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March 16, 2006

Africa Water



UN-Water/Africa A F RIC AI E

A newsletter of UN-Water/Africa in support of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW)

Report says Africa’s DateKEEPER

water problem is one of March 17, 2006 :
11.15-13.15. AfDB hosts a session
on Groundwater Resources Man-
“induced scarcity” agement and Protection in Africa.
13.30 - 14.20. Opening of the
For instance, it found that African Pavilion. Lunch will be
Sub Saharan Africa has a coverage served.
of barely 57% as against over 80% 14.30-16.30. ECA hosts a session
for northern African countries on Water for Growth and Develop-
while the world average stands at ment in Africa.
82%. 14.15-16.15. IDRC hosts a session
According to AWDR, on Water and Free Trade Agree-
Africa’s rural population is still ments to Increase Water Security.
worse off. The rural coverage for 16.45-18.45. AfDB hosts a ses-
2002 is at a very low level of 46% sion on Financing Mechanisms for
even though it increased by 9% Local Water Initiatives Session on
and some 69 million more people Financing Mechanisms for Local
gained access to water supply in Water Initiatives.
rural settings between 1990 and
March 18, 2006:
Continued on Page 2 11.15-13.15. AfDB hosts a session
on Management of African

T Putting it all
he forthcoming Transboundary Basins.
African Water De-
March 19, 2006:
velopment Report
(AWDR), which will be launched
together... 9.00 - 10.00 Presentation of the
Africa Regional Reports, Three
in Mexico City on March 19, says
major reports to be launched: Wa-
the problem of water stress in most
ter Resources Development in Afri-
African countries “is not necessar-
ca: Challenges, Responses and Pros-
ily one of physical water scarcity
pects, African Water Development
but structurally induced scarcity
Report and the African Ministers
due to low level of infrastruc-
tural and socio-economic develop-
16.45-18.45. Regional session on
Water Supply and Sanitation for
Because of this contradic-
tion of water availability and lack Prof. Kodwo Andah

of access, African policy makers s soon as the con-
March 20, 2006:
must address water as a substance, 8.30-10.30. Session on Multi-
stituent members of
a resource and service, including Stakeholder Response to the Re-
UN-Water/Africa de-
its market and non-market values gional Reports.
cided to begin work on the bien-
in order to reconcile its economic, 11.15-13.15. Session on Invest-
nial AWDR, they knew on whose
social and environmental values. ments for Agricultural Water Man-
shoulders to anchor the important
But the report also found agement in Africa.
task of synthesizing 25 national
that most of Africa is still not reports, two subregional reports, March 21, 2006:
covered by adequate water and Ministerial Dialogue; Multi-stake-
sanitation. Continued on Page 2 holder Dialogue.
Continued from Page 1 water through leakage and illegal
cascaded in hundreds of data and extraction
indicators from dozens of United WaterFacts • Political corruption is
Nations organizations: they chose estimated to cost the water sector
the shoulders of Kodwo Andah,

millions of dollars every year and
Professor of Hydrology and Inte- he following are dis- undermines services.
grated Water Resources Manage- tilled from the Afri- • One billion people are
ment at Peruggia University for can Water Develop- without access to clean drinking
Foreigners, Italy. ment Report 2006 and the World water.
Prof. Andah worked with Water Development Report: • About 2.6 billion people
passion and conviction, poring • Most of Africa’s largest are without adequate sanitation.
over thousands of pages, and finally rivers are severely fragmented by • Rapid urbanization, about
producing a 378-page document dams, diversions and canals, lead- 4 per cent in Africa, is increasing
which will be launched at the 4th ing to the degradation of ecosys- pressure on water resources.
World Water Forum next week. tems. • 30-40% of water ‘lost’
To interview him in Mexico City, • Africa has at least 1,272 through illegal tapping and leaks.
please call Yinka at 55 3270 0887. large dams with 39 situated in • Only 12 percent of nations
South Africa, 213 in Zimbabwe met the global target of institut-
Continued from Page 1 and 107 in Algeria. ing an integrated water resources
• Rapid urbanization in management by 2005.
Africa’s Lagos increased solid waste genera-
tion sixfold to about 3.7 million
• The waters of the West-
ern Indian Ocean are major sea
water tonnes a year in 1990.
• About 3 million people
routes for an estimated 470 mil-
lion tonnes of oil every year. This
problems... across the region die annually as
a result of water- related diseases.
incurs a high risk of disastrous oil
spills. Several oil spills have af-
72 per cent of all reported cholera fected African penguins and other
Regarding food security, AWDR
cases in the world in 1998 were in marine life.
says there is no sub-region in
Africa • Government statistics
Africa where there is a guarantee
• Water quality is declin- show that Nigeria loses 350,000
and where there would not be a
ing in most regions, affecting the hectares of arable land per year.
recourse to food imports or food
diversity of freshwater species and In the north of the country, 10
aid. It notes that two-thirds of
ecosystems. states have already been impacted
African countries have developed
• Poor water quality is a and each year, the desert advances
less than 20 per cent of their
key cause of poverty. About 3.1m another 600 metres further south.
agricultural potentials with “less
people died in 2002 as a result of • The number of Kafue
than five per cent of cultivated
diarrhoeal diseases and malaria, lechwe, a type of antelope endemic
areas being irrigated in all but four
90% of whom were children. to the Kafue Flats, has decreased
countries in Africa”.
• In 20 years, countries such to a third of its original 1970
The report says Africa is
as Niger lost more than 80 percent population of 100,000 and el-
home to more than 50,000 known
of their freshwater wetlands. ephants, rhinoceroses, giraffes and
plant species, 1,000 mammal spe-
• More than 600 lakes in wild dogs have disappeared from
cies, and 1,500 bird species. But
Africa have shrunk dramatically the area entirely due to change of
it says about 321 and 273 animal
over the past decades, drained by flood patterns as a result of two
and plant species respectively are
deforestation, pollution and farm- dams on the Kafue river.
critically endangered. The situa-
tion seems to aggravate in higher
• The world will require
proportions in all the subregions Africa Water is an information service of
55% more food by 2030, increas- UN-Water/Africa and African Develop-
with the number of threatened
ing the demand for irrigation, ment Bank in support of the African
mammal, bird and fish species
which already accounts for 70% of Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW).
increasing, on average, at about 2,
all freshwater used by humans .
2.5 and 5 times respectively, says For more information, please contact
• Many urban water supply
the report. Yinka Adeyemi at yadeyemi@uneca.org
systems are “losing” 30-40% of

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