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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Sarrat, Ilocos Norte



Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. What is the importance of pursuing wisdom in facing the challenges of the twenty-first
a. To cope up with the educational system of the 21st century
b. To love wisdom above all
c. To deal appropriately with cultural and racial multiplicity and so that one will not
engage in harassment of any form
d. To pattern our thoughts with 21st century skills
1. According to Socrates, “To be happy, a person has to live a virtuous life”. In addition ,
virtue is not something to be taught or acquired through education. How can you
apply virtue in your life?
a. by networking with others
b. by educating oneself
c. by sympathizing with others
d. by doing good deeds
2. What is the best conclusion you can draw from the story of the six blind men and the
a. All the six blind men are correct in their perception
b. Holistic perspective is very important in making judgements.
c. We should use partial point of view in judging others
d. All the six bind men are wrong.
3. What is the value of having logical/critical thinking?
a. To find out the truth.
b. To have validity of arguments.
c. To have a holistic mind.
4. If the following manifestations of philosophy such as sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic and
ugly are being put together, what branch of Philosophy does it refer to?
a. Aesthetics b. Phenomenology c. Logic d. Existentialism
6.What symbol represents yin yang all about?
a. B. c. d.

7.What principle in philosophy states this statement?

“ Whatever it is and whatever it is not, is not.”
a. Principle of Identity c. Principle of Non-Contradiction
b. Principle of Excluded Middle d. Principle of Sufficient Reason
8. What branch of philosophy accounts unreal things in terms of what one accounts as real.
a. logic b. epistemology c. aesthetics d. metaphysics
9. Who is the founder of Phenomenology?
a. Edmund Husserl b. Socrates c. Immanuel Kant d. Aristotle
10. According to _________, ”To be happy, a person has to live a virtuous life.”
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Socrates d. Archimedes
11. What branch of Philosophy explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human
a. aesthetics b. ethics c. epistemology d. logic
12. Who coined the word logike
a. Zeno b. Plato c. Socrates d. Husserl
13. What is the challenge of the 21 century?
a. deal appropriately with cultural and racial multiplicity
b. love wisdom above all
c. discover new innovations
d. develop logical reasoning
14. Select from given choices the importance of epistemology
a. Deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge
b. Treatise on matters pertaining to the human thought
c. Concerned with the truth and the validity of our arguments regarding such objects
d. It is the Science of the beautiful in its various manifestations.
15. What is the importance of phenomenology as a method of philosophizing
a. it is the method for finding and guaranteeing the truth
b. it is the method for judging others
c. it is the method of gathering facts
d. it is the method of reasoning
16. What is phenomenology?
a. The scientific study of structures of consciousness
b. The study of the world of experience
c. Brackets all questions of truth and reality
d. Eliminates the empirical contents of consciousness.
17. How do you apply the things learned in phenomenology?
a. by practicing logical thinking
b. by doing good deeds
c. by focusing on the subjective experience of individuals or groups
d. by describing contents of consciousness
18. What can you say about this line from Edmund Husserl? “Consciousness is intentional.”
a. A person is considered unconscious if he does something unintentionally.
b. Every act of consciousness is directed at some object or individual.
c. Consciousness is feeling positive about oneself.
d. Every act one does is intentionally done.
19. “Some intuitions are eidetic.”
What does the eidetic mean?
a. they reveal the necessary truths, not just the contingencies of the natural world.
b. Eliminates the merely empirical contents of consciousness.
c. Focuses on the essential features, the meanings of consciousness.
d. Brackets all questions of truth and reality.
20. One’s search for truth might be based on one’s attitude or outlook.
What is this method of philosophizing?
a. Analytic philosophy b. existentialism c.postmodenism d. logic
21. Postmodernism refers to:
a. Fashionable term to describe contemporary culture
b. The fashion in arts only
c. The fashion in mode of dressing
d. Refers to old fashion
22. Which of the following is not a basis for one’s search for truth:
a.The human condition or the relation of individual to the world;
b.The human response to that condition
c. the difference between the being of person and the being of other kinds of things;
d. freewill and choice
23. Which of the following methods of philosophizing is hard to define?
a. postmodernism b.existentialism c.phenomenology d.culture
24. If we put our ideas together,
a. we achieve more c. we debate on whose idea will be correct
b. we contradict each other d. we learn from what is wrong
25. Can language objectively describe truth?”
a. Yes, it can describe truth. c. It does not mean the truth
b. No, language cannot objectively describe truth. d. It is not appropriate to describe it
26. ________refers to a method
a. hypothesis b.analysis c.experiment d. reason
27. What can you say about logic and critical thinking
a. concerned with the analysis and construction of arguments
b. serves as a path to freedom from half-truths and deceptions
c. distinguishes facts and opinions or personal feelings.
d. takes into consideration cultural systems, values and beliefs
28. It is concerned with the analysis and construction of arguments
a. Logic c. philosohy
b. Critical thinking d. phenomenology
29. The existence that is present beyond normal or physical level.
a. Holism B.Good deeds C. Transcendence d. virtue
30.The lowest need of men according to Maslow”s Hierarchy of needs is:
a. Belongingness and love c. physiological
b. self esteem d. safety
31. The highest need of men
a. self esteem b. self- transcendence c. love d. safety
32. The belief in karma and reincarnation.
a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Taoism
33. What is the importance of Aum to the Hindus.
a. The most sacred sound to which the universe arose from c. makes things valid
b. the belief in karma and reincarnation d. the religion of the Hindus
34. What can you do to attain supreme wisdom?
a. through Nirvana c. by reincarnation
b. by understanding the divine truth of life d. by holism
35. Buddhism is:
a. enlightenment b. karma c. polytheism d. monotheism
36. Buddhism in Indian is
a. Bodhi b. Bathala c. Nirvana d. Four Noble Truths
37. Brahman is selfhood. What can you say about this?
a. The human person ought to be holy c. The idea for human person’s absolute
quest for truth
b. The human person needs to attain nirvana d. God created the universe first
38. If you put the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path together, what would it be.
a. Perfect character of Buddha c. Perfect character of Arhatship
b. The Truth and the Life d. The fulfillment of transcendence
39. What conclusion can you draw from this. “Life is full of sufferings”.
a. life is full of sufferings because we have many desires
b. our desires are unending
c. To be free from sufferings we must eliminate them
d. Life can be ended in Nirvana
40. How can we forgive?
a. letting go of resentment and thoughts of revenge c. by forgetting others mistake
b. forgiving but not forgetting d. by facing the person who hurt
41. What do we offer when human nature touches us deeply?
a. thanksgiving b. sympathy c. awe d. praise
42. What can you do to help minimize the problem on climate?
a. plant trees to make the surroundings a better place to stay
b. dump garbage in the rivers
c. burn trees and plastics
d. donate finances to charities
43. A living being that contains a real and existing power to direct its own development toward
fulfillment through perfect, unconditional, infinite truth, love, goodness, beauty, and unity.
a. human spirit b. human person c. humanity d. divine power
44. What is the importance of studying environmental philosophy?
a. It studies the nature and elements of the environment
b. It studies climate change
c. It studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human
d. It studies diversity of human beings
45. How do you apply the things learned in anthropocentric model?
a. by caring of yourself
b. by caring for the animals
c. by being the overseer and caretaker of all living organisms
d. by symphatizing with others.
46. Give the importance of taking care of the environment.
a. we will be able to cope up with the 21st century skills of learning.
b. we will be able to overcome calamities,
c. we will be able to preserve a good environment and that we will benefit from it and will be
our shelter during calamities
d. We will be able to surpass all obstacles.
47. If you put models of Deep Ecology, Social Ecology and Ecofeminism together, this will refer
a. ecocentric model c. environmental awareness
b. anthropocentric model d. human resources
48. What conclusion can you draw from this picture?

a. Humans are superior and central to the universe, thus it is human

b. Ethical treatment of animals.
c. Humans are not the only significant species on the planet.
d. Humans adopt an exploitive attitude whenever nature is merely
considered as an instrument for one’s profit or gain
49.Comes from the
idea that women and nature have significant connection since woman most often have a close
association with nature in many societies due to the nature of their traditional roles.
a. Ecology b. ethnocentrism c. ecocentrism d. ecofeminism
50. Claims that the environmental crisis is a result of the hierarchical organization of power and
the authoritarian mentality rooted in the structures of our society.
a. Social ecology b. Biodiversity c. Ecocentric model d. anthropocentric model


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