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Proposed Research Brief

Proposed Title: “Impact of Sensory Branding on Consumer

behaviour”- A study on Organised Retail in Delhi/NCR”

Submitted to: BIMTECH, Greater Noida February 2019

Submitted by: Abhilasha S Upadhyaya

Assistant Professor – Jaipuria Institute of Management

Field of the study: Marketing (Management)

India being the sixth largest economy by GDP (Beniwal 2018) possesses immense potential and opportunities
for marketers. The South Asian nation is now a $2.597 trillion economy and even higher than France’s $2.582
trillion. It will be the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2022, according to projections by the International
Monetary Fund. Although the consumers are becoming more open and more informed yet the basic principle
of marketing which preserves the consumerism stands firm here as well. Now-a-days special emphasis is
given to attract consumers through stimulating the senses of consumers in a way that it gets imperative for
the consumers to avail the products or services to obtain satisfaction. These sets of consumers have the vast
knowledgebase and the gamut of information is at their disposal to substantiate their buying decisions. Hence
the choices that they make can’t be only based at the influences they receive from the marketers directly.
With the shift base of marketers from barely providing the desired solutions to the ideation of completely
new concepts had provided consumers with the power to make thoughtful choices which are backed by their
experiences. In this era the five senses of consumers are the focus of the marketing strategies and techniques.
That's why marketers, intending to be free from traditional mass marketing, direct marketing and advertising
practices, use new, stimulating and innovative procedures to impact and influence the customers.

The proposed work introduces experiential marketing and sensory marketing as a new paradigm in the field
of marketing; attention to the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch) and the effect of these senses on
consumer behavior are studied. So that it can be ascertained if the stimulation of senses affects the
consumers’ purchase and influences the consumers to make thoughtful buying decisions, would like to study
the environmental constraints and the basic framework in which consumers buy different commodities and if
they follow the sensory stimulation provided through the modern marketers, would also like to study the
most influential mode of stimulation senses which attracts consumers and acts as catalyst to their appeal. The
study is based at Delhi/NCR.

Literature Review in brief

S. No. Authors Year Research Title Purpose/Objectives Research Outcomes
Scents: The
Effect of
Gender The research aims to
Zahra Afaq, Incongruent outspread the sensory
Shahab Scents on the marketing research
Aziz, Amir Repurchase by examining gender
Gulzar Intention of the incongruent scents The results confirmed that
Sindhu, Consumers evoke nostalgia in the gender incongruent scents may
1 Sajid Bashir 2018 Zahra customers. evoke nostalgia.
Eric R. Improving the
Spangenbeg store To find if there is a
, Ayn E. environment: connect with retail
Crowley do olfactory outlets using scents to The study validated a difference
and Pamela cues affect stimulate consumer between behaviors in a scented
W. evaluations senses and results in store environment and those in
2 Henderson 2018 and behaviors. increased buying an unscented store environment.
The impact of
environments To explore the
on consumer influence of sight
buying atmospherics and
behavior: A visual merchandising
study of visual displays in apparel Results confirmed that visual
Elsa displays and retail stores in merchandising displays had an
Corinne sight Tshwane on unconscious influence on
3 Nell 2017 atmospherics consumers’ behavior. consumer behavior.
Impact of
on Consumers'
Intention in To explore the The findings suggest greater
Organized dimensions of visual effect of product arrangement,
Retail Industry merchandising on window displays and
of Ahmedabad purchase intention of mannequins on the purchase
4 Anu Gupta 2017 City consumers. intention of consumers.
To examine the
Impact of impact of olfactory
point-of- cues at the point of
purchase purchase on The presence of an olfactory cue
olfactory cues consumers’ purchase has a positive impact on purchase
Kaisa on purchase behavior in terms of behavior, as measured by product
5 Kivioja 2016 behavior sales. and product-category sales.
A interdisciplinary
Jakub Consumer survey of the impact
Berčík, Neuroscience of music on the Using neuroimaging and
Elena in Practice: The emotional response biometric methods the impact of
Horská,Jana Impact of Store and merchandising these incentives on customer
Gálová, Eko Atmosphere on of goods on customer perception was studied and it
Sri Consumer perception when was found that there is a strong
6 Margianti 2016 Behavior selecting food. connects
The relative
impacts of
experiential To explore and
and compare the roles of
transformation brand’s experiential
Sabrina al benefits on and transformational Results show that brand
Trudeau H. consumer- benefits in formation experience and self-expression
and Saeed brand of consumer-brand have significant positive impacts
7 Shobeiri 2016 relationship relationships. on consumer-brand relationships.
The impact of
music on
consumer’s To find if music eases Results conclude that music
Krishna A. reaction to the pressure on creates a positive impact and
and waiting for consumers in wait people find it easier to wait for
8 Schwarz N. 2014 services. line for services their turn to come
Scents in The To find if scents in the
Marketplace: marketplace Results have validated a positive
Explaining a stimulates the impact of scents on consumer
9 Hulten B. 2013 fraction of consumers to prompt buying
olfaction their buying

Effects on
Behavior: A Results have concluded that
Munshi Review of the To find the connect of atmospheres are the most
M.M. and Experimental atmospheries on the important connect thread that
10 Hanji S. 2013 Evidence. shoppers influences consumers to buy
Congruency of
scent and
music as a To find if music and Study indicated that the stores
driver of in- scent creates any using music and scent in their
Achrol R. S. store impact on the stores are more successful in
and Kotler evaluations consumer buying terms of converting the
11 P. 2012 and behavior. patterns customers into buyers
The influence
of multiple
environment To find the influence
Costa M. F.‚ cues on of in store Results indicate that the stores
Patricia‚ Z. perceived environment on the which use fancy store
Natasha‚ R. merchandise mindset of consumers environment that stimulates the
Jessica‚ A value and to consider senses of consumers have
and Maria‚ patronage merchandise value as successfully influenced them
12 G.V. 2012 intentions. higher more
Impact of
ambient odors
on mall To find the
shoppers’ relationship of
emotions, stimulation of senses
cognition, and of consumers and
spending: A their emotional Study indicates that the mall
test of response towards shoppers behavior is directly
competitive shopping in those related to the ambience, odor and
13 Krishna A. 2012 causal theories malls the appeal of the malls
and evaluation
of culinary
Mahmoudi success factors Authors have found out that the
M.‚ (CSFs) that To find out the factors dishes which have stimulated the
Ahmadineja determine the which contribute to senses of consumers were more
d M. and palatability of the success of certain appreciated by them rather than
14 Nezami P. 2012 food. food items those which only tasted good
descriptive To find out how
food names dishes name Authors have found that the
Yoon S. J. bias sensory contribute to the name of dishes create a positive
and Park J. perceptions in success of the dishes impact on the minds of
15 E. 2012 restaurants in restaurants consumers
occasion To find out the
Krishna A., influence on connection of music Authors have found that the role
Lwin M. O. the role of with the buying of music is very high in the
and Morrin music in behavior of advertising and adaptability of
16 M. 2010 advertising. consumers consumers
It just feels
affective Authors have concluded that the
Heitzler C. response to To find-out the consumers responded positively
D.‚ Asbury‚ touch and its relationship of to the touch aspects of products
L. D and influence on experiential and it resulted in increased
17 Kusner S. L. 2008 persuasion. marketing buying
Bringing “Play”
to life: The use
of experiential To establish the Authors have concluded that the
marketing in positive aspects of uses of experiential marketing
the VERB™ experiential had resulted in success of the
18 Vida I. 2008 Campaign. marketing campaign
Music Fit As A
Driver Of To ascertain the role
Shopper Store of music in the
Evaluations shoppers store Authors have concluded that the
And Their evaluation and music is major driver in the
Peck J. and Behavioral consumers behavioral behavioral responses of
19 Wiggins J. 2006 Responses. responses consumers in retail

Authors have concluded that the

products which have used scent
to stimulate the senses of
To confirm the consumers were recalled easily
Alpert M., connect of product by the consumers in comparison
Alpert J. and Product scent scent and product of the products which have no
20 Maltz E. 2005 and memory. recall distinct smell
Klosse P. R.‚
Riga J.‚ Frontiers of the To study the new
Cramwinck marketing dimensions of
el A. B. and paradigm in marketing in terms of Authors have established sensory
Saris W. H. the third experiential stimulation as the new drivers to
21 M. 2004 millennium, marketing changing marketing paradigms
consumption Authors have found out a positive
Wansink B., experience of To study how connect in between the
Ittersum the Brazilian in restaurant industry in restaurants adopting stimulation
K.V. and the restaurant Brazil adopting of senses of consumers and the
22 Painter J. E. 2004 industry. sensory stimulation success of those restaurants
An integrative
review of
Engaging the To find the connect of Authors have concluded that
senses to affect sensory marketing engaging the senses of consumers
Chebat J. perception. and consumers affect their perception and
CH. and Judgment and judgment about the judgment about the products and
23 Michon R. 2003 behavior. products services
between 5
Baker J., Senses and To find-out how
Parasurame Brand Value at world's top Authors have concluded that the
n, A., Grewal World’s100 companies are top companies are engaging their
D. and Voss Top engaging their consumers by stimulating the five
24 G. B. 2002 Companies. consumers more senses of their consumers
To find-out the
Do sensory ad connect of Sensory Authors have concluded that the
appeals advertisements on sensory advertisements are more
S. and Wirtz influence brand determining the successful in comparison to the
25 J. 2001 attitude? attitude of consumers traditional advertisements
Sensory cues as
Their impact
Turley L. W. on shopper Authors have found out a positive
and approaches To establish the touch relationship in between the touch
Milliman R. and touch stimulation and aspects of products and the
26 E. 2000 behavior. increased buying increased buying
marketing: A
frame work
and research
for An To establish the Authors have concluded that the
Hui M. K., extraordinary connect of store stores are positively using their
Dube L. and customer atmospheres and atmospheres to provide
27 Chebat J. 1997 experience. customer delight enhanced customer delight
Spangenber marketing,
g E., embodiment, Authors have presented a
Crowley A. and grounded theoretical framework to support
E. and cognition: A Theoretical the positive connect of sensory
Henderson review and framework of sensory stimulation and the success of
28 P. W. 1996 introduction. branding marketing
Identification of Research Problem
In Delhi/NCR the population is from different parts of the country and it creates a huge diversity in
the culture of the area. The impact of the advertising/marketing creates a major transformation in
the personalities of the buyers and this provides the companies a bigger platform to market their
products. The proposed research would provide a framework to ascertain if sensory branding
impacts the consumer’s behaviour in Delhi/NCR and increases the buying. The proposed work also
aims to provide a comparison between the traditional methods of advertising with the modern
technique of stimulating the senses of consumers to provide a better framework for need creation.

Research Gap
 The Literature review suggested that limited study has been done on the impact of sensory
stimulation on consumers buying in Indian organised retail sector.
 The Literature review suggested that few substantial researches had been done on the
comparison of traditional methods of advertising and sensory branding in India.
 There is a need to find out the most effective sensory stimulation so that it can be targeted
for the benefits of marketers.

Research Methodology

Research Design
The research design for the study is primarily exploratory and descriptive in nature.

Sampling Frame
Sampling Frame to be considered for this study:

 Shopping Malls of Delhi NCR would be taken for the study.

 Multi – retail outlets with at least 1000 visitors per day will be considered
 Retail outlets with around Rs 2-3 lakhs per day on an average would be considered
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