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Chapter I


I. Rationale of the Study

With the increasing population in Cebu, there is also an increase in the needs of housing.
With 2.01 percent annual growth rate, Cebu’s population is projected to reach 4.9 million in
the upcoming years, this is according to an article in 2018. This is the general population, but
there’s also a specific population that has specific needs, the Muslim community. It is a
known fact that Cebu is mostly occupied by Christians, yet it is also a known fact that there is
a growth of Muslims in terms of the population residing in Cebu City which comprises of .39
percent of the total population of the city. With this being said, there will come a time that
such a population will expand. Now, since Cebu has more Christian in its population, the
needs of the Muslim community are not properly catered by the government. We are
focusing and shedding light on this problem in the society by helping our Muslim brothers
and sisters, yet this is not limited to the Muslim community, we are looking for a way to unite
both beliefs to blend in with each other so as to respect each other’s beliefs.

II. Statement of the Problem

How would we unite the Muslim and Christian community

What amenities can we offer to unite them

III. Significance of the Study

Muslim and Christian (Roman Catholic) Community

IV. Scope and Limitations of the Study

Area: Visayas because of the growth of the population

V. Definition of Terms
Chapter II

Basic knowledge about housing

Difference of housing and subdivision

Islam house

Christian house

Christian and muslim relations

Jerusalem 3 religions

Theoretical Background

Conceptual Framework
Chapter III

Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations in Norway

Leirvik, O. (2019). Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations in Norway. Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical
Faculty of the University of Zenica, 17(17), 225–240. Retrieved from

Religion in Public Spaces: Emerging Muslim-Christian Polemics in Ethiopia

Abbink, J. (2011). Religion in public spaces: Emerging Muslim–Christian polemics in Ethiopia. African
Affairs, 110(439), 253–274. https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adr002

Can Muslims and Christians Live Together PEacefully in Nigeria?

Sodiq, Y. (2009). Can Muslims and Christians Live Together Peacefully in Nigeria? Muslim World, 99(4),
646–688. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1478-1913.2009.01292.x

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