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Today we had our CELL care wherein we started it with a prayer led by Mr. Cyrill Andrada.

we did first was playing the guessing game answering the question what we are good at and
how can we imagine God using us in what purpose. Our lesson focuses on the tongue and the
power of our words that can bring life and death. In proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the
power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit", we have learned that we have to be
careful in what we are saying because words are more sharper than swords. God never dwells in
your life and never recieve your prayers in heaven unless you ask forgiveness to your brother or
sister. It is better to cry than do anything that might cause a bad feeling to your brother.

Also, we have learned that if we heard something bad about other people, let us stop it with us
and keep it within ourselves because it might bring harmful to that person. We all know that
depression is now increasing and many has died because they cannot carry the burden
anymore. Depression is not a joke so we must take it seriously and spread positivity.

Another learning is that even someone pissing you off or that someone makes you angry, always
remember to keep calm and take a deep breath, let the situation subsides before you can talk
with that someone seriously and sincerely. We should always remember that do not let anger
take over us because we might say something hurtful that eventually we are going to regret.

Our CELL care was full of learnings and reflections that could lead us in a right path. As we
ended our discussion, Mrs. Soriano our Clinical Instructor led the closing prayer.

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