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JESUS AS THE GOOD TEACHER To commit ourselves through the power of

Christ’s redeeming grace to the progressive

IS ALWAYS PRESENT IN THIS CHURCH overcoming of the evil of sin in and around
AND IN THE WORLD us – a personal human reaching out in
-It is to the Church that Christ entrusted the loving service to others–rather than simply
task of proclaiming the message of avoiding sin or shrinking from evil.
salvation to all people. -It is a question of conversion, a radical
-To fulfill this task, Christ empowered the change of heart that, once begun in
Church to proclaim, without fear of error, baptism, must develop into an ever more
faith and morals, in the hope of leading profound personal renewal and holiness.
people to the realization or actualization of
the kingdom of God here on earth. 2.REVEALS THE FATHER’S WILL
-In embracing this divine mandate, the -The three-fold yeses covering the three
Church confronted bravely the changes as dimensions of human life:
well as the challenges that each generation
brings, holding onto the promise that Christ the intra-personal; the interpersonal;and the
will be with his people until the end of time societal…
-The Church must always be deeply Must be grounded on the fourth
conscious of her duty in every age to foundational, integrating yes to God. The
examine the signs of the times and interpret only way we could possibly develop an
them in the light of the Gospel. integral saying “yes” to the fullness of
-So that she can often in a manner human life by our total committed “yes” to
appropriate to each generation replies to the God, as disciples of Jesus Christ.
continual human questionings on the
meaning of this life to come and on how the “The Son of God, the Christ, Jesus that we
are related. proclaimed among you…was neverYes and
-Hence, the Church as the People of God No:
among the nations, while attentive to the
new challenges of history and to mankind’s …With him it was always yes, and however
efforts to discover the meaning of life, offers many the promises God made,the yes to
to everyone the answer which comes from them all is in Him.
the truth about Jesus and hisGospel. Ibid.,2.
…That is why it is through Him that we
1.OPENS UP THE FAITHFUL TO THE answer Amen to the praise of God.
-The return to our moral foundations in Nothing less than the love of the Blessed
Scripture is the first step toward a more Trinity – the love of Father, Incarnate
balanced, authentic catechesis of Christian Son,and the Holy Spirit– is the ground for
moral life in family, school, andparish. Catholic Morality.
-The very name of Jesus means “the one
who is to save people from their sins.” Thus, catechesis must stress that Christian
-The Christian moral vocation is precisely: life means bearing witness to God revealed
by Jesus Christ.
The first and ultimate vocation of man is
This demands a radical change of heart, a communion with God and there is only one
real conversion, manifested in a triple yes to way to respond to this calling: Jesus Christ.
self, others, and society, and grounded in
the ultimate yes to God, overcoming the The basic motivation for following Christ in
“No” of sin. moral action is, of course the Blessed
Trinity, the eternal Father’s love for us.
ACTION The Father’s love is manifested pre-
-People today need to turn to Christ once eminently in Jesus’ Paschal Mystery,and
again in order to receive from Him the the Holy Spirit sent into our hearts who
answer to their questions about what is enables us to fulfill Christ’s own command:
good and what is evil. Love one another as I have loved you.

Christ is the teacher, the Risen One who The meaning of love for Saint John is:
has life in Himself and who is always “not our love for God, but God’s love for us
presentin His Church and in the World. It is when He sent His Son to be the sacrifice
He who opens up to the faithful the book of that takes our sins away. My dear people,
the Scriptures and, by fully revealing the since God has loved us so much, we too
Father’s will, teaches the truth about moral should love one another.”
Jesus as Good Teacher:
At the source and summit of the economy of 1. Jesus walks his talk ( In words & deeds)
salvation, as the alpha and the omega of 2. Jesus teaches with authority unlike the
human history, Christ sheds light on man’s scribes or other teachers (Matthew 7: 29)
condition and his integral vocation. 3. He uses parables
4. Opens up the faithful to the book of the
If we,therefore,wish to go to the heart of the Scriptures - The return to our moral
Gospel’s moral teaching and grasp its foundations in Scripture
profound and unchanging content, we must 5. Reveals the Father’s Will
carefully inquire into the meaning of the 6. Is always present in this Church and in
question asked by the rich young man in the the World
Gospel and, even more, the meaning of
Jesus’ reply, allowing ourselves to be
guided by Him.

Jesus as the patient and sensitive teacher,

answers the young man by taking him, as it
were by the hand, and leading him step by
step to the full truth.VS,8.,Ibid.,8.

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