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Presenter (Carlo Giorgianni)

Representative of the Common Citizen (Sebastian Pérez)

Economics Expert (Dionisio Vargas)

Psychologist (Katiuska Rodríguez)

Humorist (Humorous positive message) (Elva Lasso)

Intro 30s

Luis: Hey You, Welcome to without anesthesia, a program where we don´t get pay for doing
what they want us to do. Today we will have the amazing company of four individuals who will
expose us to an open scale the terrible situation in our country that involves all of us equally.

please give an applause to our first guest, Sebastian Perez, who represents the common citizen

Audience:-Clap-xD 5s

Luis: Hello Sebastian How are you?

Geremy: Very good, thank you, It's nice to be on your show

Luis: Oh nice, is also a pleasure to have you here, and tell me, -what have you done to confront
this crisis? Who better than you, as a representative of the common citizen to explain it, let us

Geremy: Almost like everyone else in the country, I have had to sacrifice a lot. But I'm not able
to support my family

Luis: Unfortunately, it is a reality, and I am sorry for your impressing situation, as much as the
majority of Venezuelans who do not have the economic capacities. Do they? And tell me,
what is your occupation?

Geremy: Well, I have Studied at the UCV 7 years, at the root of laws I ended up being a lawyer,
and well, I currently have a mechanic services station were administrated by My Father and

L: Wow, what you just told me is the perfect example that in this country being prepared
academically does not ensure good economic stability. Within this same topic, the Crisis and all
we must do the Venezuelans if we want to eat, I would like to stress the latest national
blackout, what did you do to support yourself and your family in this embarrassing situation?

Q: Well, it wasn't easy, but we were able to defend us, we had many drawbacks, like not
having water, and freeze the food, we have had to eat all the meat that we had so as not to
lose it, in addition to that, we have to replenished water through a river located at Junquito

L: I am Impressed by the skills that Venezuelans have to use for survival in a society plagued by
misfortunes, and where values were disappeared, and you, my dear audience, know it more
than any other, don´t they?. And the bulky situation hidden by the government, then a brief
fragment of our illegitimate president disguised all
_Videito Rico rico_40 S 40 sec

L: Seeing This, we can realize what is in the hands, getting rich Their accounts abroad, the
country is usurped by the government. to conclude the interaction with our special guest, we
have prepared a brief message both for him and for the society in general, which goes through
these humanitarian difficulties

"Man without smile does not open shop"

L: A pleasure to have counted on you in today's program, hopefully This situation is solvent to
benefits of all, heart, I give you my best wishes to the well-being of your family/ ////

P: Thank you Carlo God bless you

L: Then we are accompanied by a economist who will tell us, roughly because of our Crude
reality, applause for Dionisio Vargas


D: Thank You, Thank you, it is a privilege to accompany you in this program-handshake-

L: Welcome, tell me Dionisio, what are you?

D i Am a University Teacher at the Faculty of Economics, working at the Regional Polytechnic of


L: So you're an economist, aren´t you ?

D: Yes, my studies are oriented in the graphic study of economic progressions, reflecting a
table that relates GDP with the rate/index of demographic consumption of our society

L: That Interesting, I think you have an idea about this socio-economic problem.to that this
location, a economic war???

D: VIDEO phase :

by the goverment, they preferred to import food from other countries to distribute and sell in
their supermarkets and nets at Unrealistic and very low prices, private companies could not
compete with these subsidies, wich cause that many of them ended up in bankruptcy. An easy
example will be this one: a person makes empanadas with a production price of 10 BS and
sells each of them in 12 BS; now, imagine that this person is next to a store of socialist
empanadas financiated by the government, they buy pre-made empanadas from another
country in 18 BS but the store sells it in 6 BS because it's subsidized; what happens next is that
the seller of empanadas, not being able to compete with these incredibly low prices, ends up
in bankruptcy; but also, if oil prices goes down and the Government can't continue financing
the socialists empanadas, they will have to close too and There will be no one to sell
empanadas... in conclusion is the country That is left without the product, now let's multiply
this example by all the products to which the government has put their hands of such as milk,
flour, rice, coffee, Cement. They Applied the same strategy over and over, and importing food
with government money was a business that made only a few merchants rich. They have Tried
to cover up the lack of production with the Famous "Boxes of the Clap" which are only
leftovers of the leftovers of the imports, which are first taken to the family table of the
president and his elite; meanwhile, the boxes are everything that most families can afford.

L: it seems that you have a high level of knowledge on this subject, what would you propose to
solve this problem?

D: I propose this actions to revive Venezuelan stability.

• Elimination of preferential changes managed system.

• Immediate Institutionalization of a national system of transparency of government

that allows the access of all the citizens to all the relevant information about the
structure, operations and internal functioning of the organs of the State.

• To restore the independence of the Central Bank of Venezuela, prohibition of quasi-

fiscal financing and strict management of the monetary policy.

• Implementation of an import substitution program and reactivation of the national

productive apparatus with emphasis on agricultural production and the food industry.

• Sanitation of public and private banking.

• Reactivation of budgetary controls and immediate elimination of arbitrary mechanisms

for financing and extra-budgetary expenditure.

• Reactivation of the export apparatus of the public and private industrial sector.

• Rationalization of the maturities of internal and external debt and normalization of

relations with the international financial system.

L: Dionisio Thank you very much for providing your valuable time to let us know what
really happens and not what the government shows, concluding that the worst
difficulties hope can not be lost

D: Shake hands and bounce///

L:Ya we saw, using Tecnicismosel because and how to get out of this thunderous
scenario, now we look at the impact that brings the venezuelans to be subjected to
high levels of stress, give a warm welcome to Katiuska Rodriguez

A round of applause

Are greeted

K: I feel tense (laugh both)\\\\

L: hahaha, I guess you've given us a brief introduction to that you specialize

K. Well if, dear friend, I manage the field of psychology, course the respective career in the
Ucab, and today I have my own office

L: Seriously you could give us your contacts, so that people know where you are located and
what time to go

K:Of course, you can follow me on Instagram as @zenmindVenezuela Sponsor

L: They are already informed, both for you, audience, and for those who come to us from their


L: Taking Advantage of your experience in the study of emotions and thoughts, what could you

tell us about the loss of Venezuelan values?

K: First of all , the shaping of human behavior is rooted in what is taught at home, which is

why it is always said that the first school comes from home. However with the invention of the

Internet and the networks people have replaced the important values for those who entertain

on the web, trying to resemble those characters that fill this emptiness, without attributing the

guilt to the creators of content.These young people forget that each one of them is different,

so they must base their philosophy on what they consider appropriate, always having the

bases of the respect and the morality

L: Interesting analysis, or not? Katiuska another question, do you think that "Vivea Criolla has

taken us and will continue to sink us in this endless fall

K: The Venezuelan has always sought a way to reflect the guilt in someone else, to the point of

justifying their undue behavior with the arbitrariness and inhuman actions that the

Government has taken, should we equalize to their level? Exploiting the misfortune itself

would not generate symptoms of Venezuelan self-harm (¿) assuming that the dissolution of all

conflicts is unity and collective consciousness why take advantage of the pain and needs of our

brothers To scale unconscious in the socioeconomic landscape?

L: Interesting questioning that we will leave our viewers as a means of reflection. That

ultimately aims to rectify the wrong values of the Venezuelan

K: Thank you Very Much Carlo, I hope I have helped in the purpose of this episode

Farewell with Kiss, after the kiss

L:Me You went up the self-esteem Thank you and the two laugh
L: Well, to show the phrase before bad weather good face retakes something of importance in

our day to day, we have brought to the recognized, charismatic and intelligent humorist Elva


* Sound Effect of a bicha *

5 seconds of laughter

Enter Elva Lasso

Are greeted

L: Here It smells like lead

E: Here The joke is me, my cartridges are loaded with humor * Charger Effect *

L: I Knew that recently you were abroad to what they call Gringolandia, taking advantage of

the low reputation we have in foreign lands, you would like us to comment on your


E: Look, I was In Miami for a few weeks on a Stand Up tour. Along with Led Varela and Daniel

Pistol, on one of those days between a supermarket, and I felt I had overcome a stage of

marginality in my life

L. Really? Explain

E: I was able to enter a supermarket and behave like a human being and not as an animal,

which is how we see each other, so that they know

Laughter of 3s

L: In addition, omitted the idea of taking a photo, because it is the main evidence that you are

Venezuelan, and also in the bait for an old woman to come and shout




E: Which causes to say shut your mouth old, you are asking God?, If the CHAVISMO is proof

that God does not exist.

5seg Laughter

L: Hahahha, as Venezuelan. Beyond your profession What do you think about all that is lived

today in our country

E: For all those countries that believe that Venezuela should go to the psychologist
, I clarify that they have mental problems. Well, it is easy to determine the ineptness of a

population without settling in their Ducks, and by the way. Profit from it

It Is the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, but there is no toilet paper. It Is at

the same time one of the most expensive and cheapest countries on the planet. And It's a

country where, in spite of adversity, people are still laughing.

And to explain these contradictions it is worth noting that "the only tool left is humor".

L: And even more so when we live in uninhabitable times, inhuman, and at some time, we will

take all these misfortunes, in a tone of laughter, as we frivolously do now, and that is but a

help to go forward, persevere, Take our brothers and go victorious as a unit, like Bolivar, rising

his sword to the evil that corrodes us

L: We say goodbye for today, but without first let them know how much we want them, and

that without you, the realization of this program is ould not be possible and remember

L: Lying is used like anesthesia to placate the pain within this society, but is better without

Credits 1 min

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