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This experiment is to determine the properties of measurement/PVT. The equipment that had
been used is called Perfect Gas Expansion and by using this kind of equipment, all 3
experiments were conducted successfully. For the first experiment, we conducted to show the
Boyle’s Law and to determine the relationship between pressure and volume of an ideal gas.
In this experiment, the experiment is done for three times from pressurized chamber to
vacuum chamber, from atmospheric chamber to pressurized chamber and increase the gas
of both chamber. The next experiment is to determine the Gay-Lussac Law by done repeatedly
for three times to get the average value of the temperature at pressurized and depressurized
vessels. The graph of pressure versus temperature is plotted after getting the total average
value. The last experiment is to determine the ratio of heat capacity. In these experiment, only
the pressurized chamber is used by taken value of pressure and temperature before,
intermediate and final. These experiments have been successfully done and all the data which
are about the reading before and after the setting are recorded into the data.

Boyle’s law also called Mariotte’s law, a relation concerning between the compression and
expansion of a gas at constant temperature. Boyle’s law states that the pressure of an ideal
gas increases as its container volume decrease. The volume of an ideal gas is inversely
proportional to its absolute temperature. The basic equation of Boyle’s law is

PV  k
Where P is pressure, V is volume and k is a constant. The other one is to find the pressure or
volume of the system when the temperature is held constant.

P iV i P f V f

Where P i is initial pressure, V i is initial volume, P f is final pressure, and V f is final volume.

Figure 1: Demonstration of Boyle’s Law showing that for a given mass, at a constant
temperature, the pressure time the volume is constant.

Experiment 1

-To determine the relationship between pressure and volume of an ideal gas

-To compare the experimental results with theoretical results

Experiment 2

-To determine the relationship between pressure and temperature of an ideal gas

Experiment 3

-To determine the ratio of heat capacity


Perfect Gas
Theories of perfect gas can be divided into three which is Charles’s law, Boyle’s law
and Gay-lussac’s law. Perfect gas is same with ideal gas where there is none attractive
forces exist in the ideal gas. Since perfect gas is an ideal gas, they collide between atoms or
molecules elastically with no intermolecular attractive forces. Some assumption has been
respect to kinetic theory of ideal gas which is the gasses are made up of molecules that
always move in a constant straight line. An equation had been introduced in 1662 where it
has been named as ideal gas equation of state:

𝑃 = 𝑅( )
The subscript R refer to gas constant where different gas would have different value of R.
Any gas that obeys this law is called an ideal gas. The equation also can be written as:

𝑃𝑉 = 𝑚𝑅𝑇
The properties of ideal gas at two different state is related to each other as long as they has
one constant property throughout the experiment where:

P1V1 = P2V2
T1 T2

Boyle’s Law
The behavior real gas using parameter of pressure, temperature and volume is
considered at low density. Ideal gas also obeys the law of Boyle’s,Charles’s and Gay-
Lussac’s. Boyle’s law describe the relationship between the pressure and the volume of a
gas. This law works when the pressure increase inversely with the volume of gas where the
temperature held constant along the process. The gas inside a system is loosely packed and
move randomly. If the volume is reduce, then the pressure become high as the molecules
having less space to move, to hit the wall of container more frequently.
Charles’s Law
Second law is Charles’s Law which involves with the effect of heat on the expansion
of gases. The pressure will remain constant throughout the process and the volume of gas
will go directly proportional to the absolute temperature. The moving molecules increase
their speed and hit the wall more frequently as the temperature getting higher because the
temperature transfer the heat of energy into the molecule. Thus, as the speed increase and
the frequency of collision increase, the volume of the container also increase. Therefore the
equation of Charles’s law simply show below where the k is a constant. The temperature
must be calculated in kelvin unit. If the constant value of k is not known then, the equation is
derived as follow:

V=k V1 = V2
T T1 T2

The relationship of volume and temperature of Charles’s law describe in a graph as follow:

Gay-Lussac’s Law
The third law involving ideal gas is Gay-Lussac’s law where the volume of the system
become constant throughout the process. This law stated that the pressure and temperature
are in direct relation. That means as the pressure increase, the temperature also increase.
Temperature is a parameter for kinetic energy, as the temperature increase, the kinetic
energy also increase, therefore the frequency of collision also increase which causing the
pressure to be increase with the constant volume. The equation below can prove the
relationship between pressure and temperature in a particular system with constant volume.

=𝑘 P1 = P2

T1 T2

Graph below show the relationship of temperature and pressure in the Gay-Lussac’s law
with constant volume. The conclusion is that the pressure directly proportional to the

First law of thermodynamics

Based on 1st Law of thermodynamics statement, energy can be neither created nor
destroyed but it can only change in the form of energy. For example the change of energy of
lamp, from electric energy convert to light and heat energy. Therefore, the conservation of
energy principle introduced as the net change in the total energy of the system equivalent to
the difference in the total energy enter the system and total energy leaving the system.

Ein – Eout = ΔEsystem

That equation also referred as energy balance equation that applicable to any kind system
any kind of process. Since the energy has numerous form such as internal, kinetic, potential
electrical and magnetic and their sum constitutes the total energy of the system. Simple
compressible system has the following equation which the change in the total energy of a
system is the sum of the changes inits internal, kinetic, potential energy can be expressed

Where internal energy, U

ΔU=m(u2 – u1)

Where kinetic energy, KE

ΔKE = 2m(v22-v12)

Where the potential energy, PE

ΔPE = mg(z2-z1)

Energy can be transfer in or out of a system in three forms such as heat, work and mass
flow. As there is one of any three form cross the boundary of an open system, it can be
concluded as energy gained or lost during a process. In a closed system, there is only two
form can pass through the boundary which can change the energy which are heat and work.
Temperature difference in a system with its surrounding is not an energy interaction. Work
interactions refer as rising piston and rotating shaft. Commonly sense when the work
transfer into the system, the energy of the system increase and vice versa. As mass transfer
in the system, energy also increase as the mass carries energy with it and vice versa.
Equation below represent the conclude energy balance.

Ein – Eout =(Qin – Qout) + (Win – W out) + (Emass,in – Emass,out) = ΔEsystem

Amount of energy required to raise the tempereature of a unit mass of a substance by one
degree is a definition of specific heat. There are two specific heat use widely which is
specific heat at constant volume and specific heat at constant pressure. Cp value larger than
Cv as at constant pressure system is allowed to expand and the energy must supplied to
system. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure is the energy required to raise the
temperature of the unit mass of a substance by one degree as the pressure remain constant.
It can be concluded that Cv is related to internal energy and Cp involved enthalpy value.

𝑑𝑢 𝑑ℎ
𝐶𝑣 = ( ) 𝐶𝑝 = ( )
𝑑𝑇 𝑑𝑇

Internal energy
A function of temperature only. As the temperature high, then enthalpy value is also
high. The enthalpy value is represent with subscript h:

h = u + Pv


Pv = RT

H = u + RT

Since R is a constant and u=u(T), the enthalpy of an ideal gas is also a function of
temperature only,
H = h(T)
Therefore, at a given temperature for an ideal gas, u, h, Cv and Cp will have fixed values
regardless of the specific volume or pressure. Thus the differential changes in the internal
energy and enthalpy of an ideal gas can be expressed as:

du= Cv(T)dT (19)

dh= Cp(T)dT (20)

Cp and Cv has special relationships for ideal gas by differentiating the h= u + RT to produce
dh = du +RT and by replacing dh by CpdT and du by CvdT, the equation come out with:

Cp = Cv + R

Specific heat capacity also has the constant k by the relation of:
k= Cv

Ratio of volumes using isothermal process can be determine using isothermal process. One
pressurized vessel is allowed to leak slowly into another vessel of different size. Finally, the
pressure will be same for both vessel. Final pressure in vessel can be calculated by:

Pabsf = (m1+m2)RT

Both vessel was placed in room temperature before valve is opened lead the isothermal
process and the initial temperature will be equal to the final temperature. Deriving:

m1= V1P1abs,I m2= V2P2abs,i


Using these equation, substitute m1 and m2 into equation of Pabsf and become:

Pf = (V1P1abs,I + V2P2abs,i) RT

Rearrange the equation and cancel the RT to give the ratio of the two volume:

V1 = P2abs,I - Pf
V2 Pf – P1abs,i

2 3


1) Pressure transmitter
2) Pressure relief valve
3) Temperature sensor
4) Big glass
5) Small glass
6) Vacuum pump
7) Electrode

General start-up

1. The equipment are connected to single phase power supply and the unit is switch
2. Then, open all valves and the pressure reading panel. This is to make sure that
the chambers are under atmospheric pressure.
3. After that, close all the valves.
4. Next, connect the pipe from compressive port of the pump to pressure chamber
or connect the pipe from vacuum port of the pump to vacuum chamber. The
connect must not does at the same time.
5. The unit is ready to use.

Experiment 1: Boyle’s Law Experiment

1. The general start-up procedure is performed. Make sure all valves are fully
2. Compressive pump is switch on and allowed the pressure inside the chamber to
increase up to about 150kPa. Then, the pump is switch off and the hose are
removed from the chamber.
3. The pressure reading inside the chamber is monitored until the reading stabilizes.
4. The pressure reading for both chambers is recorded before expansion.
5. The V02 are fully opened and the pressurized air flow are allowed into the
atmospheric chamber.
6. The pressure reading for both chambers after expansion is recorded.
7. The experiment is repeated under difference condition:
a. From atmospheric chamber to vacuum chamber.
b. From pressurized chamber to vacuum chamber.
8. Then, calculated the PV value and prove the Boyles’ Law.

Experiment 2: Gay-Lussac Law Experiment

1. The general start-up procedure is performed. Make sure all valves are fully
2. The hose from the compressive pump is connected to pressurized chamber.
3. The compressive pump is switch on and the temperature for every increment of
10kPa in the chamber is recorded. The pump stop when the pressure PT1
reaches about 160kPa.
4. Then, valve V01 is open and allowed the pressurized air to flow out. Recorded
the temperature reading for every decrement of 10 kPa.
5. Stop the experiment when the pressure reaches atmospheric pressure.
6. The experiment is repeated for 3 times to get the average value.
7. The graph of the pressure versus temperature plot.
Experiment 3: Determination of ratio heat capacity

1. The general start-up procedure is performed. Make sure all valve are fully closed.
2. The compressive pump is connected to pressurized chamber.
3. The compressive pump is switch on and allows the pressure inside the chamber
to increase until about 160kPa. Then, the pump is switch off and remove the
hose from the chamber.
4. The pressure reading inside the chamber is monitor until is stabilized. The
pressure reading PT1 and temperature TT1 is recorded.
5. Valve V01 is open fully and bring it to close until after a few seconds. Monitor and
recorded the reading PT1 and temperature TT1 until it become stable.
6. The ratio of the heat capacity is determine and then compare with the theoretical
Experiment 1: Boyle’s law Experiment

Condition Before (kPa) After (kPa)

Pressure to Atmospheric PT1 = 151.5 PT1 = 134.5
(at Pressure Chamber) PT2 = 103.0 PT2 = 133.3
Atmospheric to Vacuum PT1 = 103.9 PT1 = 89.0
(at Vacuum Chamber) PT2 = 55.9 PT2 = 88.0
Pressurized to Vacuum PT1 = 151.9 PT1 = 120.8
(at both of Vacuum and Pressure Chamber) PT2 = 58.0 PT2 = 119.7

Ideal gas equation, PV=RT. For Boyle’s law, temperature is constant at room temperature.
Hence, R = 8.314 L.kPa / K.mol , T = 298K@25˚C
i. From atmospheric chamber to pressurized chamber
P1 = 151.5 kPa, P2 = 134.5 kPa

V1 = RT/P1
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(151.5 kPa)
= 16.35 L

V2 = RT/P
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(134.5 kPa)
= 18.42 L

According to Boyle’s law: P1V1=P2V2

P1V1 = (151.5 kPa)(16.35 L) = 2477.03 L.kPa
P2V2 = (134.5 kPa)(18.42 L) = 2477.49 L.kPa

ii. From the atmospheric chamber to vacuum chamber

P1 = 55.9 kPa, P2 = 88.0 kPa

V1 = RT/P
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(55.9 kPa)
= 44.32 L
V2 = RT/P
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(88.0 kPa)
= 28.15 L

According to Boyle’s law: P1V1=P2V2

P1V1 = (55.9 kPa)(44.32 L) = 2477.49 L.kPa
P2V2 = (88.0 kPa)(28.15 L) = 2477.20 L.kPa

iii. From pressure chamber to vacuum chamber

P1 = 151.9 kPa, P2 = 120.8 kPa

V1 = RT/P
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(151.9 kPa)
= 16.31 L

V2 = RT/P
= (8.314 L.kPa/K.mol)(298 K)/(120.8 kPa)
= 20.51 L

According to Boyle’s law: P1V1=P2V2

P1V1 = (151.9 kPa)(16.31 L) = 2477.49 L.kPa
P2V2 = (120.8 kPa)(20.51 L) = 2477.61 L.kPa
Experiment 2: Gay-Lussac Law Experiment


PRESSURE Temperature (℃) Temperature (℃) Temperature (℃)
(kPa abs)
Pressurise Depressurise Pressurise Depressurise Pressurise Depressurise
Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel Vessel
116 27.6 27.9 27.3 29.0 27.8 28.4
126 28.5 28.4 28.0 30.1 28.2 29.5
136 29.0 29.4 29.0 30.2 29.0 30.6
146 30.1 30.6 29.9 31.2 30.0 31.6
156 31.0 31.1 30.9 32.3 30.9 32.8
166 32.2 32 31.9 32.6 31.8 32.9


116 126 136 146 156 166
PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Figure 2: Trial 1-Pressurise Vessel (Temperature) versus Pressure (kPa abs)


116 126 136 146 156 166

PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Figure 2: Trial 1-Depressurise Vessel (Temperature) versus Pressure (kPa abs)







116 126 136 146 156 166

PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Depressure Vessel

Figure 3: Trial 2-Pressure Vessel (Temperaure) versus Pressure (kPa abs)






116 126 136 146 156 166

PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Depressure Vessel

Figure 4: Trial 2-Depressurise Vessel (Temperature) versus Pressure (kPa abs)


116 126 136 146 156 166

PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Pressure Vessel

Figure 5: Trial 3-Pressure Vessel (Temperature) versus Pressure (kPa abs)


116 126 136 146 156 166

PRESSURE (kPa abs)

Depressure Vessel

Figure 6: Trial 3-Depressurise Vessel (Temperature) versus Pressure (kPa abs).

Experiment 3: Determination of ratio heat capacity

Before expansion After expansion

PT1 (kPa abs) 155.5 108.9

TT1 (degree C) 32.2 29.1

For isentropic process,

(29.1/32.2) = (108.9/155.5) ^((k-1)/k)

The expansion process is proven as isentropic

For the first experiment is Boyle’s Law where according to Boyle’s law, P1V1=P2V2 by
calculating using the data collected during experiment, it shown that the P1V1 value is close to
the value of P2V2 after calculated the data. Thus this proved that there are some errors occur
during conduct the experiment. This might due to parallax error due to a little leaking of air.
Hence, we can say that the experiment to prove Boyle’s law is successful.
From the ideal gas equation, PV=RT the volume is calculated for each of the pressure of the
experiment 1. In the first condition, the pressurized to atmospheric the value of volume are
V1=16.35 L then expend to V2=18.42 L. in the second condition, atmospheric to vacuum the
volume are V1=44.32 L then expend to V2=28.15 L. For the last condition, pressurized to
vacuum the volume are V1=16.31 L while V2=20.51 L.
In the experiment 2, according to Gay-Lussac law the pressure is proportional to temperature.
From the plotted graph, the pressure is proportional to temperature where it follows the Gay-
Lussac law. As the pressure is increased the temperature also increases in a constant volume.
In the graph, the depressurized is line has a higher temperature as the pressure increase than
pressurized line in the graph that show in the result.
For the last experiment, the determination of ratio of heat capacity using the expression of the
heat capacity ratio, the heat capacity ratio is calculated to be 1.0258. This value deviated a
little from the theoretical value which is 1.4. Hence, the percentage errors calculated are as
Percentage error = [(theoretical value – actual value)/ theoretical value] x 100
= [(1.4 – 1.0258)/1.4] x 100
= 26.73%
Since the percentage error is too large (more than 10%), this experiment is considered not
successful. This is may be because of the error while handling this kind of equipment.

In conclusion, the purpose of this experiment was to determine how pressure, volume and
temperature were related in a gas. The experiment was conducted at a constant volume to
determine relationship between pressure and temperature. Boyle’s law state that the volume
of a fixed quantity of gas a constant temperature is inversely proportional to the pressure.
From the result experiment 1(a) Atmospheric Chamber to Pressure Chamber, before
expansion, the pressure are 151.5 (kPa abs) and 103.0 (kPa abs) respectively for while after
expansion, the pressure are 134.5 (kPa abs) and 133.3 (kPa abs) respectively for PT1 and
PT2. The result experiment 1(b) Atmospheric Chamber to Vacuum Chamber, before
expansion, the pressure are 103.9 (kPa abs) and 55.9 (kPa abs) respectively for while after
expansion, the pressure are 89.0 (kPa abs) and 88.0 (kPa abs) respectively for PT1 and PT2.
Guy-Lussac Law says that if the gas is not allowed to expand and temperature increases, then
the absolute pressure of the gas will increase. The results were obtained from experiment 2,
the temperature increase, the pressure of the gas will also increase.
For experiment 3: Isentropic Expansion process, this experiment was conducted at a constant
volume to determine pressure and temperature. Before expansion, the pressure is 155.5 (kPa
abs) and temperature is 32.2 (℃) respectively for while after expansion, the pressure is 108.9
(kPa abs) and 29.1 (℃) respectively.

Before starts the experiment, each of the experiment must do the start-up and shut-down
step in order to make sure there is no gas left in the chamber. Most important during
recording data, keep eye on the sensor while monitoring the board because the parameter
can increase and decrease really fast and read the procedure carefully. Get an average
reading by repeating the experiment normally three times in order to reduce amount of
deviation. Handle the valve carefully and do not make mistake by choosing the valve
because it will affect the data. The place where the experiment is conducted also must be at
stable and no vibration. All the equipment must be handle carefully in order to avoid
explosion because over-pressure in the tank would cause an explosion.

1. lumen.Boyle’s law: Volume and Pressure.

2. M.Annie.(5 August 2019).Boyle’s Law Definition in Chemistry.

3. Salve Regina University. General Chemistry (lindsay Parks).


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