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Teach English Teacher's Workbook: A Training

Course for Teachers (Cambridge Teacher

Training and Development)
Adrian Doff

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Teach English Teacher's Workbook: A Training Course for
Teachers (Cambridge Teacher Training and Development)
Adrian Doff

Teach English Teacher's Workbook: A Training Course for Teachers (Cambridge Teacher Training
and Development) Adrian Doff
Teach English is a teacher training course that develops practical skills in the teaching of English as a second
language. It can be used in a variety of situations: in-service courses for teachers working at the secondary
school level or in language institutes, in pre-service training of secondary school teachers, and as part of a
refresher course in practical methodology for more experienced teachers. It is especially designed to meet the
needs of teachers whose first language is not English, who teach large classes in rigid classrooms with few
resources, who follow a set of syllabus and textbook, who have little control over course content or material.

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Teachers (Cambridge Teacher Training and Development) Adrian Doff

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