function ζðtÞ is equal to 1 when the satellite
is outside the Earth shadow cone, equal to 0 when it is inside and equal to
0.5 in penumbra. As reported in Ref. [34], the solar radiation pressure
contribution is not as strong as the drag contribution below altitudes of
about 800 km.
Differential accelerations are defined as vectorial differences between
perturbation accelerations acting on two distinct spacecrafts in the for-
mation. Hence, DD acceleration aDD and Differential Solar Radiation
Pressure (DSRP) acceleration aDSRP acting on the i-th satellite with
Figure 4. Satellite dimensions, surfaces and angles considered for the respect to the j-th satellite are
perturbation forces.
ði;jÞ   ði;jÞ  
aDD ¼ pD ðr i ; ξi ; tÞ  pD r j ; ξj ; t ; aDSRP ¼ pSRP ðr i ; ξi ; tÞ  pSRP r j ; ξj ; t ;

4. Perturbations as control inputs where i; j 2 f1; …; NF g, i 6¼ j. Perturbation accelerations may be used as

control inputs for the SFF reconfiguration illustrated by the well known
In this section, opportunity to perform perturbation-based maneuvers GVE [34]. Looking at Eq. (11), it can be seen that the drag force is
are introduced. Sec. 4.1 formulates the mathematical description of the directed along  b v which may be confused with YL for very small ec-
drag and solar radiation perturbations. Sec. 4.2 describes a preliminary centricities. As a consequence, the drag force may only be used to modify
feasibility analysis about the opportunity to use perturbations as control a, e, ω and M. With the hypothesis of negligible lift, the drag force is a
inputs. Sec. 4.3 focuses on the general features of perturbation-based dissipative force and, looking at Eqs. (3) and (4), only the in-plane x and y
maneuvers, and in Sec. 4.4 the characteristics of minimum-time ma- components may be controlled (i.e., δa, δλ, δex and δey ). Conversely, the
neuvers with in-plane forces are described. SRP has both in-plane and out-of-plane effects, as stated in Eq. (14),
giving the possibility to vary all the orbital parameters. However, the
intensity of the force depends on the angle βðξÞ. In this case, a key role is
4.1. Perturbations introduced by natural forces
played by the orientation of the chief orbital plane, as it can vary the
intensity of the in-plane and out-of-plane components of the SRP
The orbital dynamics of the satellites are modeled as in Ref. [1]. From
depending on the position of the Sun in L . In fact, for an equatorial orbit
the analysis reported in Ref. [32], the lift/drag ratio is related to the
the maximum value of the SRP is attained when β ¼ 23∘ 270 , i.e. when the
thermal accommodation coefficient and attains a maximum value of 0.05
force is in the Ecliptic plane, thus having the in-plane component much
when a diffuse re-emission model is employed with complete accom-
bigger than the out-of-plane component. Conversely, in a polar orbit the
modation. In more recent studies, as in Ref. [33], an accommodation
maximum attainable magnitudes of in-plane and out-of-plane compo-
coefficient close to 1 is recommended for circular orbit below 500 km. As
nents are switched.
a consequence, in this work it is assumed that the lift component of the
atmospheric force is negligible with respect to drag.
With reference to Fig. 4, where the body reference frame B ¼
fxB ; yB ; zB g is shown, the drag perturbation pD is given by Ref. [34]. 4.2. Preliminary feasibility analysis of perturbation-based maneuvers

ϱðr; tÞ CD X   The proposed maneuvering approach is based on the distinction be-

pD ¼ pD ðr; ξ; tÞ ¼  Sj cosαj ðξÞ v2 b
v (11)
2m j:αj <π
tween absolute perturbations and differential perturbations. The former
are those forces that are common to all the spacecrafts in the formation
where CD is the drag coefficient, m is the mass of the satellite and and only depend on satellite position and environment (e.g. gravitational
harmonics) whereas the latter are forces that can be modified with regard
αj ðξÞ ¼ cos1 bs j ðξÞ⋅bv : (12) to magnitude and/or direction. Absolute perturbations can make unsta-
ble the PCF, GCF and ATF configurations or impact on the guidance while
The unit vectors bs j ðξÞ and b
v represent the normal to each jth surface Sj performing a maneuver. For instance, the J2 perturbation sensibly
of the satellite and the normalized velocity of the satellite, respectively. modifies the cross-track relative motion and the along-track separation if
The density ϱ in Eq. (11) is provided by the Jacchia-Roberts model [30], the inclinations of the orbits are different, as shown in Ref. [31]. Atmo-
which is a good compromise between precision and implementation spheric drag and solar radiation pressure are differential perturbations
complexity. In fact, uncertainties in the density estimation still remain that can be used to perform reconfiguration maneuvers only if they can
also in more sophisticated models [35] thus not justifying the imple- counteract the other orbital perturbations affecting the formation.
mentation of more complicated algorithms in this work. The acceleration An interesting graph comparing the magnitudes of all the perturba-
components due to a non-fixed atmosphere are neglected since they tion for all the relevant orbital regimes is reported in Ref. [30]. In LEO,
would not significantly affect the results. the most dominant perturbation is due to the J2 . A preliminary analysis of
Similarly to the case of Eq. (12), the angle βj in Fig. 4 that each surface the intensity of the gravity gradient acceleration rg J2 due to J2 can be
makes with the solar radiation flux direction b r sat; is given by obtained using the linear approximation valid for near-circular orbits
  reported in Ref. [22],
βj ðξÞ ¼ cos1 bs j ðξÞ⋅b
r sat; (13)
rg J2 ¼ κΛρd (16)
where br sat; is a unit vector directed from the satellite to the Sun.
Considering an ideal reflecting surface, the SRP perturbation pSRP is where

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Table 1 of ϱHP are

Reference density values from the Harris-Priester model (from Ref. [34]).
ðminÞ ðmaxÞ  ðmaxÞ   ðminÞ 
Altitude Minimum density, ϱHP Maximum density, ϱHP maxðkaDD kÞ ¼ aDD ϱHP ; minðkaDD kÞ ¼ aDD ϱHP : (21)
(km) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
In Fig. 5, a comparison of the magnitudes of J2 gradient acceleration
200 2:557  1010 3:162  1010 and DD perturbations is shown. The orbital inclinations ic and the
300 1:708  1011 3:526  1011
exposed area ΔS have been considered as parameters. As can be seen, the
400 2:249  1012 7:492  1012
500 3:916  1013 2:042  1012
graph suggests that up to 400–500 km the magnitude of the DD pertur-
600 8:070  1014 6:390  1013 bation is bigger or similar to the magnitude of rg J2 (up to kρd k ¼ 1 km).
700 2:043  1014 2:185  1013 Therefore, it is expected that reconfiguration maneuvers can be accom-
800 7:069  1015 8:059  1014 plished in low LEOs. At higher LEOs, the differential drag is less than
rg J2 , suggesting that reconfiguration maneuvers cannot be performed
unless very large (and unreliable) exposed areas are considered. The
opportunity to perform DD-based reconfiguration maneuvers increases
2 3 with high values of ΔS (i.e., no maneuvers can be accomplished with
1  3s2ic s2θc s2ic s2θc s2ic sθc
7 near-spherical satellites). Considering the exposed areas of the satellite
6 72 1 1 1 7
6 s2ic s2θc s2ic sθc    s2ic cθc 7 model in Fig. 4, maneuvers can be reasonably performed up to
6 4 2 4 4 7; κ
7 400–500 km.
4 1 5 1 3 5 Similar analysis can be performed in MEO and GEO, where other
s2ic sθc  s2ic cθc s2ic s2θc þ 
4 4 2 4 perturbations such as the J22 and the third body perturbation (from Sun

and Moon) must be considered. However, such preliminary analyses can
¼ 6J2 ; sð⋅Þ ¼ sinð⋅Þ cð⋅Þ ¼ cosð⋅Þ: (17) only give an approximated order of magnitude for the required exposed
area, since the necessary model simplifications can affect the results. For
In Eq. (17), θc is the true anomaly of the chief spacecraft and example, the intensity of the J2 perturbation varies with the latitude, and
J2 ¼ 1:082  103 . An upper bound of the magnitude of rg J2 can be the in-plane and out-of-plane contributions can have helpful or disturb-
obtained employing the property (valid for every general or induced ing effects in different points of the orbit. As a consequence, for some
norm [36]) orbital regimes reconfiguration maneuvers might be accomplished even

kΛρd k  kΛkkρd k: (18)

Considering ρd ¼ 1 km and using the 2-norm to evaluate jjΛjj, the
maximum magnitude of the J2 gradient acceleration can be found
considering θc 2 ½0; 2π  for each inclination, i.e.
max rg J2  ¼ max rg J2 ðic ; rc Þ ¼ κðrc Þ max jjΛðic ; θc Þjj2 : (19)
ρd ¼1 km θc 2½0;2π 

A preliminary estimation of DD experienced by the formation can be

obtained considering CD ¼ 2:2 and m ¼ 100 kg for all the spacecrafts,
same orbital velocities (in magnitude and direction) and minimum/
maximum values of the atmospheric density from the Harris-Priester
ðminÞ ðmaxÞ
model, ϱHP and ϱHP , shown in Table 1 (same density for both the
spacecrafts). With these hypotheses, an upper bound of the DD magni-
tude can be estimated as

ϱHP CD 2
jjaDD jj ¼ v ΔS; (20)

where ΔS is the difference between maximum and minimum exposed Figure 6. Increasing of the relative trajectory dimension with in-plane and
areas. Moreover, maximum and minimum values of kaDD k as a function out-of-plane forces.

Figure 5. Comparison between J2 gravity gradient

acceleration (kρd k ¼ 1 km) and DD.

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

with any direction. Since the ROE set is a combination of the orbital el-
ements, effects of perturbations on the relative motion change depending
on the direction of the perturbation forces.
With reference to Fig. 6, and considering out-of-plane forces, the
following maneuvers can be accomplished:

 The dimension of the relative motion ellipse can be increased, as

shown in Fig. 6(a), applying out-of-plane forces to the deputies. In this
way, the relative inclination is modified and the value of Kzx changes.
Accordingly, with reference to Eq. (9), the trajectory geometry is
modified as czx is affected.
 The inclinations of the deputy satellites can be modified, increasing or
decreasing the term aδi in the zd component of Eq. (4). Affecting the
term δi, this maneuver modifies Kzx (and φzx ) as can be seen from Eq.
(22) and as shown in Fig. 6(a).

In contrast to the previous case, using only along-track forces, the

following maneuvers can be accomplished:
Figure 7. Variation of the relative trajectory inclination with drag and SRP.
 The dimension of the relative motion ellipse may be increased with
in-plane forces directed along Y L and applied to all the satellites, as
shown in Fig. 6(b). In this way ac is increased, as well as the semi-
major axes of the deputy satellites, enlarging the dimension of the
relative motion ellipse. However, as opposed to the previous point,
this maneuver does not modify the geometry of the relative ellipse, as
both the ellipse axes are modified by the same amount (see Eq. (9)).
 Variations of the relative motion plane inclination can be obtained
with in-plane forces. In fact, a variation of the angle φzx is obtained
when the orbital parameter e (dictating the form of the absolute orbit)
is changed. Such a maneuver affects δe and Kzx as stated in Eq. (22).

With regard to drag (only in-plane component) and solar radiation

pressure (both in-plane and out-of-plane components), a summary of the
maneuvering opportunities given by these perturbations is given below:

 As a consequence of the previous points, the drag force cannot in-

crease R with constant Kzx since it is an in-plane force directed along
Y L , opposite to the velocity direction. However, it may change the
inclination of the relative motion plane, as shown in Fig. 7(a). All the
formation satellites will decrease their value of the semi-major axis
Figure 8. Projection of PCF and GCF with same value of zd;max .
because of the dissipative effect of the drag. As stated in Sec. 4.1, the
out-of-plane lift component is neglected.
if the average DD magnitude is lower than the average magnitude of the
 The SRP force might be used to increase the dimension of the relative
J2 gradient acceleration. The proposed numerical approach is then a
motion ellipse, as an out-of-plane component can be obtained
useful instrument when a more reliable feasibility analysis is required to
depending on the orbit geometry. Consequently, maneuvers as in
estimate the opportunity to perform perturbation-based reconfigura-
Fig. 7(b) can be addressed with the SRP. Taking advantage of the in-
plane and out-of-plane components of SRP, both R and Kzx can be
properly controlled. In the results section, the SRP will be used to
4.3. Insights on perturbation-based maneuvers change Kzx and R modifying both the dimension and the inclination of
relative trajectory. If the maneuver is properly planned, the final
For close relative trajectories described by Eq. (7), a relationship value of δe can be set to be equal to the initial value in order to modify
between trajectory parameters R; Kzx and ROE can be found as R keeping Kzx constant. With the SRP, it is not expected to denote a
semi-major axis decrease as in the case of the drag-induced maneuver.
zd δi
R ¼ 2ac δe; Kzx ¼ ¼ : (22)
xd δe 4.4. Properties of minimum-time in-plane maneuvers
Variations of R influence all the components of the deputy motion but
do not change the plane of the relative motion, i.e. the ratio zd =xd or φzx in Let us consider maneuvers based on in-plane forces. Reconfiguration
Fig. 3. From Eq. (22), a variation of R can be induced by a variation of ac from PCF to GCF, or vice-versa, are considered. With reference to Fig. 8,
(also ad must change to preserve the energy matching condition) or a let zd;max remain fixed during the reconfiguration maneuver, i.e.
variation of δe. The inclination of the relative motion plane is dictated by
the value of Kzx . However, Kzx also influences the dimension of the maxðzd;PCF Þ ¼ maxðzd;GCF Þ: (23)
relative trajectory as it modifies the ellipse axis czx as stated in Eq. (9), This hypothesis is almost true for short-time maneuvers lasting about
stretching the trajectory along the Z L direction. As a consequence, both R one orbit, and its validity will be verified by the reported simulations.
and Kzx can affect, in different ways, the dimension of the relative ellipse. The maximum z displacement for the PCF and GCF cases is given by
As a result of the GVE [28], out-of-plane forces can only modify i and Ω,
in-plane forces can modify a, e and M while ω can change with a force

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Figure 9. General scheme of the employed optimi-

zation process.

maxðzd;PCF Þ ¼ maxðRPCF sinðnc t þ α0 ÞÞ ¼ RPCF ; (24) u ¼ Iω

_ þ ω  I ω  M GG ðξ; rÞ: (29)

pffiffiffi Once the attitude history is known along with its time derivatives,
3 3 both the required torques and the angular velocity can be expressed in
maxðzd;GCF Þ ¼ max RGCF sinðnc t þ α0 Þ ¼ RGCF : (25)
2 2 closed form. The most important consequences of the inverse approach
Hence, considering a GCF to PCF, Eq. (23) leads to are that: 1) the integration of the attitude dynamics is avoided, and 2)
that the initial and final conditions of the attitude kinematics are imposed
  3 a priori. The attitude reorientation subproblem is shown in Fig. 9 by
RPCF tf ¼ RGCF ðt0 Þ 0:866 RGCF ðt0 Þ: (26) means of the first three blocks. The attitude histories of the formation
satellites are used to compute pD ðξÞ and pSRP ðξÞ. Once integrated the
Conversely, for the opposite PCF to GCF maneuver,
dynamics, the imposed constraints are calculated and the achieved for-
  2 mation reconfiguration is compared with the required one. Finally, IPSO
RGCF tf ¼ pffiffiffiRPCF ðt0 Þ 1:155 RPCF ðt0 Þ: (27) searches for the optimal solution which minimizes the maneuver time
satisfying the imposed constraints stated in Sec. 2.
It is noteworthy that for the GCF to PCF maneuver the dimensions of
the 2:1 ellipse in the xy plane have to be reduced. In the opposite case,
5.2. Attitude approximation with B-splines
the dimensions of the same ellipse must be increased.
When ξðtÞ 2 ℝ (i.e., one degree of freedom), we define the optimi-
5. Optimization strategy based on particle swarm optimization
zation parameters in the IPSO particles as

The optimization problem is solved using the IPSO algorithm h T iT

X ¼ ~ξ1 ; ~τ T1 ; …; ~ξNF ; ~τ TNF ; tf 2 ℝ2NF NP þ1 :
described in Ref. [1] (only minor modifications have been included
which do not modify the main original features). Hence, this section is
The vectors ~ξi and ~τ Ti contains the optimization parameters (NP for
intended to describe the most important characteristics of IPSO. For
further details, refer to [1]. each vector) defining the B-spline curve for the attitude maneuvers of the
satellites. When 2 or 3 attitude parameters for each satellite are consid-
ered, the number of independent optimization variables is 3NF NP þ 1
5.1. Inverse dynamics particle swarm optimization
and 4NF NP þ 1, respectively (the time parameters vector is one for each
The optimizer is based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), a
B-splines are used taking full advantage of their capability to shape
meta-heuristic optimization method based on the evolution of a fixed
curves [1,19–21]: accordingly, both the kinematic parameters (i.e. roll,
number of solutions called particles [37]. The movement of the particle
pitch and yaw) and the time are approximated with B-spline polynomials
within the feasible search space is dictated by a perturbation term named
using the coefficients in the ~ξ and ~τ T vectors, respectively (see Ref. [1]
velocity, that is a change in position. In this work, to avoid the risk of i i
converging to a local minima the local model of the PSO [27] is used to for further details). The B-spline approximation is defined upon a strictly
evaluate the velocity. increasing independent variable 0  λ  1 and depends on the knot
The whole optimization process is depicted in the block diagram vector K defined as
shown in Fig. 9. The IPSO is based on a combination of PSO and the
K ¼ fκ i ; i ¼ 0; :::; mjκ 0 ¼ 0; κ m ¼ 1; κ i  κ iþ1 g (31)
inverse dynamics approach. The method relies on the flatness property
[25] typical of the attitude dynamics expressed by the Euler's equation
where m is defined by the user. The generic component ξ of the attitude
[26]. Accordingly, in this work the attitude reorientation problem has
parameters vector can be approximated with a B-spline B ðλ; ~ξ; k Þ as
been stated as an inverse dynamics sub-problem inside the generic
problem in Eq. (1). Since the angular velocity may be expressed as a   NX
P 1

function of the attitude parameters, i.e. ω ¼ gðξ; ξ;_ €ξÞ, then in the body ξN ðλÞ ¼ B λ; ~ξ; k ¼ ~ξi N i;D ðλ; K Þ; (32)
reference frame B the sum of the external torques ΣM ext are related to i¼0

the kinematic by the Euler equation,

where the basis functions N i;d ðλ; KÞ are defined by the Cox-de Boor
  recursion formula (see Ref. [38]). To build a B-spline curve, a polyline
ΣM ext ¼ Iω _ €ξ :
_ þ ω  I ω ¼ f ξ; ξ; (28)
defined over the control points Uj ¼ ½~τj tf ; ~ξj ; j ¼ 0; …; NP  1; is intro-
Using the optimization algorithm of [1], the quantities ξ; _ €ξ are not duced and the time is
independent as they are analytically evaluated once the components of ξ
P 1
are approximated with B-spline curves. Note that the GG torque may be
tN ðλÞ ¼ tf B ðλ; ~τ; K Þ ¼ tf ~τi N i;D ðλ; K Þ; (33)
taken into account after the dynamics integration. In fact, the required i¼0
control torque u is given as

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Table 2
where Nt is the number of time intervals where the constraint is evalu-
Satellites parameters.
ated, tj is a time instant, π i is a user-defined weight and
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Mbody (kg) 90 Ix;B (kg⋅m2) 1:28e3 ðiÞ   0 if pk tj < Δi
pk tj ¼ (37)
Mpanel (kg) 40 Iy;B (kg⋅m2) 6:41e1 1 otherwise
CD 2.2 Iz;B (kg⋅m2) 1:23e3
γ 1.5 Mmax (Nm) 1e3 The parameter Δi is a decreasing tolerance, following the decreasing
scheme reported in Ref. [1]. As an example, the final position and ve-
locities of the deputies are imposed considering an additional orbital
Table 3 propagation for an orbital period after the execution of the reconfigu-
Initial conditions for the PCF-GCF maneuver. ration maneuver, similarly to what has been done in Ref. [39]. If the
r L ðt0 Þ r_L ðt0 Þ maneuver is consistent with the requirements, the deputies should have
position and velocity histories generating from the final conditions of the
x [km] y [km] z [km] x_ [km/s] y_ [km/s] z_ [km/s]
integration, i.e. ρðtÞ and ρ_ ðtÞ, consistent with the ones corresponding to
PCF to GCF maneuver the required configuration, ρ
ðtÞ and ρ_
ðtÞ. The comparison is carried out
SAT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
considering the linearized dynamics of Eq. (2). As a consequence,
SAT 2 0 1 0 0.5n 0 n pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
SAT 3 0.433 0.500 0.866 0.25n 0.866n 0.5n considering ti 2 ½tf ; tf þ T with T ¼ 2π a3 =μ, we define
SAT 4 0.433 0.500 0.866 0.25n 0.866n 0.5n
ρ t ρ
d;k tj 
GCF to PCF maneuver >
<0  d;k j 
ðposÞ   if    < Δpos
SAT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 pk tj ¼  R R  (38)
SAT 2 0 1 0 0.5n 0 0.866n >
SAT 3 0.433 0.500 0.750 0.25n 0.866n 0.433n 1 otherwise
SAT 4 0.433 0.500 0.750 0.25n 0.866n 0.433n
ρ_ t ρ_
d;k tj 
<0  d;k j
ðvelÞ   if 
 nc R
  < Δvel
pk tj ¼ nc R  (39)
where ~τ ¼ ½~τi;1 ¼ 0; ~τi;2 > ~τi;1 ; …; ~τi;NP1 ¼ 1. Hence, the independent >
variable used for the attitude description is λ and the attitude time- 1 otherwise
history is given by the two-dimensional graph
 N   where R and nc are average radius and mean motion of the obtained
γ y ðλÞ ¼ t ðλÞ; ξN ðλÞ ; λ 2 ½0; 1 : (34) trajectory.
Time derivatives of ξN can be evaluated as reported in Ref. [1].
6. Numerical results

5.3. Performance index definition In this section some test cases are solved with the proposed technique.
Such results extend the findings reported in Ref. [1], as more precise
The performance index, the penalty functions and the decreasing results are shown for difficult reconfiguration maneuvers. All the simu-
tolerance technique are imposed following the criterion reported in lations have been carried out on a personal computer with an Intel®-
Ref. [1]. The performance index J is designed as processor CoreTM i7-2670QM CPU @2.20 GHz and with 6.00 GB of
J ¼ J0 þ Pi ; (35)
6.1. Parameters and problem setting
where the terms P i are the penalty functions associated to the constraints
described in Sec. 2 and evaluated as described in Sec. III.C of [1]. A SFF with NF ¼ 4 satellites is considered. Three different maneuvers
The term J0 is designed in slightly different ways depending if the are taken into account:
maneuver is performed with the drag or the SRP. In the former case,
J0 ¼ tf . With the drag, no out-of-plane force is detected and the results 1. Modify a PCF into a GCF.
are expected to confirm the speculations of Sec. 4.4 with regard to the 2. Modify a GCF into a PCF.
value of Rðtf Þ. On the other hand, with the SRP the out-of-plane 3. Increase the radius of a close relative formation.
component can perturb the final result, influencing the value of the tra-
jectory radius R. To choose a specific strategy consistent with the From the hypotheses and the analyses made in Sec. 4, case 3. can only
  be attempted using the SRP perturbation. In fact, the lift component of
minimum-time maneuver we are searching for, J0 ¼ tf þ κ Rðtf Þ  R
f ,
the atmospheric force is neglected and the drag is a dissipative force.
where R
f assumes the values outlined in Sec. 4.4. Without the term in R, IPSO parameters have been chosen accordingly to [1], with the
different maneuvers may be found with different values of Rðtf Þ, hence exception of some parameters that have been slightly modified (in
the proposed strategy allows to identify a unique maneuver. The same particular, the maximum number of iterations has been increased to
term may be used for another kind of maneuver, i.e. for imposing other achieve higher accuracies and the local model has been employed instead
values of the final radius of the relative trajectory. For instance, a GCF to of the unified model). The swarm is set to have NS ¼ 30 particles and the
GCF imposing Rðtf Þ > Rðt0 Þ will be presented with this regard. Interme- B-splines of degree 5 are defined with NP ¼ 10 points. Weights and tol-
diate cases can be searched for with combinations of the two strategies, erances of the cost functions are given in Ref. [1].
which means that the SRP may be used to obtain slight variation of both Results will be reported considering near-equatorial circular orbits in
Kzx and R. LEO and GEO and inclined circular orbits in MEO (the chief orbital pa-
With regard to the penalty functions P i , they are evaluated as rameters will be detailed in the following subsections). With regard to the
LEO case, results will be reported considering a single-axis maneuver
Nt X
ðiÞ   since we have only one degree of freedom as the drag force always points
P i ¼ πi pk tj (36)
j¼0 k¼1
in the opposite direction of the satellites velocity vector. However,
instead of a yaw maneuver around zB as in Ref. [1], here the maneuver is

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Table 4 around yB since the moment of inertia around this axis is lower than the
Chief orbital parameters in LEO. one around zB (see Table 2). The result of the maneuver is not affected as
Parameter Value Parameter Value the area exposed to the drag varies in a similar manner as in Ref. [1], but
a (km) 6778 ω (deg) 0 the control effort is reduced and a smaller value of the maximum torque
e 0 i (deg) 1 can be chosen. When dealing with the solar radiation pressure in MEO
Ω (deg) 10 M (deg) 0 and GEO, a two-axes maneuver around yB and zB is considered, as a
rotation around xB is useless in order to vary the exposed area. With
NF ¼ 4 and NP ¼ 10 and referring to Eq. (30), the number of optimi-
zation variables is 81 of the one-axis maneuver and 121 for the two-axes
Table 5 All the relevant physical and geometrical properties of the four sat-
Maneuver performances achievable in LEO with drag. ellites are shown in Fig. 4 and in Table 2. The inertia tensor referred to
Kzx ðt0 Þ Rðt0 Þ Kzx ðtf Þ tf Rðtf Þ the Body reference frame B of Fig. 4 is evaluated supposing a uniformly
Rðt0 Þ
distributed mass over the central body and the solar panels.
() (km) () (orbits) ()
Initial conditions for the PCF to GCF and GCF to PCF cases are re-
all deputies SAT2 SAT3 SAT4 all deputies ported in Table 3 expressed in L (velocities are a function of the mean
PCF to GCF 2.000 1.000 1.731 1.735 1.735 1.292 1.154 motion, varying among LEO, MEO and GEO). PCF and GCF are consid-
GCF to PCF 1.732 1.000 2.005 1.995 1.994 1.496 0.866 ered with a central satellite (SAT1) and three deputies: SAT2 is aligned
along the inertial velocity direction of the chief and SAT3 and SAT4 are
equally spaced in the circular trajectory. The simulation epoch begins at
the date January 2000, 00:00 a.m. UTC. In LEO, initial and final attitudes
are chosen with xB aligned with yL and yB normal to the orbital plane.
In MEO and GEO, instead, xB is aligned with the Sun-satellite direction
and yB is normal to the orbital plane. The attitude maneuvers in the LEO
scenario are referred to the LVLH reference system L , while in the MEO
and GEO scenarios they are referred to the ECI system L . In all cases,
given the geometrical and structural symmetry of the satellite model,
rotations are limited in ½90; 90 deg per axis.
The orbital integration of the satellites is carried out using a Gauss-
Jackson scheme [40]. As shown in Ref. [30], this method is faster than
standard Runge-Kutta schemes, guarantees great numerical accuracy
and, as a fixed step-size integrator, it allows a simple implementation of
the input attitude kinematics history inside the differential equation to be
integrated. Moreover, the Parallel Computing utility available in Matlab®
has been used to make the numerical computation more efficient. The
Gauss-Jackson integration is carried out with a 60-s step and relative and
absolute tolerances equal to 1013 and 1015 , respectively. IPSO stops
according to the following convergence criterion,

1 X k
Jgði1Þ  JgðiÞ
δJg ¼ <ε (40)
10 i¼k9 ðiÞ

where Jg is the performance index of the best particle in the swarm and
ε ¼ 1010 . A maximum number of 3000 iterations has been imposed in
order to reasonably limit the required computational time.
Figure 10. GCF to PCF maneuver in the LVLH Coordinate System L in LEO.
6.2. Case 1: reconfiguration in LEO

The chief orbital parameters are reported in Table 4. In Ref. [1], it has
been shown that the higher LEOs do not allow to obtain good results

Figure 11. GCF to PCF maneuver in the LVLH Co-

ordinate System L , xy projection in LEO.

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Figure 12. Exposed area (a) and z-axis torque (b) for
the GCF to PCF case in LEO.

Figure 13. Drag perturbation history for the GCF to

PCF case in LEO.

Figure 14. ROE history for the GCF to PCF case in

LEO (ROE components have been translated to zoom
all the deputies’ behavior).

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Table 6 Table 7
Chief orbital parameters in MEO. Maneuver performances achievable with SRP in MEO.

Parameter Value Parameter Value Kzx ðt0 Þ Rðt0 Þ Kzx ðtf Þ tf Rðtf Þ
Rðt0 Þ

a (km) 26378 ω (deg) 0

() (km) () (orbits) ()
e 0 i (deg) 60
fΩ1 ; Ω2 g (deg) f280; 10g M (deg) 0 all deputies SAT2 SAT3 SAT4 all deputies

i ¼ 60 deg, line of nodes along Earth-Sun direction

PCF to GCF 2.000 1.000 1.723 1.749 1.745 1.400 1.146
GCF to PCF 1.732 1.000 2.003 2.001 2.002 1.211 0.872

i ¼ 60 deg, line of nodes normal to Earth-Sun direction

PCF to GCF 2.000 1.000 1.753 1.733 1.732 1.015 1.138
GCF to PCF 1.732 1.000 1.999 2.000 2.000 1.008 0.874

orbit propagation after the end of the maneuver. The trajectory is

modified starting from a GCF (which is the outer trajectory) and arriving
to a PCF (which is the inner trajectory) and the extremal values along the
z direction are the kept constant (which also means that the radius of the
GCF is quite the same as the semi-major axis of the finale relative ellipse
given by the PCF). The angular distances among the satellites are not
modified in a relevant way.
Fig. 11 reports the xy projection (in L ) of the maneuver proposed in
Fig. 10. The three deputy satellites start the transfer trajectory from the
outside ellipse and finish their maneuver when they arrive on the inner
ellipse. According to Eq. (7), the xy projection is always an ellipse with a
y:x ratio equal to 2:1.
The exposed area histories (due to the satellites' rotations about their
y-axis) are reported in Fig. 12(a). Given the symmetry of the considered
satellite model, symmetrical reorientation attitude maneuvers are
Figure 15. PCF to GCF maneuver in the L Reference System in MEO with Ω1 . possible leading to the same reconfiguration results. Moreover, it should
be noted that such attitude maneuvers are consistent with the maximum
when considering PCF to GCF maneuvers (see Sec. 4.2 for further torque constraint, as can be seen from Fig. 12(b) where the normalized
details). torques are reported. Therefore, it is numerically verified that the
First of all, let us look at Table 5 to understand the performances disturbance effect of the GG torque does not affect the results, validating
achievable with the drag perturbation. As can be seen, both the PCF to the results in this paper and in Ref. [1].
GCF and the GCF to PCF maneuvers may be accomplished with very good One very interesting result reported in Fig. 12 is that the exposed
results. In both cases the time required for the maneuver is between one areas (as well as the rotations, not reported for brevity) are likely to take
and one and a half orbits. The inclination of the relative orbit plane have only two values, i.e. the maximum exposed area or the minimum exposed
been changed with great accuracy. Moreover, accordingly to the theo- area. This is particularly consistent with a minimum-time maneuver: if
retical prediction stated in Sec. 4.4, the ratio between final GCF radius we were looking at the linearized model of relative motion with the HCW
and the initial PCF radius is 1.154 (instead of 1.155) and the ratio be- equations, it can be easily seen that reconfiguration maneuvers require a
tween final PCF radius and the initial GCF radius is 0.866, as expected. bang-bang control. Accordingly, the fact that the exposed area, which is
This means that the maneuver time can be considered sufficiently short proportional to the drag force, is mainly either minimum or maximum,
such that the hypothesis in Sec. 4.4 hold. suggests the near-optimality of the proposed solution. As a consequence
To get a greater insight into the proposed maneuver, we report some of these attitude maneuvers, the drag force experienced by the satellites
explanatory figures concerning the GCF to PCF maneuver (similar results is reported in Fig. 13, where the force components are referred to L . It
are obtained vice-versa). In Fig. 10, the maneuver trajectory is shown in can be seen that the order of magnitude of the drag force as well of the
the L frame. The stars represent the initial positions of the satellites, differential drag force is 108 km/s2.
while the circles are the final positions. The dashed lines are the optimal Finally, it is noteworthy, looking at the ROE reported in Fig. 14, the
trajectories followed by the satellites and the solid lines represent one drag force only affects the in-plane elements, that is δa, δλ, δex and δey

Figure 16. PCF to GCF maneuver in the L Reference

System, xy projection in MEO with Ω1 .

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Figure 17. SRP perturbation history for the PCF to

GCF case in MEO with Ω1 .

Figure 18. ROE history for the PCF to GCF case in

MEO with Ω1 (ROE components have been translated
to zoom all the deputies’ behavior).

Figure 19. Rotation angles (a) and exposed areas (b)

for the PCF to GCF case in MEO with Ω1 .

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

Table 8 which is consistent with the GVE and the fact that the drag is in the di-
Chief orbital parameters in GEO. rection of the velocity. The elements δix and δiy show periodic variations
Parameter Value Parameter Value due to the other conservative perturbations. It is noteworthy that δa and
a (km) 42168 ω (deg) 0 δλ converges to a zero final value, which is consistent with the expected
e 0 i (deg) 1 results (see Eq. (4)).
Ω (deg) 10 M (deg) 0

6.3. Case 2: reconfiguration in MEO

Table 9
Maneuver performances achievable with SRP in GEO.
The chief orbital parameters for the MEO cases are reported in
Table 6. The chief inclination has been set to 60 deg (value consistent
Kzx ðt0 Þ Rðt0 Þ Kzx ðtf Þ tf Rðtf Þ
Rðt0 Þ with real MEO missions such as the GNSS constellations) to get the op-
(-) (km) (-) (orbits) () portunity to obtain in-plane and out-of-plane components of the SRP with
similar magnitudes. With this regard, two different values of ascending
all deputies SAT2 SAT3 SAT4 all deputies
node have been chosen. With Ω1 , the line of nodes of the chief orbital
PCF-GCF maneuvers plane is aligned to the Earth-Sun direction, hence the maximum
PCF to GCF 2.000 1.000 1.728 1.729 1.716 0.960 1.139
GCF to PCF 1.732 1.000 1.963 1.979 1.984 0.936 0.862
component of the SRP is in plane. On the contrary, with Ω2 the line of
nodes is normal to the Earth-Sun direction and consequently the out-of-
GCF to GCF maneuver imposing R
f ¼ 1:2 km
plane component of the SRP is comparable with the in-plane one.
GCF to GCF 1.732 1.000 1.712 1.714 1.710 1.048 1.194
A PCF to GCF maneuver performed with Ω1 is depicted in Fig. 15 and
Fig. 16. In this case we are moving from the inner relative trajectory to
the outer one and the figures allow the reader to appreciate the ability to
perform the maneuver with the SRP. From Fig. 15 it can be see that the
maximum and minimum values along zL remain quite constant satisfying
the constraint imposed in the performance index.
Results reported in Table 7 for Ω1 and Ω2 show that in both the cases a
good reconfiguration maneuvers may be achieved. The Kzx coefficients
change achieving nice approximations of the expected values. The final
radius is quite close to the one expected when using only the in-plane
forces. Moreover, the time required for the cases with Ω1 is greater
than the time required when using Ω2 . This is consistent with the fact that
when the line of nodes is aligned with the Earth-Sun direction, the SRP
goes to zero when the satellites are in the Earth shadow, as can be seen in
Fig. 17. From this figure, moreover, the magnitude of the SRP can be
detected and compared to the drag intensity reported in Fig. 13. Even
though the SRP magnitude is less than the one provided by the drag the
maneuver can be accomplished since the gravitational field intensity in
MEO is less than in LEO.
The out-of-plane effect of the SRP on the reconfiguration maneuver
can be seen in Fig. 18, where all the six parameters are modified. It is
noteworthy that the variations in δix and δiy are no more periodical as
they were in Fig. 14 where their histories where induced by the con-
servative perturbations only. However, also in this case δa and δλ con-
verges to a zero final value, which is consistent with the expected results.
Finally, the same characteristics described in LEO with regard to
rotation angles and exposed area are detected in MEO, see Fig. 19. Also in
this case the rotation angles histories are such that the exposed area tends
Figure 20. GCF to GCF maneuver in the L Reference System in GEO with to have minimum or maximal values, thus representing a nice approxi-
f ¼ 1:2 km. mation of a bang-bang solution. For brevity, the torques required for the
attitude maneuvers are not shown. However, the necessary torques in
MEO are always lower than the ones in LEO since the forces ruling the

Figure 21. GCF to GCF maneuver in the L Reference

System, xy projection in GEO with R
f ¼ 2.

D. Spiller et al. Acta Astronautica 153 (2018) 259–273

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