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Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

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Forensic Science International: Genetics

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Research paper

The effect of FBI CODIS Core STR Loci expansion on familial DNA database T

Efthymia Karantzalia, , Phaedra Rosmarakia, Anastasios Kotsakisa,
Marie-Gaëlle Le Roux-Le Pajolecb, Georgios Fitsialosa
The European Center for Genetics and DNA Identification, DNAlogy. 98 Vouliagmenis Ave. Glyfada, 16674, Athens, Greece
Institut Génétique Nantes Atlantique IGNA, 1 Avenue des Lions, CS 40193, 44802 Saint-Herblain Cedex, France


Keywords: 1000 profiles chosen randomly from an in-house database of 6000 profiles were searched against the database
CODIS expansion for matches with at least one shared allele per locus. The database contains profiles that have been analyzed with
Familial searching Identifiler Plus (15 markers) for biological relationship and DNA identification purposes and both true and false
20 STRs matches are expected to be obtained. 100 pairs of at least one true paternity match and one false match were
selected and were initially supplemented with 5 additional STRs representing the new Core CODIS set. Study of
Kinship analysis
Likelihood ratio
the LR value showed that when false matches were treated as paternity matches, the expansion of the marker set
Identity-by-state severely diminished the LR values obtained compared to true matches and the false positive ratio of familial
database searching. When false matches were treated as full-sibling matches, the expansion to 20 STRs also
diminished the number of false matches and the corresponding LR values compared to true full-sibling cases, but
the effect was less dramatic. Addition of the SE33 marker, further promoted distinction between true and false
matches both in paternity and full-sibling cases. Counting the number of shared alleles presented improved
distinction efficiency between true and false matches after STR expansion to20 and 21 STRs but remains a less
valuable method of familial DNA database searching compared to LR.

1. Introduction The initial scope of database searching was to match unidentified

DNA profiles found in crime scenes with their donors who may have
DNA profiles identified in crime scenes are nowadays routinely previously committed other crimes and for this reason their profiles are
searched against databases which include reference and evidence pro- already in the database. However, since this is not true for every of-
files from previously committed crimes, in order to identify the donors. fender and there are cases where no match is retrieved, lab scientists
In 1997 the European Union invited all member states to establish their incorporated new strategies of indirect matching through database fa-
national databases [1] and in 2001 determined the European Standard milial searching, a method that has already been used for missing
Set (ESS) of 7 genetic loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D3S1358, TH01, person identifications and humanitarian mass disasters [7–9]. In such
D18S51, vWA, FGA) [2] which was later expanded with 5 additional cases, “orphan” DNA profiles are deliberately searched against the da-
loci (D1S656, D2S441, D10S1248, D22S1045, D12S391) [3]. The 2008 tabase with low stringency criteria in pursue of first-degree biological
EU legislation based on the Prϋm Treaty required that all member-states relationships (father-child, full-siblings) [10]. This approach is based on
establish a national DNA database for the investigation of criminal of- findings from several studies that have linked crime and family
fences and share information for a cross-border combat against crime [11–16].
[4]. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Act of 1994, authorized the Familial database searching has been used successfully in several
U.S states to maintain DNA databases which since 1998, included of- cases [17–22]. In addition, many studies have been conducted in this
ficially the 13 - CODIS Core Loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D5S818, CSF1PO, field, based mainly on simulations, in order to evaluate the usefulness
D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, TPOX, D18S51, vWA, D7S820, of this approach (prior to CODIS expansion) and to determine the most
FGA) [5] which were recently expanded to 20 with the addition of 7 appropriate strategy for optimal results, as there are a lot of parameters
new STRs (D1S1656, D2S441, D2S1338, D10S1248, D12S391, that should be taken into account during searching, including the
D19S433 and D22S1045) [6]. strategy that should be followed (rare alleles, number of shared alleles

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: karantzali@dnalogy.eu (E. Karantzali).

Received 5 November 2018; Received in revised form 10 July 2019; Accepted 12 July 2019
Available online 27 July 2019
1872-4973/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Karantzali, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

or likelihood ratio (LR) value), the number of STRs used and the (LR) is the probability of data given that the first comparing hypothesis
thresholds that should be set [23–30]. All studies support familial is true, divided by the probability of data given that the second com-
searching as an invaluable tool. Recently, the SWGDAM Ad Hoc paring hypothesis is true: LR = P(data|Hyp 1)/P(data|Hyp 2) for two
Working Group issued recommendations on familial searching in order comparing hypotheses Hyp1 vs Hyp2. The hypotheses considered for LR
to minimize the false positive results during search, an operational goal calculation regarding paternity matches were father-child vs. unrelated
of familial searching [10]. and regarding full-siblings vs. unrelated for full-sibling matches. No
However, several ethical and other considerations have arisen from mutations were considered during searching but mutation rates from
the use of familial searching, concerning mainly the privacy of those AABB were used for LR calculations after STR expansion [36]. A
already in databases, their close relatives and unrelated people that θ = 0.01 value was used for calculations to allow for population sub-
may be put under the authorities’ microscope due to false positive structuring. 95% Confidence Intervals calculation was based on the
matching, targeting of ethnic minorities that are over-represented in exact binomial test [37,38]. The Estimated Kinship Ratio (EKR) is the
databases and waste of crucial investigation time [27,31,32]. In an Likelihood Ratio (LR) divided by the sample size (N) of the searched
effort to minimize the number of adventitious matches during database database, EKR = LR/N [39]
search and avoid these phenomena but also to increase international
compatibility and the power of discrimination for criminal and missing
person cases, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) CODIS Core Loci 3. Results
Working Group announced in 2015 the expansion of CODIS Core Loci
from 13 to 20 [6]. 3.1. Paternity testing
The aim of the current work is to study the effect of the CODIS Core
Loci expansion on the number of adventitious matches obtained in a 3.1.1. 15-STR database search
familial DNA database search. 100 pairs of true and false paternity 1000 genetic profiles of 15 STRs (13 CODIS loci plus D19S433 and
matches obtained after familial DNA database searching, were ex- D18S1338), were randomly selected from a database of 6000 profiles
panded from 15 to 20 STRs representing the new Core CODIS set. False and were used in a familial DNA database search against the database,
matches were also treated as full-sibling matches and were compared to for matches sharing at least one allele per locus. 348 profiles returned at
true full-sibling cases handled in the laboratory. Changes in the LR least 1 and up to 12 adventitious matches (Suppl. Excel 1) while the rest
value and the number of shared alleles were studied. Further con- 652 profiles did not return any adventitious matches. In total, 555
tribution of SE33 was also evaluated for potential future inclusion. adventitious matches were observed, 100 of which were selected for
further study. The selection was made on the basis that the adventitious
2. Materials and methods match should be between males and that the searched profile should
also return a true paternity match with a male person, serving as a
2.1. DNA database searching control. All true matches presented the same Y-STR haplotype (single
locus mismatches reported in 6 cases were attributed to one-step mu-
A database of 6000 profiles which have been generated with the use tational events) while all adventitious matches had different Y-STR
of AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit (Applied haplotypes.
Biosystems) was used. The profiles come from unidentified samples (no The LR values for true and adventitious matches were calculated for
personal data of the donors are registered in the database) and belong the Caucasian population, as this population is the reference population
to paternity, biological relationship and DNA identification cases han- for nearly all of the samples analyzed. As expected, true matches show
dled in the laboratory. 1000 random profiles from the database (1000 in general greater LR values than adventitious matches (Fig. 1). By
successive entries, random starting point) were searched against the comparing each adventitious match with the corresponding true match,
database to find matches with at least one allele shared at each locus. 4% present a greater LR value than their paired true match, 17% pre-
100 pairs of one true and one adventitious match originating from the sent a LR value of the same order of magnitude and 79% present lower
same searched profile were selected for further study. True matches values.
were identified by the profile’s unique code which includes the case True and adventitious matches present a great overlap in their LR
number and type (paternity, full-siblings etc.). All matches selected values (Fig. 1); 86% of the adventitious matches overlap with 83.8% of
were between males which allows for a validation of true and ad- the true matches, making it nearly impossible to separate true from
ventitious matches through Y-STR analysis without adding any bias to false matches based on the LR value at the level of 15 STRs. By applying
the study. a statistical threshold of LR ≥ 102, which is the lowest LR value ob-
tained for true matches, all true matches would be included but 86% of
2.2. PCR amplification and capillary electrophoresis false matches would be included as well (Figs. 1, 2A). A higher
threshold, LR ≥ 103, would still include almost all of the true matches
15-STR database profiles were generated using the AmpFlSTR® (96.5%) while the number of false matches would lower down to 48%,
Identifiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit (TFS, Walham, MA, USA). which however, is still a very high percentage. A threshold of LR ≥ 104
Supplementary loci (D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248, D12S391, would include only 14% of the false matches but a lot of true matches
D22S1045, SE33) were provided after analysis with the AmpFlSTR™ would now be excluded, lowering the percentage above threshold to
NGM SElect™ PCR Amplification Kit (TFS). Penta_E and Penta_D were 77.6%. True positive rates (TPR) and false positive rates for all LR
provided from PowerPlex® 16 HS System (Promega, Madison, WI, thresholds are presented in Fig. 2A.
USA). Y-STR analysis was performed with the Yfiler kit (TFS). PCR The SWGDAM Ad Hoc Committee on Partial Matches [39] sug-
amplification was performed on a GeneAmp 9700 thermal cycler (TFS) gested calculation of the Estimated Kinship Ratio (EKR) as a different
according to manufacturer’s protocols. CE analysis was conducted on an approach in order to focus on matches that are more likely to represent
ABI PRISM 3130xl Genetic Analyzer (TFS). related pairs of people. This is a modification of the standard kinship
index which adjusts for database size searched. In our analysis EKR
2.3. Statistical analysis calculation estimates that all true matches and 86% of false matches are
more likely to represent true relatives (Suppl. Excel 4). These findings
Database search, LR calculations and counting of shared alleles were show that the use of the specific set of 15 STR markers cannot sa-
performed with the GeneMarker® HID v2.4.0 software. Caucasian allele tisfactorily distinguish between true and adventitious matches based on
frequencies were used for LR calculations [33–35]. Likelihood ratio the LR value.

E. Karantzali, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

familial DNA database search. We expanded the set of loci even more,
by adding the highly polymorphic SE33 [40–44] and repeated the
statistical analysis. 75% of the adventitious matches showed a mis-
match in the SE33 locus and this raised the number of false matches
that were excluded, from 41% (20 STRs) to 71% (3, 4, 5 mismatches,
LR = 0) (Fig. 1; Suppl. Excel 1). A threshold of LR ≥ 104, which is the
lowest LR value obtained for true matches, included all true matches
and only 4% of the adventitious matches (Fig. 1; Fig. 2A). Addition of
SE33 in true matches did not result in any locus mismatches and in-
creased the LR value in 75% of the cases (Suppl. Excel 2) presenting a
direct opposite effect compared to adventitious matches. The overlap
between true and adventitious matches was slightly lowered, with 4%
of the adventitious matches overlapping with 34% of the true matches.
The EKR estimates that all true matches are more likely to represent
relatives while the respective number of false matches is only 7%, re-
presenting an even greater distinction between true and false matches
(Suppl. Excel 4).
Most surprisingly, 2 adventitious matches continued to share at
least one allele in all 21 loci and had a high LR value in the order of 105.
Since Y-STR analysis had excluded these matches as true paternities,
full-siblings or any other patrilineally connected relatives, increased
compatibility is most likely coincidental as has been also reported in
other studies [22]. More distant biological relationships could also be
an explanation [45] even though distant pairwise relationships share a
relatively low number of alleles and present low LR values [46]. Further
analysis with the use of Penta_D and Penta_E finally revealed one
mismatch in both cases.

3.2. Full-sibling testing

3.2.1. 15-STRs
The adventitious matches obtained after database search described
above could also represent candidate pairs of full-siblings, since it is not
Fig. 1. LR values of true and adventitious paternity matches with the use of 15, unusual for siblings to share at least one allele in each of the 15 STR
20 and 21 STRs. Vertical lines represent LR thresholds. The curves are estimated loci. The LR values for the 100 adventitious matches were re-calculated
density functions based on kernel smoothing. 58 and 100 datapoints were used
for full-siblings (SI). As these matches share at least one allele at each
locus, the analysis includes pairs with elevated numbers of shared al-
leles, (at least 15 alleles in common while true full-siblings may share
3.1.2. Expansion to 20 CODIS Core STR Loci less alleles), which in turn may elevate the LR values as well. This kind
True and adventitious matches described above were supplemented of matches is expected to demand stricter thresholds in order to be
with 5 additional loci (D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248, D12S391, distinguished from true matches.
D22S1045), to represent the newly proposed expanded Core CODIS set, 30 pairs of true full-siblings that have been analyzed in the la-
in an attempt to study the effect on the list of candidates acquired with boratory were used as positive controls (Suppl. Excel 3). Similarly to
the use of 15 STRs. At the level of 20 STRs, all true paternities con- paternity matches, true and adventitious full-sibling matches present a
tinued to share at least one allele in all loci, raising their LR values and great overlap in their LR values (Suppl. Fig. 1). As full-sibling testing
shifting their LR distribution to the right (Fig. 1). On the other hand, can present low LR values depending on the degree of similarity be-
93% of the adventitious matches showed at least 1 and up to 4 locus tween siblings, the lowest statistical threshold in favor of a relationship,
mismatches while 7% of the adventitious matches continued to share at LR = 10, was used to generate an initial list of candidates. By applying
least one allele in all 20 loci. Pairs with 3 or 4 locus mismatches (41%) this threshold, 96.7% of true siblings show LR values above threshold
were excluded as candidates (LR = 0). As shown in Fig. 1, the degree of while 58% of the adventitious matches are also included (Suppl. Fig. 1,
overlap between true and adventitious matches is substantially dimin- Fig. 2A). If a stricter threshold is chosen, LR ≥ 102, then the number of
ished after expansion to 20 STRs; 10% of the adventitious matches false matches would be lowered down to 24% but in parallel 10% of
overlap with 34% of the true matches. true matches would also be ignored while for LR ≥ 103 the true and
By applying a threshold of LR ≥ 103, which is the lowest LR value false positive rates would be 76.7% and 7% respectively. True positive
obtained for true matches, only 10% of the adventitious matches are rates (TPR) and false positive rates for all LR thresholds are presented in
included as candidates while all true matches are above threshold Fig. 2A. EKR estimates that 93.3% of true and 24% of false matches are
(Fig. 1; Fig. 2A). Higher thresholds (LR ≥ 104; LR ≥ 105) retain most of more likely to represent true full-siblings (Suppl. Excel 4).
the true matches (96.5% and 93.3% respectively) while lowering the
number of false matches to 6% and 1%. The EKR estimates that all true 3.2.2. Loci expansion to 20 CODIS STRs
matches but only 14% of false matches are more likely to represent true LR values for true and adventitious full-sibling matches were re-
relatives (Suppl. Excel 4), supporting a better distinction between true calculated after addition of 5 STRs to represent the new Core CODIS set
and false matches, reflected in our findings as well. (Suppl. Excel 3). 61.3% of true full-siblings increased their LR value
while 72% of the adventitious matches presented a decrease, shifting
3.1.3. Further expansion with the addition of SE33 marker their LR distribution to the right and left respectively (Suppl. Fig. 1).
Expansion from 15 to 20 STRs had a dramatic effect in the number After application of the same statistical thresholds LR ≥ 10, LR ≥ 102
of candidates that would be selected for further investigation after a and LR ≥ 103, the number of adventitious matches decreased from 33%

E. Karantzali, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

Fig. 2. A. TPR was plotted against FPR for paternity (PT) and full-sibling (SI) matches based on LR values (PT-LR, SI-LR) and number of shared alleles (PT-IBS, SIIBS)
for 15, 20 and 21 STRs. (values are available in Suppl. Excel 4). B. TPR was plotted against FPR for paternity (PT) and full-sibling (SI) matches based on combinations
of LR values and number of shared alleles (LR-IBS), for 15, 20 and 21 STRs. Uncombined LR and IBS values have been added for comparison. (values are available in
Suppl. Excel 4).

to 14% and 1% respectively while 96.7%, 93.3% and 90% of true true matches vs. only 8% of false matches (Suppl. Excel 4).
matches were included (Suppl. Fig. 1; Fig. 2A), providing a better se-
paration compared to 15 STRs. The elevated discriminative power
provided by the use of 20 STRs is supported by the EKR as well which 3.3. Number of shared alleles (IBS)
estimates that 96.7% of true matches and 14% of adventitious matches
are more likely to represent true full-sibling pairs (Suppl. Excel 4). A second comparison regarding the number of common alleles (IBS;
Identity by State) in each match was also performed. This approach is
independent of the type of biological relationship or the relevant po-
3.2.3. Further expansion with the addition of SE33 marker pulation but it has a lower discrimination power than the LR approach
Addition of SE33 decreased the LR value of 50.5% of the ad- [27,45]. At the level of 15 STRs, a nearly complete overlap in the
ventitious matches while increased the LR value of 55% of the true number of shared alleles of true and adventitious matches was ob-
matches. All true matches presented LR values > 10, compared to 24% served, both for paternity and full-sibling matches (Fig. 3), which was
of adventitious matches (Suppl. Fig. 1; Fig. 2A). A higher threshold expected, as the database search required at least one shared allele in
(LR ≥ 102) included only 8% of the adventitious matches and almost all each locus.
true matches (96.7%). Further reduction of the percentage of false After expansion to 20 STRs, true matches show in average greater
matches to 5.1% was achieved with a threshold of LR ≥ 103 but with a values of shared alleles than adventitious matches. The degree of
concomitant reduction of true matches to 90%. The EKR supported a overlap is substantially diminished for paternity matches while a
further distinction between true and false matches including 100% of slighter effect was observed for full-sibling matches. For 19 and 20

E. Karantzali, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

Fig. 3. Number of shared alleles of true and adventitious paternity (A) and full-sibling (B) matches with the use of 15, 20 and 21 STRs. 58, 30 and 100 datapoints
were used for true paternities, true full-siblings and false matches respectively.

alleles IBS, almost all true paternity and full-sibling matches are in- while an even higher IBS threshold (≥17) reduces TPR to 84.5% and
cluded along with more than half of false matches (Figs. 2A, 3). For FPR to 51%. The same observations were made when a threshold of
higher thresholds (IBS ≥ 21;≥22;≥23), the percentage of false mat- LR ≥ 103 was used. An IBS ≥ 15 threshold, resulted in the same rates as
ches was 45%, 24% and 13% respectively, while the percentage of true using the LR threshold alone (TPR:96.5%; FPR:48%), an IBS ≥ 16
paternities was 96.5%, 93.1% and 86.2% and the percentage of true threshold slightly decreased both rates (93.1%; 44%) while an IBS ≥ 17
full-siblings has dropped < 90% at all cases. TPR and FPR for all IBS threshold reduced TPR to 81% and FPR to 28%. In accordance with the
thresholds are presented in Fig. 2A. Addition of SE33 did not provide findings of Ge et al. [28], we observed that a remarkable reduction of
any better distinction, showing that even at the level of 21 STRs, FPR is feasible when the two methods are combined but only if a
counting the number of shared alleles remains less discriminative proportion of true matches is also excluded. When a higher LR
compared to the LR method. However, it is shown that CODIS expan- threshold (LR ≥ 104) at the level of 15 STRs or LR thresholds at the
sion is able to induce a remarkable degree of separation between true level of 20 and 21 STRs were used - where in both cases most of the
and adventitious matches. As the number of STRs increases (15, 20, 21 false matches have been already excluded - further addition of an IBS
STRs), the degree of separation increases as well, which means that the threshold would exclude a large proportion of true matches in order to
method could possibly be more effective if more than 21 markers are achieve only slight reduction in the number of false matches. The re-
analyzed. sults were similar for full-sibling matches. No reduction was observed in
FPR without a concomitant, slight or large, reduction in TPR.
3.4. Combination of LR and IBS thresholds
4. Discussion
Ge et al. [28] suggested that the LR values and the number of shared
alleles can be combined to improve the accuracy of searching by ex- In the present study, familial DNA database searching was per-
cluding a substantial proportion of the unrelated profiles with only a formed using 1000 15-STR profiles registered in the laboratory’s data-
relatively small proportion of relatives. This suggestion received severe base of 6000 profiles, which were searched against the database for
criticism by Balding et al [29] who supported that the LR method is the matches sharing at least one allele per locus. 100 pairs of one true and
most powerful statistic for distinguishing between two hypotheses and one false match including the same searched profile were chosen for
that its efficiency cannot be enhanced by the IBS method. Moreover, further study. LR calculation for parent-child vs unrelated led to the
they questioned the gain from the decreased false positives when this is conclusion that the use of the specific set of markers is not a highly
accompanied by an increased number of false negatives. In our study, discriminative method, as the LR values presented a great overlap and
we combined the two methods and studied TPR and FPR for paternity 21% of the adventitious matches presented the same or greater LR value
and full-sibling matches at the level of 15, 20 and 21 STRs (Fig. 2B). than the paired true match. It has been shown that the percentage of
Joint distributions are presented in Suppl. Table 1 and Suppl. Table 2. true relatives ranked as #1 decreases as the size of the database in-
For paternity matches including 15 STRs, a threshold of LR ≥ 102 creases [6]. The above findings show that even with a small database, a
combined with IBS ≥ 15, resulted in the same rates as using the LR true relative is not always ranked as #1 (though ranking is out of the
threshold alone (TPR:100%; FPR:86%). By raising the IBS threshold scope of the present study). Even after the application of statistical
to ≥ 16, both rates are only slightly decreased (TPR:96.5%; FPR:79%) thresholds, in an effort to control the number of false positives, either a

E. Karantzali, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 43 (2019) 102129

large proportion of false positives were included or a proportion of true though the fixed threshold has been characterized as the most efficient,
positives were excluded. Addition of 5 genetic loci to represent the new the choice of the suitable strategy depends on each lab’s requirements,
Core CODIS set of 20 STRs, transformed a large number of false matches e.g. length of the candidate list, probability to detect a true relative etc.
to paternity exclusions and severely diminished the degree of LR value No method can be used alone to include all true matches and exclude all
overlap between true and adventitious matches. Application of several false matches and as a result, finding the best-suited strategy in pursuit
statistical thresholds produced high TPR/FPR ratios with ≥ 90% of true of this goal requires combination of several data (database search hits,
matches and ≤ 10% false matches included in the lists generated. These additional case data, Y-STR analysis, gender, geographical details, age
ratios could be tolerable in a familial DNA database search, in combi- etc). Refinement of the candidate list with the use of additional STRs is
nation with the fact that adventitious matches present the lowest LR a promising future possibility for improved performance.
values, as investigation would go sequentially through a ranked list of
candidates, sorted by the LR values. Expansion to 21 markers with the Declaration of Competing Interest
addition of the highly polymorphic SE33 further excluded a large
number of false matches by adding an additional locus mismatch and The authors declare no conflict of interest
increased the TPR/FPR ratio with no loss of true matches, making SE33
a very valuable marker and an exceptional choice for complementary Acknowledgements
use or future expansion of CODIS. Surprisingly, 2 adventitious matches
continued to share at least one allele in all 21 markers with high LR This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
values, supporting the fact that adventitious matches with high LR agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
values is a possibility even when a great number of STRs has been
analyzed, though a more distant biological relationship cannot be ex- Appendix A. Supplementary data
cluded. The Y-STR analysis used for validation of true and adventitious
matches in the present study was exclusionary for all adventitious Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
matches supporting the use of Y-STR analysis for further refinement of online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2019.07.008.
the candidate list, where applicable.
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