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2 TIMOTHY 2:11-26
This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we
shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us. If we are faithless, He remains
faithful; He cannot deny Himself. Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord
not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. Be diligent to present yourself
approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their
message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, who have strayed
concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of
some. Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those
who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” But in a
great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for
honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a
vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. Flee also
youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of
a pure heart. But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a
servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility
correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they
may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil,
having been taken captive by him to do his will. Let me share something with you. Being taken
captive by the devil means that you have become a POW. Prisoner of war. You become a POW
—because we are in a war! In this war the devil is trying to take you captive. No matter what it
is. But we need to change this POW to BOW—which means believe, obey and worship. Instead
of a prisoner of war become a believer, an obeyer and a worshiper! We have to come out of this.
Because what the enemy does is try to bring believers into captivity to become a prisoner. The
world operates under the sway of the wicked one. That’s why when people go to doctors—the
only thing the doctor knows is what he has been taught by the wisdom of the world. So when a
doctor checks you out, he calls you crazy and asks what’s the matter with you—why you think
this or that. The first thing they want to know is if you hear voices or see things. You say, Yeah.
And they say, Take this …. You must have ADD …. Let me just put this simple label on you.
Do you know why? Because they do not know how to cure it. They only know how to medicate
it. And it brings people into captivity. POW. Prisoners of war. As they begin to label these
things, people begin to act upon it. Because once you agree with it, you have it!! Once you
agree with it, it’s yours! So you have addictive behavior!! Who doesn’t! It’s called flesh.
Think about it. Everyone has addictive behavior! It’s called flesh! It’s called self! Go talk to a
child. That child has an addictive behavior. What does he want? Everything for himself!!
That’s addictive. The world is under the sway of the wicked one. It’s purpose is to bring
mankind into captivity where they become prisoners of war. In being a prisoner of war there is
torture. They torture prisoners. Torment of a prisoner of war. That is a terrible place to be.
These pilots that have flown over and done missions and their plane gets shot and they have to
parachute—and they are trying to avoid being captured because they know the torment and

starvation and abuse that awaits them. That’s what the devil looks forward to. He doesn’t want
to kill you right away—sometimes he wants to torment you for awhile. It brings him pleasure
because he hates you so badly. He loves to play games with you. He loves to tease you. He
loves to give you things and then take them away to bring torment. His ultimate goal is to kill
you. But as long as he can play with you and tease you and keep you occupied or captive in an
arena so that you will not fulfill the will of God, he will keep you alive. And once you desire to
fulfill the will of God and break loose of his stuff, then he wants to kill you. So once you escape
from being a POW—once you escape that arena and you come to your senses and come out of
this captivity, now he’s after you! The bible says that the devil comes to what? Steal, kill and

One of the things he says we are to do to prevent us from becoming a POW is to shun the
ungodly tongue. Shun the ungodly tongue! He says Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from
the latter—cleanses his past! In other words, one of the ways of cleansing your past is by
breaking soul ties. Breaking curses. Repenting for the things you have done and associated
with. And not going back to activate your past again! One of the things the devil always wants
to do is bring your past up to the present. The first thing that happens to someone who has come
off of medication or whatever after the devil had that person bound for a long time—the first
thing he says is, Man you need your medication … look how you feel. You know your
medication would really help. Then the person begins to reason in their mind … Maybe that
drink would help … maybe that dope would help … maybe that hit would help … maybe that sex
would help …. Now they are in captivity already. They have already been taken. Because they
have already touched with the reasoning. Now it’s just a matter of time before it manifests. But
it feels good! Well that’s a lie from hell already. It’s temporary—it’ a temporary fix. It’s a
temporary night, a temporary buzz—it’s temporary!! But the person is taken into captivity. The
bible tells us here, Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with
those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. In other words, you want to stop yourself from
going into captivity, don’t hang around with those who are not right with God! Even though
they claim to be Christians!! Don’t hang around with them!! Yeah man, I’m a believer … on
Sundays, Tuesday nights and Friday. The rest of the week forget it. I’m out for myself! That’s
not a believer! That’s a deceiver. Who has been deceived and taken into captivity. That’s a
POW. He or she is a prisoner of war. That’s why the bible says to come out from among them.
Don’t be unevenly yoked! Let me share something with you. If God hasn’t sent you to that job,
you are unevenly yoked. If you are associating with an individual that God hasn’t associated or
sent those individuals to you, you are unevenly yoked. It’s amazing how many believers I have
counseled with—where people want to get married—the one person is bound by religiosity and
the other one is Spirit filled. You would think that the one who is Spirit filled would have the
discernment to see it’s not time yet. Instead they think – well when we get together we’ll just fix
it all up. No you won’t. You’re a POW. And you need to BOW!

It says avoid arrogant disputes! People get into disputes over the word of God! Brothers and
sisters living in the same house or the same area—they get into disputes over the word of God.
Why? Religious spirits. All they are doing is jumping up and down saying my flesh is bigger
than yours! What are they trying to do? Prove how much they know! Do you know how long
I’ve been a believer? …. Not long enough. When I first got saved I was on fire for God! Like a
kid with a brand new toy! The power and the presence of God!! And I wanted to tell everyone

about Jesus! I wanted to lay hands on everyone and see lightening hit them! I loved to see
people flip and flap like a fish! I wanted to tell everyone about Jesus but I kept running into so
much religiosity. They wanted to know my credentials. I pray in the Holy Ghost! They thought
I had a demon but of course they didn’t know what one was! I don’t think they ever cast one out.
But I was so on fire and wanted to go around telling everyone about Jesus but others just would
not cooperate—I kept running into religious walls. The first thing they would ask me was how
long I had been a believer. Then I would express my experience with this person and they would
say, That’s not God! That’s not God. God doesn’t do that stuff. Obviously for that person God
didn’t do that stuff. I turned around and walked away and said, Dad what’s up? Have I gone
bonkers!!?? Is all this my imagination? Wait a minute … You’re still there! I’m still on fire! I
don’t care about anything else—I just want to serve you. Lord, I just want to know you. God
said, He doesn’t know me! That’s was the problem. See I didn’t know about religion. To me I
couldn’t understand—this guy was quoting scriptures up and down and I didn’t know what to
think. He would ask me if I knew what such and such said in the bible. And I said, No. I told
you I’ve only been saved 2 months! But I can tell you about Jesus! And I can tell you about the
Father!! And I can tell you about the Holy Ghost and he is here with me now. That preacher and
pastor was a POW. But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient—
PATIENT! That means die, die and die. That means endure. Be patient. In other words, don’t
be anxious. Wait on God. Let God build the house and not you because every time you build it
the big bad wolf comes and huffs and puffs and blows it down again. Verse 25, In humility—that
means humble. Don’t jump around telling everyone your flesh is bigger than theirs. Just
humble. Correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance—So
repentance is granted. So that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses
and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive [as a POW] by him to do his will
[the will of the devil]. There are prisoners of war. The devil institutes these things by
circumstances. Pressures. Losses. Fears. He has a whole lot of stuff and ways to move you out
of position and entangle you. He forces man and God’s children to yield or bow to his will.
That’s an individual that has been taken—that’s a POW. So we want to come out of this POW
and become a BOW.

Therefore, putting away lying—The reason why people are lying is because they have become a
POW. They have been taken captive. They’re afraid! They lie, manipulate—why? Because
that spirit has entered them and they’re afraid of giving up their life!! I want to do it my way!
I’m going to do it MY WAY! Well you just became a POW. They lie to protect themselves. And
self is a child of darkness. Self was birthed when Adam and Eve fell. Self is a child of darkness.
And when people lie it’s because they are protecting self. So that means they have been taken
captive as a POW to do the will of darkness. They are in torment. They’re not free! They are in
torment. And the Holy Spirit quickens them and says, You know you’re lying. You know you
lied. And then the devil justifies and says, Well that’s okay. Don’t worry about it. You have a
reason for lying! Yeah, you’ve been taken captive as a POW. We have to really begin to
discern these things at this time. Therefore, putting away lying “ Let each one of you speak truth
with his neighbor [brothers and sisters],” for we are members of one another. “Be angry, and do
not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. It’s your
responsibility not to give place to the devil!! Not your spouse. Not your pastor. Everybody

must work out their own salvation. It is your responsibility. Remember freedom is learned.
This is where God tests you to see if you are putting what you have learned to stay free into
practice. Because you are either putting the things of God into practice or the things of the devil
into practice. And what you practice, you become a slave to. That’s where being a POW begins
to manifest. You can try all kinds of things. You can try to feed. You can try to comfort. You
can try to reason. You can try all of these things of the world—the wisdom of the world. You
can take medication. But there is a difference between management and freedom! The first
thing the bible tells us is to make no place for the devil!! Let him who stole steal no longer, but
rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give
him who has need. That’s denying yourself. Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,
but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not
grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. So these are
the things that grieve the Spirit of God. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil
speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Make no place for the devil!

Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the
Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love,
being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in
lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only
for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. The bible first says make no place for
the devil—Become likeminded. Why do you want to become likeminded with Christ? So that
we can become likeminded with one another. If everyone is likeminded with Christ we will be
likeminded with one another. Now when that begins to happen there are no selfish ambitions.
It’s when people are not likeminded with Christ that’s what promotes selfish ambitions. Those
open doors to the devil instantly. Because what are you doing? Me, myself and I. You’re
promoting self. I’m doing this for me! We’ve got to get set free. So we’ve got to be delivered.
You’re doing it for you there. But people go out and do things for selfish ambitions for self
promotion. For self-gain. For material. For self-pleasure. Those are different things. But there
is an area where you and I want to be—we want to do it for us to be set free so we go through
deliverance. But we know the end result is so that when we get set free, God can use us! So in
that arena it’s really not self ambition. It’s cooperating with the Spirit in unity. So that not only
can we get set free but that God can flow through us. Because you can’t give what you don’t
have. You cannot give what you don’t have. People try to give to bring self-fulfillment. But it
doesn’t last. The fruits won’t last. Avoid selfish ambitions. Become likeminded with Christ and
with one another.

Likeminded. Very important to be likeminded. Even a boss at work—he’s looking for someone
that’s likeminded with him so he can trust him. In ministries, pastors and evangelists—when
they are out doing crusades—their desire is to be likeminded. Apostle Paul said he only had a
couple that were likeminded. Other than that he said they were not likeminded and it was
difficult to function. But when there is a likemindedness you don’t have to tell an individual
what they need to do. They get it. They see it. They are seeing for you. Our desire is to
become likeminded. You know when you are working on a job your boss will tell you what you
need to do continually. Then finally there comes a point when he goes to tell you what to do and

you had already done it. You know what you just did? You earned his trust. It’s the same thing
with the Lord. He wants us to be likeminded. Decisions that we make—he wants us to make the
same decisions he would. As the Lord was growing me up—as I was a few months old and I
would be going to services and I would begin to see—and the Holy Spirit would always ask me
What would you do Guy? What would you do? Of course I would get out of that for a while. He
would say, What would you do Guy? And I would say, Whatever you want to do. I thought that
was the correct answer and it was for a while. Then finally he would say, No. What would you
do? And I would say such and such and I wouldn’t hear anything. But let me tell you
something, the things I saw others do that I didn’t want to do—there are times when I find
myself getting ready to do something and he will quicken me and say, Don’t you remember you
wouldn’t do that. I go, You’re right I said wouldn’t do that. You never stop growing. What
God is trying to do is bring you to a likeminded place. As you become more likeminded in an
area, he gives you a little bit more. Then he gives you a little bit more. And a little bit more.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your
ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear
the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. So
one of the things we need to do is depart from evil. Too many people want to shake hands with
evil. They want to pet it. They want to soulishize it. People want to pet evil. They want to
touch those things. The bible says don’t touch anything unclean. You know why? Because they
do not have a hatred for evil. And if you don’t have a hatred for evil, you are a POW.

JAMES 4:6-7
So we must not make any place for the devil. We have to avoid selfish ambitions. And we have
to depart from evil. So you can make every excuse you want for why. It does not free you from
being a POW. Only repentance, reconciliation, the blood and the anointing break you loose. So
what God is looking for is for someone to believe, obey and worship. That prevents you from
becoming a POW. Verse 6, But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from
you. So Pride always blinds. Pride always blinds discernment. Because when you are
associating with a haughty spirit—a prideful spirit, you discernment just got blinded. When you
become a captive of the enemy you become blinded. Pride is the number one thing that will
blind you. And it blinds your discernment—you cannot discern then what is clean and unclean.
Or what voice it is. You can’t discern it! That’s why the bible says pride goes before a fall.
Because that individual has been taken captive already and cannot discern. Pride will always
blind discernment of what or when to depart or resist. Remember we just said depart from evil.
Now we just said resist evil. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Pride blinds the
individual from discerning whether to resist or depart. Because discernment has been blinded.
Pride blinds an individual to what is clean and unclean. What is holy and unholy. The only
thing pride does is sever everything and promote self. Pride is the protector of self. Anger
protects pride. That’s why people who get angry real quick—that anger is protecting that pride
and that pride is protecting self. That person has been taken captive and has been a POW for a
long time. You will know by the fruit. So that means that there is something we must do.
Submit. That means surrender. Submit. I’m not submitting … I just don’t believe that’s really
God’s will. When everyone else around you is telling you it’s not God’s will. That means you

have been taken captive. The bible says that in a multitude of counsel there is safety and wisdom
and out of the mouths of two witnesses it shall be established. You have two brothers come and
tell you what’s what. You hear the same thing from the office. And then you’re still going to go
out and do what you’re going to do? You’re POW. Pride will always tell you everyone’s
against you. And anger will say, I’m not dealing with that anymore. Or it will say, I can do this
all by myself.

1 PETER 5:8-10
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour. He’s looking for someone to chomp on! Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may
the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered
a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. So it didn’t say that maybe you will suffer.
It says after you have suffered—a while. That means you’re going to have to die to self. Your
suffering is dying to yourself. Your suffering is denying yourself. Your suffering is saying NO
to that anger! Your suffering is saying NO to that pride! When you get offended you just want
to let go! Then you get a feeling of fulfillment because you told the person off. All of a sudden
—POW. Now it says here to resist the devil continuously. So I want to back up a little bit. It
says make no place for the devil. Avoid selfish ambitions. Depart from evil. Submit and resist.
And then it says resist the devil continuously. Understanding that all brethren experience the
same attack. Listen you have to refuse to bow to satan’s will. It’s your responsibility to refuse
to bow to his will. You can’t blame anything on anyone else but you. You can’t reason. You
can’t justify. I don’t care what your circumstances are. You’re not Flip Wilson where you can
constantly say, The devil made me do it! That’s not going to work. And you can’t go before
God. Remember God still brought judgment even when Eve said, The devil made me do it.
Then he went to Adam and Adam said, Eve made me do it. They all tried to blame someone
else. And they all got judged. They all reaped. No matter who did it. So listen, it’s important
that we get this understanding that we need to come out of the POW state to a BOW. Be here for
part 2.



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